Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 18, 2018

Federal Forces capture "El 80" leader of La Linea in Chihuahua

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

Subject Matter: La Linea, El 80, Carlos Arturo Quintana
Recommendation: see link to article on El 80

Carlos Arturo Quintana, identified as the leader of La Linea, armed wing of the Juarez Cartel, and one of the most bloodthirsty narcos that operate in the country, launching death threats against functionaries was arrested by Federal forces and Sedena. He is said to be responsible for trafficking marijuana, methamphetamines, fentanyl, opium gum and heroin to the United States and is sought by the FBI of the United States.

Reporter: Patricia Mayorga
According to the inhabitants of the municipality of Maniquipa, the leader of La Linea, of the Juarez Cartel, was arrested by Federal and State agents. Elements of the Army also participated in the operational deployment that was implemented in the area.

"Today, elite elements of Sedena and the Federal police arrested the main generator of violence in Chihuahua", Navarrete Prida wrote in his twitter account.

El 80 gained strength as a criminal leader during the government of PRI Cesar Duarte, when he managed to impose influence even in the participation of public works of the municipalities such as Namiquipa, Buenaventura and Bachiniva.

In the electoral process of 2016, when 67 mayors, 67 trustees and 33 deputies and governor were selected, Carlos Arturo Quintana managed to impose his mother in law, Silvia Mariscal, as PRI candidate for mayor of Bachiniva. She was secretary of the of the PAN municipality in the administration that concluded that same year, so she requested a license to run for mayor.

After the relationship with the criminal leader became know in the press, the PRI decided to change its candidate, as happened in Chinipas, where it was shown that Adan and Crispin Salazar Zamorano, leaders of the Los Salazares group, of the Sinaloa cartel in the region, they imposed their nephew, Juan Salazar Ochoa as the candidate of the PRI to the mayoral office.

The governor Javier Corral Jurado announced that they still have other criminal objectives to apprehend in coordinated work with Federal authorities, and he asserted that they will be detained in order to take them to prison and " to continue to undermine crime".

Corral said that in the coming days there will be renewal of forces and commands of the Federal Police in the State, and that they will continue with the coordinated work to go for alleged criminal leaders who have been enlisted for a long time. "There are several objectives that we have, they are part of a coordinated work more than a year ago":

"In fact the task has been permanent, and already in other operatives of ours, we have been very close to other objectives," he said when reporting on the arrest of "El 80".

The governor said they are ready to face violent reactions after the capture of the alleged capo. "We are ready to face, we have deployed in the area since last week, we are reinforced in that."

In addition, he announced that Carlos Arturo Quintana will be transferred to Mexico City, and that Gabriel Orozco, his personal bodyguard was also arrested with him. The facilities of the sub delegation of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) in the city of Chihuahua were safeguarded because they took to "El 80" to later transfer it to the capital of the country.


  1. EL TEMO /THE TEMOMay 18, 2018 at 1:43 AM

    Don't be surprised if EL 80 is set/released or reskued by his people's or alot of law enforcement killd over his captured

    1. Hey cheerleader. It’s rescued. Stop internet banging. And go back to school.

    2. rielero80 relax will u ....wanna kome @ me like a tough girl grow up barbie where all adults here que no 4 U 2 b krying about wordn mrs.spellcheck authority

    3. Temo, I noticed C’s to K’s.....Whole lotta gang ish or nah?

    4. let's just say I'm street smarts + edukated 2 a degree 2 rule out who N what i'm about but a cholo barato no my anonymous KOMPITA I learnD enough growN up N doing N seeing things 2 let my teenage kid's go through that as far as my spelling it's been like that since jr.high 7grade eventually approved by my English teacher.... my apologies 2 anybody that gets frustrated or annoyed that's me N that's it

    5. 2:44 this is between El the temo and la rielera,
      Keep out or te parto la madre con una pata de mi armchair

    6. @9:53... certain gangs do not use letters of the opposing gang. I think that’s the question. So wtf are you talking about. Obviously, you don’t understand.

    7. Only pu$$ie$ are in gangs....makes sense why temo wants to be in one.

  2. Oh wow!Wasn't 80 responsible for that female journalist's death within the past year?

    1. Gente nueva was responsible

  3. Theres been aloooot of activity in chihuas im surprised yall barely posted this. Linea been real active

    1. Linea is about to move aside to el tigre/CDS guy.

    2. @4:42 exactly my thoughts!. I had been posting for awhile on other articles about people getting killed in juarez bars left n right. . here comes another battle in this never ending war. I saw a post on fb where la linea says to get ready cuz theyre not going to let themselves.

    3. Uhhhh...NOT!

    4. 11:43 people being killed in bars in Juares is internal fighting between drug gangs aligned with cartels. Far from CDS takeover yet.

    5. Killing in Juarez,
      done by una pinchi bola de culeros.

  4. Just another drug dealer for Mexican politicians to blame their problems on and catch only when they are trying to look as if they are doing something about it. There is a saying that fits this tactic, Fool me once shame on you, Fool me 100s of times shame on me.

    1. 5:04 it is fool me twice, shame on me...
      "Fool me 100 times" is like Kanaye Tha Brotha saying the black had a chosen style of life for being slaves for 400 years, it means you got addicted by the third time too.
      But I give you a pass for mumbling your way into correctness.

    2. It's been way more than once, homie. People have a choice, takes a village to raise our children. If the village is falling apart so will our society. Teach our kids not to do better.

    3. The criminal class of today were the kids of yesterday, and they were taught their craft by mexico''s militarized police and the melitary, because they control crime in Mexico from above, from where all the shot rolls down,
      --we all know shit never runs or rolls uphill, the more official the shit, the less chances of it rolling upwards.

  5. The journalist was killed by Los salazares she reported about their nephew running for chinipas mayor

  6. If you see el 80s man or any other hitman. Shoot to kill. Sedena repeat shoot to kill

    1. NOT! THE SUSPECT needs to confess and be deposed and then you can do as you please with the witness...
      We are going to apply enhanced interrogations on the US soon, we gattalatta suspects who are rabid fans of those interrogations AND WE HOPE THEY ARE THE FIRST TO BE INTERROGATED, on live TV.

    2. If only it was that easy. You say that behind your phone or computer. la linea are some of the most ruthless killers and many are ex military at the sound of a gunshot you will have 20 armed civilians on top you and I mean armed to the teeth . The truth is many police and even military that value their life, would much rather let the pass or ignore them because if you confront them its almost certain death. This is organized crime not a street gang that cover a block . You would only underatand once you are in that situation,faced with a very real possibilty of losing your life can make people very complacent ... alot of people mention corruption but in reality 7 out 10 times it has do to with fear.. Fear is real and la linea does not play people in Chihuahua know that

    3. 5:41.. in Mexico the military has an ongoing war with all cartels. The cartels have a war with eachother. The military does not always win. So many events where Seido/Marina/Estatales are outnumbered by the bad guys. Same for bad guys. just depends on your luck that day. If the bullet has your name. thats what both sides accept.

    4. In Mexico and everywhere, whoever owns the Plaza he better be ready to defend it, because many mosquitos can make their life impossible even if they are soldiers or marinas, they only find the enemy when they less want to find it or to collect their maruchan pocket change

    5. After 20 years of militarization of police work in Mexico and deputizing military to do police work, there are hundreds of thousands of paramilitary, security guards and criminals on the sreet, all former Mexican military, they got skillz.

    6. 8:48 PM you are wrong! the military is trying to help one cartel take over all the drug trade and territories. Its been years of this fucking war and the military and cartel they back have FAILED! Now theirs chaos and dozens of new groups not very powerful yet but thats how they all started, and they don't just focus on drugs they all now steal oil/cars etc, kidnap, extort etc etc etc

  7. 4:42 Los Linios de Cesar "El Capulina" Duarte have always been the Armed drug trafficking sicario wing of chihuahua state police exhibited in all its murdering glory in the Cd Juarez Casas de la Muerte, but I doubt governor Javier Corral wants to play house with them, he already did his ass kissing when FECAL was presidente and he defended FECAL from NoroƱa accusing his borrachin president of being a drunk wino...
    Corral vs NoroƱa/ YouTube (they are friends and collaborators now.)

  8. Excellent work, one less scumbag in lindo Mexico.

    1. 7:06 one less scumbag is like kitty cuts,
      too little too late, Even EPN's court jesters had like 140 suspects on their list of prime targets.
      But the real big pains on the ass are EPN, his me litany cupola, his favorite polesias and commanders, his governors, his congress and his senators, and all the PRI GRILLA.

  9. Sinaloas smashing on chihuahuenses

    1. Smashing your nalgas is whay they are doing!

  10. This guy killed my pal. Rip mano.

    1. Really Mano got killed by this dude? Didn't Mano was a CDJ cheerleader?

    2. No, that was La Mano chaquetera, ora pura con La zurda

    3. Tell us more wey,little more

  11. Gente Nueva a la orden De Los Chapos

  12. i can hear el corrido de tigrillo palma el compa 80

  13. This guy 80 was actually pretty cool. And got the respect back in chihuahua. Sinaloa could no longer puff its little chest out and treat the citizens like shit with out the fright of repercussions this guy and his crew. Viva Chihuahua putos.

  14. Gente nueva been kicking some ass in chiguas now with this captured they will get even stronger I just hope this violencia in my state will go down with the captured of this animal i puro chiguas compa

    1. @9:18am. Please enlighten us with facts and proof. Otherwise you are one of the many, useless, internet bangers.

  15. Man.....I know "80" is gonna be pissed that he's going to miss the NBA Playoffs due to his arrest. He loves his Houston Rockets.

    1. my anonymous KOMPITA he might just make it 2 the games n then back 2 his cell

    2. @8:35. Thanks for the information. I’m gonna try to get a signed Harden jersey, then mail it to El 80. Then maybe he’ll bless me and send me 80 šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

    3. Mejor jueguen a las canicas, viudas del basketball

  16. Once again where is MZ? Or RCQ even for that matter?

    1. Ask RCQ,Mayo has been working out of Tijuas,for a long time so he's not like chapo wanting a bite out of every place.

    2. @11:57... Wouldn’t Mayo get a little piece in different places anyway? Obviously I’m no expert, but I always thought he would have business arrangements spread out over Mexico. I’m probably wrong tho!

  17. Hate it when they black out their eyes. Here is an FBI photo

    1. That's olddddd pic. From his military card

  18. Either new generation or Sinaloa paying big money to the police so they can capture el 80.

  19. So does La Linea still work for the Carrillo Fuentes family? Or has that changed?

    1. Yes loyal to los Carrillo Fuentes

    2. No not really. That's why they started claiming NCDJ. Nuevo. Meaning new leadership. Most of the Carrillo connects are gone. Long gone. The carrillos were the strong bridge to the government ties. They no longer have that lock.

    3. Claiming NCDJ was also to distinguish themselves apart from the casas de la muerte and other notiariaty CDJ used to do. New leadership new direction and methods of dealing with innocents.

    4. So is the Carrillo family still in the game or are they just sort of 'has beens'?

  20. Ncdj posting on social media hahaha

  21. BB hardly ever posts anything on Chihuahua.. the western part of the sierras has been a war zone for months, over 300 sicarios moved into Zaragoza last week and killed 10ppl including local political figures and burned down their houses... none of it was news worthy on this site... but we have articles on Ninel Conde

    1. @11:35AM Thanks for your comment. We can only cover so much, that doesn't mean other stories are not newsworthy. But especially over the last 2 months 2 of our most prolific reporters have not been available to work. One had to be the primary care giver for a ill family member and one had health problems which prevented her from working. One returned to work this week and hopefully the other will be available soon. We will try to give Chihuahua some attention.

    2. @11:35, Pues, lend a helping hand compa. With the time it took you to write that comment, you could have started translating an article for them. Be part of the solution not the problem.

    3. Heres an article you might be interested in about el 80

    4. Heres an article you might be interested in about el 80

    5. 1135
      Why don't you tell us instead of whining and yapping about BB ? Post a story even ? Nooo,can't be doing that can you ?

    6. @2:23PM Thanks for the link, we are checking it out.

  22. He looks like such a softy - I guess that "don't judge a book by its cover" is the real deal..


    1. Plus it’s easjer to blend in when you don’t have that “Cartel” profile. I’d drive a mini van and wear dad jeans, they’d never see me coming šŸ˜‚

    2. 2:03 yep, specially chained and tied and flagellated inside your "minivan", che mamĆ³n.
      se te rompen las fishnets.

  23. Al rescate del jefe 80

  24. Pinche corral vamos sobre ti

    1. 1:28 con El Corral se la pelan,
      pinchis gallinas patas chorriadas...

  25. That guy was able to get his family members in office, who knows what else he knows about who's in office working for the cartels, I have a feeling that if he talks he will be dead, or if he stays silent, he will be out in less than a year with lack of evidence.

  26. How this Leader 80 influenced public works, .. I wonder if all the leaders gain influence by being philanthrapists. Like Chapo built a bunch of homes/condos for some neighborhood for poor. We always hear the power they have but it is alot of money laudering and philanthropy involved. Like i bet some of these rich cartel leaders have done very kind very nice things as well.. as they have money to help out

    1. 2:32 whatever el Chapo did, he did not use public funds,
      much less stole them, which only the worst of culeros do.

  27. Looks like the criminals leaders are dying younger. Could it be because the older criminal leaders are already dead, locked up or maybe on the run. What a shame to become a criminal because you are too stupid to earn a decent living just to show off your bundles of cash and firearms only to get killed shortly after. What a shame on them and their parents for not educating them and teaching them a better way of life.

    1. That’s easy to say when you live in a 1st world country and opportunities are endless... try going to school in Mexico and not being able to find a job because all the good jobs are taken by morons who buy their degrees and are connected through relatives

    2. 6:29 mexico has always had everything to be a first class first world country, but cloonies never get there because colonies always are exploited lands and people, and Mexico has been a colony of the US since way before 1810 when the American colony independentist rebels started courting the Mexican government to steal their marbles.

    3. Hey bro you are not lying about that.
      I know rich families from Nuevo LeĆ³n who have done this through years.

    4. @8:54AM You write good fiction.

    5. Ever hear about mined countries owning nothing but the mine shaftately they own the polluted environment too, like Ecuador after Exxon pulled stakes and left the contamination.

    6. You mean 8:51 dd,
      I write good, No fucking fiction.
      --It is all over the world wide web, but you have to pick the wheat from the chaff, let's leave no puppet unbeheaded and no muck unracked.

    7. @3:00 My error. You are right, I got your time wrong. But i see you knew I was referring to you. But I think I will have to make a retraction about you writing good fiction. I have no idea what you are talking about in the rest of this comment.

  28. saw the mugshot on another blog (valor por tamaulipas). the dude looks just like his El Dany Quintana who was captured back in februrary. same fat misshapen head and stupid haircut lol.

  29. Since Sinaloa cant take out La Linea they have to pay big dollars to the government to take down them down!!

    1. Seems like La Linea has lost complete favor with the government they recently went on a killing spree and tookout a couple politicos and they also shot at Corral's guards while he was inside playing golf

    2. 8:12 that’s exactly what cjng tried to do with CDS leadership and all they got was chapo and RCQ switching places

    3. El GĆ¼ero Palma Salazar still sits in prison, and the Mexican and the American Governments never had anything on him, still don't... that was another option, instead he gets free paper and crayons unlike any pinche zeta in Almoloya.

  30. Sinaloa still has the favor of the Mexican government and or the U.S. government as well from what this capture proves!

    1. they have had it since the drug war began 10 plus years ago!!! and they STILL haven't been able to destroy their rival cartels or keep the plazas the military/feds got for them hahaha "the most powerful cartel in mexico" really???haha

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hey dude what happen you in Sinaloa?

    2. From 11:19 aside from what I, said which is true also a fuckin narco from Sinaloa killed a good friend of mine because the narco could not have my friends girlfriend. Of course you are not going to hear that in the news because Sinaloa silences that kind of publicity against them. They also silence the rape of underage girls when a narco of theirs falls for a secondary age school girl. So fuck CDS and their innocent mentality. You aint fooling shit!

    3. 11:03 it’s one thing to diss narcos and it’s another to diss a whole state for the actions of said narcos... you both have your beefs with Sinaloaenses but I can tell you not all the people are like that. There’s a good chunk of the population that are educated, and doing big things legally without killing or dating young girls.

      11:19 comment just came off as ignorant and hateful to an entire population of people. He may have a reason to be hateful but to spread his hate he is clearly a part of the overall problem and offers nothing worth calling a solution to the societal issues at hand.

    4. Prove there are honest people in Sinaloa. All I, hear is the state crying about how poor the mountain people are and hence legions of them glorifying narcos and narco Saints like some Valverde caracter as well. Not to mention see on news stations caravans comoosed of dozens of their trucks roaming with armed men traversing the state and NEVER a capture of any CDS boss in the state Sinaloa!

    5. @1047
      That is exactly my point!!!! You only consume what you are fed, therefore your ignorance is warranted. You are clearly not from Sinaloa!

      My point is that Sinaloa does have a corrupted political body and is a narco state, like many states in Mexico. It is a strong economy, a lot of dependant on narco laundered funds, like many Mexican states.

      My point is Sinaloa has a rich culture and history that has taken a backseat to the narco terrorism that has plagued it since the days of bootlegging. Not to mention the small favor the Sinaloan families did side by side with their newly immigrated Chinese friends for the US Govt when they were in short supply of poppies to manufacture Morphine for the American soldiers fighting in WW2.

      Sinaloa is far more than Narcos and Violence... please respect the people who work hard to rise above that stereotypes.

    6. 10:23 80 percent or more of people supporting narcos is hardly respectable.
      My point is that the narco culture has got to change and it is not going to change with nice words to "respect". Only prejudice for what is wrong can do this sometimes.

  32. Sinaloa had nothing to do with this guys capture. Even this capture however goes to show the only real way Sinaloa would ever be able to take out La Linea-with government direct or indirect help. Fuck all you CDS nuythuggers that claim they win battles and crap when even Uncle Sam ia probably helping them.
    To leave one cartel in charge I, had posted one time yet even fuckin BB would not believe me.

    1. I 117% agree w/ U my anonymous KOMPITA 4 whatever reason cds is just plain obsessed W/ kontrolling CHIWUAS w/ or w/out government help LINIEROS 4 whatever reason r some as real as anybody kan get RUTHLESS u ever wonder y nobody talks bad about them but cds N their groupies

    2. Sinaloenses han estado en chihuahua por muchas decadas los dos pinches estados son vecinos haci que dime como chingados no van estar sinaloenses aqui igual que chihuahuenses en Sinaloa .. Gente de los dos estados han trabajado juntos aqui, en Sinaloa y en Phoenix .. la Bronca es entre Carrillo y GuzmƔn no mas ... y la mayoria de la Gente Nueva son de la Sierra de chihuahua y Sonora haci que de que te quejas pendejo is el desmadre lo traen tu propia gente... pasa que tu eres un lambe huevos de los linieros y ni en chihuahua vives cabron, vives en el otro lado, ni conoces gente de la linia, si no supieras lo mierda que son...

      Puro Madera Chihuahua!

  33. So where is Zambada and RCQ?
    Notice how everyone but them get captured yet nutthuggers say that there is no favoritism towards there cartel!

  34. Why does this asshole get to have his face covered?

    1. What u talkn about my anonymous young Brown brotha he's sportn his shades

    2. Yes weird Mexican law, until he is presumed guilty in court, will they then allow eyes to show.

  35. Hopefully El 80 and El Tigre can get cells next to each other. And talk some business. Bring peace back into the city. Arriba la manzana šŸŽ

    1. I thought el tigre was el Cabo and we all know what happened to el CabošŸ’€

    2. Do you mean el 109? El tigre is already dead my friend

    3. Tigre worked under Cabo. They used tiger signs in their drug packages that’s why they would call Cabo el Tigre

  36. People on the sideline dont know jack shit que es que chihuahua esto y sinaloa esto son los mismos entiendan cds tiene gente de chihuahua y los de juarez gente de sinaloa andan revueltos todos lo que se pelea es el territorio para la siembra y las plazas para mover la droga es todo a ellos no les importa de donde eres si eres bueno pa ese trabajo les vale madre de donde seas. Asi que dejense de pendejadas parecen niƱos.

    1. @9:36 hasta ke alguien hace un commentario inteligente... I’ve been saying this shit for a while ... esta gente no vive en chihuas.. son del otro lado y quieren dar su opinion pendeja... en Mexico la guerra no es por el pinche orgullo del estado donde radicas we trata de feria.. y nada mas

      Saludos desde Chinipas Compa!

    2. Claro que sabemos que ay gente de ambos estados en La Linea Y CDS. Eso no cantan las putas de Sinaloa en sus corridos y ni sus lame huevos tampoco. Mas aparte ay gente de Texas y o Nuevo Mexico y Arizona. Por eso vamos a lamer huevos de Sinaloa culeros como todos quieren que hagan y cuentas mentiras aparte que no hac3 desmadre CDS!

    3. Since the Sonoran Mafia of Alvaro Obregon and Putarco Elias Calles killed Pancho Villa, Zapata, general Felipe Angeles and General Goroztieta to the days Manlio Fabio Beltrknes back me "La Secretaria" to Fernando gutierrez Barrios, Sonora has been the secret shit behind a lot of shenanigans, include chapo isidro and drug trafficking with arizona, their front yard, all the way to Arpaio's partners in crime in New Jersey and New York and Arpaio's home state of Pennsylvania and Florida.

    4. Miren compas yo jale varios aƱos en ese trabajo en el grupo que yo me movia la mayoria era de chihuahua unos de durango otros de sonora y sinaloa tambien de michoacan y guerrero todos trabajabamos juntos en Estados Unidos por eso realmente ningun cartel es de un estado es mas nunca nos representabamos como parte de ningun cartel todos teniamos conectes con diferentes gentes en Mexico la guerra termino con los buenos dias del trabajo hoy me dedico a la construcsion esos dias ya se terminaron saludos plebada.

  37. Why are they protecting his identity with the black bar across his face? Hell, if it were you or I, they would be posting baby pictures and High School Prom pictures !

  38. These guys make me laugh. Juarez belongs to one badass cartel and will always be that way. The Juarez Cartel is rooted within 5 generation of criminal families. They held off Chapo and 10,000 Mexican military groups supporting Sinaloa along with a President. Get real. There is 2 million people on Juarez and lots of huge money gangsters on the El Paso side. I was in Juarez a lot until 2008 when it got to rough. That plaza is taken.


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