
After nearly two years of foot-dragging while the death toll in the Mexican drug wars rose beyond 30,000, the Obama administration is finally stepping up the fight against the easy movement of illegal guns across the United States’ border with Mexico and into the hands of violent drug cartels.
This has long been an open scandal. An analysis of government gun-trace data by the coalition Mayors Against Illegal Guns found that many thousands of guns recovered from Mexican crime scenes and traced between 2006 and 2009 were originally sold by American gun dealers. According to a recent investigation by The Washington Post, eight of the top 10 dealers in Mexican crime guns have shops near the border.
To stem this deadly flow, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is seeking emergency authority to require gun dealers near the border to report multiple purchases of the high-firepower rifles favored by cartel gunmen.
The White House Office of Management and Budget, which must sign off on the A.T.F. plan, should promptly do so. The new reporting requirement, while not a solution, is an important step. It will make it easier to identify and prosecute gun traffickers and, potentially, deter multiple sales using straw purchasers.
All gun dealers already have to report multiple handgun sales to federal authorities. The new rule would extend that requirement to AK-47’s and other battlefield assault rifles. The cartels have shown an increasing preference for high-capacity rifles like these.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns, led by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston, urged the Obama administration to create such an initiative more than a year ago. Until now, the White House has ducked the issue, presumably to help the prospects of those Democrats with top ratings from the National Rifle Association. But this has not helped to stop the traffic.
The N.R.A. is predictably opposed to the initiative. The administration must hold its ground and, beginning in January, press the next Congress to remove statutory limitations hampering the A.T.F.’s ability to shut down irresponsible dealers near the border and elsewhere.
This is the biggest joke. The NYT's idea of a crackdown is another bureaucratic burden imposed on a private business in the US. I was hoping the border was militarized, 1000 narcos were killed or the 1st marine division has pushed into Mexico and is currently displaying the heads of all the cartel leaders and their foot soldiers. I must be smoking what the narcos are selling to think that would happen in this political environment.
ReplyDeleteNo mention of the flood of arms over Mexico's southern border or it's coast line.
Full auto guns, rocket launchers and grenades follow drugs.
WikiLeaks proved that the U.S. knows that Mexico cannot control the southern border.
This is purely a case of pandering to Mexico rather than dealing with the truth.
Stupid idea! Just watch! The owners of those businesses will be next to be killed and probably even taken over.
ReplyDeleteWELL THATS NICE..so now they have to report who the sold multiple guns to ...that'll fix it...
ReplyDeleteso if i go to the hardware store in Roma TX,(right across the river from Miguel Aleman Tamps,MX.... and buy a load of guns they are gonna record who i was?
what a fukn joke
fuck all this shit ..mebbe i will get into the business,,,if you can't beat em join "em...anybody want a truckload? ...just meet me in falcon park, and we can do it
NOT....NOT.... NOT
where are the foot y mounted patrols on the river bank? ...where are the river boat patrols?...where are the helicopters?...maybe somewhere in a pigs ass?
ONCE AGAIN ..i am saying if we (the USA) would really guard our borders it would help Mexico out tremendously
give me 100 men none of who have any local ties , with horses and two ways ...ten riverboats and a couple of choppers and i will guarantee i can make a big dent in the drug smuggling from the frontera chica...
the whole drug war is such a charade
I would prefer to be able to personally direct how my tax dollars are spent.....While that is not a choice, I do expect my congressman to act on my behalf. Screw this President, He should not have these powers. Obama is just a unqualified showboat.
ReplyDeleteThose dollars (which we do not have) would be better spent on securing OUR border.
As always, the NYT relies on sloppy, if not intentionally misleading 'reporting'. It doesn't mention, for instance, that 80% of the firearms recovered in Mexico (and none of the grenades etc) come from somewhere OTHER than the US. Of the few remaining, the guns traced to border stores are a minute fraction of the total number of firearms those stores sell. If ready access to firearms is the cause of violent crime, how come Texas (which apparently had lots and lots of firearms) enjoys a very low crime rate, while Mexico (which has very few legal gun owners) is off the charts. Maybe the <2% conviction rate in Mexico has something to do with it ?
ReplyDeletei wish i could find fully automatic assault rifles, rpgs and other ordinance they are using. some weapons might be coming from the U.S. but most probably come from the south. Mexico can't handle it's own country, maybe it's time for someone else to help
ReplyDeleteWell first and foremost there's NO credible evidence that the firearms used by the cartels are from US vendors...
ReplyDeleteFederal government sources are NOT a credible source...
Those parasitic federal employees have an agenda and that's to rationalize why the should get more extorted dollars (a.k.a. taxes) from the productive in this country...
Everyone of the firearms and explosives that have been confiscated can be found on the open market in any country in the western hemisphere...
Look, you are all missing the point. In your anti-guncontrol rants, many of you miss or misquote facts to suit your own agenda.
ReplyDeleteFact: Over 80% of the weapons recovered in Mexican crimes are from the US (per ATF). 2:04 pm - do you just make shit up? Of course there is credible evidence. The ATF and the joint task force publish the serial numbers and type of weapon. If you don't like the facts, you seem to just ignore them. I suggest you get a real job in the field so that you can speak with authority and not make things up to suit your agenda.
Fact: lito brito would be the first to run scared when the shooting starts. So many people have a Dirty Harry mentality - that a few men are going to "make a big dent" in the problem.
Get real people. If there were a simple solution, it would have been tried by now. What is fact is that you are all just armchair quarterbacks spouting off from your computers without having the slightest clue how complex and difficult it has been to solve this problem.
Fact: There has NEVER been a large seizure of fully-automatic rifles. It is unbelievably inefficient and ineffective. Semi-autos fire as fast as you can squeeze the trigger. So get your head out of your asses.
Fact: Grenades are predominantly from the US, but either stolen from Mexican armories, or bought from Honduras or Guatemala.
Fact: Every country "regulates private business" for a variety of reasons. That is why stores don't sell crack.
Fact: Handguns & AK 47s are designed only to kill people. Why are you so opposed to trying to limit their availability? There are still thousands of different types of guns around you can buy.
Fact: This has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican! So don't make it that way. To say that Obama has anything to do with this is ludicrous. He has avoided this each time it has come up, just like Bush.
It's really over for Mexico isn't it.
ReplyDeleteMexico's politicians are corrupt, its army is corrupt, the police are corrupt, the citizens have been party to mordita corruption all their lives. Pity the Navy carrying the weight of all Mexico's honor.
Someone has always "taken care" of the citizens one way or another, they have no concept of self responsibility,and would sooner pass the cause of their horrible situation off to the convenient pinche gringo. Well, that's OK, their bed has been made and they are content to sleep with the winner.
They must remember though, when they wake up in the morning - they did it - no one else.
This is a Crackdown ? Show me some Straw Purchasers fronting for these guns in handcuffs and I'll applaud this.We all know how this crap works,the criminals find some poor US citizen with a clean record,talk and/or threaten them to go buy the guns,flip 'em $100 extra and it's a done deal.I guess if I lived in the barrio surrounded by Narcos and Gangbangers it would be really hard to say no.
ReplyDelete(Look, you are all missing the point. In your anti-guncontrol rants, many of you miss or misquote facts to suit your own agenda.)
ReplyDeleteOur own agenda? It's called freedom you jackass. These are our inalienable rights not some Johnny-come-lately-gun-loving-hillbillies.
(Fact: Over 80% of the weapons recovered in Mexican crimes are from the US (per ATF). 2:04 pm - do you just make shit up? Of course there is credible evidence. The ATF and the joint task force publish the serial numbers and type of weapon. If you don't like the facts, you seem to just ignore them. I suggest you get a real job in the field so that you can speak with authority and not make things up to suit your agenda.)
You seem to be believe 'the' authority's figures so much as if they've never lied about them or anything else. Go back to your statistics junior.
(Fact: lito brito would be the first to run scared when the shooting starts. So many people have a Dirty Harry mentality - that a few men are going to "make a big dent" in the problem.
Get real people. If there were a simple solution, it would have been tried by now. What is fact is that you are all just armchair quarterbacks spouting off from your computers without having the slightest clue how complex and difficult it has been to solve this problem.)
But you do huh? It's so complex to us dummies that only you can come up with this list of solutions right? haha..GTFOH
(Fact: There has NEVER been a large seizure of fully-automatic rifles. It is unbelievably inefficient and ineffective. Semi-autos fire as fast as you can squeeze the trigger. So get your head out of your asses.)
Haha...so not only do you believe our government's numbers but Mexico's too? GeezusChrist.
(Fact: Grenades are predominantly from the US, but either stolen from Mexican armories, or bought from Honduras or Guatemala.)
Woops, looks like you just flip-flopped there junior. What are our government-made weapons doing in these bad-bubbies' hands? Oh yeah, did our all-too-good ATF just looked the other way while we were selling them or giving them away?
(Fact: Every country "regulates private business" for a variety of reasons. That is why stores don't sell crack.)
Haha, you're making me pee on myself boy. If mexico could regulate anything do you think they'd be in this mess?
(Fact: Handguns & AK 47s are designed only to kill people. Why are you so opposed to trying to limit their availability? There are still thousands of different types of guns around you can buy.)
And out comes the agenda you've been hiding all along. You should've said that in the beginning so I wouldn't have to read this garbage. Take your liberal butt back to Chicago or New York where-ever you're from. There's just one thing I won't let you touch and that's my constitution.
(Fact: This has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican! So don't make it that way. To say that Obama has anything to do with this is ludicrous. He has avoided this each time it has come up, just like Bush.)
Don't make it Rep. or Dem.? You're the only one bring up the left-right wing paradigm, junior, and I say junior because you don't seem to be old enough to understand the difference between someone exercising their freedom of speech when accusing our beloved president for being 'unqualified' and somebody actually who actually cites what's wrong with his political philosophy.
And another thing, Obummer has been for gun-control, even before he was president as well as Georgey-boy. Go and do your research on what he and the U.N. want to do to our precious Constitution.
yeah mutherfucker ..i have run scared ...fell down, dropped my gun and kept on running
ReplyDeletebut not you huh?
you sound like one of them big mouth fearless pinche madres...
ReplyDeletethe ability to own , maintain , and fire a weapon accurately
preventing the legal ownership of a fire arm for self protection , and making it the exclusive province of criminals and police
the USA has more of my version
Mexico has more of the gun control nuts version..
does this clear it up any?
if you don't want to own a gun ,that's good
..because it will be hard for you to impose your will on me as long as you are unarmed , and i am
@ Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete(Look, you are all missing the point. In your anti-guncontrol rants, many of you miss or misquote facts to suit your own agenda.)
are you drunk or something..or just stupid..your comments are incoherent..what the fuck are you even talking about?
have you got a point?
nevermind, i don't even want to hear it
of all the stupid moronic comments you see here..yours really stands out
you sound like one of those nit wits who have to complicate everything to death...
like you would have to eat a whole pile of dogshit to be able to conclude that it tastes like shit
hey stupid ...
i got a hilbilly joke for you ...
what is that white stuff in chickenshit.....
think hard now fuckface...
give up?...
it is just more chickenshit
goddamn what a dumbfuck...you spell hillbillys like this asshole...not hillbillies
feel better now ...i do...
laughing as i walk away
What? The New York Times pushing editorially for another US made war inside another country? I'm shocked, I really am! They've only done this what???? ... a thousand times already? Just kidding....
ReplyDeleteMake that about ten thousand times instead.
yeah... like we need another war...
ReplyDeletebut just think ..
when the oil runs out we can all just walk to this one
the truth has finally come out.....the USA...is the evil empire......duhhhhhh....all you red necks....wake up!!! China is comming...arm yourself!!!