Update at bottom

The attorney
general of the State of Michoacán reports that as a result of an
investigation and testimony of residents in the municipality of
Buenavista, that led to suspicion of liability of
Hipolito Mora Chavez and others in his group, in the murder of Rafael
Sánchez Moreno aka “El Pollo” and Jose Luis Torres Castaneda, both were found
charred on Saturday 8 March.
This action appears to represent
the latest round in the personal war between autodefensas leaders Mora and Luis
Antonio Torres aka “El Americano”.
Americano, a car salesman from El
Paso Texas, attempted to oust Mora from his leadership position by staging a siege
on Monday along with hundreds of his supporters. Federal forces intervened and via helicopter safely
escorted Mora out of the city.
Americano blamed Mora for the
murders of El Pollo and Jose Torres, close friends of Americano. El Pollo is rumored to have been closely
connected to Caballeros Templarios, simultaneously with his role as a
The town of La Ruana seems split
in their support of either Mora or Americano.
Some of the inhabitants aligned with Americano are rumored to have filed
reports with the state attorney general, (PGJE) accusing Mora of the murders.
Typically, autodefensas circumvent state agencies, which are regarded has
heavily corrupted, and contact the more trusted federal agencies when needed. In this case that was not done.
The events in La Ruana were not derived
from autodefensas issues, it was a culmination of an intense personal feud
between Mora and Americano. Fueling the conflict were Incidents regarding a
close relative of Mora and another issue of a close relative of Americano, which has resulted
in lawsuits.
Update: 100 elements of the Federal Police are in La Ruana to disarm Hipolito Mora's group. Mora had advised his group not to give up their weapons, because Americano's group is not being disarmed.
Warning graphic photo on second page
Update: 100 elements of the Federal Police are in La Ruana to disarm Hipolito Mora's group. Mora had advised his group not to give up their weapons, because Americano's group is not being disarmed.
Although this seems logical to disarm the group during the murder investigation, it places the Mora group in great danger, Michoacán and autodefensas social media pages are expressing their outrage and anger:
"They do not realize that they are condemning brave people to a massacre by organized crime" is an example of what is being written via social networks.
Warning graphic photo on second page
El americano=snitch tutas boy
ReplyDeleteIt's only a matter of time before we see what kind of person he is.
ReplyDeleteSad, Sad, Day! What is the real story! The Templarios must be rejoicing!
ReplyDeleteEl Americano snitched
ReplyDeletewhat i dont understand... why hasnt mireles or beltran spoken out on this... its more personal than just the pollo thing... ive heard different rumors but who knows..
ReplyDeleteHolly guacamole...nothing new ,corruptable people just doing the expected.
ReplyDeleteHipolito did mention he wanted to kill templarios, he killed el pollo, so now he has too serve time. "If you don't got the time, don't commit the crime".seems like hipolito was playing with fire.
ReplyDeleteHipolito was set up. The Templarios still wield considerable power. How many politicians that were helped to get elected by the Templarios are still around. Almost all of them. Yet they have been complicit from the beginning with corruption while the Templarios operated right under their noses!
Deletea las yeguas mas bonitas, o como esten, les pasean los caballos mas bonitos, y luego les echan unos burros, asi salen las mulas.
ReplyDeleteall the work, to see hipolito at the mercy of the corrupt state of michoacan, next thing is to see el tio released because by arresting him when he was wearing no bloomers, he got tortured, if el americano has been proven to be corrupt, and his people too, why hipolito is the one arrested?
next Dr Mireles, and without ct, they there they come, enrique francisco galindo ceballos, comandante de la policia nazional de colombia,i mean mexicana, at the vanguard of the new mexican national guard, The Zetas of galindo ceballos, mothaphaca, needs all the money to get to be mexicos new rasputin, vladimir putin and mexico's next presidente, all wrapped up in one asshole.
the state police must be working on hipolito, the cattle prods up his ass will make him confess, better get him an amparo quick, it works for all the criminals with money and levers to push...
The Templarios still control rhe local and state government, and like you said these Generals should not be trusted. The only ones I trust are the Marines, but unfortunately rhe only do special forces types of operations! Hipolito Mora was set up!
DeleteEy every bodie shut up or you will be buried. El Reyes de Reyes por vida putos!
DeleteThis is bullshit...they take down chayo, now these corrupt pigs take one of ADs best leaders...what a shame!
ReplyDelete"Al fundador de las autodefensas en la entidad también se le vincula con la muerte de Torres Castañeda, padre de un cercano colaborador de la senadora perredista Iris Vianey Mendoza, quien hace un mes fue acusada por autodefensas de presuntos nexos con el grupo delictivo Los Caballeros Templarios."
What ever happens to the blogger named smurf?
ReplyDeleteSomebody shoot that Americaco turd in the face. The truth will reveal itself eventually. It sucks that those areas are taking 2 steps back. Good luck Hipolito.
ReplyDeleteThe local governments in those areas have to go! Mexico you need to install Martial Law and arrest all of these fucking scumbag politicians. Your Military except tbe Marines are Zetas or protecting one one Narco or another! What the fuck! This whole situation is fucking stupid and fucked up! No wonder Mexico has some of the Richest People in the world yet most live like a third world country! Wake the fuck up!
DeleteI feel bad for the honest folks who just want to work hard, make a good living, and live in peace!
DeleteWhats Next they gonna arrest somebody for murdering El Chayo!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis has become a circus!
ReplyDeleteWho's pocket is the clown they call attorney general in?
ReplyDeletePRI is just standing by while their corupt underlings in Michuacan run a circus of a state government? Whats next? Tuta for Governor? Kiki for Treasurer?
ReplyDeleteThese corupt state officials suck!
ReplyDeleteEl Pollo and Jose Torres were what they callled regretful ex Templarios. I doubt them being regretful, but I also doubt they were killed for being ex Templarios. Why can't the truth be told! There seems to be a side business going on that is not part of the AD movement. Someone spill the beans. Its time to come clean!
ReplyDeleteIf El Americano was really extorting people from the minee then why hasn't he been arested? What exactly is going on with?
ReplyDeletePinche pollo rostizado!
ReplyDeleteDamn!! Fucked up!
DeleteThese Criminal AD infiltrators feel threatened amd want Mora out plain and simple. I have gone on spanish language websites and all thew blogs and posts point to Americano, El Pollo, and their followers being criminals. I truly believe these giys wanted Hipo killed. These guys have a family Criminal empire to protect! The question now is, Whats the AD movement gonna do about these cancerous infiltrators!
ReplyDeleteSo who's gonna arrest the politicians?
ReplyDeleteWTF? Pollo rostizado? Uno de los dos esta mal...... solo hay que esperar y muy pronto alguien suelta la sopa
ReplyDeleteel 20 said...
ReplyDelete"Ey every bodie shut up or you will be buried. El Reyes de Reyes por vida putos!"
Who cares.Go away the adults are tryin to figure out your next mental hospital
Shit man,i now hope Mora didn't have anything to do with Pollos death.Look what way the wind is blowing if Americano can engineer shit like this.Or are we all wrong as can be?Is Americano the good guy and Mora the bad guy?I kinda doubt it somehow,but who knows.Since when are the state bothered about arresting people who kill shady ass dudes?
ReplyDeleteChapo sent Americano a text to snitch on Hipolito. Chapo still snitching from the pen...
ReplyDeleteLol I wouldn't doubt it
DeleteHahah he tweeted it
DeleteEl pollo got rostizado i fault it got burned
ReplyDeleteHipolito mora only did what self defense groups are supposed to do get rid of templarios , el pollo and the other man were templarios everyone knows that in the region
ReplyDeleteel americano is just a helping cts org
the used car salesman seems slimy to me.
ReplyDeleteRight? That's what I thought. All car salesman just want to Fuck you. What is that American Fuck doing over there anyway. He should be worried about paying his child support in the states. Me suena la Barbie. The American who found his way to the top of his own Mexican criminal organization. I bet it got to his head. With power and influence comes perks and bitches. Who knows, it might be the beginning of new mafia michoacana. Remember this post
Deletesoooo...two piece of shit emplarios get killed and Hipolita gets the blame...seems like a setup from the used car salesman. If one thing we know in America is to never trust a used car samesman...
ReplyDeleteFrom the pictures above i think americano looks more crooked than mora. that is an expensive cowboy hat he has on, plus if hes from el paso and a car dealer then he has to be crooked. all of the local car dealerships in El Paso work for the cartels. But most of them are run by the juarez cartel.
ReplyDeleteHipolito Mora will be back before Derrick Rose.
ReplyDeleteSad But True!
DeleteI think everyone is wrong.... It's not an AD OR A CT ISSUE !! From what I seen everyone says it boils down to a personal issue between el americano and mora
ReplyDeleteHipolito crossed a line if he's committing murders, and El Americano did too if he used his position within the ADs to settle a personal score with hipolito. Its an abuse of power by both of them, and to be expected. After the Mexican revolution to free Mexico from oppression, the liberators fought amongst themselves to see who would control their newfound power, leading to infighting and abuses of power (oppression) which is what they were fighting against. These ADs should implement a strategy to keep history from repeating itself, because if they wipe out the CT, and govt leaves michoacan, then they will then be the absolute power, and we all know, "absolute power, corrupts absolutely"
ReplyDeleteSomeone give this guy a cookie
DeleteWe've all mostly been behind Hipolito in this drama VS El Americano! Hipoloto needs to come clean on that land dispute issue. I don't believe El Americano but why don't the other AD leaders come to the aid of Hipolito, and why don't they denounce El Americano from their movement if he really is a Templario infiltrator! If El Americano was kidnapped whatever happened to the kidnappers!
ReplyDeleteChapo sent telepathic messages to snitch
ReplyDeleteDont think hipolito had anything to do with pollos murder.it was a set up that got chayo killed and helping cripple the ad
ReplyDeleteSo El Americano is acused of trying to take a girl by force, and accused by other AD's of being a Templario sympathizer and collaboration with El Chayo before he was killed! C'mon BB RUN THE STORY I'M SURE THERE ARE PEOPLE YOU KNOW THAT HAVE GOT MORE DETAILS!!!! THE REAL TRUTH HAS TO GET OUT!!!!
ReplyDeleteAD needs to slow down just like good law enforcement agencies and get quality over quantity when it comes down to membership! Purge the criminal elements before they bring the whole movement down!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf El Pollo was a Reformed Templario which I doubt, who at AD was it that brought him in in the first place?
ReplyDeletewas el pollo rostized because he was too much competition for el americano? hipolito mora has never been known for anything like this, if he were going to do it to el americano it would be easier to believe, kill two birds with the same stone, el pollo and he-pollito, nothing personal, just business. new queen, new page...
ReplyDeleteI think they framed him..C.T may have paid out Americano a nice chunk to cause this internal war amongst them and its working
ReplyDeleteNever trust a "Used Car Dealer from El Paso." No worries though, Mexico only prosecutes 1% of it's murder cases.
ReplyDeleteFrom LA. His sons live in texas
I hope the good people of Michuacan choose the right path right now that they have a chance. The low level AD that chose to side with the criminal leaders are just stupid!
ReplyDeleteQuiero ver como le va al gobierno cuando todos los grupos autodefensa se pongan encontra de el gobierno
ReplyDeleteWith guys like El Americano, El Burrillo, El Abuelo, Los Viagras, The deceaced El Pollo and El Papa Pitufus clear connections to Narcos. I trust the corrupt federal government more sorry but Dr Mirales may be the only one I would trust if I was to follow somebody!!!
Deletewhere does dr.mireles stand in all this?
ReplyDeleteI was reading texcoco de mora's blog and it stated that el Americano drives a 100k range rover and his men drive luxury trucks. Dude sounds like a cartel member...
ReplyDeleteEl Americano bought it with money he got by picking lemons and avocados in his day job! Ok he just gave the old owner a deal he couldn't refuse!
DeleteHe must have got donations from all of the poor people!
DeleteMe dan risa el Pollo y su gente.... que esperaban? Mandar un mensage a los del CT y pedirles que, " favor de retirarse de la region." Solo hay una manera de limpiar la cuidad de las ratas... el mensage fue claro... un buen templario es uno chamuscado CT=chamuscado Templario, chamuscado tuta
ReplyDeleteA la madre!! Que gachos!!!! Quien chingados ensucia una camioneta asi no valen cheso!! Ahora quien la va a limpiar....
ReplyDeleteWe will see, but what I see is that the Narco state government is just finding the pretext to arrest the leaders of the Auto Defensas like they have been trying all along from the beginning, never mind the reason. Dr Mirales I smart and hopefully can hold out long enough to expose all of these fucking criminal politicians working with their criminal family family and associates! These fucking government officials make me sick they are the reason why this shit is going on in Mexico. Why don't you work on Getting real criminals!
ReplyDeleteBoy OL Boy !! Chapo Snitches ALOT according to alot of people in here .....
ReplyDeleteOnly thing I like about this two guys is their sombreros.
ReplyDeleteCabron a la griega, anyone?
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to do something about El Abuelo too. It's better to deal with those problems now. If they wait the criminal a-holes could weed out the honest leaders. We could have a LFM all over again!
ReplyDeleteIt may have already happened!
DeleteAll he did was invite him to a Bar-B-Que. I guess he got a little carried away.
ReplyDeleteHahaha...lmfao u made my day
DeleteDeath to el americano chismoso lambe botas!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePollo al carbon effen snitch...death to el americano..
ReplyDeleteI think the ppl in la ruana siding with americano are templarios.thats only way it was possible for crime to continue even tho auto defensas were there
ReplyDeleteBetter call Saul..
ReplyDeleteThe heads of the movement should intervene before there's war amongst the AD. We are going start seeing some Africa Shit with warring tribes and warlords. Remember it's the ct who need to be getting their Shit pushed in. Violently and with tearing involved.
Deletele horniaron todo el horno al pollo, por dentro y por fuera.
ReplyDeletethe pollo got the oven oven roasted, inside and out.
el americano needs to go, for inciting one AD group against another, he could have tried to have a court with the other bigwigs of the AD, but his personal preferences were more important and he chose to make his own group and go against hipolito, if hipolito did not want to resolve their diferences, he needs to go too, the AD needs a leadership with a clear program, nobody needs leaders with a head full of shit.
i want to make it very clear, anybody from BB is entitled to leave here if the senadora templaria snaps a finger, i wouldn't blame you boys.
Iris Vianey Mendoza, carrying the mexican pirujas and teiboleras to some dignified place, the Federal Senate of the Mexican United States.
( El Senado Federal de la Republica de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos )
ya ven muchachas, no hay porque darlas estando tan caras, de perdida un hueso de regidoras, o de maestras, ya ven a donde llego la chuki, ya vieja y en el bote y todo, pero se parcho a todos los politicos y se hizo de un chingo de millones, de dolares, no pesos, esos son para los pendejos, despierten mis rorras, usen lo que les dio el senor,mucho o poquito, pero usenlo; eso si si les sale un tipo que nada le afecta sus 'convicciones' , ese es su pedo...
ReplyDeleteWhy is everyone attacking El Americano? And why is it that those attacking him speak/write like English is a second language?
Like it or not, the autodefensas movement in Michoacán is created, led, sponsored, etc. by paisas - those who lived in the USA.
Except Mora... Hmmmm....
No seas burro El Americano es un criminal rodeado de puros Templarios y narcos. Porque es que el tiene las mas armas y trokas!
DeleteShut up loser!!! Wrong website for you!!!
DeleteMarch 12, 2014 at 8:30 PM
ReplyDeleteEy man,don't start that US v Mexico shit.Read the fuckin story,El Americano is a fuckin nickname you nob,he's being attacked because there may be something greasy about him,not because he's American or shit like that,get a fuckin grip
Before u sheep start praising dis americano guy,u should ask the people in his neck of the woods wat he really does?his day job ainnt his only business,and who hes associated too!! Sheep,sheep and more sheep!!!
ReplyDeleteWrong! I bet that everyone in here commenting about how El Americano is a undercover narco piece of shit are born in The US like me.
ReplyDeleteAnd the movement is being funded by mexican paisanos that are now living abroad. NOT by american born raza.
Anyway quit defending el americano because he is american you must be weak as fuck.
Chivis, you should care about the pics of hipolito and "el americano". I know it sounds stupid talking about this, but it could give a wrong message. The perception of a pro pic and a cel pic is quite different.
"If one thing we know in America is to never trust a used car salesman..."
ReplyDeleteThat's very funny! i couldn't place my finger on my distrust of him, but i guess its because i grew up hearing the same thing. thanks for the laugh.
on a more serious note, both el americano and hipolito have been taking stuff from the templarios and not returning it to their rightful owners (who the ct stole it from) but instead keeping it to finance their militias, and enrich themselves....both were starting to act more and more like mini dictators and that's exactly what the people wanted to get away from
Greedy and big headed..
Delete"Chapo sent telepathic messages to snitch"
BB run the story thats all over spanish websites about El Americano, From the expulsion from AD of some criminals that were closely associated with him, to the. Issue of that girl that accused him of holding against her will, the war booty that they confiscated and kept like the horses of Kiki Plancarte, the extortion rackets the took over from the Templarios, the close associations to criminal groups, that they are the best funded and have the best weapons, that at one point they held a Mexican General and his men hostage until they reached a deal with the Federal Government, the expensive luxury vehicles they drive around in as opposed to other Auto Defensas, ON AND ON AND ON.....
ReplyDeleteEl Americano has ulterior motives with known connections to criminals, and accusations from people that he has supposedly freed from Templario extortion, only to do the same as the Templarios. Hipolito has his ranch there plus he was fed up with the injustices to him and the peasants that worked for him in his ranch!
ReplyDeleteplease send me the link
En septiembre pasado el gobierno federal ya tenía un expediente sobre El Americano, ya que de haber empezado su movimiento con unas cuantas escopetas, ahora forma el grupo con más armas pesadas y vehículos más caros. Al inicio tenía una camionetita de redilas y ahora maneja una Range Rover con valor de mercado de más de 100 mil dólares y es escoltado por una docena de camionetas de lujo tipo Suburban y Lincoln, entre otras. Encabezó la toma de Parácuaro, Antúnez y Nueva Italia. Sobre él, el fallecido Pollo, y sus presuntos aliados Los Viagra, se han documentado cada vez más denuncias de que ya extorsionan en numerosos poblados a cualquier productor y empresario, tal como lo hacían los templarios, según han confirmado a MILENIO funcionarios de inteligencia.
Just watched videos of El Americano tlaking to townspeople, he sound just like Tuta. The people blindly supporting his dumb ass. They are so ignorant. On another video theres a low level guy that works for the viagras, and he clearly states they are narcos ( Extorting and proucing drugs) El Americano working with the Viagras and both working for El Mencho! The good AD's are ckearly outnumbered and out gunned by the criminals within AD. The federal government has now got clear reason now to go and disarm them.
ReplyDeleteChivis, reagrding the link i sent about Simon "El Americano" i think its important to read the comments from folks on the ground living over there. Also, since his group is driving around in luxury vehicles, maybe that should be noted because it doesn't sound like they need donations from folks here in the USA anymore as they' re getting plenty from extorting folks in michoacan. they may be richer than the people sending them money
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing has the familiar stench of corrupt state govt officials complicity with the highest bidder. Its hilarious how they are now all of a sudden concerned about the rule of law when a couple of "ex" templarios wind up alot like their victims did. Its also curious how they are quick to piont to conflicts within the AD movement in order to make them seem weak & vulnerable, why does the state govt care so much about an internal conflict within an organization that just liberated the ppl from the scum called ct? Do they hold some kind of grudge against the AD?(sarcasm)...Also did I hear the video correctly when it states that luis torres "el americano" is President of the municipality he "freed" and was also instated mayor of the town he "freed"? I don't know what this conflict between these two guys is all about but I would rather side with an AD persecuted by the corrupt state govt rather than anyone who is now part of that same corrupt system.
ReplyDeleteTHE "Chapo Snitched" GUY strikes again....
ReplyDeleteJust watched videos of El Americano talking to townspeople, he sound just like Tuta. The people blindly supporting his dumb ass. They are so ignorant. On another video theres a low level guy that works for the viagras, and he clearly states they are narcos ( Extorting and producing drugs) He also stated that El Americano works with the Viagras and both working for El Mencho! The good AD's are clearly outnumbered and out gunned by the criminals within AD. The federal government perfect reason now to go and disarm them.
ReplyDeleteDumb asses fucking greed fucking up a good thing!
ReplyDeletewhacha talkin bout Willis?
Fat ass Americano can't hookup with girls so he goes out and trys to take Hipoloto's niece by force!! What the fuck??? Isn't this the same bulshit AD's were fighting against???Americano should stop eating so many carnita tacos, and get out of his 100,000$$$ dollar Range Rover and jog around some ranches. Maybe then he can slim down and girls might actually go out with him without using force. Back in the old days if a girl was taken by force they used to have to get married or else the family of the girl had an obligation to kill the perpetrators!
ReplyDelete--chivis pleeeeeaseeee don't filter out moronics from either side, space permitting.
ReplyDelete--let snitches snitch on the snitches that may or may not snitch
--why is everyone attacking el americano? they will know, and a court is needed, the AD need to learn to handle their business, need to restore property to lawful owners, need to create self policing commitees, and need to limit the shenenigans of present and future leaders of the movement, it takes a while, but if they don't do it, papa government will do it for them and then you know, it's all back to square one, where there is no fun, that is how villa and zapata lost their revolutions, and where mexicans lost their ass 90 years ago, leaving the most willing satraps in charge.
"el americano" used car salesman, from el paso, barrio azteca? cdj, zetas, power and money hog, mysteriously disappears, liberations out of pattern, the ct is not known for releasing those they kidnap.
hipolito, a founder and a starter of his movement, most likely to end as a cacique on his hometown, but not as evil as the ct, no known interests besides his community; diferences all over, plus the gossip, leave el americano looking bad, maybe someone has all the good points under wraps somewhere...
I just watched the interview again Tuta did with Mundo Fox. He clearly states one of the founders of AD is from La Ruana and was a guy he kicked ot of CT because he was kidnapping and extorting! Even if half the story is true it all makes sense with the mess the AD is in right now! Hopefully they capture him alive. Maybe then we'll know who he's referring to!
ReplyDeleteRegarding the link to an article about El Americano
ReplyDeletesend again...
I was gone most of today and we had 250 comments to read. Know that anything with a link to an article or video will take much longer. We have to look at the links. and sometimes we just run out of time! sorry.
March 13, 2014 at 5:13 AM
ReplyDelete" Chivis, you should care about the pics of hipolito and "el americano" I know it sounds stupid .The perception of a pro pic and a cel pic is quite different"
Are you fuckin serious?What the fuck are you goin on about?That is your contribution to this story?Worrying about the pictures?Sheeeit,its getting worse.And yeah,it was fuckin stupid alright
March 13, 2014 at 1:45 PM
ReplyDelete"He also stated that El Americano works with the Viagras and both working for El Mencho! The good AD's are clearly outnumbered and out gunned by the criminals within "
Thanks dude,this is getting more and more sad.Los Torcidos have gone very quiet to what they use to be,well organized and equipped they making gains
Na busca dos vídeos eu pesquiso da seguinte forma.