Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, November 9, 2012

Texas Lawyer with Links Milenio Cartel Allegedly Launders 600 Million Dollars

Borderland Beat

 — Associated Press

Mexico City, November 8  - Marco Antonio Delgado, a lawyer accused of "washing" over 600 million dollars in profits for Milenio cartel or Los Valencias, presumed to have been an advisor Enrique Peña Nieto only during his presidential campaign, but even "has been called to advise members of his transition team." Delgado, 46, was released Monday in federal court in El Paso, Texas, to be arraigned, and will remain held without bail while he starts a new detention hearing, according to the Bureau of Immigration and Customs (ICE). The federal judge said that if convicted, Delgado could face a maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $ 250,000, according to the chain  KFOX14. 
Marco Antonio Delgado
 — A Texas lawyer and former Carnegie Mellon University trustee pleaded not guilty Thursday to laundering more than $600 million for a Mexican drug cartel.
Marco Antonio Delgado waived his arraignment Thursday, essentially entering a not guilty plea, during a hearing in federal court in El Paso. One of his lawyers, Ray Valverde, asked Judge Norbert Garney to postpone the bond hearing for Wednesday. His other lawyer, Jose Montes, said they would seek Delgado's release on bond next week.
Prosecutors say Delgado conspired to launder the cartel's drug profits from July 2007 through December 2008. The indictment doesn't say which cartel.
In a statement, Homeland Security Investigations said that Delgado is linked to a cartel based in Guadalajara, Mexico and that he conspired to launder more than $600 million of drug profits. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison.
Marco Antonio Delgado
A biography that was recently pulled from the university's website says Delgado took leave from his professional activities to join Mexican President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto's campaign in early 2012 and adds that he is currently part of Pena Nieto's transition team.
Eduardo Sanchez, a spokesman for the transition team, said they had never heard of Delgado and pointed to the group's website, which doesn't list Delgado as a member.
"Clearly this person is not part of the team. We don't know him," Sanchez said.
Sanchez also ruled out the possibility that Delgado could have served as an adviser to Pena Nieto, or worked on or raised funds for his campaign. As to why a former member of the board of trustees provide such information to the university, Sanchez speculated that "criminals normally say things that are not true."
In Mexico, transition teams are tasked by the president elect to meet with current officials and gather information in order to assure a smooth transition from one administration to the next and to provide the new president with reports so he can make decisions soon after being sworn in.
Delgado received a master's in Science in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon's Heinz School in 1990, and in 2003, he gave the school $250,000 to establish the Marco Delgado Fellowship for the Advancement of Hispanics in Public Policy and Management. In a press release from that time, he credited the school's "outstanding faculty, strong links to the private sector and overall dedication to producing problem-solvers."
Ken Walters, a spokesman for the Pittsburgh university, confirmed that Delgado was a trustee from 2006 through mid-2012.
"I wish it was someone else," he said.
Walters said Delgado provided the biographical information that had been on the school's website, including his claimed links to Mexico's president-elect.


  1. Goes to show that you can have a top notch education and still be a top notch pendejo.
    3 choices:
    1) kill yourself
    2) be a snitch
    3) do the time
    Either way he's fucked.

  2. What a dummy, you need to be an American bank if you want to launder money and get away with it.

  3. And the old party of open corruption is off and running as if they popped a cork. Mexico is just as bad as the US. Both elected crooked piles of shit for Presidents.

  4. I am a Canadian female and I realise my posting has nothing to do with this story...BUT PLEASE MEXIXO STOP MURDERING INNOCENT CANADIANS...

    British Columbia man feared for his life in Mexio:

    The longtime friend of a B.C. man found dead in Mexico Tuesday says the victim feared for his safety after the death of another Canadian earlier this year.

    The body of 64-year-old Ron Mackintosh, of Nanaimo, was discovered outside the Pacific coastal town of Barra de Navidad weeks after he’d been reported missing.

    Wes Klettke told CBC News Thursday that Mackintosh spent years planning his move to the beach town of Melaque in 2010 and loved it there.

    Mackintosh had a girlfriend, had adopted a rescue dog named Nikko and was making his own tequila.

    But Klettke said that after another B.C. man named Robin Wood from Saltspring Island was killed in January during an apparent home-invasion, Mackintosh got worried.

    “That was just a few houses away from Ron, so that was when him and his girlfriend decided to move to Barra."

    Their new home was just five kilometres down the beach from Melaque.

    Mackintosh was last seen Oct. 21 driving between the two towns in his black jeep with B.C. plates.

    Ex-pats question safety

    Another friend, Dave Norris, was called in by police to identify the body in the remote area where it was found.

    "He was strapped by his neck ... with a belt .. to a tree," Norris said.

    Mackintosh's jeep and dog are still missing.

    Norris said the locals are as shocked as anyone by what's happened.

    "This is a very tight knit community. It affects the Mexicans as much — or more so — than the tourists."

    The two murders leave ex-pats in Melaque questioning their safety.

    Sid Tafler, of Victoria, has visited the town annually for five years, but doesn't plan to return this year.

    Tafler was a close friend to Robin Wood and isn't satisfied police arrested suspects in his killing.

    "That's part of what's so disturbing,” Tafler said. “If everything was concluded satisfactorily with respect to [Wood's slaying], we'd have more confidence. And it doesn't seem that it was."

    About 1.5 million Canadians visit Mexico every year and the federal government still advises travellers headed there to exercise a high degree of caution in the country due to an increase in violent crime.

  5. OMG! How much more corrupt can EPN "allegedly " be? The dude will be in the wind. Unbelievable story no one is speaking about. Thanks for bringing it.

  6. And Enrique Pena Nieto's name pops up again.
    Looks like this doozy will sort out the cartels right enough.

    Man, can Mexico ever get anything right? Voting in this deviant just another example of being it's own worst enemy.

    Do you laugh or cry ??

  7. Lmao!!! Who would pass that kind of money?? Think of all the ones that will never be caught and have never been caught. That is just TOOO much $$ and only what they were able to trace

  8. Corrupted creep that is EPN

  9. Come on, it's not just EPN and the PRI. They are all crooked. You can't trust anyone in Mexico.

  10. Does anyone know how they say he laundered it?

    1. Trying to start a new business?

  11. @canadian female to be honest, screaming in caps about murdering canadians, how about stop murdering innocent people period? I understand your frustration but what about the children and innocents in Mexico in the thousands, many were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am a american woman and to me we need to be concerned about all that are murdered, mexico is suffering to a degree never seen in history efore, so not throwing shade to your concern, but this is really what you could call a human struggle not confined to any race or culture that is in mexico. It is not about Us vs Mexico Vs Canada, human life is being taken no matter who you are at this point. When David Hartley was killed on the jet ski, it was not about him being a american more that a young man was killed in the matter he was, it would have felt the same way no matter what country he originated from.

  12. 8:33. I believe you have made valid points. This is about all innocent lives being taken. Also, can anyone share who get's the money and assets from this loser??? Greed will aways bite you. Thanks for great article.

  13. This guy has or had a relationship with Lilian de la Concha, she was Vicente Fox's ex wife. They had some dealings with some contracts about "repratiating dead paisanos". look it up.

  14. "Advancement of Hispanics in Public Policy and Management" Yeah, a fund for drug lords kids to infiltrate the US government. And the name, WOW, it just does not get any more racist than this. Why would such a racist trust even be allowed Carnegie???

  15. Go figures it seems all dirty money and the road leads to American banks I tink we all know why.

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