San Diego: Homeland Security stole hundreds of thousands from Tijuana money couriers
Part 1: June 2013: "I smell something"
With minutes til he reached the border, CW1 (Cooperating witness 1) must have been relieved. It had been a long day, a drive down from Los Angeles, congested traffic all the way down the 405, and then the 5. He was on he 805 southbound, passing the 905 interchange. He didn't know where, but inside the Honda Odessey was 440,000 dollars in cash. Money from drug loads of cocaine, crystal, heroin, whatever, he didn't know. Product that made it's way from Sinaloa, to Tijuana, and on to LA.

He had swapped cars with an associate whom he had never met in LA, waited near a Starbucks, until his was returned. He didn't know how to access the trap door that contained his bosses money. No mistakes, and clean driving, no stops. He was nervous, yesterday they had detained him for hours at the border, he thought the run was canceled, but his boss gave the greenlight. He picked up CW2 in Chula Vista, and the two drove north. Now, he was close. Then he saw the lights.
A silver SUV flashing red and white lights from the rearview mirror area was behind them, gesturing to keep driving, the driver of the SUV, a black male, guided them off the on ramp, and to the side of the road. He approached the vehicle and said: "I smell something.....I know there is something, it better not be guns, because there is nothing I can do about that, but if it's money I can write some paperwork and let you go". Panicking, CW1 realizes he saw him yesterday, as he was detained at the border.
He handcuffed CW and CW2, and placed them in his SUV. He then walked around to the hood of the Honda, and opened the truck. He removed an item from under the hood, and then placed a box containing that item, back in the SUV. He confiscated their passport cards, and ordered CW2 to place a phone call, to get instructions to have the trap door compartment opened. When this was done, he removed stacks of money, placed them into plastic bags, and threw them to the right side of the Honda, in the dirt.
Then the men were unhandcuffed, and drove themselves to the Bank of America in San Ysirdro. The man took pictures of CW1 and told him to tell his boss "he was pulled over by the CHP". He gave them no paperwork to document the seizure, which is a possible death warrant, when you lose almost half a million dollars in drug proceeds. The men returned to Mexico.
In subsequent interviews with investigators, the men identified Tyrone Cedric Duren as the man they had seen that night, and CW1 had seen the previous day at the border. He was a Homeland Security Agent, on the Bulk Cash Smuggling Task Force. He owned a home in Bonsall, Fallbrook. He had been a CHP officer until 2008, when he joined Homeland Security Investigations. He had participated in over 40 seizures, to the approx. total of 20 million dollars. On October the Homeland Security Investigations, Office of Inspector Genera received a complaint that Duren was conspiring to commit bank fraud, money laundering, structure financial transactions, and evade taxes. An investigation began.
To Be continued.
Sources: US Attorneys Oiffce, UT San Diego
As anything goes with CDS, Guzman locked up fighting and waiting extradition, CDS in house fighting with their inability to function maturely and professionally cuz their in the rut same o same o sexual dysfunctional business motto, it couldn't be a surprise CDS money couriers pulled a fast one
ReplyDelete3:26. CDS is doing better than ever and have people like you believing exactly what we want you to believe jajaja!
DeleteFuck Chaputo's Rats!
DeletePuro CAF!!!!
Interesting. Someone from Chihuahua just got arrested driving with 70K of drugs in Ohio. I wonder what happens to the people when they get arrested in the US and the merchandise gets seized. Do they eventually just go back to their hometown and keep working, or do they get harmed for being arrested and losing the merchandise?
ReplyDeleteI think they actually are mostly welcome back. They got to make the loss up. Bosses little whores.
DeleteThey do anything not being killed.
1047, that makes sense. What a horrible existence that would be. I bet they never let the mules forget that they owe them, either.
DeleteOh no.. how can this be? Mexico is the corrupt one not the US.. dedicated to all the people that talk shit about Mexico problems.
ReplyDeletecorruption in inevitable. the levels a of corruption and the numbers are extreme in Mexico smart guy. what are you 12 years old or something?
DeleteThe corruption starts in USA. The CIA and DEA have a history of paving drug trafficking routes and for bumping up the price by siezing a little and redistributing it. The biggest criminals are from USA.
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DeleteHahaha. Finders keepers losers weepers. When this one incident happened in the US something similar happened a thousand times in Mexico. I got jacked by the Mexican fuzz twice and I have only been to Mexico a total of four times. So what does that tell ya? Yeah my extortions were on a smaller scale but it still happened nonetheless. If I was this agent I would have just popped these two sum bitches and called it a day. Leave no witnesses. 3:36 if you think Americans are immune from greed then you know absolutely nothing about human nature.
DeleteAmericans are the richest people in the world just because of the crumbs and left overs the really greedy and filthy rich leave around for them, but the big money gets earned the old way, it is stolen from everybody else all over the world.
Deletewow, what a story !
ReplyDeleteGoodnight !
ReplyDeleteIs there anything or anyone who is not corrupted anymore ?
As the " War on Drugs " fades from the spotlight and WWW3 LOOMs.......
China vs USA
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteAnother day at the office for a usa warrior in the drug wars.
ReplyDeleteAn agent stealing , who would have ever thought. Good Luck fuck boy ... when you hit the Pen youll be another example you stupid monkey
ReplyDeleteThese agents sometimes make less than their informants. And always less than the customs officers that give them most of their intel. Plus investigators work longer hours can you blame them for wanting some.
Delete@431 Yes I can. They have their contracts what they agreed on. Everything else is just excuses.
DeleteCAF still controls baja
ReplyDeleteFallbrook and Bonsall all are 2 very distinctive places...
ReplyDeleteSo much corruption in America. Those f'n gringos should have a revolution! Obama commuted over 50 meth and coke dealers, people smuggling guns into Mexico, an armed robber of banks....776 scumbags criminals he let out - no tunnel required.
ReplyDeleteSad how blind Americans are to their country's rampant corruption and their denial that it is their drug induced citizens that drives the demand for drugs, and the gun runners and dealers their presidents pardon.
Not many of us in the US are stupid enough to not realize that our own government is corrupted in places and that our addicts are fueling the huge demand for drugs. Fixing it is another problem.
Delete12:26; I believe most Americans are naive about corruption in the US. The US legislature doesn't write bills that are passed into law. Industry pays lobbiest, that have non-profits paying 1,000 per hour to attorneys writing bills "on behalf of the US citizen" that are really providing loopholes and an unfair playing field for the rest of industry and the avg citizen. The US just elected a president that hasn't paid taxes in 20 years - how many struggling parents working two W-2 jobs don't pay taxes? Amd look at HARP - the biggest government sponsored theft of real estate under the guise of helping homeowners in distress is happening right now. The largest theft of cash in history took place under US government administration contracting Halliburton's to safe guard several planes full of bulk cash - while the former CEO of Halliburton was the US VP. I see all this Mexico bashing and I'm amazed at how many people in glass houses are throwing rocks.
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Deletemillionare agent
I see BB comments section is still full of bitter people angry at the USA, or so small minded they cheer for one cartel over the other. Plus a token a smart commentators. You know which group you fall in.
ReplyDelete4:33 - Not bitter - just sharing reality. Sorry the truth hurts your feelings - but the truth is the truth. Deal with it.
DeleteDon't say too much 4:33. You will get black listed by the cabelleros de pinga. The US is the big brother to so many countries and when you hold the belt the haters come in flocks. Let these folks relish in their negativity. It might be the only thing they have going for them.
Delete@6:03 You are wrong Senor 6:03. 4:33 would not bet black listed (even if we could) for his comment even though it was just a comment bashing the US which is against the rules. The only consequence he/she would suffer would be that another one like it would not be published. On the other hand, your profane insulting comment about the administrators of this website would earn you a place at the top of a black list if we had the capability to do that. The only reason this comment of yours got published is so I could respond to it, so don't waste your time writing another similar one because it won't get published.
DeleteNo no no DD I would never intentionally insult BB admin. I have too much respect for you guys for what you do. My insult was to those who ride the jocks of a particular cartel. The black list I was insinuating about was the black list from the surfers, huggers and riders. I guess I was too cryptic in my response. If I did offend you or any other staffer I apologize.
DeletePretty non unusual case. It is like eating potato chips, you just cant have one. Greed.
ReplyDeleteThe US government,like many nations, has always had problems with having criminals within its ranks and it takes constant efforts to purge and convict them for thier crimes. Unfortunately with Mexico the central government is a criminal organization which traditionally managed the other various criminal organizations within its borders. Unfortunately over the last several decades they seem to be losing control over the various criminal organizations leading to a breakdown of security throughout the country.
ReplyDelete356, you're probably right. I tend to only have meaningful discussions with people that try to learn about issues in the world, so I'm biased. You're correct that there are plenty of people that think the US is perfect and we don't have problems. Don't even get me started on the politics here lately. The level of ignorance is amazing.
ReplyDeleteSo you're right, I'd venture to say that there are many ignorant people in the US, too. I just don't talk to them much, so my head is in the sand. There are more than we'd like to admit.
1100: I find what you and 3:56 have to write interesting and relevant. Nice to see the intelligent and respectful comments between two different perspectives.
Delete157: thank you. I don't know everything, but I'm learning. Signed, 1100 :_) - MM
ReplyDeletethat's nothing two guys got pulled over while driving south on I-15 towards Tijuana and got caught with 3 million dollars in the trunk. this happened where I live in Escondido CA
ReplyDeleteWhat a crook! The Homeland Security Agent needs to be brought to justice. He's a criminal just like the others.
ReplyDeleteThe US Justice system is extremely harsh on federal law enforcement when they are caught crossing the blue line especially an agent of color.
DeleteI did some investigating on this dude and his wife. Talk about raising red flags and bringing attention to yourself. They had a paper trail so long that even a rookie cop could follow it. Businesses and properties all over the US. Not to mention the European bank accounts and business ventures in Croatia. The $400k he stole from these two goofballs is just a fraction of what the Agent allegedly stole.