Dead dog left with message enfrente de Zona Rio bar
In the early morning hours, the dog's crumbled body lay in front of the door, a bow macabrely wrapped around his neck, a twisted, mocking message of disrespect, blood ran across the lifeless animal, dropped outside Caval Antro Y Bar on Paseo Independencia, in Zona Rio.
Alongside the dog, lay a cardboard cut out with a message. The exact message was not revealed by authorities responding to the scene, but the message was said to threaten bands scheduled to perform at the bar over the weekend.
"El Fantasma" and Los Populares de Illano, are set to tomorrow night, from the businesses facebook page. This comes a few weeks after a banner signed by CTNG and CJNG, was placed at Las Pulgas, in anticipation of a performance by Los Nuevos Rebeldes, known for Culiacan, and Sinaloa corridos.

Animals, sometimes pigs, and dogs are often used to send a message to rival groups, slaughtered to send the ritualistic message of disrespect and disregard. In Northwestern states, groups associated with Zetas and the CDG have left dead pigs at the scenes of body drops, or by themselves.
In 2010, after a double murder in Tijuana, a CAF lieutenant, Jose Najera Gil, under what was once known as the Fernando Sanchez Organization, ordered a dead dog to be thrown at the headstones of the victims, in Chula Vista, San Diego. The order was carried out, a dead dog was thrown against the headstones, with a message saying "The family is next".
Sources: AFN Tijuna
cjng now trying to quiet Sinaloa singers. Fckn jagoffs why don't they try to first keep them out of guadalajara as they always perform there. We have a saying for those gay guys from cjng ENVIDIOSOS pinches jaliskillos
ReplyDeleteIt's the drug game, if the singers want to glorify a cartel then they should already know their life is in danger. They know what they are getting into. Zetas,beltrAnes and cds have killed sinaloa singers for singing about their rivals. Not envidiosos, just competition. That's the reason Larry Hernandez and lis curated De sinaloa are scared to go to Mexico. They got death threats and los cuates got shot at in sinaloa and never going back
Delete@455pm. If the sinaloa singers have big balls to sing "sus fantasias eroticas del chapo " well then go sing..but i must remind you that in Tijuana the block is 🔥.....they killed beto from explosion ,the young narco corrido man Roger from now the sinaloas turn to put some muertitos and Tijuana gente the bullets....go ahead show the way Tijuana is no joke...with out chapo Sinaloa is done...yeah mayo y los jovenes and whatever....pero la neta del planeta es que la nueva generasion y el caf no me crees pues que se presente ....
DeleteRamon show Tijuana how to have big balls period
Delete@7:58. Y luego que se moja la tanga. Pinche culon ya lavate la pepa.
DeleteI love when people think they know how the drug game works lol. It's always good waking up with a laugh
Delete"With out chapo sinaloa is done"
DeleteHahaha these guys dont know nothing aint even sinaloan
@ 4:55 sinaloa artist goal is to get to be known and perform in GDL they would always say it in the video rola chanel. Now some artist sing corridos for cjng. About the jaliskillos name calling makes me laugh seems you have some kind of hatred, wonder why lol. Anyway not rooting for any cartel they can kill each other. They dont pay my bills to be cheerleading for anyone. Y menos me creo narco como varios de este blog
Delete7:58 todos los pinchis asesinos y narcos son fueron y serán gatos de los riquillos toda su perra vida, hasta que los maten en la calle o se los.conan en el bote, y todos tienen su novio o padrote polesia que mantienen y que le la man "MI Rey" cuando regress de taloniar sus pinchis grameros y su stinkin' ass.
DeleteBoycott Tijuas.
Yo BB i heard juan gabriel just walk out in san marcos por que ya viene la feria find out if its true and why they faked his death. Thanks BB
Delete@455pm...if you talk about envidia..cds started to snitch and kill singers from day 1...also corridos equals propagandist ideology for narcos...
DeleteEso de andar matando artistas por cantar corridos es de gente cula i corriente...por que save que los plebes andan desprotejidos ...que buskan ala gente con la que trai pedo i no la agaren con el que menos la deve said it yourself let's see Roger and beto got killed by sinaloan cartel that means that sinaloa is a culon corriente?? Bottom line here is that you can't go around singing "fantasias eroticas del chapo" shit changes and is time to face sing stupid shit you get killed.
Deleteits not cjng its ctng who has a thing against singers, people from Jalisco dont give a fuck if so and so sings to aquiles, its people from TJ that get bothered
DeleteDamn poor dog, que culpa tiene el perro. El fantasma is a pretty good underground corrido singer. He sings to gente nueva (mi 45) he also sings for Sinaloa cartel members.
The dog could have been a sicario too.
DeleteHahaha that's the only song people know from him.
DeleteHe also sings for blo
DeleteNot only has this drug war become deadly among citizens but senseless animals who have no bearing on such.
ReplyDeleteA feud between artists who entertain like the rap era of east coast and west coast in the 80s . Such stupidity. A display of childish behavior.
We all know to well animal rights groups do not exist in Mexico. No one to protect gods creatures. No voice nor sanctuaries to depend on.
Sick demented individuals who deserve the same fate. Respect all life you idiots. Better yet ,do the world good by hanging yourselves.
Garbage piece of crap you are.
Very interesting that you say respect all life, then tell them to hang themselves in the next sentence. Take your own advise my friend.
Delete6:17 Tijuas Tacos secret recipe, don't tell me you never knew...
DeleteWe all now just don't want to admit it
DeleteLenin Ramirez's Instagram shows him in Sinaloa. Who knows🤔 I don't get why they would kill the musicians if they are just hired to play music. I don't get that, unless they mess with them or a woman I never understood why a song would get them rowled up. Are they that thin-skinned and easily offended?
ReplyDeleteEl Fantasma, Lenin Ramirez and Llamos, sing corridos for the Sinaloa Cartel, therefore CTNG is not happy about it. Also consider the fact that Sinaloa assesinated Explosion Norteña singer Beto Cervantez, who praised CAF in his corridos, and since CJNG and CAF got together, CTNG will be offended if they allow sinaloa to sing in TJ
DeleteJust like elizalde got killed when a zeta told him not to sing a sinaloa corridos in a zeta plaza. He didn't listen and got smoked, it comes with the territory.
DeleteBut CDS don't kill innocents say their nuthugger groupies!
DeleteSingers are paid to sing and not necessarily belong to any cartel most of the time hence they are innocent victims. So are priests and politicians that CDS kills just for talking bad about the drug trade! Fuckin imbeciles those that think this cartel does no harm!
@ 8:39 people from sinaloa cartel killed sergio vega cause he would sing for beltranes
DeleteSergio Vega was murdered by the beltranuses, for singing to them the corrido "Vas y Shingas a Tu Madre" also known as "la mentada" in their own home, el Vale Elizalde for singing
Delete"A mis Enemigs" en la casa de los pinchis zetas, cds and cdg were not into murdering artists back then, but lhe bitch got mad, just because, I guess.
They just don't sing corridos, they also launder money for the big boys and they get caught in the war too, el shaka was a beltran, el vale was chapo just another 2 bodies that got smoked
Delete@borderlandbeat there is reports that pancho chimal el hijo del azul el changuito antrax and el 20 gente del mayo zambada escaped from jail in sinaloa
ReplyDeleteSe fugo el Negro, hijo del azul.
Yes that is correct changito ig account is active again
DeleteHe was set to set to be extradited to San Diego
DeleteWhat is Changito's IG name??
Delete8:26 No mames se acaba de fugar y activo su instagram, seguramente alusin. Take of your tinfoil hat son.
DeleteKike P.N
Also el peña se fugo and chimal
DeleteThese guys didn't escape. They walked out the door! Come on! It's the state of Sinaloa you are talking about here! Big CDS capos and narcos don't do time in Sinaloa!
Delete6:36 That was my exclusive! Gddamet!
DeleteYo sigo firme con ivan y alf
ReplyDeleteEl Fantasma is a nuthugger wannabe lets see if his .45 can protect him.
ReplyDeleteNot even dogs are safe in Mexico I think I will pass this year on my vacation to mex
ReplyDelete11:46 new PAN governor of tamaulipas, "cabeza de vaca" has been around too long, he knows his business, I am sure he supplies youngsters to his customers, he has been in police "work" with the worst of the worst since before carlos salinas de gortari became president "el chamuco mayor"
DeleteHis name is "Cabeza de Culo"
DeleteIndeed, "El Negro" son of "El Azul" has escaped from prison:
ReplyDeleteCome on BB, publish this already.
Let me correct you he was released no escape lol
DeleteYes, come on BB start publishing other hot stories around.
DeleteWho cares poor dog,, but I heard that el chimal , and the son of el azul and el peña20 , changuito ántrax escaped prison
ReplyDeleteBig CDS jail break that puts major players from the cartel back in the streets. And they supposedly done??
DeleteSo what, in france the animals released all the prisoners and tore dawn the joint La Bastille, guillotined "all the royal oiligarchs" and became henchmen sicarios of Noplalión, it was rough, worse than rough sex, the donal' was livid, mad, had to get help from the russians who also were violated by Nopalión a few times, and voilá all over again, now in the americans own home, the US, teeming with the donal's russian spies to appropriate the budget for the Corporate Welfare Queen World.
DeleteThey can kill each other, but a dog?
ReplyDeleteDam dogs got it bad in tj they get killed by narcos or end up in tacos served to turist
ReplyDeleteComida china
DeleteThis made my day lol 😂😂😂 It's going to be a Good Friday but remember no dog tacos today.
Delete@859pm....Tijuana is a great place for tourists.just be friendly spend cash and leave the American arrogance at home you be fine...don't pretend to be a Mexico is like a social disease a lot of pretenders"also called mangeras" wannabe that use it to intimidate...visit tj and see for yourself
Delete10:57 is a manguera hisself, visit tijuas and become pozole.
DeleteThis is a government warning.
--PS RIP CHUCK BERRY, 1926-2017, that was a baaad muthaphaka before it was "fashionableish", busted for a few grams of mariguana in 1990, 2 years probation, $5000.00 fine.
Mr Berry a peaceful man, but he punched Keith "Kief" Richards of the Rolling Stones on the snout for touching his guitar...
ReplyDeleteI guess I won't be hitting Cavally bar anytime soon. Man, there's a lot of heat in Tj these days.
ReplyDeleteTJ and Cabo have a US advisory for no travel for springbreak.
DeleteI'll go to Stampede instead, Eh!
DeleteGo 2 mexico, and become the Carniasada, you have been warned.
DeleteIm go down there a lot and nothing ever happens to me. Mind your P's and Q's, all will be good.
DeleteEl chimal and el azul among the escaped convicts in Culiacan!!
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed that people are talking about a f dog. This must be the first article these people have read on this site, or must be the first time they have read about the 200k + people that have died in the past 20 years. RIP to all the innocent raza that have died for this worthless war. Legalize it!!!
ReplyDelete11:08 more like a 1/2 million dead and more than 50 000 disappeared, since the end of WW II The US has been battling communism in mexico in every possible aspect like education, nealth, human services and state owned corporations.
DeletePreventing mexican capitalistas from getting out of line as nationalist oligarch trouble makers is another option, all they.can do is sell aluminum cans en el yonque for private business.
I'm amazed that people are talking about a f dog. This must be the first article these people have read on this site, or must be the first time they have read about the 200k + people that have died in the past 20 years. RIP to all the innocent raza that have died for this worthless war. Legalize it!!!
ReplyDelete11:12-We know for sure animals and babies are innocent,no question there and that is what bothers people.
DeleteTodos los del cartel se escaparon por miedo de q le agan como al muletas q lo grabaron tocando la corneta
ReplyDelete11:16 y tu que harias?
DeleteMe canso que hasta les dabas las papas, las gracias y el pilón
Was the dead dog the signal for the esacpe of these fuckers?
ReplyDeleteI dun heard a big feesh esacpeded from MX preeson?
ReplyDeleteLos antrax making a comeback el 20 Pena and Changuito Antrax are free men .
ReplyDeleteTeniente Fantasma is next .
CDS is gonna start a LIMPIA
Chapo isidro will handle that
Delete6:45 I hear you, but how?
DeleteHiding under a rock will not help La Chapa Chila get anything done, maybe if he hides inside the ass of a Caballo de Troya.
Isidro has backing with CDN if he clicks up with damasos they might finance the war
DeleteChapo Isidro to me is a guy that would rather stay in his area and not meddle in stuff that does not pertain to him. People talk about him about gonna make a move soon. This soon has yet to come. I think he's good where he's at.
DeleteLa chapa chila se pasó de verga, one too many times,
DeleteNow she hides all the time.
A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel. - Proverbs 12:10
ReplyDelete- Sol Prendido
"Me apodan el cheyo, me marcan al radio, es para avisar me cuando entran contrarios. No pierdan su tiempo la plaza es de alguien y asi seguira. "
ReplyDelete😂😂 you have to admit it's a catchy song guys. They should do the music world a favor and take out el kommander instead.
it says..... me apodan el cheyo,Dos "2" marcan al radio...... and so on but yeah its a catchy song
Deletesick. have the respect for the animal, homes?
ReplyDeleteThat's not any dog! That's comandante chihuahua! But in all seriousness leave the pets alone dammit!
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS FROM MEXICO - The son of one of the founders of the Sinaloa drug cartel has escaped from the Culiacan prison in northwestern Mexico, Mexican media reports.
Does this mean Antrax is making a comeback?
ReplyDeleteStay tuned on the next episode of narco novelas...
There's a link on YouTube that says mayito gordo was one of the escapees along with chango
Ese wey es un red nose pit asta ladra
ReplyDeleteThere are so many news going on in Mexico that we all need to stay informed.
ReplyDeleteOff site work, Alerta!
ReplyDelete•disrespect to "el muletas" in El Topo Chico prison monterrey.
Videos, Rape, abuse, sex, drugs! valortamaulipeco
•Escapa del penal Esparragoza el hijo del Azul con el changuito antrax, el 20, y otros peligrosos reos
•Policias de culiacan detienen a 8 peligrosos sujetos que ni sabin quien eran y los entregan a banda de supuestos 'creminales', "porque los polesias se sintieron avasallados" por los 'creminales'(sospecho que todos eran polesias)"
• new governor of Tamaulipas Cabeza de Vaca, (PAN) is trying to impose order and the empire of the LAW through his "FUERZA DELICTIVA", alias FUERZA tamaulipas, kidnapping and extorting people, murdering and extracting confessions and "a chingadazos", his collective system worked to climb to the governorship, I am sure he was heating up tamaulipas all the time under governor Cantu, all the mayhem and murders blamed on the tamaulipas cartels looks like him and his old time buddies in the mexican Policia Judicial Federal and AFI, under FECAL and genarco garcia luna, who also got almost all his commanders in the above corporations murdered, included edgar Millan and Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni, all were allied to juan Garcia Abrego and Amado Carrillo Fuentes and Carlos Salinas De Gortari, you can have panistas or priistas in power, but they are all full of shit, when crime seems to be wining on all fronts, it is the police in the middle of it all, mainly the chiefs of police.
See "Los Comandantes Asesinados de Garcia Luna" en Los señores del Narco, before la chivis erases it :)
Governor Cabeza de Vaca needs watching real close, there is a lot of references to his criminal life as mexican "law enforcement officer, ---they say in tamaulipas his former policias federales are now state police criminales, many of them "real professionally dressed in all black" like the nazis' SS.
FYI they escaped last week this is old news
ReplyDeleteAzul son el 20 el changuito anthrax and el Chimal escape from Culiacan prison.. shit is about to get hot in Sinaloa
ReplyDeleteWhy does Mexico hand over all the mosted wanted bosses over to US for extradite should they not pay fot what they do in Mexico to Mexico first? Does the US pay Mexico bounty or what is the reason of handing them over? Thanks for your answers and Thanks BB happy st patricio..
ReplyDeleteThe extradited go to the US for safekeeping, it is also part of the price, plata o plomo means for them they live another day, that why all the railroading and isolation.
DeleteThe US needs some CLOWN WAGON SHOW for show and tell.
DeleteLa Chapa and Co. Never lobbied to have addicting opioids:
--legally approved by the US congress
--legally prescribed by "smart on the money" Doctors
--legally manufactured "somewhere"
--and legally soldby the millions of prescriptions by the billions of pills, by mail, from rural pharmacies all over the US to make some more billions of dollars for US Big Pharma and their "investors".
La Chapa also don't fly Heroin over from Afghanistan, I don't believe any mexican narco has the "wherewithal" to do that.
All the wannabe narco's go to pulgas
ReplyDeleteAll the wannabe narcos have pulgas
Delete6:43 en la cola too
DeleteReal narcos imagine they have more pulgas and lice that they really have...the crabs are real.
Deletethe thing I find funny about the CTNG etc... why do they have to announce it prior hand!!??? al beto de explosion norteña no le avisaron!? al roger de los plebes de arranke mucho menos!! tampoco al chore de impacto norteño. tres cantantes muy famosos y prestigiosos de la Baja California. asesinados por gente del tomate. para matar cantantes si ke son buenos.
ReplyDeletepero los del ctng muy perrones pa matar perros que no ?/
Delete2:29-Because they can get away with it in their country!Sucks.
DeleteAt least they gave them a chance unlike cds who just killed them. Even zetas told elizalde before hand but he never listened and got smoked
Delete@5:30..your spacebar is still broken. Sucks.
DeleteIn the Benjamin and Ramon AF era was this permitted?
ReplyDelete2:00 el banjo era businessman, el mon era un pichi mato asesino y prepotente, todo un güebon. Su tio Don Chuyito Labra Avilés era el de los tacos, con ingredientes secretos.
Delete"No relation with Pedro Avilés" the sinaloa capo murdered by miguel angel felix gallardo who did not know Don pedro" and who who also is "no family" of his nephews the Arellano Felix famiglia CAF he left in charge in tijuas to keep running his shet before he got finally arrested and put in prison by his good buddy Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni who had never met "El Padrino" either...
Was it commandante pero
ReplyDeleteYes that dog was indeed comandante perro!!
DeleteSo what happened in TJ? Si se presentaron a cantar o no??
DeleteYou can have a glimpse at the article that will explain your tracking apps features.
ReplyDeleteThis kind of has to be the initial write-up these individuals have got examine on this web site, or perhaps has to be initially they've got learn about the particular 200k + some people that have perished before twenty years.