Posted by DD, Republished from Mexico News Daily
DD: Mexico has a class system based on color of your skin even if it is not discussed or acknowledged in "polite society". The indigenous people of Mexico, who typically have darker skin, are in the bottom class. Even though they were the original inhabitants of Mexico and had an advanced civilization with large cities equal to any in Europe before the Spanish invasion, today they are often looked at as inferior and referred to as Indio's in a derogatory manner by society (and the govt).
There are no dark skinned movie or TV stars, very few politicians, or business leaders that come from this "lower class".
Perhaps if society and the government took a close look at this prison, their views and attitudes toward the indigenous might change.
Some empty beds, zero drug consumption and no bribery are features of the Social Reinsertion Center (Cereso) of Guachochi, where about half the inmates actually turned themselves in.
The 253 prisoners share one identifying characteristic: they all belong to indigenous communities. Most — 181 — are Rarámuri while 66 are Tepehuan, three are Guarojío and two, Pimas.
The state penitentiary began operating in January 2015 and was built to house a population of 100% indigenous inmates. Equipped with a kitchen, an artisan’s workshop, a barn, a bakery and a library, the jail has strict security measures, but there’s seldom a need to enforce them.
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Prisoners have guitars and violins that have been given to them to play their traditional music. (Picture by Nadia del Pozo / VICE News |
According to official figures, 98% of the inmates are behind bars for homicide and rape, a percentage hard to find in state or federal penitentiaries elsewhere in Mexico.
“Some have been charged under federal crimes and in their files they have been catalogued as ‘dangerous.’ Then you get to really know them and find out they’re peaceful people,” said the jail’s criminologist, César Payán.
“The jail’s statistics are the opposite of what one could expect. The Rarámuri are very peaceful, and since the jail opened we haven’t recorded a single fight,” said Guachochi’s warden, Juan Martín González.
“I shouldn’t say this, due to our security procedures, but we’re currently using the punishment cell as a temporary storeroom.”
Rosendo Arrazola, 29, a member of the Tepehuan indigenous goup, is in jail for homicide and has been an inmate of the penitentiaries in the state capital Chihuahua and Cuauhtémoc City.
He said Guachochi hasn’t registered a single case of suicide or sexual abuse, and that he has been able to live there in peace. “There are no ranflas here,” he added, using the local slang word for organized crime gangs that control other jails.
Arrazola also said that in his experience indigenous people in other penitentiaries are often enslaved by the other inmates.
For Guachochi’s resident doctor, the reason indigenous people commit crimes is simple: “It’s alcohol. They commit most of their crimes while drunk, and not only from their traditional tesgüino [a type of corn beer]. There’s a large quantity of adulterated spirits are seen throughout the sierra after new roads are opened, said Dr. Roque Hernández.
Of the total inmate population of Guachochi, 60% are 40 years old or younger, and 95% are in jail for alcohol-related crimes.
Warden González explained that violence in the Chihuahua sierra has been caused by warring drug cartels, severely affecting the indigenous communities which had been used to living under their traditional customs.
In recent years, the Rarámuri sierra has seen the arrival of opium poppy plantations, and the locals are often forced to work for the cartels under threats of death. Many have no other option but to flee their ancestral lands.
The Rarámuri equate nature to life and conditions of confinement often overwhelm them, leading to depression, explained Hernández.
“They don’t even attempt an escape because they know they are at fault in their communities. Social standing is all for them. It is shameful to escape, which is why many voluntarily turn themselves in after committing a crime.”
“Some have been charged under federal crimes and in their files they have been catalogued as ‘dangerous.’ Then you get to really know them and find out they’re peaceful people,” said the jail’s criminologist, César Payán.
“The jail’s statistics are the opposite of what one could expect. The Rarámuri are very peaceful, and since the jail opened we haven’t recorded a single fight,” said Guachochi’s warden, Juan Martín González.
“I shouldn’t say this, due to our security procedures, but we’re currently using the punishment cell as a temporary storeroom.”
Rosendo Arrazola, 29, a member of the Tepehuan indigenous goup, is in jail for homicide and has been an inmate of the penitentiaries in the state capital Chihuahua and Cuauhtémoc City.
He said Guachochi hasn’t registered a single case of suicide or sexual abuse, and that he has been able to live there in peace. “There are no ranflas here,” he added, using the local slang word for organized crime gangs that control other jails.
Arrazola also said that in his experience indigenous people in other penitentiaries are often enslaved by the other inmates.
For Guachochi’s resident doctor, the reason indigenous people commit crimes is simple: “It’s alcohol. They commit most of their crimes while drunk, and not only from their traditional tesgüino [a type of corn beer]. There’s a large quantity of adulterated spirits are seen throughout the sierra after new roads are opened, said Dr. Roque Hernández.
Of the total inmate population of Guachochi, 60% are 40 years old or younger, and 95% are in jail for alcohol-related crimes.
Warden González explained that violence in the Chihuahua sierra has been caused by warring drug cartels, severely affecting the indigenous communities which had been used to living under their traditional customs.
In recent years, the Rarámuri sierra has seen the arrival of opium poppy plantations, and the locals are often forced to work for the cartels under threats of death. Many have no other option but to flee their ancestral lands.
The Rarámuri equate nature to life and conditions of confinement often overwhelm them, leading to depression, explained Hernández.
“They don’t even attempt an escape because they know they are at fault in their communities. Social standing is all for them. It is shameful to escape, which is why many voluntarily turn themselves in after committing a crime.”
Vario tiempo fui pricionero
ReplyDeletePor asuntos personales
Fui agarrando bien el royo
Para ir cambiando mis males
Pues para vivir abajo de un techo
Con rejas hay que batallarle
.El Sangre Fria.
Oyes sangre fria. Eres bien payaso. De seguro no te tocado estar En el bote.
DeleteEl panzon con ojos de lagartija de N. Korea tiene un missil apuntando para Michoacan, that's the word in the international spy world.
DeleteEl missil acabara con todas las raras de dos patas.
Atte. Paquita La del Barrio.
6:34 por que crees que esta bien loco el sangre de vibora, ya estuvo en el bote y ya salió
DeleteBB: no mamen I wrote RATAS no raras, sugeridamente corrijan ese error . gracias.
DeleteP.s. Abajo los hombres, arriba las ballenas como yo lmmao
@9:33. We cannot change what you wrote in your original comment, and we cannot correct your errors, spelling and otherwise. You can delete your original comment and post a corrected one.
DeleteThankz dd. Great work.however wassup with El Barbas part 3 , a lot of Raza waiting on that one :)
DeleteArriba las ballenas como el dd!
DeleteEs que esta bien cabron mirar a la paquita la del barrio en pelotas
DeleteI1:50 donde se ve la paquita en pelotas? I can find fotos, de la paquita but not one en pelotas...
DeleteGuahochi is that in sinaloa?
ReplyDeleteIt's in Chihuahua tonto
DeleteI guess somebody didn't bother to read the story.
DeleteIn chihuahua.
DeleteI believe is in Chihuahua
Deletees en cheewawaaaa
DeleteGood for them! Sounds like they have things under control.
ReplyDeleteI always thought it was interesting that in Mexico, it's insulting to ask someone if he or she is "indio". (Not that I would ever ask that, but they caution us in Spanish class that it can be seen as derogatory.) Here in north America, people are usually proud of any Indian heritage they can claim, and some claim it when it is very questionable and remote. I guess it's easier to do that from a white privilege standpoint. It's sad that darker-skinned people are looked down on by some, though.
Precandidate Margara de Calderon says she does not care a out the lower class vote, she goes after high class voters, not the poor proles and low class AMLO's...
DeleteI live in the U.S and I'm Mexican. I think it's sad that most Mexicans (specially nothern Mexicans) are not proud of their indigenous heritage. I get asked if I'm indian I reply with "of course I got indigenous blood, everybody in the Americas has native American blood. North America, south America and central America" but people look at me like I'm crazy. Some people don't know their history. El Michoacano
DeleteIn Mexico if you are dark skin is actually something negative. In America every one is proud of being black and Indian. Mainly because of the 1960 movement to free and give rights to blacks and others. In Mexico if you are white complected you are better off and more deseriable in society. The term guero is used in Mexico to describe white people. In Mexico some families would not accept you if you are dark skin. Unless you have 💰. Outside the USA is a different ball game.
DeleteBeing an Indio or black is actually something negative it all depends where you live in the world. For instance most people in america are politically correct (hypocrites) the agenda is always let's give them rights, school and food. Yet the are hypocrites because they created an economical system to keep them in the hood generation over generation empowered by the democrats basically enablers to keep minorities of color poor and stupid. In Mexico is even worse because racism is open and no body cares about indios and negros. Is about money. Look at the novelas in Mexico all the actors are not even mexican and they look white. Except for the gata. El chofer. And so on. I'm sure people from mecha.aztlan and raza unida movements would disagree?
DeleteMario marin, fidel herrera beltran, and el negro durazo prove there is no racism in mexico, all you have to do is be an able ass kisser and ready to be as corrupt as anybody y la burra es suya, the corrupt PRI leader on el DF cuauhtemoc gutierrez that controlled the "prostitute edecanes" to keep the politicians supplied with young pretty woman meat was not pretty or white either...
DeleteYou forgot Memin Penguin
DeletePinguin, from pingo, travieso, like "Daniel el Travieso" better known on the US as Dennis the Menace, (Denis the Menis in spanglish)
Delete--Penguin means pingüino, the Arctic bird...
Don Neto is out of prison and on house arrest
ReplyDelete10:42 now don neto can go to the Guadalupanar and claim his vision, sight and hearing got miraculos and restored, good for him, I hope he bitch slaps caro quintero again for killing camarena during the "calentada" and getting them all in a fine mess...
DeleteDesde Tierra Caliente
ReplyDeleteCarteleros tratan de vender Cristal a los indígenas . Ellos son golpeados o dispararon. ¿Racista? Para ver una novela es ver gente prieto como servidores o mal gente.
Los indios son golpeados o balaceados, por lo general nomas son explotados, corridos de sus tierra a la ciudad, a vender artesanias autenticas, "made in china"
Deletenice try. homie with violin!
ReplyDeleteWe had neighbors. I thought they were whites, until we talked with them. They told us they were Mexicans. Very well educated and polite people. Perfect neighbors.
ReplyDeleteBut the dark skin Mexicans are very good people. Hard working, cheerful, very friendly.
The Americans in USA should consider themselves very lucky to have such immigrants. Look at Europe: thousands of Muslims who don't work and refuse to work. They would rather stay on social welfare and do nothing. Or kill their neighbors.
I always had respect for the dark skin Mexicans and am sad to learn from this article that they are considered in Mexico as people of 2nd category.
You don't get that atleast in UK immigrants are vital to our economy because they do the low paying jobs that the White English will not do
Deletebut these jobs would pay more if it wasn't for these people that will do them for less
Delete~~~el spaceio~~~
Spaceio, we do the jobs for less than other pretty boys, but for us less is better that what we had...
DeleteBlame your politicos that sold you "trickle down economics" to turn you into suckered with bellies full of promises living with one foot on the street, and your corrupt "Unions" that only cared about their dwindling membership and forgot to recruit new members at any price for a few kickbacks...
--After 35 years of exporting your jobs by the whole industry, you should have learned your lesson, blame somebody up there on the hill...
That's the mentality that the Spaniards came with and it's still on every Mexican's brain. Even in the U.S it's the same way with white and most people. I read a study that was conducted in the U.S that stated the odds of getting a job after an enterview. The people with light skin and tall in most cases got the job over the dark folks. It's a world wide thing if the land has white inhabitants , just look at south Africa.
ReplyDeleteIndian lives matter
ReplyDeleteBunch of rapists. I respect more the violent prisoners who don't rape.
ReplyDelete3:56 hey, kidnapping the future bride is ok if you marry her, if they don't catch you with la burra, nobody needs to know either.
Deletei can change mx..
ReplyDeleteSo none of them are violent, but almost all of them are murderers and rapists? damn.
ReplyDelete"I only kill and rape under the influence of alcohol."
ReplyDeleteIs that really a defense for killing or raping another human being?
I believe an 'eye for an eye'with a touch of lead to the back of the head might well take care of that mindset (ie: capital punishment).
I well undetstand that 'an eye for an eye'can make the world blind per Gandhi and Jesus'turn the other cheek , but I can not think that way any longer towards murderers or rapists.
(Though nice to know these folks are well behaved when they're not abusing alcohol or drugs.)
12:36, I see your point, but it's relatively slightly better than, "I kill and rape because I enjoy it and can't wait to get to do it again; I'll never stop", as some seem to be.
DeleteAfter a few drinks things looks better, in cd. Juareeez the linias are even getting their father in law suegros drunk and drugged to rape them and have been caught infraganti in the act, some times the compadre will do, poor cd juareeez, now the pinshis gringos want to legalize drugs on the US because of that, I blame the jalisco de cjng for the "escalation"
DeleteDeath of Arturo Beltran Leyva Part 3 !!!!! Come on BB it's not very professional to announce something and just leave your audience waiting and months later still nothing ,, it's not like there's nothing interesting or charismatic about the guy he was El Jefe de Jefes , a very interesting, important character in the drug world
ReplyDeleteBlo part 3???
DeleteEl botas blancas el jefe de jefes arturo el de culican
Delete@1:42 please somebody give @1:42 un patadon en la pantufla con unas botas blancas!
DeleteIn the US they claim dicrimation, Living in Mexico 1/2 my life the indico r really dicrimated
ReplyDeletewho what where??? indico dicriminateded?
DeleteNow that made me bust up bro!...good one.
Delete"Cities as large as anything in Europe"... Uhhhh... Yeah, no. The Mayans and Aztecs had nothing, neither land-wise nor a population of ANYTHING like Europe prior to the Spanish. True, no more human sacrifice and running through the jungle with a bone in their nose, but think of all the rich Spanish culture that was, er, taught to them... LOL
ReplyDelete8:27 Looki here baboso, the great tenochtitlan was torn down to make spanish styled palaces, but teotihuacan is still there and the mayan ruins, popolvuh is still a great book full of great stories of the mayan mythology, and ruins of great pre-Columbian indian civilizations still get discovered, same all over mexico and LatinAmerica, if you don't know just don't talk...güey...
Delete8:27 dont forget the diseases they brought with them too..
DeleteThis was a very interesting observation about the so-called lower class. I have always found them to be the spirit, heart, and foundation of Mexico. They are humble and a loving people of tradition with skills, kindness, and respect for others. They know how to make a festival and match the boys and girls at night with a traditional circle dance by the main square once a week. The parents watch closely who is being chosen as the young couple walks away to be seated for discussion.
ReplyDelete... In Guachochi They Grow Lots Of Marijuana And Poppy Plants For Heroin Production, Cartel Presence Is Already There ...
ReplyDeleteRIP that nigga El Botas Blancas.
ReplyDeleteLil' Joker
El botas blancas was no nigga. Check yourself. Mexicano hasta la madre!
Delete10:16 The mexicans are niggazz and our brothas, nigga, and we the real niggazz are mexicanos hasta la madre, que chinguen a su madre el pri, epn and their allies.
DeleteEven light complected Mexicans have Indian in them its very rare to see blonde hair blue eyed mexicans trust me I live in mexico and I travel my country
ReplyDeleteSlow month for BB, maybe August will be better. Google translate is all fired up and ready to go.
ReplyDelete@11:34 Just out of curiosity how many hours a day or week or month do you do volunteer work?
DeleteNever mind dd, the boy is just trying to conquer your love from mommy's closet...
DeleteRight on! I am so tired of reading some of the comments on here that attack each other and have no respect for the much appreciated hard work of all the bb staff who selflessly spend their nights, weekends or any spare time they might have to write their own or translate other articles and post them on this blog. That is time separate from their "paying" day job and time away from their families. Much appreciation to all at bb!! Thank you!
DeleteMn- 4 year follower
DeleteDD: ya te dije que no te muevas por cualquier comentario compa,ya la llevabas bien guey, 11:34@m is probably a 12 year old taking a shit bored 'cause he read all the stories . aguante la vara compa.
There is dark skin actors Mario almada?? And that guy who plays in all the underground films like el M1 and el Zacatecas? Not really novel they get light skin people from across Latin america and Spain and throw Mexican accents on them
ReplyDeleteJust trying to get discussion going . I guess this isn't a discussion board its a news and comment board . This is off subject a little . Some articles from various sources seem to carry a little bias rather than state the entire story . the effect is to influence the reader opinion rather than give him or her all The available information and let him establish his own opinion . Why ? The reader wont take the stance the author wants . Not applying this to anything in particular just saying . Is that not what would be referred to as yellow press ?
DeleteI knew it . The so called "Spanish" is the problem in Mexico. Lets drive them out ! Upon first invasion they began their evil ways . Most of the ones that were sent were a degenerate cross of moor . That's what makes Mexico so violent .
ReplyDeleteDD . I really didn't think you would publish that . Many of my good friends are Mexican . I guess I feel like getting shit going now and then .
Delete@8:18 I published it because you had a tidbit of truth in what you said. I am a firm believer that many of Mexico's problems stem from 400 years of living under the yoke of dictators, both foreign and domestic.
DeleteBut did you realize you just called yourself a troll. Someone who just wants to stir some shit up.
The spaniards established families with a lot of indians and they did not deny it, mexico was a spanish colony from 1500's to 1800's like almost all of LatinAmerica.
Delete--The Spanish did not fack up mexico and all of LatinAmerica like the US has done since the LatinAmericans "won" their independence wars and became dependent on US political whims of "america for the amerikkkans" doctrina Monroe bullshit, I wonder what Marilyn Monroe would say about it...she had doctrine...
Europeans having relations with african apes brung us AIDS to the US and the world, THANKs a lot!
DeleteYep death and disease that's what the whities did . They always said syphilis came from the Americas but recent anthropological discoveries indicate evidence of syphilis long before the discovery of the Americas . I figure there was so much coming and going here that it turned into a collective place to catch it . Kinda like any boom town of the old days or even modern days now . Bet there were Spanish pimps that dealt in the trade . Any time there is a demand a source will fill the vacuum . Still hate a goddamned pimp !
Delete10:05 pimps is all about love, and love is all that saves a pimp from getting whacked by their 20 or 30 girls...
Delete--there are many criminals involved in the trade claiming to be pimps, don't believe the chimpz, they exact devotion, we the REAL PIMPS are volunteered the love and plenty of money...
a prison without violence?
ReplyDelete'can I cry chivis'
haha come on ths guys are gangstas in all prisons