El Norte.com
El Bravo de Tamaulipas

Authorities have linked Thursday’s double homicide on FM 511 in the northwest outskirts of Brownsville. Texas, to Mexican drug cartels and are investigating the killings as spillover violence from the Tamaulipas war between the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas.
The bodies of Omar Castillo Flores “El Omarcillo”, 25, and Jose Guadalupe Lopez Perez, 38, were found inside a gray Dodge Ram pickup that was riddled with bullets, police spokesman Eddie Garcia said Friday. He said the truck had a Mexican license plate on the back bumper, and he identified both men as residents of Mexico.
At the crime scene, police recovered numerous shell casings of an unknown caliber. The Border Enforcement Security Task Force, a multi-agency group led by U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, assisted police in the investigation but deferred all comment to Brownsville police as the lead agency in the case.
According to Justice of the Peace Linda Salazar, the pickup the men were driving was shot from behind several times. When they stopped on the median, the unknown assailants "finished them off," Salazar said.
On Friday morning, police discovered a Chevrolet Silverado pickup with Tamaulipas plates that Garcia confirmed as the vehicle driven by the suspected gunmen. It was abandoned in a driveway near the intersection of Tree Line Avenue and Cedar Trail Road.
Brownsville Police Chief Carlos Garcia confirmed the information provided by Mexican law enforcement officials who stated that Omar Castillo and Jose Lopez were members of the Zetas criminal organisation and that Omar Castillo was the younger brother of former Gulf Cartel member Alberto "Beto Fabe" Castillo Flores
“Beto Fabe”, who served as a chief lieutenant with the Gulf Cartel, was head of the Matamoros plaza and was murdered in Matamoros last May under orders of Gulf Cartel leader “Tomy Tormenta”.
“El Omarcillo” was also the younger brother of Oscar Castillo Flores ,“El Apache”, the head of a Zeta cell operating in Matamoros. “El Apache” and his group belonged to a cell of the Gulf Cartel and switched sides to the Zetas after the Gulf cartel leaders had “Beto Fabe” killed.
Among the attacks attributed to “El Apache” and his cell was the attack on a Matamoros police station in June that resulted in the deaths of 7 municipal police officers who were allegedly working for the Gulf cartel.
“El Apache” was arrested in Brownsville in July and remains in federal custody. According to court documents, he was caught in a multi-agency operation that was led by ICE, along with cell members Luis Alberto "El Pelochas" Blanco Flores, and Jose Ezequiel "El Niño" Galicia Gonzalez.
“El Niño” Galicia attempted suicide by slashing his wrists and neck after his arrest. At the time of their arrest “El Apache” and the other two men had entered the U.S. illegally while fleeing a Gulf cartel hit squad that had decimated the Zetas in the Matamoros area.
A few days after the trio’s arrest in Brownsville, 15 bodies with signs of torture were dropped along a Matamoros highway, and sources have said the men were part of Castillo’s group.
At around the same time, the Mexican navy announced that it had arrested 12 Zetas that were also part of “El Apache’s” group at a motel in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, south of Matamoros. Authorities have said those 12 were among the 14 men killed several weeks alter at the Matamoros state prison.
Court documents show that both Blanco Flores and Galicia Gonzalez pleaded guilty to the charge of illegal re-entry to the U.S., while “El Apache” is facing trial later this year on the same charge. Records also show that Blanco Flores’ plea was part of a deal with authorities that was to give him a lesser sentence in exchange for cooperation.
Brownsville Police Chief: Residents have 'nothing to fear' from drug war spillover
Brownsville residents have “nothing to fear” from the spillover of drug war violence from Mexico, authorities said.
“The people that go about their business and lead a regular life really have nothing to fear from this,” Brownsville Police Chief Carlos Garcia said. “If you are not involved in illegal trade or organized crime, this won’t affect you.”
Garcia said that in the late 1980s and early 1990s, police saw an average of 20 to 25 murders a year with a large part of them attributed to the drug trade.
“Back in the days of Juan Garcia Abrego, we actually saw more murders related to the cartels than now,” Garcia said. “Back then, Abrego controlled certain routes in Mexico and when another organization would try to move in they wouldn’t allow it. During that time, we saw more murders related to organized crime.”
“Hopefully it doesn’t get to that point again,” he said.
Thursday’s murders are an indication that the violence has crossed over but Garcia said the scope is minor compared to the 1980s. According to the police chief, because of the location and the way the murders were carried out, the hit is an isolated incident dealing only with elements of organized crime.
George W. Grayson, author of “Mexico: Narco-Violence and a Failed State?” and a professor at the College of William and Mary, said Thursday that drug cartel assassinations on the U.S. side were not surprising.
“It was just a matter of time before you found the violence spilling over,” Grayson said. “The Zetas work on both sides and reportedly some live on the U.S. side for security.”
According to Grayson, the recent border violence is attributed to a troika of cartels – the Gulf Cartel, the Familia Michoacana and the Sinaloa Cartel – who are “cooperating to decimate the Zetas.”
“They don’t care where they do it,” Grayson said. “If they can catch vulnerable Zetas near the border, they will take them out. This is a battle to the death.”
He said the troika of cartels is the lesser of two evils because they are simply businessmen who seek to make a profit through the commerce of narcotics while the Zetas are involved in more than 20 criminal activities and are a threat to public safety.
When asked about the ramifications of Gulf Cartel assassins working on the U.S. side, Grayson agreed with Garcia’s thinking that future incidents will be isolated and won’t necessarily affect the public.
“I was just in McAllen 10 days ago and I saw the people go about their business,” Grayson said. “I didn’t perceive that there was fear on the U.S. side that the war was spilling over.”
Grayson predicted that there would be future incidents along the border because of the tendency of various members of organized crime to take refuge in the U.S. However, Grayson believes that the law-abiding public will remain safe for the most part.
“It’s an all-out war, but the cartels have been extremely wary of killing foreigners and specially of killing Americans, not because they are ‘sacerdotes’ (priests) but because they don’t want to raise hackles in Washington,” Grayson said. “There is more and more concern in the intelligence, the anti-drug and military sectors of the federal government. The cartels fear if they are viewed as simply killing people every day on the north side of border, (it) could intensify Washington’s scrutiny of the border. This means not only more Border Patrol and National Guard but also the regular Army.”
Grayson foresees the drug war escalating until the Zetas are eliminated, a challenge because of their constant and resourceful recruiting.
“It might be premature to write their epitaph just yet,” he said. “I don’t see that happening until (Zeta leaders) are captured, convicted and extradited to the U.S.”
Heriberto “El Lazca” Lazcano and Miguel Angel “El 40” Treviño are believed to head the Zetas organization.
This is getting really interesting, I'd like to see a comprehensive and detailed write up on the Zetas, and what their operations are, organizational strength, money, distribution areas, etc. Are they gaining ground in the US cities for trafficking and retail sales, or are the Gulf/Sinaloa too entrenched?
ReplyDeleteLet's mount up, locate and start the systematic killing of these cartel MFR's here in the US. F.... what the ACLU wants... These animals have given up their right to be amongst us. ACLU go F.... yourselves. Let the killings of these animals begin!
ReplyDeleteI don't think the Zetas have much structure, just an arsenal of weapons. It's just a matter of time before they self destruct. The Sinaloa Federation will always be top dog. They have been established to long.
ReplyDeleteACLU WTF? Who mentioned the ACLU?
ReplyDeleteI only mentioned the ACLU as they would bitch if we just started to outright kill these animals.F-ing Pu..ies...
ReplyDeleteI feel more secure after Brnsville Police Chief Garcia stated Texas citizens are safer if they are not involved in drugs,true. But,he forgot to mention not to get caught in the middle of a shootout, minor detail!
ReplyDeleteHow does this criminal scum pass american customs inspection coming to the US side?
A good cartel/zeta member is a dead cartel member/zeta member. Chingen su madre!
Stomp the zetas were ever they are
ReplyDeleteHaha ACLU.... getting back to the relevant subject, yes zetas are destroying themselves... these guys were probably top dogs, there is no real reason for the CDG to come in and kill them... carteles are not dumb, but at the same time they are growing tired of cowards that go over to mexico, kill and come back... I know this bc el paso is wirnessing that problem. My cousin's bestfriend had her husband shot infront of her and was kidnapped right after, two months ago, and she told me and my cousin that the abductors were speaking english the whole time. They even mentioned not doing any kidnappings on Sunday because the bridge line was too long... don't get me wrong these guys are not white americans (thay can't drive around juarez w/o redflagging the authorites), but they are very likely us citizens or at least residents..
ReplyDelete@ J
ReplyDeleteSad state of affairs that I have an obsessive amt of Zeta print media stuff. I incl a few links..going back a couple yrs fwd. Revisting old projections to ck accuracy. By all accounts had great organizational structure, well funded etc...
This spill over could get very bad. Unbelievable that the sheriff would say that if you are not in the drug business, it shouldn't affect you.
ReplyDeleteWhat if you are a business man and can't get financing. What about the lower valuation of real estate in the area? Not to mention the breakdown of society as the lawless gangs execute without any hindrances. Unbelievable.
We must get a handle on this.
I think he meant you would not be killed, kidnapped, or tortured if you weren't in the drug business, which is more or less accurate at this point I think. Honestly, this stuff is common place, it's just making headlines and is more interesting because of the cartel factor. There are gang executions and homicides on a weekly basis in my city, probably not any different in Brownsville.
ReplyDeletewhat is the sherrif talking about ...the fukn Z is already in brownsville...any were these pinche madres are at IS bad
ReplyDelete“The people that go about their business and lead a regular life really have nothing to fear from this,” Brownsville Police Chief Carlos Garcia said. “If you are not involved in illegal trade or organized crime, this won’t affect you.”
ReplyDeleteSomething along those lines is what Tamaulipas governor used to say a couple of years ago, and then all hell broke loose.
lol thats like saying dont fuck with us and we wont fuck with u....but its all bull shit dont believe that if u do ur fucken stupid men get beat killed all the time,jacked,tortured,....women,getting raped, no 1 walks around after dark .....if they find u and they can get u they will ...theres no control and if ur between the target and the trigger finger on the us side dont think that they r gonna wait 4 u 2 move lol ....fuck that they scum..... i know as for the The Sinaloa Federation bieng number 1 ....i dont thinks so bro its gulf cartel peep think the one's who get caught moving the most shit are biggest .....nope its the ones who dont get caught ...that just means they got caught with more shit lol and they all have people on this side ALL OF THEM .... u all dont really know shit AND the zetas they arent dumb they dont just sale drugs lol they are into everything so they obviously arent under funded under powered or ignorant...........they are animals tho but yeah dont believe that bs that if ur not in it they wont fuck with u if u got what the want they will try 2 take it ...u see them do something and they noticed u ....u prob gonna get wasted...2 be honest just keep u and ur fam the fuck out of mexico.....n america isnt 2 far off either lol we are just as fucked up it realy doesnt matter where u go shits always gonna smell if u stand around it.....just depends on which way the winds blowin TC bitches
ReplyDeleteThat sheriff works for the Zetas or the CDG or both. He's full of shit he's just trying to spin it.
ReplyDeleteits alright its ok....yeah right ...fuckn sherrif is on the payroll...so now these fukn bastards are gonna turn or country into their battleground....
ReplyDeletethese guy u here speaking english are american ex soldiers MERCS! I come from a family of x narcos when CARO Q. was around i actually met him and his uncle the cartels are runned by money and money talks and can buy u anything ....Drug dealers lost respect and pancho villas fundementals which he was the first organized drug dealer he even jacked an airplane from the U.S. Military
ReplyDeleteyeah but first you must kill them in mexico,allow the US marines in mexico,they seem to have some balls to fight this fucking bastards!!
ReplyDeleteHola, yo no quisiera aparecer como un malanoticia, pero aca en Tamaulipas todos sabemos que el estar ajeno a cosas ilegales, es decir, ser personas que se dedican unicamente a lo licito, no nos aleja del riesgo real de sufrir algun daño proveniente de los organized crime, hace años deciamos eso, pero el paso del tiempo nos revelo lo contrario, es riesgo es real y lo que hemos hecho es extremar precauciones y tomar las cosas como muy serias.
ReplyDeleteSaludos faternales
si dejmos k los putitos de los z entren va aser la peor matason de la historia, pero nose preocupen todos los del golfo tenemos la camiseta bien puesta ,nosotros no tenemos nada en contra del gobierno y vamos a limpiar nustra reputasion k dejaron las zapatillas y vamos x los grandes y k le atoren y esto va todos los k estan en u.s ya van muchas mamadas con todo respeto andan atacando gente inosente vegansen ala liniea de fuego pu... aca esta lo bueno pinches pandilleros, el cartel nunca se a vasado en a terrorisar y muchomenos aser actos terroristas lo fuerte es aser feria no peliando .
ReplyDeleteDAMN! well im thinking that one day MEXICANS♥
ReplyDeleteWILL run the United States [:
Maybe a Fast and Furious boomerang effect?
ReplyDeleteque locos!
ReplyDeleteJaja el Apache.es mi.pinche.tio Rip Oscar Castillo!!