Marisol Valles Garcia now gazes toward Mexico from the safety of the United States.
"My country is so close, but so far away," she said.
Six months ago, they called Valles Garcia the bravest woman in Mexico. The petite but fiery 20-year-old student took a job no one else wanted: police chief in a border region terrorized by the drug war, where police chiefs have become an endangered species. Her predecessor was tortured by drug cartels and then beheaded.
"We were fighting for our town, our community," said Valles Garcia.
She served the town of Praxedis for a few short months. Then came the death threats.
"They threatened to kill me, my family, my baby boy. I was scared ... couldn't even sleep ... always wondering, when are they coming to get me."
Unfortunately, fear and intimidation have scored another victory along the U.S.-Mexican border, and Valles Garcia is now in the United States, pleading for political asylum.
"I want tranquility ... for my family," she said.
As police chief, Valles Garcia hired more officers, increasing the number of women on her team of 12, but with three shotguns -- not to mention one squad car in a city of 10,000 -- few were armed. "Our weapons will be principles and values," she said when she took the job, although Valles Garcia did have two armed bodyguards. She was the first police chief to crack down on domestic violence, and vowed not to get involved in the drug war.
But it was hard to avoid.
Many said Valles Garcia was too young and naive for the job -- warring Mexican drug cartels have made Praxedis one of the most violent spots in the world. In the past year alone, 2,500 people were killed in the Juarez Valley.
"I never expected things to get this ugly," said Valles Garcia.
When she took the police chief job, Valles Garcia famously said, "We're all afraid, but we should not let fear defeat us."
"There will always be fear, I'm still afraid. But as long as we're breathing," she said, still sounding optimistic, "we can dream for a better world."
She speaks for the people she's left behind in that beautiful but violent Mexican valley.
"Don't ever lose hope," she said in a message to them. "Continue fighting for your children. I'm sorry I had to leave, but it's better to be safe and alive here ... than to be dead in Mexico."
Send her back. She is not wanted or needed here.
ReplyDeleteHow about we send you over there, you're not wanted or needed here.
Send her somewhere else. She only did this to come to the US. Guatemala is a bordering country. Send her there.
ReplyDeleteShe should be sent back for being stupid. The only one who should remain here is the kid.
ReplyDeleteActually what we need are more people like her 5:45pm. We need people on both sides of the Rio Bravo/Grande to be brave and smart. We need people to give Hope for a real future. She may not have been the police chief long but she accomplished more than most, and unfortunately she knew she was going to die if she didnt leave, and she would have. Praise God for people like her. My hope is that she has been an encouragement to others. I live on the TX side of the border and I go to Reynosa every week to work with the Pastors, Orphans, Jobless, Migrants, and several other people groups and you couldnt stop me from doing it. I know everytime I hear a story about someone else trying to be a light in a dark place, I am absolutely encouraged. We are immersed in the protection and love of Christ so "...who can touch us"
ReplyDeleteMay 10, 2011 5:45 PM,
ReplyDeleteShe has more nutsacks than all you teabags put together.
She's a naive idiot, like so many of the peaceniks that seem to be cropping up in Mexico.
ReplyDelete'Our weapons will be our principles and values'...backed up by three shotguns!
I've got more firepower in my home than the entire police fore did. And principles and values didn't work too well as a weapon, now did it?
'Don't ever lose hope. Continue fighting for your children'.....with what? Bad language and a couple of rocks? Good luck with that one!
6:50 PM.... Hit right on the head... They need more weapons, fight fire with fire!
ReplyDeleteGood Point,how did the Mexican people get so passive,weak, and allowed themselves to be disarmed,stripped of power,to the extent the public is nothing but bystanders in their own country. Many rural towns,ranchers,and old school Mexicans are armed and will defend themselves,but this is the exception,and is discriminated against by the wonderful Mexican Govt.This young woman made a jesture,thats all,glad she did but its meaningless,true reform must come from the people,who appear to be disinterested.
ReplyDeleteI think 6:42 said it right. She definitely has more balls than any of the commenters here.
ReplyDeleteWhile a little naive, she DID do the job longer and better than many others. At least she did something other than TALK like the naysayers here.
I absolutely welcome her here. She is an asset to this country and the kind of immigrant we want.
Some of you who were born here, I am not so sure...
I'm sorry but she is a coward she says, "We're all afraid, but we should not let fear defeat us" than what the hell are you doing? Way to live by those words. She is a disgrace to all women in Mexico. You little gringos can keep her because she is not welcome back.
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a great snapshot on today's American citizens. 50% want to send her back to hell. She's 20 years who tried a kid's thing -being the white knight- and you have 50% of the posters here blaming her.
ReplyDelete65 years ago young Americans died on the Normandy beaches by the thousands for their country's ideal.
Today's young folks are just looking over their backyard fence and shooting the neighbors dogs. Greed and selfishness. The American 21st century definition.
This country is way more rotten than MX. And it's time for other countries to take over. Please do not make any noise when you close the coffin's lid.
Poor girl: damned if she did, and damned if she didn't. At least she tried; who among us would want to be in her shoes? Her decision to leave was undoubtedly difficult, and I can't blame her a bit for seeking asylum.
While a little naive, she DID do the job longer and better than many others. At least she did something other than TALK like the naysayers here.
ReplyDeleteAre you an idiot? She didnt do any job rather she made a mockery of everything real upstanding citizens in her town were looking for and needed. She made a joke out of the whole process that mexicans need to rebuilt there society from the narco cancer.
She can relocate to another region in Mexico and no one will know as long as she keeps her mouth shut. Going on US national television to play the martyr card scores no sympathy from me or the majority of US citizens.
ReplyDeleteIf the US gives her amnesty, it will only open the floodgates to any one else who feels threatened by the cartels...which would be every one but the cartels.
Matanzas - more like 65% of the posters here want to throw her down a well. One of them is standing strong for Mexican womanhood but that's because she feels safe. 9:24 is another one worried about opening the floodgates. I got news for you 9:24 - they have been open for a long time and they are already here.
ReplyDeleteHow many of you have received a credible death threat against you and your family? I mean a threat you know you can believe? None of you - so shut up.
We will gladly accept this bright young lady. She will make a great border patrol agent and her boy can grow up to run the agency. Mexico's loss will be our gain. The rest of you bitter racists can get hosed.
Send her back.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 9:24 PM
ReplyDeleteYou said "If the US gives her amnesty, it will only open the floodgates to any one else who feels threatened by the cartels...which would be every one but the cartels."
Are you serious? The floodgates have been open for decades.....are you blind?
This young woman's situation is not really about immigration.
All you assholes who say to send her back.....where did your ancestors come from goddamn it? What makes you better or more worthy of living in the USA than her??
She's a young intelligent woman with a bright future and more balls than all of you fuckers put together!!
why doesn't she ask for asylum in Canada i mean why do they always want to live here. i mean she'd be a hell of a lot safer in vancouver than in el paso.
ReplyDelete"Good Point,how did the Mexican people get so passive,weak, and allowed themselves to be disarmed,stripped of power,to the extent the public is nothing but bystanders in their own country"
She will be sent back to Mexico. She does not have proof that she was threatened. She will have the option of being sent to another country and applying for amnesty there.
ReplyDeletelets send her to Afghanistan for a few years. in fact any illegal caught here should upon arrest be shipped to fight for this country for at a minimum 10 years. if you come back alive we will consider letting you become a citizen.
ReplyDelete"why didnt she run to guatemala"
ReplyDeleteuhh if you grew up poor in mexico, where do you think you'd run to, america, or guatemala? tough question. I dont agree with illegal immigration. in fact i think the US should be tougher on it, build a fence, all that. But at the same time, if i was born in Mexico, you better believe id be sneaking over here. You cant blame them for that.
She is just a kid, and she has a lot of guts.
ReplyDeleteIt is a side issue tho. What does Calderon have to say about this, that is the real issue. Why doesn't he offer her protection, or any of the people there protection? These are border towns, and they are not under the rule of law, but anarchy with thug rules. The army need to step up, not down. The marches need to be there, and not in DF.
But to question why she didn't go to Guatemala, then that is really the dumbest thing I have read on this site, and that is up against some pretty stiff competition. The geographical answer clearly jumps to mind, but I can offer the obvious answer that she felt she needed protecting from the violent Narco gangs, and wisely decided that she could best serve her needs in the USA. Are you really unaware of the differences between Guatemala and the US that you have to question that? She has done what you would have done, and run to people who can offer protection.
Top moron points for that little gem.
There are a lot of commentators here who would like to view themselves as true Americans, and spout about the founding fathers. But these comments here are filled with hate, loathing, and zero compassion. It is not the American way to turn people away like that. We value life. But not all, obviously. Some people here think being American makes you great. Well it doesn't. It just makes you American. Being great makes you great. And most of these comments are written by uneducated, unappreciative, and mainly lazy individuals of privilege with an overwhelming sense of entitlement. Not really the American way I remember.
America doesn't turn away people under the threat of death like that. It just doesn't. Too many stupid people who know nothing about common sense and moderation, and diplomatically dealing with each separate issue on its own merits.
Why are the white knight idiots here claiming 'at least she tried'.
ReplyDeleteNo she didn't, not according to the article :
"She was the first police chief to crack down on domestic violence, and vowed not to get involved in the drug war."
She thought she could avoid the drug war, stoppin the men and boys being beheaded and skinned alive in the streets, whilst introuducing her stomach churning misandristic feminist agenda demonising men as wife beaters. What a stupid coward, and what an idiotic country that put her in such a position.
It was just a publicity stunt from the beginning, and look how well it worked. In the news, in the US, what more could you ask for?
ReplyDelete@10:27, My ancestors came from Britain, a long damn time ago. Back before immigration laws were in affect in this country. Through the years, after every two bit murderer, thief, terrorist and what not did something in thier country of origin, they would flee to the USA. Well, way back when, we put a stop to that by having LEGAL immigration. Everyone misses the point, not one damn person is against LEGAL immigration. It`s the ILLEGAL (yes that means a crime)immigration we don`t approve of. She`s a naive young woman who really thought she was doing the right thing. I don`t blame her for being scared. Her comments are a bit hypocritical though as she says they cannot be scared of the cartels, yet she says she left out of fear. Not sure on that one. This country has only so much square footage, so much room in big cities, we cannot just let everyone who wants to walk over here. Do you realize how many people would just walk right into this country without immigration laws? WAY more than are already doing it illegaly. Is the system broken? Yes, but the fix you seek will NEVER happen. For one, I hate to rag on my own people, but as a society, we tend to bring down the value of things around us. No longer are we the hard working people coming from Mexico. We are the "what am I entitled to?" people now. It`s a shame. Mexico is the most beautiful land in the America`s, yet it`s so ugly right now, all I can see is red, blood red.
ReplyDeleteIf she was brave she would have stayed to do her job...She is one smart cookie. At the end she got what she was aiming for......and that was to come to the US with her family the easy way.
ReplyDeleteI think the Mexicans on this site are missing the point. Americans support brave people and encourage standing up for what is right. What we don't tolerate are people who make bold claims and fail to back up their words. Making a stand means fighting till the bitter end to enact change, we didnt win our country from England by making a stand then running when the Red Coats mustered. SO while you all may think she was brave for going through the motions of looking like a brave person, when the time to prove it came around she left and ran for the border. That is what America sees.
ReplyDeleteWhere are all the Pinche Machisomo Hombre Mexiancos? Where are all the Mexican Police????Ohhh..Im sorry they are working WITH the CARTELS!
ReplyDeletePoor Mexico is now a NARCO STATE.
@May 10, 2011-7:43PM
ReplyDeleteYo dumbass, she did absolutely nothing while she was police chief for a very brief three months! She only lasted that long because that's when the death threats started, as soon as that happen she hauled ass out of there...she even made up some bullshit excuse she needed a leave of absence and was fired after she failed to return! Brave...my ass, smart...yea right...fucking stupid for sure! But you know it's not all her fault, the dumbass who gave her the job is just as responsible. At twenty years of age she had zero qualifications for police chief, I don't care if nobody wanted the job (nobody was that stupid except this chick here) the position should have stayed vacant. As far as her being an ideal immigrant the U.S. needs? WTF...I don't think so, Mexico is a huge country and not every square inch of the country is affected by the drug war, she could have easily relocated somewhere else in Mexico and resumed her life. The fact is as soon as she was no longer the police chief she was no longer a threat to any cartels and therefore no longer in danger! But hey, let's give her a nice home in the U.S. loads of financial aid and welfare for not just her but her whole family...and fuck the rest of the honest, hard working, truly brave, Mexican citizens, who refuse to leave their home and fight the good fight every day!
Aleric, how many Mexicans do you really think actually come to read about the 'drug war' in English on BB?
ReplyDelete'I think the Mexicans on this site are missing the point. Americans support brave people and encourage standing up for what is right.'
Most of these folk who you think that are real Mexicans are actually US residing, Anglo Right Wingers who are using fake-o Spanish sounding e-names to disguise who they really are, or they are just blabbing on as AnonymousAsses. Most of what they say that they 'know' about Mexico actually comes from US law enforcement buddy blogs that these Anglo Right Wingers like to hang around chit chatting amongst themselves about how fucked up Mexico is in their collective eyes.
Americans are really stupid that they do not even know their own laws, its pathetic. This has nothing to do with illegal immigration. This has to do with asylum. She did not cross the border illegally sneaking into the country, she came into the port of entry seeking asylum where a judge in a few months will determine if she is approved or denied. So she still can be deported or maybe not, it all depends on the judge hearing the case. So she did do all the right legal procedures to be granted asylum instead of sneaking into the country like others. So before you speak gringos how about you learn your own laws. I swear all of you are xenophobic haha.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have said it better Aleric... and for you that want to see brave men and women just take a look at our own US military forces, they are the reason you can all sit on your fat butts and talk smack and not have to worry about getting attacked and killed. This girl turned her back on her own country and she would do it to this country if it came down to it.No I am not saying to send her back or let her stay that is not my call,all I am saying is it is what it is!Viva The USA!!!!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have said it better Aleric... and for you that want to see brave men and women just take a look at our own US military forces, they are the reason you can all sit on your fat butts and talk smack and not have to worry about getting attacked and killed. This girl turned her back on her own country and she would do it to this country if it came down to it.No I am not saying to send her back or let her stay that is not my call,all I am saying is it is what it is!Viva The USA!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Aleric and 10:38am... Someone said that she would make a good border patrol...hahaha... Have you guys ever came back from Mexico and had a Mexican Customs officer inspect you(I'm talking about the ones with the bad mexican accent and Nopal on their face)? They are the ones that treat there own people the rudest.This girl betrayed her own country what makes her anyone to trust?
ReplyDelete-Texas Tejano
Well 10:31 do you live in this stupid country?
ReplyDeleteGet out and go back to mexico then,they seem to be really smart and creative when it comes to narco stuff and murdering... maybe you can help them over there with your intelligence.
Who the hell had the balls to go up against the cartel. Not only do you get kidnapped, you get tortured than beheaded. She tried and failed but she did more than the majority if the population would. She has a son to worry about.the men need to get off their lazy asses and go take their town back.
ReplyDelete@Kevin Appleton,
ReplyDeleteGo up against the cartel? Where do you get your information? She did'nt even carry a weapon (not that it would have mattered). She has a son to think about...really...so that son did'nt exist before she took the job? WTF ever, she knew exactly what she was getting into, btw..she's married but you don't see her husband making a stand! As far as the "men" in the town getting off their "lazy asses" to take their town back...yea right...what was that you said about,
"kidnapping, torture, and be-heading," are you sure laziness is the problem or is it pure fear like this "hero" chick your defending? What a joke..hero to zero in less then three months...
@May 11, 2011 11:10 AM
ReplyDeleteActually no I do not live in your "stupid country" so that does not apply to me dumba**. I like your intelligent response you didn't even debate any of my points....jajaja good job there smart one jajaja
@May 11, 2011-10:31AM,
ReplyDeleteWow! A Mexican calling Americans stupid? Then trying to use a "ten cent" word 'xenophobia' to make some unexplained/mute point. How about this...before you make a blanket statement like 'Americans are really stupid,' maybe you should consider the simple fact; the average American doesn't need to be familiar with immigration laws or what constitutes eligibility for political asylum in the United States because it doesn't apply to them.
It's funny how some Mexicans like to spew out anti-American rhetoric, while their fellow country men/women are killing themselves or taking great risks in an effort to come to America. I wonder why? It's funny how Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, yet every drug cartel member is armed to the teeth! So much so, after what 5+ years the Mexican military still has not gain control of the situation. I know, I know...it was the 'stupid Americans' who have armed the drug cartels with weapons, so sicarios can kill their fellow country men/women all for the sake of the almighty peso.
The bottom line is the problems in Mexico (murder, kidnapping, torture, extortion, corruption, etc..) are being perpetrated by Mexicans! You know..having knowledge of your country's laws doesn't mean a whole lot, when your country doesn't have the power to enforce those laws! Just something to think about..you hypocritical Beaner.
in mexico people knew it was all a plan to be in the us with her family.
ReplyDeleteshe should get in line behind all other mexicans waiting for visas. there are many states and many places she would be safe in mexico, she knows this but it was never about being safe it was about being in the us she should be denied asylum. asylum is to be awarded to those that their country has no place for the person to be safe. few know her in states other than the border
@May 11, 2011 6:30 PM
ReplyDeleteDo you even know what xenophobia means genius? I guess not when you stated “some unexplained/mute point.” First of all you’re really dumb, English is not even my first language but I know its moot point not mute point…yet you get offended when I said, "stupid Americans" jaja. Second xenophobia means hatred or fear of foreigners, strangers, of their politics or culture. Third if you cannot even distinguish the difference between illegal immigration and asylum which are two completely different subjects maybe you should get a book and READ. Learn your own laws which YOU created!!! Fourth, I did not spew anti-American rhetoric I just mention how “intelligent” Americans really are jaja. Fifth I didn’t blame the “stupid Americans” but yes when you finance, arm and support these criminals then you are PART of the problem and not the solution. But of course Americans always want to play turn a blind eye to the situation and blame it ALL on the Mexicans; obviously you never learn your OWN history with prohibition or supply and demand in economics. And if you’re such a "proud American" then why the hell are you here on Borderland Beat. Why don’t you worry about your own goddamn problems instead of being here, these are Mexicans problems like you said, “(murder, kidnapping, torture, extortion, corruption, etc..) are being perpetrated by Mexicans!” So shoo fly and worry about your own AMERICAN problems instead of ours, nosy ass Americans always want to be involve in everyone affairs, and they wonder why the world hates you jaja.. You hypocritical cracker!!
@Charlie Bone,
ReplyDeleteThat's an impressive argument 'some of you guys,' 'are real assholes..' Donkey? Yo charlie "The Dumbass" Bone why don't you put your money, where your mouth is! The whole point of the argument, if you can read and comprehend, is accepting a job with no qualifications and putting yourself and your family at great risk is not a "Hero" move! I can understand someone like yourself (simple minded) feeling sympathy for this woman.. you seem like the "Band wagon" type. As far as accepting a law enforcement position (chief) in a town plaqued with drug violence, where the previous chief was murdered..well that's just stupid! Only a dumbass would accept that position..oh..I apologize I meant..only an unqualified twenty year old female!
BTW..I served two tours of duty in Afghanistan...what you do for your country..Mr. Boner? I've seen death and destruction, been in fire-fights, lost friends who died with valor...etc, what has this chick here done except run to the border..the way I see it..it's put up or shut up!
May 12, 2011 6:19 AM , ok mr semper wifi.
you werent alone were you?
you had air cover, and other PTSD induced comrades with you. im sure your bravery is directly linked to the fact that you had smart bombs at the ready and very little valor involved in going gung ho with some of the best military hardware money can buy with Chinese
credit, get off your high horse already, i find
nothing amusing in going to war over lies.
Texcoco Mex said.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if all the people here and their families happened to be in the U.S. for more than 150 years.
A lot of people I know emigrated to the U.S no more than 100 years ago.
Texcoco Mex said.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people talk about bravery when they were at war, but when you look at the Country and the technology this Countries have it makes you wonder who the real brave people are. You in one hand have a Military with Tanks, Planes, Smart Bombs, Ships, Submarines, Helicopters, Missiles, Body Armor + the Best Weapons money can buy. In the other hand you have a Militia with Machine Guns, Old Rifles, and IED Bombs made out of any explosives they can find.
So who is the brave one?
@May 12, 2011 7:28AM,
ReplyDeleteLOL...your a pretty sorry excuse for a man! You no nothing of valor asshole or war for that matter. But your probably the same type of coward, who degrades soldiers returning from the war. A bunch of lies...is that right...I guess 9-11 didn't happen either...I guess while I was fighting Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan you were what visiting a Mosque?
@May 12, 2011 7:28AM,
ReplyDeleteLOL...your a pretty sorry excuse for a man! You no nothing of valor asshole or war for that matter. But your probably the same type of coward, who degrades soldiers returning from the war. A bunch of lies...is that right...I guess 9-11 didn't happen either...I guess while I was fighting Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan you were what visiting a Mosque?
May 12, 2011 9:49 AM ...........
did i hit one of your PTSD Nerves?
May 11, 2011-10:30PM
ReplyDeleteHey genius, maybe you should look at the symbol at the top right corner of this blog site. That looks like the state of Texas to me. In addition, the articles are in English, as are most of the comments. So, before you go picking on Americans on this site or suggesting that they stay off this site maybe you practice what you preach. Good for you...English is not your first language (who cares), I'm glad you have studied the laws of a country you despise (that makes no sense), but I guess you have to vent somewhere considering you have no excuse for the condition your country is in. Instead of worrying about the intelligence level of a neighboring country, which is far superior to your own, maybe you should work on improving your country's situation. The simple fact is, if the United States is such a bad place, why in the world would this Mexican female flee to the U.S. instead of seeking aid from her own government.
May 12, 2011 9:33AM, (Texcoco Mex)
ReplyDeleteSo, basically your comment suggests that Al Qaeda, Tailban, and Saddam Hussein supporters (in Iraq) are the brave ones? I guess your entitled to your opinion. So using your logic, that would also mean that the Drug Cartel members destroying Mexico would be considered brave, as well, after all the Mexican Military is far superior with regards to equipment and training..yea, you now see how stupid your comment appears, when you add little logic to it!
@Texcoco Mex,
ReplyDeleteJust curious..what are you suggesting with regards to: "A lot of people I know emigrated to the U.S. not more than 100 years ago." I mean what's your point?
Seems like the PTSD keyboard commandoes, and the teabags are out in force to crusify this woman, Some people are so afraid of women nowadays.
ReplyDelete@May 12, 2011 10:18 AM
ReplyDeleteHey genius that Texas symbol is called an advertisement or sponsor jaja...wow, I guess I just proved my point jaja....this is a Mexican site about Mexican problems, that's why it says REPORTING ON THE MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL WAR, about my people's suffering in certain part of the country, where do you see American in there?? Why don't you click on sponsors link and read the following:
"For a limited time, we will carry your 125X125 banner in every page of our site for just $80 for three months or $150 for six months. You create your banner and we will link it back to you on Borderland Beat. We will reserve space for only two ads, to avoid clutter and get better exposure. Don't let this get you by, reserve your space now. The ads are on a "first come basis."
And I never said the U.S. is such "a bad place" did I? GO BACK AND READ GENIUS!!! Show me where I said your country was such an awful place jaja, I just pointed out some deficiencies SOME of your citizens have in the lack of knowledge about your OWN laws. And Oh yes your intelligence is far superior than my own and you just prove it to me jajaja...I end it here. Later loser.
I got a kick out of this comment!
ReplyDelete'The simple fact is, if the United States is such a bad place, why in the world would this Mexican female flee to the U.S. instead of seeking aid from her own government.'
lol....You probably don't know, Anonymous 10:18, but the shoe has actually been on the other foot before, so to speak. I just got through watching a documentary on Netflix where it tells the story of some US citizens that fled for political reasons to Mexico City back in the '50s from LA! They were not fleeing for their lives... TRUE. But then again many a Latin American refugee has fled US made violence in their own countries to Mexico before, too, and they were often fleeing for their lives. The US has made many places in Latin America deathly dangerous for the people who live there. Perhaps in your oh so patriotic fervor you are unaware of that???? I think that is not the case though...
Mexico, at one time, was a place of safety for many political refugees fleeing their countries in fear of their lives. Now, due to the 'drug war', it is becoming a place where its own internal refugees might become a major problem for the country, as in fact that has occurred in Colombia, because of US making a bad situation of Colombia elites slaughtering the poor even worse than it already was.
Plus, Anonymous One, when you spout Anglo racism such as the following, who really can take you that seriously?
'Instead of worrying about the intelligence level of a neighboring country, which is far superior to your own, maybe you should work on improving your country's situation.'
With clowns like Hillary, Barack, Trump, Palin, Biden, Gingrich et ilk running lose in the US of A, this comment of yours is rather comical, don't you think?
If these comments are representative of the average American, I'd rather take my chances in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteTexcoco Mex said.
ReplyDeleteMy comment was just a point of view.
@ 8:53 Texcoco Mex - I don't see your point but, ok, I'll bite - My family has been in the US since 1760 on my father's side and since 1800 on my mother's side.
ReplyDeleteWhat does that have to do with Marisol Valles?
Damn some of ya'll are just full of hate ..... It's better to be alive in the US then dead in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteTexcoco Mex said.
ReplyDeleteDamn some of ya'll are just full of hate.
You got that right.
I've wanted to comment on this but blog comments have been down.
ReplyDeleteThose of you who think she planned taking police chief job so she could get out of MX are just full of s*it.
This young woman, studying criminology, saw an opportunity to do something in her community; and wanted to try it in a non-violent way--by not carrying a weapon.
She worked her plan as best she could. What she did not understand is that these types of criminals, these psychos, will kill you, armed or unarmed, educated or not, friend or foe, because they can and for no other reason.
Their purpose: TO TAKE OVER. A city, a town, a plaza, a business, a house, whatever. If you're in the way, they'll take you out. For her, maybe because she was unarmed, they gave a little warning.
I believe she has earned US refugee status (or amnesty) because she fled from fear. You may say 2 million other Mexicans have the same reason. That is so.
But since she was an official, she was and will always be in the limelight. They threatened her family, her child. She cannot go back. She should recieve asylum here or another country may offer it to her. But she is a political refugee.
Such is the mess in Mexico.
The woman was a brave individual who, in the sea of Mexican official corruption from the president on down, bit off a little more than she could handle alone.
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of amazing to sit back and watch just how much verbal hatred of this woman the BB cruising, Hate All Latinos crowd has come up with. Can't say that it is any surprise though. They hate Latinos for not being culturally, English speaking as native tongue folk, like these monolingual Anglos themselves are.
One gets the impression that the only 'good' Latino for many of these types is the US native Latino who no longer can speak a word of Spanish.
You got it Ardent. Racists every one. Have you ever seen more hatred expressed in one page? And that my friend is at the root of the way the usa has always related to mexico.
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm really surprised you support this female and label her as 'brave' considering she chooses to start a new life in country, you despise!
More and more, your comments seem to be a contradiction of terms. On one hand, you claim Americans dislike Latinos because they speak Spanish instead of English but on the other hand, you choose the English language to post your comments?
Is AMERICA more stupid than this woman? Probably... she has soooooo taken them for a ride. "Political asylum" my foot! She knew what she was getting into with the end game of seeking POLITICAL ASYLUM in the U.S. Was she STUPID or was the SMART? Was AMERICA stupid? You betcha!
ReplyDeleteShe's an idiot. SHE put her and her child's lives in danger by volunteering for a job she obviously had ZERO intentions of fulfilling.
ReplyDeleteAnd now she's going to play the asylum card to get out of a self-fitted noose.
If she shows up at my door and services me sexually, she can stay. Otherwise, GTFO.