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First version of manta I couldn't read that well |
"Mayo me dejaste sola ya traias el plan de chingarme a igual que a Mario Aguirre y Lamberto Verdurgo y asi presentar trabajo a no los chinguen a UDS pero ya luego te espero en el infierno. Attn Manuel Torres"
"Mayo you left me alone you already had the plan to fuck me, Mario Aguirre y Lamberto Verdugo, and present work-meet a deadline- so you won't get fucked Then I'll wait for you or expect you in hell Attn: Manuel Torres"
"Mayo you left me alone you already had the plan to fuck me, Mario Aguirre y Lamberto Verdugo, and present work-meet a deadline- so you won't get fucked Then I'll wait for you or expect you in hell Attn: Manuel Torres"
Ironically the banners are signed by Manuel Torres Felix better known as "el Ondeado" or "M1." Manuel Torres Felix was killed in an alleged confrontation with military personnel last Saturday, October 13. There have been reports that Torres Felix had been killed and delivered to the military.
The Narcomantas were found on footbridges on Emiliano Zapata in the
vicinity of Lomas Boulevard more at the foot of of "La Lomita" Catholic
Church and another by the Military College on Calzada Heroico. (PME)
made quick work of removing the narcomantas from their locations.
Additional info. and a clearer photo visit 777 out back in the Forum
I definitely see an alliance between the Beltran Leyvas and the Torres Felix when JT is released in march. This would be a major threat for El Mayo.
ReplyDeleteMay god be with the people of Mexico..
Havana the translation in english is incorrect. "Dejaste sola" the manta said "dejaste solo". "igual" like Mario Aguirre and ......Also the manta never mentions anything about the United States. UDS stands for "ustedes". United States would be E.U. just looking out bro " carnal."
DeleteAll these idiots betray each other. When are they going to learn?
ReplyDeleteIts chapo who does most of the betraying in the narco world so it isnt a surprise mayo is betraying as aell
DeleteThings might get interesting when his brother gets out next year. Not crazy like with Arturo though, the Torres bros don't have that kind of pull. Probably more like a snitch & countersnitch thing.
ReplyDeleteBro your crazy his brother is not getting out next.Javier Torres is cooperating wth the U.S government in exchange for a reduced sentence.And M1 did have major pull that's why he was at odds wth El Mayo before he got killed. It was El Mayo who leaked M1's whereabouts to the Mexican military.
DeleteYeah he is. El JT is due to be released in May of 2013. It would have been in late March but he was bribing inmates for their phone time n he got caught so they gave him like 28 more days
DeleteViva Mexico!!!!
DeleteBullshit! Looks like rivals trying to stir the pot Business as usual.
ReplyDeleteThis is a common tactic used by BLO, zetas, and LCT's to cause confusion. I do not know under what circumstances Mario was killed in but Verdugo was killed after running a military road block. In Mexico it doesn't matter who you are but if you don't stop at a military road block you will get shot at. I really doubt that if mayo would've ratted him out the military would've waited for him at a road block instead of hunting him down. It does not make any sense.
ReplyDeleteWow...People should learn about "Loyalty" from Mexican Drug Gangs....lol.
DeleteOne word, propaganda. Someone trying to instigate. It is well known that m1 and IZG are/were very close. IZG, mario, and lamberto even more-so. They all held the same friendships collectively, with the same people in the many ranchos they navigated. This manta is a farse. CYA 818-662 AREA
DeleteI know you kids are going to start saying he's learning snitching from chapo or chapo taught him well but please get something new this has nothing to do with ol' stubby legs, this was a huge inter conflict that Mayo accidental killed ondeados son and it was something manny couldn't forgive. He started treating his job like a hobby and letting people that really needed to be killed slip away at the last minute. He gave away mayos location and his home was rummaged by kids begging for work. He fucked up bad but they were both wrong but in this individual case M-1 was in the right he needed to avenge his son but approached it the wrong way he should have put a blade in mayos throat since he was going to die like a dog anyway. The truth is as bad ass as he was that just. His name puts fear in your gut his heart was broken having turned to drugs to numb the pain of losing his son he was a mess he craved death to be with his son see all these years he thought he was heartless till he lost his heart his son. It was too much especially for a man that had almost no emotion. This is sad and Mayo nothing will probably happen to you but that is too fucked up. M-1 stepped in front of so many bullets for you personally held off military for you to escape. Your truly a dog
ReplyDeleteVery good comment. With all this said I wonder what JT has in mind. Pride and vengeance are two things that go hand in hand in that business.
Deleteoh no... let's get poetic about this... fuck that. let's not. they both contributed to the mess that exists in Mexico. no hard feelings at all. fuck them both.
DeleteShould we really feel sympathy for Ondeado feeling pain for the loss of his son?
DeleteI believe his son was in 'the game' too.
What about all the parents grieving for their innocent sons and daughters killed by CDS, Antrax, X etc..? The CDS runs the state of Sinaloa with an iron fist. Chapo's, Mayo's, M1s children run around like royalty in their state, while the majority of citizens live in fear knowing that CDS runs the show and their own government can't help them.
DeleteReally? Just because my comment isn't ignorant or doesn't have any curse words its poetic huh?
First off. Manuels son was killed from a counter attack by the tijuana cartel when they failed to ambush javier which is why they went to el rancho cajoncito and killed a BUNCH of his men. Tachillo is just the only name people choose to remember that morning. Secondly. Mayo did betray him because obviously him and his son have been working with the DEA who just recently been exposed for giving heavy artillery and small marine bitallians to the sinaloa cartel for in exchange names and where abouts of rival cartels.(beltran leyva cartel) which is why they have been murdered and locked away. So back to my point, betrayed him because nit only did have they been working with him but its obvious that javier knows they are the reason why he was locked away in the first place. I believe manuel was killed by orders of mayo simply because he found out and he began talking to one of the quintero brothers and posed a threat. Sinaloa cartel is waaaay to complex. Whathappened to the days when people would be together nd make billions and give back to tge people? O yea it ended once chapo got out. Hes always fucking shit up....
DeleteLies, Beltran-leyva's/Z's wrote this in order to cause internal fighting within Mayo's chapter of CDS. In culiacan everyone knows el m1 was very close to Zambada.
ReplyDeleteDamn this is crazy. Maybe all this time chapo has been minding his business like he always has And mayos actions were put on chapos name because of his popularity?? This could be a fake by a rival to cause a leak in the cartel structure this is sickening doing this to a man that has willingly been willing to die for you for years has done everything but give you oral. This is bad for culiacanno more mustache fetish for you get those pancakes out of the garage and re plant that choloto reloto. I mean afterall if your scared motherfuckers go to church. This isn't everyday shit this is like the finals of the special Olympics totally meaningless but as long as it makes the contestants feel better lol I mean brush your teeth with a bottle of jack and get your toes pedicured up all nice it's the end of the world if you got it flaunt it like a brand new chapstik!!! XD
ReplyDeleteWOW,u on some good ass shit,pasa,no?...freakin tecato
DeleteDamn this guy knew what was gonna happen and went out with a bang good job I am not a fan of why he has done but he does get a respect cause he knew he was bad and didn't get scared and went full force and remained loyal he earned his name and earned his respect now I wonder what el chapo is thinking to my surprise I wonder what has been going on seems things have been silent after lazcas supposed death I wonder why nobody has made a move this month is going to be very interesting in the narco world I wonder what is going in begin the scenes only time will tell
ReplyDeleteTranslation is wrong. UDS is short for "ustedes" meaning "you guys" not the United States, so "to show some work"... but it does not say to the United States
ReplyDeleteLooks like mayo and chapo snitched him out..
ReplyDeletePretty sure the Z's are behind this. I just don't see El Mayo betraying M1, I just don't...
ReplyDeleteI think you really have to be bored to pay any attention to these stupid "mantas". The entire phenomina has it's roots in juvenile behaviors. And that is the history of the narcos - ultra-macho, tit-for-tat, corruption is ok, dishonesty is ok, savage violence is ok.
ReplyDeleteMexico is like a prison with the only fences the ones constructed by their neighbors, the only limits the ones imposed by other countries. The richest man in the universe lives in Mexico and benefits from his ability to buy anything. But what does he do to help the Mexican people? Nothing and nobody says anything about it.
You right man. I am from Mexico and people like to brag about that guy but he does shit for the people.
DeleteIt's simple M1 brother release date is 2013 and could have fought the post from chapo. Jt find a way to stay locked up....hahaha
ReplyDeletehmmm seems you don't like to be corrected, but you are still giving erroneous info, in no way the manta mention united states...
ReplyDeleteIt almost seems as if since the SEXENIO is up every cartel has to give someone up to pay their dues.
ReplyDeletejust a theory.
Z50 - CDG
Z3 - CDZ
M1 - CDS
In the end I hope the result of this is peace in Mexico. Drugs will never end but the increase in peace is always a possibility.
How interesting. A little tweak, maybe?
Me dejaste solo. Ya traias el plan de chingarme (al igual que a Mario Aguirre y Lamberto Verdugo) y asi presentar trabajo; [para que] no [se] los chinguen a ustedes.
Pero ya luego te espero en el infierno.
Manuel Torres
You left me alone [~to fend for myself]. You all along had planned on screwing me (as you did with Mario Aguirre and Lamberto Verdugo) so that you would meet your work deadline; that way "they" won't screw you guys.
But I'll see you in hell.
Manuel Torres.
Looks like someone is complaining about not being able to make a quota of some kind [maybe the weekly take? ...as in an extortion quota]; or something along those lines. Some people might have been asked to meet a deadline and one of them is accusing Mayo of somehow intervening to save himself while screwing the the NarcoBanner's author [like he had previously done with Mario Aguirre and Lamberto Verdugo].
Damb! Is this a someone calling out a classmate or something? Some people never fucking take do their own work! I know what its like. I had the same fucking problem dealing with my group project partners in geology class. Fuck those guys. But I'll see them in hell.
Hell was I in your class. Go KU
DeleteI doubt this.
ReplyDeleteI think M1's daughter was married to one of Mayo's sons.
Who translated this.... UDS. =ustedes (((united states is not the right)) whoever wrote it is wrong aNd shouldnt blog about things in spanish
ReplyDeleteListen people this is a Global business. Like the old saying goes..."Don't get high on your own supply"...This so called sicario was done a year ago-ask anybody that lives in culiacan...was too much liability for Mayo and he had to take him out.The old capos don't like coked up management ...
ReplyDeleteIt's Funny how people say that the Z are behind this fake narco manta.But when CDS people get killed in Sinaloa now the CDS Cheerleaders say it was not the Z and they say it was the Beltranes.
ReplyDeleteIf El Ondeados people get with the beltranes its going to be hard for el Chapo and Mayo Zambada.
I think Chapo and Mayo are going to snitch on a lot of there own people so they won't be capture Mayo and Chapo
Who the fuck cares!
ReplyDeleteI still don't believe Mayo back stabbed el M1. MZ's son is married to a Torres daughter, MZ did not kill Tachio. Torres and Zambadas are closer than you guys think. And Javier Torres to line up with the Beltranes, you guys must be smoking some good shit. JT knows that would be signing his and his families death papers. He is loyal to MZ and MZ is loyal to him. That family went down hill when he went to jail, there was no discipline. MZ is super powerful and you don't just back stab him that way. We are going back to when everyone was questioning Macho Prieto's loyalty to MZ. Maybe someone did flip him but to say it was MZ is still not making sense.
ReplyDeleteThey dont call them snitchaloa for nothing ,I'll tell you that.
ReplyDeleteM_1 may have made the signs ahead of time incase he did not Return,,,,
ReplyDeleteGOOD POST,,,
Lol....Open your eyes CHAPUTO & MIADO lovers!..This is how this these so called king-pins conduct business...
ReplyDeleteThey'll use you and then kill you off when their tired of your services.
El Miado snitched on JT because this fool was a jealous coked-out killer. JT was killing young kids who were messing with his young girlfriends...
Very correct and that is the true report...Snitchloa & Zeta shitbags are all the same...They are cowards & snitchbags.
Deleteyeah, this is all BS!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYa lo seguian de Cosala, ya lo tenian en la lista de CIA.....
ReplyDeleteAnother good theory is that maybe the military/goverment does protect El Mayo, EL Chapo and the whole Sinaloa Cartel. Since they "accidentally" took Z3, maybe they went to Sinaloa and said "hey, we him out, so we need one of yours". Obviously El Chapo, El Mayo and El Azul are well protected so who's the next big name or well known Sinaloa Boss? You cant give up El Macho Prieto since he's in charge of Sonora. Los Antrax , well there arent many left, so that's not a big hit to the cartel. So who's left? The one guy who's a coked up maniac and is out for revenge because you lied to him about who killed his son. That's right Mr. M1,drew the short straw and was handed over to the military to be killed. They can't take him alive because then El Mayo or MP would have to fall next, since they would have to "use" the information the military got during an interrogation of M1 to "find Mr. Zambada", so fuck it kill him; kill two birds with one stone; you hand someone over and you get rid of blood thirsty maniac who holds a grudge against you. Again just my theory, Echo 2
ReplyDeleteThis guy was going to kill Mayo Zambada after he knew for a long time now that mayo was the man behind his sons murder! Arturo Beltran Leyva told Manuel Torres it wasnt him that killed his son but that Mayo and Chapo were trying to blame him for some reason or another! Sinaloa cartel is full of backstabbers
DeleteWhy the f##k??? Are you MORONS acting like you personally know mayo zambada??? Most of you aren't even in mexico or old enough to go by yourselves. Lets be real nobody here knows for certain. But it is possible that he was backstabbed or those banners are fake. I'll tell you this much in culiacan los torres tienen chingo de familia y amigos listos y dispuestos para todo. Elvis has left the bldg
ReplyDeleteWhat dont people understand?if compadres turned on each other and cousins ,what makes people think mayo didnt betray m1.cds has a history of betrayals,so this accusation is very possible.
ReplyDeletemantas are real,CDS nutthuggers can all hold each others testicles and give a final yank in memory to M-1......Snitchaloense snitch on each other and everyone,snitch snitch snitch..teehee.
ReplyDeleteuds. means you all
y no los chinguen a uds.
ReplyDeletehe is saying ''and yall didnt get fucked or fucked over''
It doesn't say anything about the united states. Uds is a formal way to say "you all".
ReplyDeleteSo the message basically says that he knew mayo was going to put h up so the Mexican government could show that their tactics are working and show face. So in other words the government said to Mayo " we need to show progress to the public so give us someone or we'll come for you.
I do believe this was put up by another cartel to cause problems to Sinaloa like hearsay has caused problems for the Zetas.
The translation sucks.
ReplyDeleteYour a fool if you think Mayo killed M-1's son that wasn't the case. Though Mayo giving him up is entirely possible, especially because of what M-1 did to Verdugo. Maybe it was time to bring in new enforcers, Manuel has become to volatile, and has made to many enemies, he has brought to much negative attention killing innocents ect.
ReplyDeleteWhat did M1 do to Mario?
DeleteI'm not from sinaloa but this sounds fishy. I think beltranes did this to try and cause some confusion..
ReplyDeleteIt says you left me alone there was already a plan. Just like alberto, n verdugo. You set me up to show work has been done, so Yall won't get caugt. But we will see each other in he'lll.
ReplyDeleteThat's the best translation i can do
6:10 what did M1 do to Verdugo?? Since u seem to know
ReplyDeleteIsidro el chapo Flores is behind this. Shit
DeleteFor those who don't know el M1 wasnt in good foot steps with el mz. M1 had turn into a big crack head & what does that mean bad security for mz. I know because he was in Nuevo Leon & Tamaulipas not to long ago & CDG got mad at him for doing stupid random shit & provoking fights between CDS & CDG so don mayo send him back to Sinaloa. No one wants somebody in there group that's going to cause a big mistake & capture them or kill them for not being 100% with there minds.
ReplyDeleteNo way dude and what did they have for dinner did u take pictures of m1beefing with el m4 o el polymenso bahahahaha
DeletePlease enough with the manta corrections. We appreciate any corrections that correct a word or term that is way off, but why do some of you have to add demeaning remarks along with your corrections? Mantas are the most difficult beccause sometimes we hit a word we are not familiar with because it may be slang or regional expression. just let us know but skip the disrespectful tone and words.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like the way we translate you can link on to another site...Havana did a great job, with two timely stories back to back. give her a break...please? One bad comment can beat the shit out of 10 positive comments....thanks
Bien dicho BB
DeleteChapo Flores ask him
ReplyDeleteI think guys do a great job translating.. some things may be incorrect, but its no reason for everyone to act like jackasses... All people need to do is tell person who wrote the article your wrong, but this is what it says...... And help them out.. instead of talking crap..
ReplyDeleteDoubt it was Los Torres. El M-1 had a special hate for los Beltranes. They killed his son. My question is where was his crew? Was he driving by himself?
ReplyDeleteFool the Beltrans did not kill his son.. its was CDS top lady... When M1 found he wanted to kill her, but Chapo told him to calm his shit down.. or they were gonna kill him
DeleteWho's this lady that supposedly killed M1 son and why? Is La Emperatriz?
Deletered and black letters and the same style of letter that arturo beltran leyva used back in 08. lol clearly a BL manta they didnt even think about making it look legit.
ReplyDeleteThis is nothing.Chapo isidro has the full backing of Hector Beltran Leyva,Carillo Fuentes,and Z40 to set camp in Culiacan.
ReplyDeleteWhen is Mochomo getting out of mexican jail? some say he is already out.
When Mochomo gets out of jail its on like donkey kong.. Mochomo was loyal to CDS a straight up kind of guy.. so he was a lot of soldiers ready to die for him.. thats how Chapo Isidro stays loyal to him and his brothers... Hes gonna destroy CDS.. and I dont care what u CDS nuthuggers think...
DeletePuro chapo guzman n his gente.
DeleteY missael torres donde esta en todo esto es de palo no siente nada porque no se oye nada de el wue le paso
ReplyDeleteThis is nothing new in organized crime the Italians did it snitch and kill there own. I don't understand why everybody is so surprised. It's more like we're cool until its my ass. Then take everybody down with them. People stop listening to corridos it's all make believe. This guys roll alone to stay under the radar why do you think when they catch or kill them there alone. Peace out
ReplyDeleteHomie makes.a good point. All you lil wannabes said there was no way chapo let zetas into culiacan. Now you say the zeta bitches put the banners up. You fkn lil kids need to.stay in school and stop idolizing assholea like the cds and zeta cartels. Make up your minds is chapo in control or not. All cartels.deserve death...elvis is gone
ReplyDeleteHavana- UDS stand for "ustedes" not United States.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know the story about what happened in Puerto Vallarta yesterday regarding the attempted assasination on the newly elected police chief where grenades & machine guns were used in the vicinity of Bassillo Badillo? I hear a couple of innocent children were injured by grenade fragments, & a lot of rounds fired as the attack took place in an area where a lot of schoolchildren were walking to school in the morning. A number of narco banners signed with the letter Z were put up in Vallarta. Will BB do a story on this? thanks
ReplyDeleteMayo had his judiciales hunt Manuel down...Lo dejo Su gente solo y cuando Lo encontraron Lo mataron a puro putazo they tied his hands to some cars and bam...that's why his arms look weird. Ya tenia casi el año la campaña contra el ondeado. Since the begining Mayo made him believe Botas killed tacho when in reality it was Mayo that had him killed. Ondeado later found out and was killing off mayo people. They would tell him to turn himself in to them but he didn't that's why they went to hunt him down
ReplyDeleteAbout the best theory ive heard so far
DeleteWho killed tacho, mayo or la Emperatriz? And why
DeleteMayo needed Manuel to take on the Beltranes so they fed M1 the whole "botas killed tacho" story...Ondeado found out it was Mayo all along about 1yr ago so he started going rogue. He fought off los guachos a couple times but mayo wanted him bad. Mayo has called Inzunza numerous times to culiacan but Macho knows he won't make it out alive...dice el macho Que a el ya no Lo van a ver Que si tienen jale se Lo manden decir pero a las juntas no va. Mayo wants all the Torres boys gone M2, Joel Torres and 24 Torres especially.
DeleteEl MP no tiene el puesto ke tiene por ser rajon...I highly doubt that he's gonna pussy out just to go to the meetings in Culichi when he didn't even think twice about going up against the army in Sonora
Delete9:02 PM I'm actually laughing my head off.I know exactly what happened. Narco banner usually don't make perfect sense. But that is ridiculousI Okay listen. I was reading that off that faded banner picture I had up in the beginning and I assumed they it was a screwed up Initials of UDS.cause I couldn't see it. We've seen worse mistakes than that on banners. I assure you I know it is Ustedes now. thank you. I'll be more careful cause that was ridiculo!.
ReplyDeleteHis body guards where caught on the 12th in cosola with 40kilos ok crystal n some money n weapons...that might explain why he was alone n how they got his location..if u guys remember the same thing happened to coronel...el mini 6 was killed a couple days before nacho coronel was killed...two of the guys that where with mini 6 confessed that they had a meeting with coronel...n I read this on a website not just magically made it up
ReplyDeleteMini6 died years before Nacho Coronel.
DeleteWhat website did u read this on?
DeleteEn donde leiste esto hijo te confundes todavia reconociendo fechas , deves regresar a ala escuela de capacitacion limitada
DeleteMini 6 didnt die years b4 ...I posted the website on my other comment...for some reason my phone sent it twice...y pal guey k dijo k necesito ir a la escuela...no necesito ir a ningún lado..Yo no hablo por hablar..si quieres ahorita te pongo la página donde lo leí
DeleteAquí esta fue en el debate de Culiacan.
ReplyDeleteLos z wants to take that plaza from CDJNG and the local police won't side with the z so they retaliated against them.
Sounds like M-1 was a psychopathic coke tooting gun triggering buffoon that needed to be put down like a rabid dog on heat.RIP Manuel Torres....now he can chat too his son like old times.
ReplyDeleteYou fools! CDS and Los Beltranes had nothing to do with M1's sons death! M1 has enemies you would never guess would be. Think. What would drive you to call a man a animal? The fact that he goes into battle,tortures people himself,drugs himself to where he doesn't think clearly? No. Many men do those things.
ReplyDeleteIt has to be something more then that a man with no moral bounderies. Think about it. As for who gave him up? I'm not sure. I am sure thought that somebody gave him up, and I completly understand why they probably would. I will tell you this though. It wasn't CDS nor los Beltránes who killed M1's son. Of that I am positive.
Who killed tacho then? And why? Seince u seem to be in the know.
DeleteIn my opinion I strongly believe to be el Mayo Zambada the one to rat out el M1,how did the military know were he would be for the past 2 or 3 days,and looking for him in that same surrounding areas.Obviously some one had to let them know,as that said,the previous day or days he had already gone face to face in a shoot out with the military therefore he had already knew it was a set up by el Mayo and wrote the "narcomanta" or another possibility was that el Mayo had already ordered to kill him and just sent his body already dead to the militarys with the guys that were "watching his back" like said.! Who knows but %100 Mayo rat him out. it couldn't have been the Z or the others against el cartel de Sinaloa cuz the mantas were hanged around the areas were he was "killed" therefore it would of been way to hot for the to appear there knowing there would be militarys everywhere or even worse the cartel would of been furious ready to shoot any who looked suspicious or not from around there right ...I'm just hoping el JT come.out soon ready to take revenge and take his stand once again...... DESCANSA EN PAZ MANUEL TORRES FELIX (M1-EL ONDEADO)
ReplyDeletelet me.know wat u guys think!! =\
Agreed, makes sense. I don't think he's stupid enough to confront the military ALL by himself...no matter how coked or methed out your balls don't grow that big.
Delete@3:01 Usually I defend people who are accused of being cheer leaders, but I must say you disgust me. What do you think this is a novela? People are dying by the fist full and you want to act like its some silly game. Seriously, get a life
DeleteOkay You guys, I read all the comments. I deserved to get skewered. All I can say about the USD debacle is that I translate about 18 hours a day. Often Spanglish text messages, on a tiny screen. so mangled it is totally unimaginable. I see in dual languages. You've complained about my Spanglish posts not being worthy of BB. I don't recognize spanglish unless I squint. and concentrate. I work too fast. Always at breakneck speed. I'm dyslexic. It is no longer a problem until it is. My eyes played tricks, my mind filled in. I never thought about it at all except I was that totally shocked at el Mayo. 20 million times I've translated that word, for so many years, but in my haste, I misread it. I never looked until 9:00, last night, I was that confident in the translation. My first reaction was to laugh for ten minutes at my stupidity and how it happened. I'll slow the heck down. I'm human, I make mistakes, I'm not Chivis. It isn't the end of the world. Thanks for your patience-the ones that are. I do appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteGirl, Don't sweat these zitty nerds hating on you for a simple mistranslation. They just want the opportunity to talk to a girl. You and Chivis are huge assets to this site, and I don't think you guys understand how important a role you play in informing the American public of the disastrous state of affairs in Mex. You are doing a fantastic job, and we love you.
Delete-el blanco guy
I think all of the recent events surrounding the killing and capturing of top cartel leaders has more to do with the "intelligence" work finally catching up and paying off. The gathering of intelligence on the whereabouts of cartel elite can take years. And after the information is examined and confirmed, it takes more time to initiate a take down plan. It shouldn't be a big suprise, when one if these assholes falls, because it's just a matter of time really! When your "wanted" your "wanted" and as time moves on the gov't is banking on some disgruntled cartel member to talk! There will be more to follow for sure as the life expectancy of a top cartel leader is not very long!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree.intelligence is key.the cartels are lacking in intelligence.we know more about them. than themselves. One step ahead.
DeleteIf "you" know more about them then they know of themselves then how come el MZ n el Chapo have not been captured yet? Don Mayo has more than 30 yrs in the game n "you" still haven't gotten him.
DeleteThere was no plan....the marines were on patrol and this idiot on his coked up stooper got their attention by shooting at them........idiot
ReplyDeleteHavana: No te preocupes. Se hace lo que se puede, y este es un errorcillo sin importancia.--un vato
ReplyDelete"As for who gave him up? I'm not sure."
ReplyDeleteThere's a rumor that his demise came from picking a fight with a bee hive in a drugged out stupor. The toxins from all the bee stings, mixed with the drugs in his system to destroy any brain cells that the guy had left. His brain finally said we're outta here, this guy's nuts.
The demise wasn't romantic enough for a big bad sicario like M-1, so his heroric [sic] death was all staged. He's dead alright, but he was set up by 100 angry bees stinging him in the ass (a la lazca).
ReplyDeleteLook at this letter. I believe that with M1 and Fantasma dead, El Bravo will be next. MZ and Chapo will de what it takes to stay on top and 50 is a super strong arm for them so they keep him instead of M1 since he is unstable and dont know what could happen once JT is out in March or April 2013.
Fantasma is not dead buddy
Delete11:59 bro if this true , this has to be the most funniest thing I've ever heard.." A BAD ASS SICARIO, MURDER IN COLD BLOOD BY A HIVE OF BEES"".. I can't wait till hunchback of Sinaloa(Gerardo Ortiz) makes a corrido about AVEJAS ENPECHERADAS, AL 100% COMPA... Lol
DeleteHis people where caught a couple days b4 he got killed...they had 40kilos of crystal ..weapons n money... that's y he was alone or they probably gave up his location to the military..or that's what made el mayo n chapo give up on him...if u guys remember days b4 nacho got killed el mini 6 was shot down too. Two of mini 6 people got caught n they had. Confessed that they had just left nachos place...
ReplyDeleteBro your way off on Both especially mini 6 he went looking for a convoy to fight because he needed to earn respect so people would stop thinking he was daddies gangster And m-1 was not alone many were arrested with. Him
DeleteI aagree with what your saying about el mini 6 n the convoy but they did say that he had just left nachos place right b4 he got killed..ill look up the article n post the link...n I haven't found any article saying that he had people with him but I might be wrong I'll have to double check
DeleteIt was a couple of days b4 he died my bad here is the link...n it was also mentioned on el blog del narco
It was a couple of days b4 he died my bad here is the link...n it was also mentioned on el blog del narco
since they got lazcano they had to get one from el pacifico so they wont pressure calderon for just going after the zetas so they gave up m1 since he was the craziest one might as well him right who want a crazy cocked up guy watching your back would you trust him.... theyre all going to snitch each other out unless the p.r.i gets back in control then theyll go back to doing business like before 2000 and thell be no fighting anymore but the way i see it they cant do that anymore the whole world is watching now....
ReplyDeleteNo way!!!! Any other brain busting breaking news?? What's next a one on one video with el chapo? Lmao I bet these stories are the highest of the days of your meaningless life. Oh and may The Lord bless you lol
DeleteI think CDS is still by far the strongest, but it is rather Machiavellian for Mayo to get rid of these top guys. There are probably 5 guys just as qualified ready to step in. If it is true M1 was giving away Mayos location he knew this was coming. As far as BLO teaming up with el JT it will come down to whether or not JT can get his family away from where CDS could get them. I don't see it happening.
ReplyDeleteWhen is Mochomo getting out?
Yah I heard the same thing that one of his compounds got basically swarmed with poor desperate kids but idk sounds like something that would have went unreported BUT AGAIN lol I hear that el mayo is very adiment about not harming children or women heard different of chapo lol lil law mowing asshole
DeleteMiss el m1
ReplyDeleteThat Mrs.M-1 to you you peasant
Deleteis there a certain way to post comments..for some reason 3 out 10 of my comments make it on the page
ReplyDeletenevermind lol
DeleteDamn,u post that much?..what a freakin looser!!
DeleteIt means the moderator either doesn't like your comment or its something that's been said multiple times
Delete11:55 Oo ok cool thanks... 11:46 I'm sure I'm not the only one posting shit more then ones...and I actually didn't count the times I posted...n come to think about what the Fuck do u care n who the Fuck are u to say something
DeleteAnd we get the impression that he was COKED up from the banner I'm assuming?? Or from half the people that are commenting on here that were partying with M1 the night before?
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows he was always coked ouT thats why Arturo Beltran nicknamed him "El Ondeado" , but he got into doing coke a lot more since they killed his son, and they also found a bag of coke in his pockets along with the money.
DeleteDear havanna, sweet gift from the lord above. marry me..
ReplyDeleteThe saying about keeping your friends close iand enemies closer is a true fact. If all truth was known, the take downs are not because a concerned citizen saw armed men and called in a tip, it is because someone in the same organization without a doubt set them up. To know the "secret" whereabouts of the big guys and they are suddenly killed or arrested is a inside job. Osiel Guillen is a prime example of killing a associate to up his position in the ranks. The people that are "close" to you are the ones you should worry about. Where are all these "personal pics" coming from all of a sudden. I usually know who takes what pics of myself. just sayin.
ReplyDeleteHavana no worries we'll read and translate together. Its all good
ReplyDeleteChapo doesnt concern himself with people like M1. Chapo has much bigger fish to fry. The decision to eliminate M1 was Mayos. La Mafia bussiness as usual...
ReplyDeleteThe people from Mexico that talk about these narco scum bags as if they are really something special are one of the biggest things wrong with Mexico today! The cartel scum have psychologically mind fucked the population and a large segment has swallowed it all hook line and sinker, talking about them as if it is some kind of national soap opera, from an outsider looking in it looks more like a mental deficiency unable to know when you are being screwed by your very own countrymen... While you scrabble in dirt the narcos that you hold up so reverently lives in luxury on the blood money squeezed from you and other innocent peoples... Criminal narco scum is below dog feces and people that think other wise need their heads examined... The ONLY good narco is a DEAD narco!
ReplyDeletefor those inquiring about who handled m1's son, her name is Aurora (dont remember her last name) and she controls a big part of the business in culiacan and phoenix, az. and is very well connected to colombia. reason behind the hit? that will be disclosed at a later time. CYA 818-661 AREA
ReplyDeleteIs it the one they call "La Emperatriz"? Her last name might be Cazares.. Why would she killed tachio if they belonged to the same cartel?
Delete"11:55 Oo ok cool thanks... 11:46 I'm sure I'm not the only one posting shit more then ones...and I actually didn't count the times I posted"
ReplyDeleteNo man,you been clocked,you are the one posting shit at all hours of the day and night.Apparently you never leave BB,and eat sleep and shit at your computer,and you always posting big time shit.
No-one else can get a look in with you,give us a break,let us have a chance,stop postin shit?
@ cya 818-661
ReplyDeletethank u for the first name and i cant wait to hear why the kid was killed
"that will be disclosed at a later time. CYA 818-661 AREA"
ReplyDeleteOk,ill be holding my breadth waiting for you to come back.Shane,come back Shane,come back,we love you Shane,come back...
No, la emperatriz is behind bars fool. Aurora is free and active and is much more powerful than emperatriz. Aurora is at the same level that nachito coronel was.
ReplyDeleteHave you guys heard El Mayo Zambada just declaired war on El Chapo Guzman via Video! He found out El Chapo was behind the death of El Ondeado you can find the video at this link www.getafuckenlife.com
DeleteDumbfkks tachio was killed by los beltran , why you think there was so much hate between arturo and manuel? Listen to this corrido - PALOS HOMOSEXUALES BELTRAN 'BY ' EL GENERAL DE SINALOA .. You people will know the true story..
ReplyDeleteIf you dont know who did it.....blame the Zetas!!!
ReplyDelete@CYA 818-661 AREA.. why did that lady have tachio killed if they belonged to the same cartel? I'm guessing Mayo had M1 believe it was Beltrans so he would unleash hell on them, there must've been a good reason for that lady to betray M1 like that by killing his son.
ReplyDelete@818-661 area.. Was Mayo ok with the hit on tachio by Aurora? That Would be betraying M1..
ReplyDeleteIt was to mayos benefit to have el manuel on a rampage against los beltrans. He knew and so did chapo, but they didnt intervene till manuel found out the truth and when he made his move el chapo called him and told him to relax or else. Yes la senora had tachillo killed but shes so well connected dat not just anybody can touch her.the sinaloaenses who live in culiacan and associate with these people know why,maybe they can enlighten us, since i can only offer second hand accounts,oh yeah my source? A friend of mine who used to work in us and went back to culiacan,hes a cop down there and we still keep in touch.
ReplyDeleteshe wanted him tortured to death. tachio had murdered 2 guys as young as him, family members of hers. when she found out she went to mayo and chapo and explained the situation. they gave the authority to do what she needed to do and they would take care of the rest and point fingers at the BLO. it was a grand opportunity for them since m1 had many people and groups at his mando(lupillo's group, mercenaries, etc), ready to go when the call was made. you have to remember, when JT fell, his spot was never filled. m1 was never competent enough to fill that spot so they gave him the lieutenant title, but he was still pretty much just jefe de sicarios with the lieutenant title never doing any lieutenant work or handling any lieutenant responsibilities. he was easily replacable. mayo and chapo didn't need to put thought into it, aurora is much more than what m1 would ever be, intelect-wise and the $ she's helping multiply. from a business perspective, m1 was expendable. so what happened, happened and m1 was fed lies and BLO tried clarifying but m1's train of thought was clouded by mayo and chapo by that time. tachio was everything to him so he ate all the lies. he gruesomely murdered Gonzalito's group (chalo araujo's son) which aurora put in charge to handle tachio. m1 never caught chalito though. when m1 found out that it wasnt BLO but aurora, he already had devised his plan and went to mayo about it, mayo said no. m1 was confused and realized that it wasn't about family or friendship, it was about business. so he went even more crazy realizing that friendship and honor don't exist in sinaloa's leadership. he was still going to go with the plan, so mayo let chapo know that mayo wasn't going to stop him, since aurora is powerful enough to shut down m1 herself, so chapo called m1 and told him to put a halt to it or he was going to step in. so m1 had no other choice but to let his son's real killer get away with it. mayo is real, he's loyal, he is much different than chapo, but they both know that if you f up such as tachio did, even if family, there is a price to pay and must be paid in order to keep business rolling. CYA 818-661
ReplyDeleteOf Aurora put Chalito Araujo incharge of the cell to kill tachio why did they leave the banner blaming Beltranes if Chalito was with Los Beltranes, he died with ABL jumping out of the building when the marines came.
Deletebola de mangueras all of a sudden you guys are investigators fuckin lames
ReplyDeleteeveryone here is an investigator lol.. i personally think if you werent there with him or knew any of these ppl speak up on stuff like this yall dont know them to even be making any assumptions... SI NO LOS CONOSEN PARA QUE ABREN EL OSICO BOLA DE MANGUERAS
ReplyDelete@cya 818-661
ReplyDeletethat shit is crazy like a novela but real life. thanx for the intel
2:56 PM
ReplyDelete"He found out El Chapo was behind the death of El Ondeado you can find the video at this link www.getafuckenlife.com"
Now that is some funny shit.Oh man,aren't you feeling all the"who killed his son shit"Why man?
I know who killed him,it was Lazca.And M1 got a hitzebra to murk Lazca.Haven't you seen the picture with the zebra sittin on top of lazca?M1s brothers uncle,was minding MIs sons daughter,and JT and BLT and RPG,were supposed to be lookin for him?But the"lady"got to M1 son first,tell you more tomoro!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete"cya 818-661
ReplyDeletethat shit is crazy like a novela but real life. thanx for the intel"
It is what it is homie,what up dawg.Just tellin it straight like dat homie,straight from the street from a tRIPPLE OG reppin 818 661-GD .
cya 818-661
Delete"What do you think this is a novela? People are dying by getting fisted up the jacksy and serious penetration problems cause im on the down low and you want to act like its some silly sex game. Seriously, get a life"
5:58 PM
ReplyDelete"Chalito was with Los Beltranes, he died with ABL jumping out of the building when the marines came"
Ey man,is that who jumped out the window?Is it his body on the floor,how do you know it was him?
CYA 818-661
ReplyDeleteGood info,but as someone else said,Chalito Araujo was with Arturo the night they all died?
What about that?
Heard the same. Thing...they said he was a bad ass ...he had a confrontation with macho prietos people...n he made them run off
Deleteahora les escribo en español por que en ingles no me creen algunos pendejos. pero alla ellos... yo conosco a gente que conoce a gente que anda en la movida, si no me creen pues no lean idiotas. mataron a tachio en abril 2008, y a ABL lo mataron en diciembre 2009. si, chalito estaba con el botas blancas la noche en que murieron, pero eso no quiere decir que ABL dio las ordenes en aquel entonces para levantar a tachio. es por eso que ABL siempre dijo que el mismo no tuvo nada que ver con lo de tachio. la de la orden fue aurora y el ejecutor fue chalito y su jente pero ABL tampoco le apunto el dedo a aurora porque al igual que el azul, aurora es independiente, super bajo perfil, y muy poderosa. las mantas que culpaban a ABL fueron puestas por la gente del mayo y chapo. el dinero habla. CYA 818-661 AREA
ReplyDeleteCYA 818-661 AREA
ReplyDelete"chalito estaba con el botas blancas la noche en que murieron"
It is well known that Chalito was with the white boots the night he died,what you didn't know that?
In Spanish English it don't matter,some can still understand,people just fuckin around?The woman put Chalito onto Tachio Torres,cause he stupidly killed some of hers,is what you saying and he killed him with others,then the blame went to ABL,from mantas put out by Mayo/Guzman people?All this shit gets confusing,in 08 didnt ABL kill Emilio Miguel Araujo?Chalitos bro?Fuckin confusing?Fuck the jokers post in English man,it gets read by more people?
No critical comments towards Havana will be posted. The moderator will only allow complementary comments or expressions of affection about Havana.
ReplyDeletela gente de manuel no lo traiciono asi acostumbraba el m1 a pelarse solo mientras su gente peliaba al govierno por eso cuando lo encontraron estaba solo
ReplyDeleteEl Chapo and Zambada will continue to rule with the new president/gov open to letting the cartels work. All I can say is cds is the top dog cartel and everyone know's it.
ReplyDeleteAll i can say is CDS is the putrid dog cartel and everyone Nose it,cause they stink.
ReplyDelete"Hunchback of Sinaloa"
ReplyDeleteMan,,,,,,,that is a killer
Blanca Margarita Cázares Salazar, La Emperatriz, money launderer for the Sinaloa Federation from the 1990s, when Amado Carrillo died, to now.
ReplyDeleteThe Empress is an ex-girlfriend of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, lives in Culiacán, Sinaloa. Her son was murdered along with Joaquín “Shorty” Guzmán’s son.
a los dos grandes el gobierno les pide a "uno" y asi los dejan trabajar en paz a eso se refiere con "presentar trabajo"
ReplyDeleteoh y para el ke dijo ke el mayo mato a tacho no fue mayo fue el mp manuel lo kiso matar y el mayo no le paecio y escondio al mp por un tiempo se bolvio loco y intento matarse varias veces
ReplyDeleteI Have A Friend Eduardo Beltran Leyva And He Said That The Z's Are Behind All This Because At M1's Funeral The Zambada Family Was Present And Stayed Loyal To M1 At All Times So I Think The Z's Just Wanna Heat Things Up
ReplyDeleteThose narco mantas were actually placed by Beltran Leyva/Zs to stirr up an internal war but failed. Also many people don't know but el M1 had been captured by soldiers and el Mayo sent people to kidnap 4soldiers for el M1's release. If he wanted him dead don't you think he would of just let them take him? He was key in the cartel, one of the most ruthless gunmen they had!
ReplyDeleteAriiva los Torres
ReplyDeleteLos Beltran placed the mantas true
ReplyDeleteWow all this is crazy & funny goodnight gente.....
ReplyDeleteWhen the military killed el ondeado they had united states agents with them.and theres nothing but dumb ass cops that come on here tryin to ask questions to get intel so please people lets be careful and not give too much detailes
ReplyDeleteEverybody on here is full of shit none of u know what happens in Mexico u just watch yur mundo narco and wanna act like u know something. Yall should Just keep yr mouth shut. And outs Ginny to see and these wanna bees on here calling them this and that knowing damn well u wouldn't say shit about them if they were around. And a lil advise i would keep yur mouth shut they have people and family in the u.s that u wouldn't know are with them. Just keep quiet before u get delivers to yur family in bags. Saludos a toda la gente de tamaulipas, saben que aqui estamos a la orden.