By: Daniel Borunda / El Paso Times
Two men and a woman riding in a Hummer H3 with New Mexico plates were shot and killed on a Juárez street, Chihuahua state police said Friday.
Police said gunmen fired 30 rounds in the shooting at about 6:20 p.m. Thursday in the Felipe Angeles neighborhood across the Rio Grande from the University of Texas at El Paso.
A man and a woman died in the front seat of the white Hummer while the second man fell dead in the garage of a home. Officials said the victims had not been identified but appeared to be in their 20s.
Police reported four others were killed in other cases Thursday.
By early Friday afternoon, there were four homicides, including an unidentified woman with multiple tattoos whose decomposing body was found in an abandoned home, a man who died at a hospital from multiple stab wounds and a man shot at the Edgar bar on Avenida de las Torres.
I thought Hummers were bullet proof...guess I was wrong...Not to be a wise guy, but riding around in a pimp'd out hummer in Juarez does not sound like a wise choice....Either law enforcement will suspect you are someone or the cartels will or someone will just car jack you...
ReplyDeleteAmerican Narcos got popped!
ReplyDeleteI understand your comments and agree that a Hummer makes you a target...but these killings are endemic of a bigger issue. People should be free to live their lives without fear. All the people who bought Ferrari's in MTY should be able to pick them up rather than leave them in the dealership. I should be able to wear my Breitling without fear of being robbed or shot or kidnapped.
ReplyDelete@ 7:52 ^^^^ what he said, you gonnna ride in that car in juarez, oh you asking for it...warzone, hottest spot in the world now juarez and mexico...
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if it was a someone, I remember a poster saying El JL was known to ride in white hummer on rims, not saying this was him, it's not, but something to think about.
ReplyDeleteCruising around Narcotown in a Narco troca- what could possibly go wrong?
ReplyDelete@ May 13, 2011 7:52 PM
ReplyDeleteYou pretty much sum it up jaja bz Damn I thought the same thing jaja
I say we just drop a bomb on juarez and end all the violence there.
ReplyDeleteJuarez is off the charts in violence. The idiots who decided to ride that into town must have had an iq below the rim size on that thing.
ReplyDeletewow how stupid can you be to drive that into juarez.
ReplyDeleteDriving in a car that stick out in the most violent city on earth, what did the expect was going to happen, if they could of afford that car, they could afford bullet proof armor for the car, they got what they deserve for bring foolish enough not to read what going in in mexico these days.
ReplyDelete"come on get in, what could possibly go wrong?"
ReplyDeleteanon, 807, I agree with your response to my post, but this is Juarez Mexico, not NYC, NY where we pay enormous taxes and expect the protection and to live in peace. I agree with what you said in theory, but unfortunately it's not realistic in Juarez Mexico or many other parts. I have a friend who was car jacked in Acapulco and several others who had their cars stolen. One other who drove a pimp'd out Jeep and got followed and held up by several gunmen looking to indentify them all directly in the heart of the tourist zone, not the hills. Given the fact that Juarez is probably worse or at least from what I read appears to be worse, I think it's insane to drive around like that, though I would never say they deserved it...that's a stretch
ReplyDeleteI sold my Hummer last year. Yes, Buela had a Hummer, no they are not armored. I thought mine looked a little too Narco with its new wheels. Narcos love the car. I sold it in 8 hrs. on ebay..in SoCal to a Mexican who paid for it with bundles of cash...he did not try to negotiate a lower price.
ReplyDeleteThere are many Americans who still have no idea how dangerous border towns are. Call them naive if you like but please never say they deserved it...you are almost as bad as the narcos if you think like that.
ReplyDeleteWrong again !!! They do deserve it, if they are narcos. They are little maggots that infest Juarez and Mexico as a whole. They have killed many innocent Mexcians and in some cases not so innocent. If he was involved, and yes I have spoke to this guy, good riddence.
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail square on the head. Most Americans have no idea whats really going on in Shitville,Mexico and are not awre of the dangers that could be encountered there. this crap is not making the news here.
Mexico is not 'Shitville', Sir US Right Wing racist, DFL. Exercise some common sense and judgement and like most of the world, you can travel fairly safely inside most parts of Mexico if you need to or so desire.
if the devil were on earth i promise you he would live in cd.juarez. i was there when it was still considered relatively safe and was amazed at what was offered to me. from waaaaay underage girls / boys to any drug i could fathom, to fake u.s currency. Best was a short walk from the old Mercado i was offered up a kill much like you see in the movie hostel. a guy approached me at a local watering hole and said want to know what it feels like to kill? drunk off my ass i said "yea sure"! the guy pulls out a cheap ass digital camera with at least 15-20 women pictured and a price along with each. he says this one $100 U.S... this one 50 U.S... fuck them, bash there head in, torture whatever bro take out all your frustration on any one of these putas. He said we have places you can do this in safety and confidentiality... we even get rid of whats left. No one will ever know amigo.
ReplyDeleteknowing about the femicide murders now it sends chills down my spine to think about. Needless to say i sobered up a bit swiftly after this mans proposal. Best part of all is the guy was in a police attire! I would have assumed it was a set up or a fucked up joke on a stupid gringo but the way the guy was drinking tecate after tecate and partaking in nose candy i still wonder to this day.
on a side note last time i was there i was robbed by a couple of cops no less than 50 feet from the bridge of the Americas. Suckers got a watch, my wedding ring, and 75 usd in cash. they laughed the whole time they shook my ass down.
i miss that place. I always felt like i was what los angeles would be like after a post apocalyptic rebuild.
I'm the guy who said many Americans have no idea how bad things are. This is due to the fact that there is hardly any coverage here in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteTo the poster who goes by the name DFL. Mexico has some amazing qualities but it also has too many places where it is excessively dangerous. That being said, it is far from "POO POO, CACA." Your post is juvenile and is a prime example of how idiotic too many posters become when they get on forums.
As an American I'm embarrassed by some of the other Americans who make fools of themselves on here (almost on a daily basis.)
Mexico has become shitville. Go there yourself and look around and you will see that the border is in the hands of the cartels. You who critize have no idea what the real drug war entails and whos involved.
ReplyDeleteYea there are plenty of Punk ass bitches roaming free terrorizing Mexico and a whole lot of sorry worthless lemon fucks running the streets. You have no clue the fear and chaos that is todays border. Its as close to shitsville as you can get. Its an awful mess!!
@may 14 6;16
ReplyDeleteThe comments from DFL that you were refering to were about the worlds most wanted man- a terrorist named Juaqiun Guzman,
I think DFL is right about this guy . He is a sick lemon F and he is a punk ass B.
Maybe it hurts your feelings when DFL talked bad about your hero , El Chapo?
@May 15, 2011 10:36 AM aka DFL
ReplyDeleteActually no it was in Arellano Felix story getting extradited, maybe you should do your research before you speak. The insults were a mixture of insulting people who didn't agree with him and offending the drug trafficker which had nothing to do with the story. I have no hero jaja...unlike his hero, that corrupt hero of his kiki camarena...he was a corrupt sick lemon F and he was a punk ass B. and everyone knows it except him!!
ReplyDeleteI never said Benjamin Arellano Felix should deserve pity or shouldn't be punished for what he did, did I? Tell me where I said that or that I "worship losers?" Do you even know how to read?? ..your just so retarded with the use of words for example, "BOY, sorry lemon F's, PEPE!!!!, punk ass bitch, support all of those kids you have running all over the place" its so funny, not that your insulting him or me but your making a fool of yourself with your immaturity and you call yourself an adult?? jaja...And I actually have a job, so I can support people on welfare like you jajaja
@ May 11 12:08
ReplyDeleteYou sound like a low level street dealer who does not know right from wrong.
Kiki Camarena might be DFLs hero but he's also a national hero who gave his life for his country and is honered by millions of true Anericans each year during Red Ribbon week.
To call this rightous man corrupt shows your true ignorance and makes you look like an ass more so than DFLs stupid comments.
My poor friend rest in peace love u Luis
ReplyDeleteour dear friend, cousin,brother and son rest in peace we love u luis AKA (EL PISA ) we love u and we'll miss u
ReplyDeletewell at least he died in something he loved very much he cared about that hummer like if it was his kid so maybe u can all stop talk all this stupid stuff he wanted to so what just shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That girl was there at the wrong time at the wrong place