Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 17, 2014

Iguala: Banner Message to President Peña, signed by "El Choky"

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

A manta was found hanging on display in the city of San Jose, a city in close proximity to Iguala. 

The manta was addressed to President Enrique Peña Nieto, in which Mario Casarrubias Salgado (founder of Guerrero Unidos) and brothers along with a gang in Peques as responsible for the normalistas disappearance and killings. 

The message is signed by “El Choky”, who authorities identify as the chief of sicarios of the cartel. 

“We know who is responsible,  it is the  Casarrubias Salgado bothers,  Adán (El Jitomate), Ángel (El Mochomo), Sidronio (El Chino), together with the  Benítez Palacios brothers, Oziel (El Oso), Víctor Hugo (El Tilo), Mateo (El Gordo), Salvador (Chava) Reynaldo (Rey), El Cholo Palacios, also  Gil, May, Chente, Popoca  and la Veva”, 

Mr. President, you want names, here are names;  

Taxco: Salomón Majul González and Eruviel Salado Sánchez; Ixtapan de la sal: Ignacio Ávila Navarrete and  Efraín Pedroza Flores; Iguala: José Luis Abarca Velazquez and Francisco Valladares; Huitzuco: Héctor Vicario Castrejón, Norberto Figueroa Almozo, Javier Duarte Núñez and  Marcelo Villalba Adame; Tepecoacuilco: Antonio Galarza Zavaleta; Cocula: César Miguel Peñaloza; Teloloapan: Ignacio Valladares; Apaxtla: Efraín Peña Damasio.  These are those who form the group Guerrero Unidos.”

The manta also charges  Hector Castrejon, Sedatu chief (Urban Development) with ties to the  Guerreros Unidos cartel and eight mayors.

On October 5th, the atty general for the state of Guerrero,  identified "el Choky" as the leader of Guerreros Unidos, and is responsible for ordering the normalista  killings. The name of the person behind the moniker is unknown, however people on mainboard have thought it to be Jorge Luis Valencia Arzate, previously identified as a leader for La Familia Michoacana, his role at the time was jefe de plaza of Morelia.  The spelling of Valencias moniker was "El Chucky".




    1. Cartels snitching on other cartels bunch of pussys

    2. lol @ MUST BE TWO CHUKYS OR ONE CHUKY AND CHOKY chucky with 2,3 names? lol

    3. That's how you get rid of your rivals you dumbass!

    4. I agree fucking rats with no balls some kill like fucking idiots others cant keep their mouth shut. Fucking desorganized crime

    5. Both desorganized and organized are a sack of shet. only destruction

  2. It was Chucky too I bet. There's 10 dto that are in dispute over guerrero. Get all of them!!

  3. Ok, so is “El Choky” a leader of sicarios for Guerreros Unidos? If he is why would he throw everyone's name out from his own cartel? not that I care they can all getmurdered by the Mexican marines but I just think its kinda weird how he threw all the names out there.

  4. So this is the head of GU giving up his own people? I don't quite understand. Chuky is blaming the Iguala incident on the Salgado brothers but then lists people who make up his GU gang?

    Or is this not signed by anyone but signed Attention: Chuky.

  5. I think this should be investigated closely . Probably true but who can tell when one group of criminal's is pointing at another group .

  6. Because it is signed by choky means nothing

  7. Yes there are rumors of infighting
    and yes there are many chokys or chuckys

    in mexico choky is usually used for chucky the doll

  8. I believe everything that banner says those people that did the banner I'm pretty sure they are very honest people

  9. No need for further investigation.

  10. Mex are funny somtimes

  11. That is some funny shit! nobody wants to take blame but are good in pointing fingers, im sure el choky is responsible for other crimes why not just catch them all n shoot them. take no prisoners!!!!

  12. why would the cartel kill students ?
    it makes no sense to me

  13. Trucha don't fuck with this vato chucky he is small and carries a big machete he wears little overalls and is says good guy but don't believe it this crazy midgit will chop you up!

    1. Orale. I know that vato. He's one of the older heads. He's been around since the 80's.

    2. 11:57 The terrorist is back!

  14. Its the normalistas doing the manta who else ballsy move they can get picked up for writling this

  15. Oh lord! It's a Chucky and Chocky invasion!!

    Estoy crudo y malias

  16. it is choky not chuky. and not Jorge Valencia different people

  17. 3:31PM: Does he do voodoo?

  18. pena nieto is a sell out also his body is next to hit the floor

  19. Just get the Iguala mayor and make him sput out all the names of his gang

  20. Chivis, you left out the beginning part, where this supposed "Choky" asked EPN to arrest those responsible for the disappearance of "our" students and all the other missing people in the area. Sounds like something the normalistas would post:

    “Señor presidente Peña Nieto le pedimos justicia, que llegue hasta donde sea necesario y que den con los culpables por la desaparición de nuestros Estudiantes y de toda la gente desaparecida en esta zona, los queremos tras las rejas, que saque a la luz las cosas como son, que no las oculten y que den la información como es, no mientan que ya dieron con ellos porque sabemos realmente quienes son y no los tocan ni los nombran, no nos hagan pensar que no están relacionados con ellos”.

  21. If Dr Mierles must remain in prison, and the people do nothing, they deserve what they get.......sheep

  22. I get a laugh at how seriously readers take these mantas and how many people assume the mantas are really from the gangs that purport to sign them. These are wacked out thugs with temporary support (arms and drogas) to distract and ultimately be sacrificed while the real power brokers in Sinaloa and are pulling these puppets strings and moving more drugs into the US than ever before. Unless you follow politics and business elites in Mexico you will never hear the real Jefe's names - but you'll keep reading about former homeless glue sniffers who are used to heat up micro-plazas to keep the news away from where the real money is being made....24/7/365.

    1. I totally agree with you! Good point! I am clueless as to whom is really in charge or responsible for this whole mess that Mexico is in , but I kind of believe it's a mixture of different factions and alliances that change all the time and the higher up we go the less people that are involved but corruption is also more ingrained and deeper!!! In some ways looks legit from the outside!!!

    2. You know you're old when you use the term "gluesniffer" lol at least in the U.S. but I agree with you mr. 247365. Still laughing I hadn't heard that in a while. Yes obviously I'm old also.

  23. Lord, please release Mireles!
    I hope this is not true!

  24. Nah....Normalistas would not hang a banner and not say it is from them, no reason, use logic. Often, and in Gro for some reason, narcos play like they care and will say things like that to confuse the situation.

  25. Well, They are just talking about Guerreros Unidos Criminals but who it is behind them and protecting them????? So it is the Government in Guerrero. They should separate all the corrupted and incompetent Governors, Judges and Police. It is time than Mexican Government and Mexican citizen start working in the same page such as; justice and an anticorruption and transparency reforms in all government areas. otherwise I do not see any future for the 90% of the Mexican population.


  27. The PRD was infiltrated by "former priistas" that became candidates and won their elections, to then allow criminals to run roughshod on their communities and the PRD party, just on time for epn famously twisted victory with bought and stolen votes, poor andres manuel lopez obrador never knew what hit him, but he sure gave up on his prd party, maybe as morena amlo will not accept chapulines, but end up in jail like Dr Mireles...


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