Updated 4:25 p.m. - A House committee voted Wednesday along party lines to cite Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt, capping a mounting and contentious fight between congressional Republicans and the Obama administration over a gun-running controversy in Mexico.
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I thought of some cool captions-but I will leave it to your imaginations |
Rep. Darrell Issa pressed ahead with a committee vote
Wednesday to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, despite
an eleventh-hour move by President Obama to assert executive privilege over the
Fast and Furious documents at the heart of the dispute.
The announcement touched off a caustic debate on the
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that lasted well into the
afternoon, as Democrats accused Issa of prosecuting a "political witch
hunt" and Republicans stepped up their criticism of Holder's
"stonewalling" over the Fast and Furious probe. Even for Washington,
the tone at the hearing was decidedly bitter and accusatory.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was
first informed of the president's decision to assert executive privilege in a
letter Wednesday morning, shortly before the contempt vote was scheduled.
Issa said committee staff are evaluating the letter but
described the move as too little, too late as he and other GOP lawmakers
questioned the basis for the assertion.
"This untimely assertion by the Justice Department
falls short of any reason to delay today's proceedings," Issa said.
The chairman said, "We and the American people need
answers sooner, not later."
Lawmakers on the panel reconvened Wednesday afternoon
following a brief recess, with a vote on the contempt resolution presumably
still on the table for later in the day. Lawmakers first took up, and voted
down, several Democratic amendments to the contempt resolution. They did,
however, approve a GOP amendment designating Obama's executive privilege claim
as inappropriate.
The debate over the amendments capped an intense debate
in which virtually every lawmaker on the committee weighed in.
'We and the American people need answers sooner, not
- Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.
Democrats roundly voiced disappointment with the
proceedings, describing them as politically motivated and avoidable. They
pleaded with Issa to seriously consider Obama's executive privilege claim --
the first Obama has asserted -- and some said Holder was being punished for
withholding internal documents he shouldn't be turning over anyway.
Republicans praised Issa for pressing ahead, describing
the vote as entirely unavoidable considering the department's alleged refusal
to cooperate. They frequently invoked the name of Brian Terry -- Fast and
Furious-linked guns were found at the murder scene of the Border Patrol agent.
And Issa indicated he was waiting for a more detailed explanation from the
White House, and a letter from Obama himself, before even considering changing
course based on the executive privilege claim.
Issa also accused the Justice Department of trying to
compel the committee to close its investigation in exchange for documents it
hasn't yet seen. "I can't accept that deal. No other committee chairman would,"
he said.
But Issa's Democratic counterpart, Rep. Elijah Cummings,
D-Md., fired back that Holder never made such a demand -- a Justice official
also refuted Issa's claim -- and said the attorney general had come to the
committee in "good faith" to try and work out an agreement.
Cummings said the upcoming contempt vote has
"diminished" the prestige of the panel. "For the past year,
you've been holding the attorney general to an impossible standard," he
said, addressing Issa. "Mr. Chairman, it did not have to be this way. It
really didn't."
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., added that she was
"horrified" by the panel's looming vote, calling it a "political
witch hunt" and accusing Republicans of "overruling" the
If the vote proceeds, Republicans have more than enough
votes on committee to pass the contempt resolution. However, Holder would not
be considered held in contempt of Congress unless and until the full House
approves the measure.
The move by Holder and Obama to lock down some requested
documents only complicates the fight over the botched anti-gunrunning operation
between the legislative and executive branches.
After Holder made the request to Obama via letter on
Tuesday, Deputy Attorney General James Cole wrote to Issa, R-Calif., on Wednesday
informing him that the president has granted the request.
"We regret that we have arrived at this point, after
the many steps we have taken to address the committee's concerns and to
accommodate the committee's legitimate oversight interests regarding Operation
Fast and Furious," Cole wrote. "Although we are deeply disappointed
that the committee appears intent on proceeding with a contempt vote, the
department remains willing to work with the committee to reach a mutually
satisfactory resolution of the outstanding issues."
Obama's decision pertains to documents from February 2011
and afterward examining how Justice officials learned about the Fast and
Furious probe.
Holder, in his letter to Obama requesting he assert
executive privilege, said those documents pertain to the "deliberative
process" on how to respond to congressional and media inquiries.
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer slammed
committee Republicans later Wednesday, saying in a statement that:
"Instead of creating jobs or strengthening the middle class, congressional
Republicans are spending their time on a politically motivated, taxpayer-funded
election-year fishing expedition."
Wednesday's developments follow a flurry of activity
Tuesday, as Holder tried to negotiate a way to avert the contempt proceedings.
Issa had earlier indicated a willingness to postpone the vote after Holder
indicated a willingness to make compromises and supply some documents in
response to House Republicans' subpoena.
But Issa told reporters after a roughly 20-minute meeting
with Holder Tuesday that the attorney general instead briefed them on the
documents in lieu of delivering them.
Issa told Fox News that Holder didn't provide
"anything in writing."
Issa further said during the committee meeting Wednesday
that the purpose of the probe "has never been to hold the attorney general
in contempt." He said the committee had an aide on Capitol Hill all night
in the hope that the Justice Department might send over documents to the panel.
The failed Fast and Furious operation attempted selling
thousands of guns to arms dealers along the U.S.-Mexico border to trace them to
leaders of drug cartels. However, many of them showed up in crime scenes.
Congressional investigators have been trying to determine
if and when high-level Justice officials knew about problems with the
After a day in which their son's name was repeatedly
invoked, Terry's parents Josephine and Kent Terry also released a statement
Wednesday afternoon expressing disappointment with the administration's latest
"Attorney General Eric Holder's refusal to fully
disclose the documents associated with Operation Fast and Furious and President
Obama's assertion of executive privilege serves to compound this tragedy. It
denies the Terry family and the American people the truth," they said.
The Department of Justice has adamantly defended its
response. Holder said Issa rejected what he thought was "an extraordinary
offer." Holder called for the Capitol Hill meeting late Monday in a
possible attempt to make a deal with Issa and avoid the contempt vote.
"We offered the documents that we thought would
resolve the subpoenas," he said. "The ball is in their court."
The contempt vote in the oversight committee will likely
pass considering Republicans outnumber Democrats 22 to 16.
GOP House leadership has given Issa the green light to
proceed how he sees fit, sources told Fox News, which suggests the vote would
reach the House floor.
Issa had demanded to see a trove of documents on the
controversial Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation. He
also wants to know who prepared a now-retracted letter from Feb. 4, 2011, in
which the department claimed the U.S. did not knowingly help smuggle guns to Mexico,
including those found where Terry was killed.
Issa wrote back to Holder later Monday requesting he
deliver roughly 1,300 documents pertaining to the Feb. 4 letter. The letter
also stated Holder needed to deliver a description of all the documents he will
not produce.
Dear Mr. Chairman:
After you rejected the Department's recent offers of
additional accommodations, you stated that the Committee intends to proceed
with its scheduled meeting to consider a resolution citing the Attorney General
for contempt for failing to comply with the Committee's subpoena of October 11,
2011. I write now to inform you that the President has asserted executive
privilege over the relevant post-February 4, 2011, documents.
We regret that we have arrived at this point, after the
many steps we have taken to address the Committee's concerns and to accommodate
the Committee's legitimate oversight interests regarding Operation Fast and
Furious. Although we are deeply disappointed that the Committee appears intent
on proceeding with a contempt vote, the Department remains willing to work with
the Committee to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution of the outstanding
Over the last fourteen months, the Department has provided
a significant amount of information to the Committee in an extraordinary effort
to accommodate the Committee's legitimate oversight interests. The Department
has provided the Committee with over 7,600 pages of documents and has made
numerous high-level officials available for public congressional testimony,
transcribed interviews, and briefings. Attorney General Holder has answered
congressional questions about Fast and Furious during nine public hearings,
including two before the Committee. The Department has devoted substantial
resources to responding to these congressional inquiries.
In addition, upon learning of questions about the tactics
used in Fast and Furious, the Attorney General promptly asked the Department's
Acting Inspector General to open an investigation into the operation. This
investigation continues today. We expect that the Inspector General's report
will further help the Department to understand how these mistakes occurred and
to ensure that they do not occur again.
Finally, the Department has instituted a number of
significant reforms to ensure that the mistakes made in Fast and Furious are
not repeated. For example, a directive was issued to the field prohibiting the
flawed tactics used in that operation from being used in future law enforcement
operations. Leadership and staffing at ATF and the Arizona U.S. Attorney's
Office were reorganized, and ATF instituted new policies to ensure closer
supervision by ATF management of significant gun trafficking cases. The
Criminal Division refined its process for reviewing wiretap authorization
requests by its Office of Enforcement Operations. And component heads were
directed to take additional care to provide accurate information in response to
congressional requests, including by soliciting information directly from
employees with detailed personal knowledge of the subject matter at issue.
The Committee's original report accompanying its contempt
resolution identified three "main categories" of interest: (1)
"Who at Justice Department Headquarters Should Have Known of the Reckless
Tactics"; (2) "How the Department Concluded that Fast and Furious was
'Fundamentally Flawed"'; and (3) "How the Inter-Agency Task Force
Failed." Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. House of
Representatives, Report at 39-40 (June 15, 20 12). With respect to the first
category, the thousands of pages of documents and other information we have
provided establish that the inappropriate tactics used in Fast and Furious were
initiated and carried out by personnel in the field over several years and were
not initiated or authorized by Department leadership. We have also provided the
Committee with significant information with respect to the third category. In a
revised report issued late last week, the Committee has made clear that these
categories will not be the subject of the contempt vote. See Report at 41.
Rather, the Committee has said that the contempt vote
will address only the second category, "How the Department Concluded that
Fast and Furious was 'Fundamentally Flawed." See Report at 42; Letter for
Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General, from Darrell E. Issa, Chairman at 1-2
(June 13, 2012) ("Chairman's Letter"). In this regard, your letter of
June 13 stated that the Committee is now "focused on" "documents
from after February 4, 2011, related to the Department's response to Congress
and whistleblower allegations" concerning Operation Fast and Furious, in
order to "examine the Department's mismanagement of its response to
Operation Fast and Furious." !d. The Committee has explained that it needs
these post-February 4 documents, including "those relating to actions the
Department took to silence or retaliate against Fast and Furious
whistleblowers," so that it can determine "what the Department knew
about Fast and Furious, including when and how it discovered its February 4
letter was false, and the
Department's efforts to conceal that information from Congress and the public." Report at 33.
Department's efforts to conceal that information from Congress and the public." Report at 33.
The Department has gone to great lengths to accommodate
the Committee's legitimate interest in the Department's management of its
response to congressional inquiries into Fast and Furious. The information
provided to the Committee shows clearly that the Department leadership did not
intend to mislead Congress in the February 4 letter or in any other statements
concerning Fast and Furious. The Department has already shared with the
Committee all internal documents concerning the drafting of the February 4
letter, and numerous Department officials and employees, including the Attorney
General, have provided testimony, transcribed interviews, briefings, and other
statements concerning the drafting and subsequent withdrawal of that letter.
This substantial record shows that Department officials
involved in drafting the February 4 letter turned to senior officials of
components with supervisory responsibility for Operation Fast and Furious - the
leadership of ATF and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona - and were told in
clear and definitive terms that the allegations in Ranking Member Grassley's
letters were false. After the February 4 letter was sent, such assurances
continued but were at odds with information being provided by Congress and the
media, and the Attorney General therefore referred the matter to the Acting
Inspector General for review.
As the Department's review proceeded over the next
several months, Department leaders publicly indicated that the facts
surrounding Fast and Furious were uncertain and that the Department had
significant doubts about the assertions in the February 4 letter. For example,
at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on May 3, 2011, the Attorney General
testified that the Department's Acting Inspector General was reviewing
"whether or not Fast and Furious was conducted in a way that's consistent
with" Department policy, stating "that's one of the questions that
we'll have to see." The next day, May 4, 2011, in response to a question
from Senator Grassley at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about allegations
that ATF had not interdicted weapons, the Attorney General said, " I
frankly don' t know. That's what the [Inspector General's] investigation . . .
will tell us." As you have acknowledged, Department staff reiterated these
doubts during a briefing for Committee staff on May 5, 2011. Testifying before
the Committee in June 2011, Ronald Weich, Assistant Attorney General for
Legislative Affairs, acknowledged that "obviously allegations from the ATF
agents . . . have given rise to serious questions about how ATF conducted this operation."
He added that "we're not clinging to the statements" in the February
4 letter.
In October 2011, the Attorney General told the Committee
that Fast and Furious was "fundamentally flawed." This statement
reflected the conclusion that Department leaders had reached based on the
significant effort over the prior months to understand the facts of Fast and
Furious and the other Arizona-based law enforcement operations. The Attorney
General reiterated this conclusion while testifying before Congress in November
2011. The Department's many public statements culminated in the formal
withdrawal of the February 4 letter on December 2, 2011.
The Department has substantially complied with the
outstanding subpoena. The documents responsive to the remaining subpoena items
pertain to sensitive law enforcement activities, including ongoing criminal
investigations and prosecutions, or were generated by Department officials in
the course of responding to congressional investigations or media inquiries
about this matter that are generally not appropriate for disclosure.
In addition to these productions, we made extraordinary
accommodations with respect to the drafting and subsequent withdrawal of the
February 4 letter, producing to the Committee 1,364 pages of deliberative
documents. And we accepted your June 13 letter's invitation to "mak[ e] a
serious offer" of further accommodation in hopes of reaching " an
agreement that renders the process of contempt unnecessary." Chairman's
Letter at 2. Specifically, we offered to provide the Committee with a briefing,
based on documents that the Committee could retain, explaining further how the
Department's understanding of the facts of Fast and Furious evolved during the
post-February 4 period, as well as the process that led to the withdrawal of
the February 4 letter. See Letter for Darrell E. Issa, Chairman, from Eric H.
Holder, Jr., Attorney General at 1 (June 14, 2012). We also offered to provide
you with an understanding of the documents that we could not produce and to
address any remaining questions that you had after you received the briefing
and the documents on which it was based. We believe that this additional
accommodation would have fully satisfied the Committee's requests for
information. We are therefore disappointed that the Committee has not accepted
our offer and has chosen instead to proceed with the scheduled contempt vote.
As I noted at the outset, the President, in light of the
Committee's decision to hold the contempt vote, has asserted executive
privilege over the relevant post-February 4 documents. The legal basis for the
President's assertion of executive privilege is set forth in the enclosed
letter to the President from the Attorney General. In brief, the compelled
production to Congress of these internal Executive Branch documents generated
in the course of the deliberative process concerning the Department's response
to congressional oversight and related media inquiries would have significant,
damaging consequences. As I explained at our meeting yesterday, it would
inhibit the candor of such Executive Branch deliberations in the future and
significantly impair the Executive Branch's ability to respond independently
and effectively to congressional oversight. Such compelled disclosure would be
inconsistent with the separation of powers established in the Constitution and
would potentially create an imbalance in the relationship between these
two.co-equal branches of the Government.
In closing, while we are deeply disappointed that the
Committee intends to move forward with consideration of a contempt citation, I
stress that the Department remains willing to work toward a mutually
satisfactory resolution of this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact this
office if we can be assistance.
James M. Cole
Deputy Attorney General
Deputy Attorney General
Sources: Business Insider and Fox Business
As usual, big wigs never want to be held accountable for anything. And we all thought Obama's Govt. wouldn't be as dirty as Bush's. Didn't they already hang out some lower level bureaucrat out to dry for this?
ReplyDeleteThey asked for documents, and they refuse to cough them up. I don't care what side your on or how you spin it, that's the core of this shit pile. How is that racist, or partisan, or you having a grudge....? It's Holder being above the law. He goes after states that pass laws that he or Obama disagrees with, and at all times acts like he (they) are above the law. This is Nixon era crap! If your the boss, I doubt a multi state gun walking sting was out of your scope of knowledge. If you were a good leader you would know about things like, thousands of automatic weapons being bought by bad guys and letting them go. And if you found about it, you would do everything to make it right and hold those who are guilty liable. But Holder is guilty, and he ain't going down like that. Especially whey you follow your bosses example of blaming everyone else for our broken country, and implying that if anyone disagrees they are racist or are out to kill the elderly and the youth. Stupid half white jerk wad asshole president and his pet Uncle Tom Attorney General. Our country is being ran by the same spineless wimps who bust kids for saying "Merry Christmas" and who don't keep score in soccer.
ReplyDeleteYou said it brother, the operation was doomed for failure from the beginning. None of the boss will have weapons delivered to their front door. The minions do that work. This crew of political gangsters has fooled the public and continues to. If you don't agree with them you are labeled a racist, his administration has built racism among the blacks. Unfortunately he will probably be voted back into office because the voters he gets vote for reasons other then the future of the country. Obamas hasn't done anything for the latinos until this past week. That was clearly done for votes and as usual the publicwill fall for it.
DeleteHolder knew all along this was going to happen,but first Obama waned to play the race card an lock in the Latino vote....calderon has to call Obama out on this.and not to worry mx will still get funding from the us regardless...this is clearly a slap in the face to mx from Obama.....
ReplyDeleteBullsh+t. This has nothing to do with latino voters. The POTUS is quiet on this because he doesnt know the full story behind F & F. NOBODY's even mentioning Bill Newell of the ATF who was in charge of this whole operation. This is clearly a witchhunt .
DeleteI couldnt say it better myself
ReplyDeleteJust another mindless RW witch hunt. American politics are a sewer.
ReplyDeleteA US border agent and thousands of Mexicans dead as a result of fast and furious and all you can say is 'right wing witchhunt? You really are an Obama/democrat worshipping cool-aid drinker.
DeleteExecutive Privilege does not seem plausible when an American citizen was shot by one of the weapons by a presumed foreign offender. It seems rather unconstitutional to assert that.
ReplyDeleteThis is how our system works. A Dem president/cabinet is dirty. A Rep House Committee goes after them.
ReplyDeleteI didn't believe the gun fancier's assertion that F&F was about the Obama administration going for tighter gun laws. But, now I'm starting to lean in that direction. How can you explain this fight otherwise?
Possible-the F&F documents contain Obama/Holder discussions about F&F causing a blow-up that could be used to support legislation that tightened Federal gun laws. I do not know. Very curious behavior from Obama.
7:20 it really is!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a lot to say and I apologize ahead of time for not keeping my focus well in my writing.
ReplyDeleteThere are two different kind of readers who will read this that I can think of:
1- All governments are bad and they are looking to make money off of drug and this goes all the way up the chain to Mr. Obama on the US side and up to Mr. Calderon on the Mexican side
2- Or you believe that individuals are corrupt and that everything in life is not a conspiracy.
Well if perchance you are the first person listed above then this is not for you and nothing anyone has to say will ever convince you otherwise from your beliefs. You have gone down a path where you have a hard time trusting anything anyone has to say ever. You my fellow citizen of the world, I feel sorry for you.
If you are the second person listed above then I am talking to you with what I have to say here.
Here is what I see as the bigger problem with this whole Holder/ATF plan gone wild…
This is now a public issue and is being put under public scrutiny. Let things go as they should in these cases. Let the process unfold and see how it plays.
What I don’t think would be a good thing would be if this turns into a political issue only. Where both sides of the US political isle are turned into a pre-election pissing contest. I hope for all of our sakes this does not happen. If it does then the real issue will be tainted. The focus needs to be kept on the countless people who suffer on both sides of the border but mostly on the Mexican side of the border.
The culture is suffering and people are being turned more introvert. They are afraid and are shutting down as a way to protect them from the trauma that they endure day after day. I can ONLY imagine how hard that would be to live that way. Me being a father and a husband can easily turn their horrors and reflect how horrible it would be to endure the same fate these beautiful people are going through and I would still not have a clue to the true feelings of what it would be like.
We can’t let this continue. I don’t do much but what I can when I can I do it. I tell people all the time about BB and what I read about. People have no clue to what is really going on. Few people do. I have and will continue to at least spread the word when possible. One person at a time. It is how I deal with the fact that I feel guilty for just having a better life from what I believe I see going on.
So we should not get too caught up in this “political” bullshit of this horrible Fast and Furious plan gone bad. It is a big deal but this pre-election crap is taking away from the issue that so many good people die each day in the drug war.
YES the plan was bad and should have never been put to action.
YES other plans over the countless yes in human history have gone wrong and should have never happened.
YES plans yet to come will go bad and bad will come of it.
YES we should keep trying and move forward all the while trying to learn from the mistakes and do better.
YES we need to move as fast as possible and get to the end of this drug war.
(continued below)
(continued from above)
ReplyDeleteYES we need to save the lives of so many innocents who are still in danger because of simply where they call home.
YES it is very difficult to let go of hate and move forward and work on the future when you are still not letting wanting to let go of the pain of the past. Please note: I said “letting go of the PAIN” not simply just letting go of the past.
Here is where my thoughts are getting disorganized. I would spend more time proofing this but I can’t spend the time doing that now so I apologize for that.
Just note that this Fast and Furious is more sad then just the people killed by the guns and the ATF agent who died. This will postpone the horror that is going on and will very likely do more hard then it will do go for the policies of the US to help Mexico.
Think carefully before you feel the need to pick up the political pitchforks and torches.
Think of the most painful emotional moment you might have ever had and magnify that by a HUGE NUMBER and you get the horror that each innocent (even not innocent) goes through when they are tortured then killed by being cut up slowly while they scream in pain and fear. Their last thoughts resting on how they miss the loving embrace of those they love but only feel the cutting edge of an assholes blade before they black out… Thank GOD they blackout and die at this point. Now take that one person and times it by each person who has died and is yet to die this way.
That is why I only in part feel we need to focus on helping instead of getting distracted.
There is more to this for me but this should help get my point across.
Its all about who stands to GAIN,Obama used a Executive order to grant Amnisty to all children of illegals in the US,Obamas popularity with Mexicans sky hi, he is in favor of gay marriages boom,more votes,from gays looking for govt benefits given to married people,next week he will kiss up to blacks,on and on,Political Hack Delux. But if you want to know,look at who he hired,HOLDER ,GEITNER,CLINTON ,then look at the mess we are in,Political Manipulation WILL NOT FIX IT.
ReplyDeleteCaption for the first pic, Holder to obama "If i go down YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!
ReplyDeleteHavin trouble posting.. 3rd time lucky?
I wonder which administration first implemented the "fast and furious" type of stig, hmmmmmmmmmm. Also this is just as bad as setting up false pretenses to attack a country that had no affiliation to the network who attacked you theyreby spreading yourself too thin and failing at the original mission in the country that you should have focused all your beans on.....Yeah...........how many service men have died in Iraq/Afghanistan?? We lost both, I have friends who work at the pentagon and tell me the same thing, lost focus on the objective, could have had OBL a long time ago. Instead Cheney needed to get his companies onto the Arabian peninsula so he could make record profits......
ReplyDeleteand mine "Executive Order.....right?"...paz, chivis
This has everything to do with the latino vote. This is an attack on Obama's new immigration policy. Obama is playing dirty politics with the Republicans and the Republicans are fighting back dirty.
ReplyDeleteThe Republican's are swaying attention away from Romney and trying to force negative attention on Obama's administration.
What have the Republicans done to help on the Mexican drug war? Their answer is to send back illegal Mexicans) and build a huge border wall to divide Mexico and the U.S.
Romney needs to start taking a stance on his own policies (including immigration). The Republicans know that they need the latino vote in battleground states like Colorado, Nevada and Florida (all of these states voted for Obama in 2008).
Eventually, Romney's own conservative ideologies will turn against him. He will have to face his own hypocricies when he loses the latino, women, gay, black, middle-class, under-class and youth votes.
The Fast and Furious scandal will not determine the 2012 presidency.
Wrote his ticket as a 1 term presidents!
ReplyDeleteEric Holder is not for the people. Only for himself and the folks that got him there
ReplyDeleteEric Holder is a scum bag just like the rest of the dirty bunch. There are no more good guys in politics. Just a bunch of greedy fake politicians.
ReplyDeleteHe wrote his ticket as a 1 term president(s)??? I'll bet you $10,000 and your Hyundai that he will be a second term president.
If Romney wins, this will be a Huge win for the corporations. You never vote for a business man from a private equity firm as president. He will always do what's in the best interest of the corporations and the filthy rich. He only knows how to destroy small businesses. He took Kaybee Toys, the second biggest toy co. at the time and bankrupted them and made a hefty $80 million for his company Bain Capital. Look at the picture of him and his partners each holding a hundred dollar bill in their mouths.
Not that Obama's that much different, but if you think that Obama is bad. Wait and see what good ol' Romney will do to the middle-class.
Don't fall for the far-right-propaganda. And don't fall for the Fast and Furious propaganda either.
Don't forget that "Fast and Furious" is really the republican "Gun Runner" operation. (eternalcode)
DEA/ATF agents do not violate American law or Mexican sovereignty and law without orders from the top (Holder & Obama) directing them to. This treason goes to the very top and justice for Brian Terry, Jaime Zapata, and all of the slaughtered Mexican people will never happen.
ReplyDelete"Obama Invokes Executive Power to Block ... Documents"
ReplyDeleteja ja ja ... Eric Holder y Obama son como dos gotas de agua: those who OWN the system change the Rules when the going gets tough when they want to get away with something. Obama is NOT running the system he takes his orders From Way Above himself and Politics is just A Show For The Public to give the ILLUSION That There Is 'NO' Democracy. In the background, unseen hands plans things as much as 100 years ahead. Margaret Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, Spoke Of THE EXISTENCE OF A PARALLEL GOVERNMENT RUNNING THE SHOW ...
Uhh if the POTUS doesnt know the full story then why use his exec powers to stop people from finding the truth?
ReplyDeleteLOL@Chivis, Thats perfect, bet he gave him a wink with that smile... if only we could see obamas face.
And on someone elses comment, Politics IS manipulation! simple.. People argue over democrat or republicans but fail to see that it's the congress ARE the problem. doesnt matter who's the figurehead of the usa because congress runs the show and they are bought by lobbyists who in turn are bought by whoevers got the dosh! Democracy is as dead as privacy in the united states
A small correction
ReplyDelete@ myself at --> 7:13 PM June 21:
"Obama Invokes Executive Power to Block ... Documents"
The corrected sentence:
"Obama is NOT running the system he takes his orders From Way Above himself and Politics is just A Show For The Public to give the ILLUSION That There 'IS' Democracy. ... "
(to give the illusion that there IS Democracy)
For more detailed info check out free online podcasts at 'Cutting Through the Matrix'
Thanks B. Beat
"Don't fall for the far-right-propaganda. And don't fall for the Fast and Furious propaganda either"
ReplyDeleteThis from a liberal bleeding heart?Fuckin genius all of you.
the documents contain conversations between DOJ, obama administraition and arizona atf. they show how this thing was gameplaned. behind the scenes, high up this thing will be shown to be shamelessly political, playing politics with the public safety of mex and US. obama may have had nothing to do with this personally but his people will be shown to be shameless ideologues who cared more about politics than human lives! caught red handed, will be clear to everyone who sees these conversations
ReplyDeleteI think Eric holder was telling Obama