Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, September 20, 2010

Diario de Juarez asks Cartels: "What do you want from Us?"

El diario de Juarez has dedicated Sunday's newspaper editorial to the cartels which are destroying their once beautiful and prosperous city.

To the organizations that are disputing the plaza of Ciudad Juarez: the loss of two reporters of this publishing house in less than two years represents an irreparable breakdown for all of us who work here and, in particular, for their families.

We would like it to be known, we are communicators, not psychics. With that in mind, as information correspondents, we want you to explain, What is it you want from us? What is it you want us to publish, or stop publishing? Explain so we can attend these issues.

You are, at present, the de facto authorities of this city. The legal security commands have done nothing to prevent our colleagues from being killed in the line of their duties, although we have repeatedly demanded protection.

That is why, faced with this indisputable fact, we are writing to you and asking, because the last thing we want is another one of our colleagues to become another victim of your shootings.

Although the entire journalistic community of this border has suffered the consequences of this war that you and the federal government are waging, EL Diario has undoubtedly been hurt the most so far because no other media source has suffered the death of two its partners, like us.

We do not want anymore deaths. We do not want more injuries nor more intimidation. It is impossible for us to work in these conditions. Therefore, we ask of you, what do you expect of us, as a media outlet.

This is not a surrender. Nor does it mean we will give up on the work we have been developing. This is a respite, an offering of truce to those who have imposed their law on this city, providing they respect the lives of those of us who dedicate ourselves to informing the public.

Faced with the loss of legal authority in Chihuahua, citizens are no longer guaranteed any type security when going about their lives and daily activities. Journalism has now become one of the most dangerous professions, El Diario can attest to these facts.

For those who are at the forefront of this publishing company, our goals and mission of informing the community remain the same 34 years ago, during these times it does not make sense to continue putting at risk the safety of so many colleagues, whose lives are so valuable, just to have them used as message carriers, encrypted or not, between feuding organizations, or from them to official authorities.

Even in war there are rules. And in any conflict there are protocols or guarantees to the warring sides, to safeguard the integrity of the journalists covering them. Therefore, I reiterate, gentlemen of the various drug trafficking organizations, explain what you want from us so we can stop paying our infringements with the lives of our colleagues.

From the message that one of these groups left on a banner placed yesterday morning at the corner of Ejército Nacional and Tecnológico, we can attribute the murder of photojournalist Luis Carlos Santiago Orozco, registered on Thursday afternoon at a mall.

The banner contained a threatening message directed to alleged commanders and a police chief, in which they were warned they would end up like our photographer if they did not return an undisclosed sum of money.

Since the beginning when these types of messages started appearing on banners and painted on walls, El Diario has never taken them lightly, especially because they have demonstrated reliability, as several of these warnings have been acted upon.

Quite the contrary, almost two years after the assassination of our colleague Armando Rodriguez, we find ourselves very skeptical that the law enforcement authorities who are in charge of his case and are about to to finish their terms will ever deliver any type of reliable clarification.

There have been so many offers, so many promises that his case would be solved and none of them have held any truth. At this point, if the authorities we were to to present us with the alleged killer, the first thing we'd feel is doubt.

The newspaper is not going to just accept the first suspect brought in out of the blue for "El Choco's" attack, because we have reliable information that a scapegoat is being sought to pin the crime on.

Creating a scapegoat to ease the tension involved with this case would only prove counterproductive as it would only attract a greater distrust amongst the citizens who have already been forced to bear witness to endless impunity.

In any case, for El Diario to accept an outcome at this stage, it would also have to be accepted by international journalists, as well as human rights commissions.

Four and half years ago, when Felipe Calderón Hinojosa was still campaigning for the presidential race, he came to the Diario facilities to give an interview on various topics.

During this meeting with our media employees, the now President, answered a question regarding what type of guarantees his administration would provide to insure the development of freedom of expression and those who represent it.

Calderon said: "In the case of the murders (of journalists)just as I am protected because of my status as a candidate, I think that any activity which is for the benefit of the community and has danger involved must have mechanisms to protect it. A journalist who has been threatened or is involved in an investigation against organized crime should have special protection. Thankfully there has been a legal entity created especially for the needs and protection of journalists."

Around these years, the story is well known: the President, to create a legitimacy that he was unable to obtain at the polls, went "without a proper strategy," to war against organized crime without fully knowing the enemy or of the consequences this confrontation could bring to the country.

Thrown into the conflict without prior consideration, Mexicans-and particularly those of Juarez-have been led adrift by erroneous decisions that continuously leave them in the middle, with results now known and, above all, abhorred by the majority.

In this context, journalists were also dragged into this fight, without the President giving a second thought of the commitment he made in the boardroom of El Diario, because the media workers have been threatened,they have conducted investigated organized crime and have been in the midst of this war as privileged witnesses and intimidated intimidated, but still never received from his administration the "special protection mechanisms" which he considered indispensable.

The only true weapons of defense we've had, those of us dedicated to this profession, have been our search for the truth, our management of words, and our typewriter-today-computers and cameras.

The State as protector of the rights of citizens, and thus, of the media, has been absent during these years of militancy, even when you pretended to do so through a range of operations, which in practice, have been paramount failures.

Last Friday, after the murder of photojournalist Luis Carlos Santiago Orozco, El Diario published an editorial, that emphasized this absence of response,with the question "To whom do we demand justice?". Caught in the same uncertainty are our citizens who no longer know where to turn for help.

A few days ago the medical universities announced the possibility of a strike as a measure of pressuring the government for answers, after several of their colleagues had been abducted and some killed despite their ransoms being paid.

Others, such as merchants and businessmen have also contemplated lobbying the government, by creating a strike in which they will withhold all payments of taxes and duties, precisely what the government needs to survive.

Such is the lack of justice, such is the desolation and helplessness felt by all sectors, it would not be unreasonable to begin to implement actions that really hurt those who are obliged to do more to safeguard the security of the city, state and the country.

In contrast, the one who is most obligated to protect citizens is lost in fruitless disquisitions on whether Mexico is equal to or worse than Colombia twenty years ago, a statement issued by the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and backed by media as reputable as The Washington Post, or even better, assumes the responsibility of providing a circus for his compatriots through the costly expense used in the celebrations for the Bicententario, resources that should be spent on strengthening weak security strategies.

Not content with this, the President pontificates on peace in the country as if it were real, sending a letter to each of the families in the nation in which he, among other things, and rhetorically, stresses the color white in our national flag is "the peace we have won."

That statement is a mockery of all Juarenses who drown in blood baths, peace is what we know least of in these times.

In Ciudad Juarez it have reached a point where it is necessary, and urgent, to take other measures to force the authorities established by law to provide conclusive answers, because the capacity for tolerance of so many hurting people has now passed its limits.

El Diario, for now, assumes the position expressed in the opening paragraphs, to call upon the warring groups to express what they want from us as communicators.

From Victims to Executioners

As if the threats, attacks, and other intimidation of the media were not enough, yesterday the State Secretary of Education and Culture, Guadalupe Chacón Monárrez, came to pour more salt on our wounds by declaring that we are guilty of the psychological terrorism that exists in the city.

Now it turns out that in addition to being victims, in the mind of this state official, we are the perpetrators as she declares us terrorists for performing our duty of informing the community about what is happening in this border.

Terrorism, and this should be very clear to the Secretary of Education, comes from other sources, not the media, we are an outlet to report what happens in this city.

Chacón Monárrez specifically referred to the case of Elementary school and kindergarten in the northwest where not only parents but teachers themselves, live in fear that something may happen to them after receiving threats from a group of extortionists.

They were the parents themselves who approached this newspaper to express the fear they felt-and feel-for the safety of their children. These threats were not caused by el Diario, the same as this media did not create the initiative within these parents to denounce the threats.

Given this situation, what did Chacón Monárrez expect? That we simply listen to these parents and return them to their homes? Or that we send them to fill out the proper paperwork necessary to file a complaint with Preliminary Investigations, when they themselves said they did not trust the authority because it does nothing about it?

The reporter who listened to them did what he had to do: He wrote the story and delivered it to the editor, who also complied with his duties and his responsibility to publish it because it was a fundamental issue in which the integrity of many people, especially children, was on the line.

Terrorism was not induced by this divulged information, which was echoed by the rest of the media in the city, but by those who threaten children, their parents and teachers. But above all, it's been caused by people who have the responsibility and the ability to stop these acts, and haven't either by omission, negligence or even collusion.

The Secretary of Education says she can not imagine that someone would disrespect children, and that quite possibly it could have been just a bad joke. It is obvious the official does not live in this city where children, toddlers, and even babies have been massacred. The bad joke is her and her comments which certainly will not please the many parents who have lost children to violence.

Hernán Ortiz, an anthropologist and researcher at the UACJ, was absolutely right when he responded to Chacon Monárrez and said she should not be blaming the media for the terrorism we are suffering, but the incompetence shown by governments, which coincides with our comments made in earlier paragraphs.

"I want to tell the media, with all respect, that we have become partners in this crime, because psychological terrorism is achieved through communication," she said.

What is she trying to tell us with this? To stop publishing? Or to only report the good and positive notes? The media collects and publishes everything that happens in the city, it's the reader who will give the connotation of good or bad to everything he reads, sees or hears.

In any case, the Education Secretary has the great responsibility that children who are are being educated now, finish with a well-developed mind so they are not criminals of tomorrow.

Monárrez Chacón has only created a smokescreen to hide the failures of authorities who have not done their job well.


  1. I will tell you what they want. They want Mexico and the world to bow down before them and kiss their ring. They want us to be accepting of their crimes against humanity, and they want our silence so they can continue their crimes.

    That is what they want, but 'damn you' if that is what you want to give them. Damn you.

    Personally, I think it is time for Mexicans to stop depending upon their government to do all the killing. The population must also be a part of the solution of eradicating this scum. Take up arms, do what is right, and kill every last one of these animals. If the government doesn't want to allow you to be armed, then do what the criminals do and find a way. That is if you love your country, love your families, love your freedom, and hate all that threatens these most valuable things.

    No one is going to do it for you, and you have to stand up for yourselves. Your cause is just, and the world will cheer you on.

    As for specifics. Man, reporters should remember--the pen is mightier than the sword. You have the gift of destroying the cartels on the moral conflict front. If you don't want to use your real name, then don't. If you think your paper is infiltrated by cartel spies, then start a blog or facebook page. If cartels are burning newspapers and magazines, then use a copy machine, and spread the word any way you can. Do it on the radio, do it on youtube, do it everywhere and get the fight to be viral. You guys have all the tools you need to get the word out and really sell how immoral and awful the cartels are. You also have all the tools necessary to convert your 'pens into swords' and motivate others to stand up and fight these cartel scum.

  2. Matt,
    I really enjoyed reading your comments and agree with the points you have made. I'm sure that some of the BB followers will disagree with you but thats because they lack the courage to stand up for themselves. Doing nothing solves nothing.

  3. "Faced with the complete loss of authority in Chihuahua, in the midst of an environment in which there are no sufficient guarantees for citizens to safely go about their lives and activities, journalism has become one of the most dangerous professions and El Diario can ."

    Can someone play editor and fix the incomplete sentence in the article?
    Editing is good!

  4. Hey, people of Mexico: It is time you man up and take responsibility for your own lives and property. No one but you has the duty to protect you. Since you have this duty to protect your lives/property you also have the RIGHT to perform this protection and the means for this protection.

    Either take up this duty or you will continue to be slaves to the cartels, just like you have been slaves to socialism the past several decades, slaves to colonialism before that and slaves to the native cultures (i.e. Aztecs) before that.

  5. Its funny that those of u posting the citizens uprising by taking the war into their own hands are forgetting the government has already taken the right to bear arms away from them. And look where that put the guns...any two bit drug lord can get ahold of an arsenal but reglar citizens would have to steal them for protection. And those who were hired and chosen as their protectors...who and what are one knows the good from the bad.

    As for the Sec of Ed, her comments would be comical and farcical if not so painfully idiotic. Blame the media for telling the truth...while you hide your head in the sand and collect your government could they have hired someone as narrow-minded as her as the guardian of children's education...unfortunately we have alot like her in the US too.

    I think the strikes are the best idea Mexican citizens have come up with. Just have a strategy and protection...Who is John Galt?

  6. What do the cartels want?

    Simple, market-share for the world's biggest smuggling conduit into the United States. They're chasing the black market money and they'll continue to do so as long as there is a multi-tens of billions dollar black market for refined agricultural products in the US. And they'll use violence if that is the most efficient means of achieving market-share.

    Right now creating a temporary autonomous zone in Juarez and other significant plazas where the Mexican government is unable or unwilling to exercise a monopoly on force is in the cartels' best interests as ungoverned zones are profitable zones for smuggling.

  7. @ Resilient Tuscon: What exactly do you mean by "slaves to the native cultures???

  8. I wonder how we in the United States would react if faced with these problems. I agree that the Mexican people need to standup for themselves and do something to change the cartels and the culture it has created in Mexico.

  9. @Anonymous 9:17 AM

    Ay Guey! Are you offering your editing services? jejeje

    I apologize for any errors, the translation was more difficult than anticipated, my bad.

    As soon as I get off work, I'll go over it again.

    Seriously, Thanks for your comment and btw, if you are looking to edit, I've got a stack of unedited posts on the back burner you may enjoy.


  10. Ovemex, Thanks man, I often send these to friends in the US media and many will pass the news along as long as the story is credible and well written. Since the Mexican media has been stifled it is important in my mind that we get the word out to the world for them! I will be glad to help in any capacity I can, let me know what I can do. Thanks for all the hard work you do. I am grateful for the site because I used to rely on awful translation programs that never work well, my Spanish is muy malo! Regards, Guero-

  11. Ovemex I sent you an email.

  12. As an update to this post, El Diario has now received two responses to their editorial/open letter: 1 from Felipe Zamora Castro(Segob) in which he announces there has been no loss of "official law or power" and there is no narco law de facto in Juarez. Additionally he said he would look into the possibility of additional security (do they have any at this time?) for the newspaper and it's employees..

    The second response to El Diario was painted on a wall, supposedly from members of La Linea. The message denies any responsibility in the deaths of the two journalists.

    Additionally, the message states La Linea always takes credit/assumes responsibility for "their work" and does not leave threats via narco-banners, but with paintings on walls.

    The message ended with an open threat to any and all Cipol State police agents ( ).....

    Oddly enough, a half dozen state police vehicles where torched in the middle of the night and a narco banner with threats against Cipol and demanding the return of money was left at the scene. ....Was it from La Linea, or is every gang out to get Cipol police?

  13. sounds like a job for the "A-Team"!

  14. There is no military victory against these groups. They have too much money, power and control. there are too many poor people willing to join and too many folks who want the glamour, fame and wealth.

    This should be obvious to all.

    The only logical method of quieting down the cartels is to expropriate their monies, thus reducing their influence.

    The only extrajudical means is to create authorized "hit squads" who do like they did in Colombia to eliminate any and everyone involved in some capacity with the cartelss. Cut off the heads.

    But currently the drug groups can and will replenish their forces anytime. Hardly anyone can be trusted, people are scared and money talks.
    There will never be enough prisons built to acccomodate the increasing numbers of arrested criminals.

    It must become vicious.

  15. Hay un error grandisimo no es este el unico periodico que a perdido reporteros, en Piedras Negras Coah. periodico "El Zocalo" a tenido varios periodistas ejecutados con narcomensajes
    y otros que presumiblemente fueron "levantados" y nunca mas aparecieron.

  16. Mexicans stand up for themselves? On a bus from Escondido to Oaxaca City the bus driver had the AC a full blast even though it was the middle of the night and the temperature outside was cool. All the Mexicans on the bus were shivering and frozen. My American family was shivering and frozen. I tried to tell him to turn it down, but I speak no Spanish. Not one person was willing to tell him to turn down the AC. I finally convinced one woman to tell\translate to him to turn it down. She did so reluctantly, almost as if the driver would punish her in some way. He said he could not do it. I watched him turn it on, so I knew he could turn it off. She translated for me that he was lying that he could not turn it down as I saw him turn it on. I raised my voice at him and he finally obliged.

    The Mexican people seem to be perfect citizens. Completely in cowering fear of authority- even if it is just a bus driver, a cab driver, a priest, a mayor, a cop.

    Maybe it is the Catholicism. Maybe it is left over colonial tradition.

    Whatever it is- it AIN'T working.

  17. From the beginning it has not made sense at all.
    The only conclusion that does; is mistaken identity. He was driving a vehicle that was not his...

    HOWEVER; the Mex Gov announced today that the death had NOTHING to do with his stemmed from a "personal issue"

    then there are the banners that went up last night

    Then there is from El Diario, refuting that they will refrain from reporting stories of org crime...this explaination is cowardly if not laughable..just like all Mx press cowardly if not it is

  18. "Alejandro Poiré, secretario técnico del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional, señaló que de acuerdo con las investigaciones de la Procuraduría de Justicia de Chihuahua, la agresión que sufrieron los dos fotógrafos del Diario de Juárez habría sido motivada por problemas personales y no de índole profesional." - Reforma

    Now they're saying the photojournalists were attacked because of some sort of "personal problems", nothing to do with being journalists or working for El Diario..


  19. This story has never made sense.

    Mx Government says this killing was due to the victim's personal issue...Not his employment..
    & this afternoon El Diario made issued a qualifier denying they will refrain from org crime stories. I posted this info this afternoon but here it is again...a message from the cowards which in a real sense their clarification provkes laughter as much as anger...I could not find the org source but el paso times has the story now...see below

  20. I really think this whole 'you need to stand up for yourself Mexico' rhetoric is laughable, and to me, just exemplifies the way Americans view the rest of the world. 'Pull yourself up with your bootstraps' and all that nonsense. What do you suggest? Like someone said calling the A Team? This isn't like that innocent 80's tv show, where the villagers come together in a bloodless shootout in the last 15 minutes to overthrow evil.

    To me, from southern California, I am not in Mexico, those who 'stand up', end up on the street with a narco message pinned to their packs. It's too easy to arm chair quarterback from the safety of your own home. Please stop.

  21. I thought it was mistaken identity; that they thought he was the son of the car's owner.

    No one can say what one thinks, no one can say what one knows. Who is the bad guy?

    Calderón must establish plazas of trust.
    He must man them with trustworthy and skilled people that can listen, discriminate, and accurately relay information.

    Until he can show the populace that he can establish
    "Plazas of Trust" in each of the troubled states the people will not believe he is capable of winning this battle.

  22. what mexico should do is study colombia's past and try to immitate by seeking help from the u.s. gov. and coming together as a community and fighting these cartels through raw violence. that is the only language the mexican cartels understand. the columbian gov. fought pablo escobar with the help of los pepes, a vigilante group created by the citizens, who were fed up of being bullied by the medellin cartel and with the help of the u.s. gov... they found escobar and destroyed him. as they say, kill the head and the body dies. you have to destroy all of the leaders of these cartels including el chapo. the colombian gov. is not a perfect state but at least the gov. has regained its power and colombia is at peace once again.

  23. this is a very sad day when a newspaper organization surrenders to a sadistic cartel. one feels that their is absolutely no hope for mexico and its people at this point. it is very frustrating to read this. but what else can they do without any help from their government? they feel helpless. el diario has always provided people with honest and professional information unlike the pm newspaper which almost seems to be glamourizing the violence in juarez and really doesnt provide much useful information at all.

  24. Buela Chivis ..AKA KABSeptember 21, 2010 at 1:44 AM

    @ J
    I do appreciate where you are coming from, I really do...& you are keeping it real.. But another way to view it is that when people post things such as Mexicans need to fight back and pull themselves up etc, then it is is incumbent on us who live in MX or are educated to why this sounds so ridiculous to us to tell others why. That is Educate/inform the ignorant, acknowledge what exists and spread the word. I also grew up in SoCal and have a home there &Texas/Mx. When I am @ home I try to appeal to friends to listen about what is happening in Mx & most say they can't hear about such things, it is too sad, or too horrific. It is upsetting to me, so when I see people on the blog expressing frustration because of Mx people not acting in the defense of Mx, then I am happy because I know there is someone that has their ears and minds open they are an interested party.
    My dos centavos

  25. Columbia is at peace but has the flow of drugs stopped at all? You gun nuts give Americans a bad image around the world we shoot and ask questions later you all are really tough. So the end game for this is the cartels move south after much bloodshed... Then what? Are we going to be reading BB Guatemala or Nicaragua? What then send in the hit squads again I guess? Or we could treat drugs the same way we treat legal drugs (booze tobacco). So poor brown people have the same advantages as rich white tobacco executives. Maybe we could take some of the deas budget to alleviate the poverty that drives people to this life. Or we could throw some more bullets at the problem.

  26. I was in Juarez as a journalist in June. My support goes out to the staff of El Diario and all the people looking to survive this war. Keep it up Borderland Beat.

  27. Seems to me that a good way to solve the problem is to pay police a wage that is above what they get paid by the cartels. Maybe the US could help with that?

    Maybe have an independent, national structure where reports of crime can be reported. Maybe the police can also report crime there and people in their ranks who are on cartel side without any repercussion.

    It seems to me that there are many ways to approach this problem. The problem is that many governments benefit from the drug trade. And the Mexican people are too removed to care.

  28. dear J said...

    so just lay down and let is continue offer nothing you work for a cartel?

  29. It is no longer the drug trade or cartels fighting with each other over business territory. These people are infected, they have gone rabid and have lost all rational constraint. They hold all life in contempt.

    There will be little help coming from the US that we know of.
    O'the administration has tied up monies from the Merida Initiative has will do little more than talk. For, at least, the next year Mexico will be lucky if the assistance it is receiving remains.

    The people must stand up to Calderone and to the narcos. No accommodation will be made to a tolerant population. It has never been done and it will never be done. As long as one it bent he will remain in the position until he revolts.

  30. I'd say get out of the way, and hope for the best, because it's not ending anytime soon. I feel the worst for the people in places like Juarez and Tamalupias that can't move, because they can't afford it, so they are stuck to deal with whats around them, but has nothing to do with them. But, telling people to 'stand up for themselves' is empty and thoughtless, in my opinion. It sounds good, and it's easy to make me sound like I 'work for a cartel', when the truth is you offer empty words of encouragement.

    There are so many factors at play here, it just all came together like the perfect storm for such atrocious violence, Zeta falling out with CDG, Beltran Leyva break from CDS, Chapo's greed, LFM emergence, but if the Zeta's can be broken down, and Juarez/Sinaloa can work something out, I believe there will be a great reduction in the violence. Things will probably never go back to the old days when things were so much more low key, but this won't last forever.

    I disagree, about the rabid dogs theory, I think that when this is done, the businessmen will get back to business, and the rabid dogs will be put down, for the most part. These groups have been doing business since the 80's, and before, it's about business.

  31. Maybe Mexico and US should set up a special bi-national program for Mexican Special Forces, advised and assisted by US Special Forces , like they did in Iraq, under now retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal, to apply counter-insurgency (COIN) methods to the Cartel gangs? That worked in Iraq using primarily Iraqi military & police personnel. And McChrystal would probably be available as a senior principal adviser to assist in set up and ongoing review, correction, and calibration of operations.

    OK, I know there will be a lot of objections but I'm just pointing out that it worked to eliminate the worst of Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq and the Sunni Baath Party (Sadam Hussein) terror campaigns. Were "targeted killings" the primary tool employed? Yes but the situation facing Mexico, and collaterally the US as an eminent National Security threat, is a gruesome battlefield.

    The new program would have to include really tough measures on the US side, like the targeted overriding of "Second Amendment rights" to cut the flow of weapons from the US to MX. And targeted suspension of the "Posse Comitatus Act" to allow military personnel to pursue and apprehend those involved in drug network operations on US soil. Plus the overriding of privacy of communications to intercept drug-related messages on phones and the internet. These measures could be put under review/control of a special judicial board/court to counter civil rights objections.

    I'm just suggesting...either do it soon proactively or be forced to do it later in a much worse environment under near panic conditions? For the US to consider: what if suddenly hundreds of thousands or millions of Mexicans, families with children, arrived on the border begging for refugee status in the US due to utter chaos and mass panic in MX?

    Again just suggesting...

  32. Advocating making a deal-with-the-devil is wrong. A little bitty deal-with-the-devil is the same as a little bit pregnant.
    A deal-with-the-devil is HELL.
    Ask Faust.

    "No accommodation will be made to a tolerant population. It has never been done and it will never be done. As long as one it bent he will remain in the position until he revolts."
    - - - This statement is not an opinion it is fact.

    The reason these cartels are not being attacked whole hardheartedly is because the people are not in revolt. (Revolt as in "upchuck", as in everyone to a man and dog saying "go to hell")

    All the *Ruling Class are fighting this war without putting themselves in jeopardy. They have no skin in the game. When they put themselves on the line, as the Ruling Class did in Colombia, they will win.

    *Mexico D.F.


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