Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Video: Sicarios attack in Salvatierra Hospital, Guanajuato

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Esnoticiasdeveracruz article

Subject Matter: Sicarios storm into hospital to finish off injured person
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Five killed in Guanajuato, sicarios return to kill a survivor wounded in an earlier shootout

An armed commando of no less than four subjects broke into the General Hospital of Salvatierra this morning in Guanajuato, to execute a patient and the police who had him in custody.

According to preliminary reports, the gunfight was registered around 08:00 am Wednesday morning. The victim had been taken into hospital the night before after surviving another armed attacked in a house in the La Hacienda colonia where five persons lost their lives.

The information portal Agora, published a video that showed the moment when the assassins broke into the lobby and fired at the inhabitants of a particular room. At this time the identity of the victims are unknown, and the authorities have established a security perimeter around the area to carry out the corresponding investigations.


  1. 3 in the commando. two lookouts and the executioner accompanied by a hospital employee who took them to the room.

    the other guy that runs off is a hospital employee

    2 were killed at the hospital and one injured- the target, and his body guard policeman were killed and injured a lady visiting the victim

    5 killed in the previous gun attack for a total of 7 in the related shootings

    1. Who do they think is responsible for this crime?
      A bold and calculated approach by these individuals with disregard to those innocent.
      Then again this type of behavior has been displayed when an objective is required.

      It’s horrible.
      And wife and I are purchasing a canine for father in law in Mexico.
      Looks like Texas will be the focal point of delivery. With this upcoming elections violence has spiked. Which I am sure you are very aware.


    2. Collateral damage a war is being fought in Mexico eventually they will start fighting the government or maybe the war was start to prevent that from happening.

    3. They are reporting that it has all the call signs of el senor marro leader of el cartel de Guanajuato Js...

    4. Are you referring to the Cartel del Santa Rosa that recently threatened CJNG?

    5. E42, why are every one of your comments as if it's the first time hearing of these atrocities? Are you a robot? Lemme break it down for you. Until the people of Mexico, or at least the people that hold positions of authority, start to value morals over money, this will continue until an outside force intervenes. U should prob get father n law a plane ticket rather than a dog.

    6. @ 920
      It is my first time hearing of this. As you are aware if not for B.B. such atrocities are blocked and censored. Not being sarcastic rather stating a fact.
      Moreover, I am aware of authority who are the true perpetrators for such behavior. The gathering of information from B.B. readers and comments have outlined those facts It sickens me to see that such unwanted violence continues to flourish without appropriate measures to stem this violence. Furthermore, the political / government / municipal turmoils which lack capabilities to do what’s necessary. This due to underfunding,fear and retribution.

      As for plane ticket? Old age has attributed to stubbornness. Retirement in ones country is something many still risk despite uncertainty.

      Lastly; intervention by any one should consist of its citizens. An entitlement justified only to those who reside and bear nationality.
      Humanity concerns and issues are noted by many worldwide. But in the end it’s the responsibility of its citizens to stand up and fight a regime that has failed them repeatedly.

      Note: if such uprising against government were to arise. My support for their country will be met with a favoring of.


    7. "Moral is a tree that produces moras"
      "Moral es un ĂĄrbol que da moras, o vale paragraph unable chingada" Gonzalo N Santos, revolutionary general from San Luis Potosi, later cacique and governor.
      Please check and compare Mexican revolutionary politicians from a hundred years ago with those of today...

    8. I think Cartel de Santa Rosa has been signing their mantas with “Cartel de Guanajuato” recently.

    9. @9:20....E42 is no newbie. Perhaps if you were a lil more cerebral, you'd understand. He is asking questions so as not to assume. Your plane ticket comment is spot on though. Some of us comment and read comments to not only learn more about the posts and events, but to add our own insights and opinions. A healthy debate is great, but I don't see this as a place for keyboard warriors to argue, and insult. Your comment was right up against being a pompous ass. Debate fairly and civilly. It's quite possible you could educate some of us if you have some know, or insight on these subjects.

    10. E42, your source for your censorship claim? Have you heard of the decades old Alarma! magazine or other similar outlets?

    11. E42, you claim it's your first time hearing about these atrocities yet you also claim to know who perpetuates them by using as a source BB comments? You confidently stand by that?

    12. Lol! Anyone getting emotional over what a B.B. post says of their comment needs a better job....or some meds. E42, half the commenters here cant spell (no offense to the Mexican commenters) and these same armchair quarterbacks don’t know shit because they don’t even travel regularly to Mexico.
      I do travel regularly, very regularly in fact and I am sorry to disappoint many here but the sky isn’t falling in DF, GDL, Monterrey, TorreĂłn and most the cities in Mexico. There is plenty of murder but it’s localized and most of Mexico is functioning and purposy oblivious to Guerrero, Baja Cal, and Veracruz b/c they’re living their lives. Some posters here need to find a life! Lol

    13. 11:12 E42 could use your advice.

    14. @11:12
      Thanks for the input. Will reconsider in near future. The thought of something transpiring to any love one will be devastating. I am aware that avoidance to the uncertainty is not living. But my guarantee to continue and raise ones children.

      Wife and I will be flying within month this time.
      Thanks everyone

  2. WTF these dudes were all over the place. The Three Stooges theme music was playing in my head when I watched this. Why is that one guy limping? Did that sicario shoot himself in the leg when he got out the vehicle?

    1. @9:57- Hahahahahaha! Right?? That's exactly what I thought!!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Someone gotta make that meme!! Put that video to music!!

  3. Christian Lopez PalafoxJanuary 18, 2018 at 12:04 PM

    Cjng is out of control

  4. 11:04 only IF the killed is cjng, whoever did the killing won the battle, some day we will see who won the war.

  5. They sure wanted those dead, wonder if it was zetas or marro's people. Marros people don't stand a chance though, cjng is too deep

  6. Hahahaha those guys do not know how to hold a gun or shoot!!! These drug cartels act like they're hard core mercenary Killers but they are not they have no training whatsoever

    1. Hahahahaha! No shit they are largely poor kids given guns and told to point and shoot. And one isn’t acting like a killer when they enter a hospital and kill; that would qualify them as hard core mercenary killers.

      Dude your hahahaha is so off putting! How is kids with weapons entering a hospital and killing people funny?

  7. I would be very embarrassed to be the President of Mexico when hospitals police stations and police men are so easily targeted when his military even gets ambushed like if they were simple civilians. I have said this thru my years with BB we need to impose the death penalty and put an end to amparo's.when the criminals can no longer get out with amparo's paid for with dirty money and murderers get death penalties will the young generation make a change because not even criminals want to serve long senteces nor do murderers want to die for takn a life for a few hundred dollars. Right now its dont worry if you get caught I'll get you out and its ok if you kill 20 people you'll end up doing life but I'll take you some prostitutes and meth and I'll make you boss of that prison . we need to make a change like America punishes ther criminals.

    1. That would be a start. But will probably take a generation or so to really see the changes. Perhaps if they just shot the criminals on sight the point would be made, but the govt already commits too many extrajudicial killings. Honestly I think it's gonna take UN or other multi national orgs to restructure, and put new gov in place. There will always be forms of corruption, in any country, but Mexico is reaching bona fide 3rd world nation status like in Africa. Outside influence is the only way.

    2. 1:42, That is ridiculous to suggest the death penalty would make a difference in Mexico. You think these criminals are gonna be read their Miranda rights when they are engaged by the military? Hello no, their going to get shot!

      The ONLY thing that would could have an effect on violence in areas of Mexico is reducing DEMAND of drugs by los gringos. If America wanted to do this they would give drug education to all kids very early, and especially in areas like East St. Louis, Baltimore, parts of Chicago, Houston, LA, etc. etc. There is an absolute probability of young kids in these areas getting involved in selling drugs or using drugs as they get older, so attack DEMAND for drugs.

    3. 1:42 some peepol love to talk out from both side's of their mouths, but you dear, you love to talk out off the rear end of your caboose.
      --The Mexican government gets its billion dollar allowances from the US in exchange and in spite of all the murdering...
      --Terminating the Mierda Accords Initiative by shaming the powers that be on the US would be only one step, but that is the one step needed, talk to your confederates with Fire and Fury, they may even use those centavos for "the wall".

    4. Demand, offer and all that crap has nothing to do with murdering people in mexico, that is only a distraction, because robbing the mexicans of all the state owned enterprises like pemex, power generation, foods, air and water, land, health care and education budgets is a thatatters, along with a military to use as needed all over the world on these times of private wars for profit.

    5. 4:57 You need to spend a day studying the basic laws of economics and how the the supply and demand curve work. Clueless man!
      4:10-well stated!

  8. I live in Acambaro very close to Salvatierra CJNG is getting hit pretty damm hard around these areas. They have been kidnapping and dumping the bodies of those who sell drugs for Jaliscos and they recently killed some guy that was really known around here in this area that worked for mencho. Marro's people is cleaning good and there's no sign of stopping. Rn things are really tense in Celaya, Moroleon and Salvatierra among others. Saludos chivis💯

    1. Its going to get worse, CJNG is backed by the government, endless resources. Stay safe.

    2. My boy are marro's people in AcĂĄmbaro too? Last time I was there I heard cjng had control over the plaza. They also extorted a lot of people.

    3. Marros people are in villagran i use to live close to cortazar but my sister stayed there and married a guy that has real close ties to el marro de santa rosa one of my friends got kidnapped a while ago at a gas station he got confused with my sister husband

  9. What are the hurrying for? Not like the cops would do anything to them other than protect them or get out of their way.

    1. Contrary to what this blog would have you believe, yes there’s honest cops in Mexico


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