The body parts of the agent were scattered for several blocks on the Avenida Cuatro Siglos , from the City Hall to the UACJ (Universidad Autonoma Cd Juarez)sports complex.
According to police sources, a torso and a head were found on the roof of a Nissan Xterra SUV. Attached to the windshield was a “narco” message that read “PFP por apoyar al Chapo”,federal police for backing el Chapo (Sinaloa Cartel)
The federal police are accused by the Carrillo Fuentes cartel, led by Vicente “el Viceroy” Carrillo Fuentes, of supporting the Sinaloa Cartel in their efforts to take control of the lucrative Juarez-El Paso trafficking corridor.
Dozens of Federal Police cordoned off a crime scene that stretched for several blocks.
The Federal Police command center is located a short distance from where the vehicle with the policeman’s remains were found.
The place of discovery is located on an avenue of recently built a few meters from the border with El Paso, Texas., In an area where U.S. authorities have installed video cameras along the border.

How about a bounty system to rid the world of these terrorists? Let's say a ONE MILLION DOLLAR(US) bounty for each cartel member, no matter what level they operate. Higher level leaders would net a TWO MILLION DOLLAR(US) bounty. It wouldn't take long at all to root of these sleazy rats. They'd be snitching each other out at the speed of light.
Some of these 'solutions' posted in the comments sections are laughable, no offense to you, but does that really make sense to you?
ReplyDeleteArming the population of Mexico to fight against cartels
paying millions of dollars for gunmen and safe house watchmen.
And, most of the leadership roles already have bounties on their heads.
Yes it DOES make sense. J I'm just trying to be constructive. What are YOU trying to do? It's very easy to criticize. How about some ideas?
Agree.......tired of all these critics....this is a terrible situation in Mexico....too easy to be critical......people of Mexico want and deserve solutions and a form of stability...instead people blame the government, Calderon, and put out unreasonable ideas like the previous posts
ReplyDeleteWell, it's also perhaps even easier to come up with really broad solutions and easy answer to a complex and layered 'problems'. It's the equivalent of saying 'just drop a bomb on Iraq, for gods sake' when discussing the war in Iraq/Middle east problems in general. And, I don't want to argue the idiotic idea of arming common citizens to fight cartel gunmen. In reference to what I am trying to do, I come in here for the news, and to post opinions/questions, but honestly I prefer discussing the cartels and the violence in an in depth way, not doing the arm chair problem solver thing. The violence a of the last few years is imo, related to Calderon's declaration of war, and the largest is the cartel in fighting and power shifts, which is un avoidable when talking about organized crime.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I think Mexican corruption goes farther up than local police. How do you clean house when everyone, to some degree, is dirty, from the top down? How can the world's richest man (Carlos Slim) hail from a third-world country without corruption at the top. You can't explain the gaping gulf between the very few "haves" and all the rest "have-nots." Mexico is a beautiful country with warm welcoming people. I really feel sorry for the average Mexican.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunatley terror,crime,etical collapse are symptoms of no accountability i.e. no enforced standards,therefore if the govt runs a tight ship the liberals all squeel totalatiranism-opression,if there is little or no accountability or standards=Mexico=Africa and you have social,economic decline. The most structured country in the world is China, which has grown from complete collapse 1945 to the most productive country on earth in next 7-15 yrs The rabel in Mexico must be crushed,for the good of everybody US,SA,MX all of us. The price will be human rights violations and more govt power, or we can light candels and read poetry and pray.
ReplyDeleteThey seem to be killing eachother off at a high rate so after a while there won't be anybody left.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand how these people keep killing eachother thinking they won't be next. They need to use their brain because in reality sooner or later they'll be dead too, is it really worth it? Dying for some little money and some drug lord who doesn't even care what happens to them??
I also have a question how come these cartels, hitmen, commandos can't find out where the rival drug lords are or locate them? I'm sure there is plenty of snitches or people who switch sides or even for money would start talking.
And how come they don't just kill everybody they arrest? Like what's the point of keeping them alive and giving them chances to escape, bribe, or still call shots from prison?? They shouldn't parade them to the media instead just kill them and just keep killing drug lords, traffickers, gang members, hitmen, if they would be ruthless with them a lot of them would stop and maybe think it over!
I mean they're killing officers, federal police, state police, govt officials, so why don't they start killing them, hunt them down and kill them, there's no other way, you can't negotiate with people like this.
God bless all the innocent victims in mexico and all law enforcement who put their lives at risk everyday!!!
Carlos Slim was on the inside when the Mexican economy was opened up. He made his billions in stock investments Telmex, etc. He is not the worlds richest man. He is in Mexico. But your point is correct the corruption is rampant in all areas of the economy. From the soft drink vendors who have to pay the man protection money to the shop keepers who have to pay the Sindicato for union dues, to the peddlers who historically travel to the US border for merchandise and have to pay the Mania for "flete".
ReplyDeleteWith the recent murders of the 75 in transit illegal aliens from Central and South America, we can see that Los Zetas is struggling to find gunfighters to work. I believe that many of the so calld "bad guys" in Los Zetas are forced to kill and do the bidding of the man. With so much killing going, the criminal organizations must be having difficulty recruiting gunslingers. I cannot imagine how the business of drug production, transportation, and then the smuggling into the USA goes on when there is so much fighting going on. I wonder if there has been any effect on the prices of drugs in USA. Does anyone have steet knowledge of that?
This morning printed edition of El Norte stated 75 in transit illegals massacred. I believe the correct total now is 72.
ReplyDeletebountys does an armed citizen militia....why does this sound so wild to some of you....mebbe you like things the way they are , or just like to criticize
ReplyDeleteKill everyone they arrest?
ReplyDelete1 Million dollar bounties for sicarios?
Arming/training a militia? To reduce violence?
These sound like good ideas to you guys? Really?
The freedom to arm in the USA is in the fibre of this nation from beginning. I don't think the government will ever be able to take away our right to bear arms, even though some within may try.
ReplyDeleteIn Mexico that is the opposite and I believe it will stay as it is forever. It is a good discussion point for us but it will never change. Too many people have been kept down for too long. I for one don't want to see a bunch of angry people walking around with guns. There is a town 9 hours south of Matamoros/Brownsville that is called Tamasunchale. It appears to me to have more cantinas in it than ANY OTHER TOWN ITS SIZE in Mexico that I have ever known. The downtown area has cantinas literally every 10 yards. I would be scared to death walking around there knowing anybody can have a gun. As it stands now, the cartel/zeta violence, as brutal as it is, is still a very, very remote possiblity for the average Jose to encounter. I think, in this case, the risk of major anarchy is too great. Remember,that Mexico is not the USA, different history and different culture. We can sit at our computers, discuss the state of affairs (hopefully with respect), and offer suggestions to each other. But, none of us, individually or collectively have or will have any effect bringing these matters to an end, unless we stop our drug use and open our borders to immigrants, or we liberalize our laws to legalize all drugs. As the big boss gets knocked off the underlings each want to run their own gig. Even though the border is so long, it is too small for so many capos. There are only so many routes north. I don't even think they have the capacity to negotiate settlement betweem themselves. Remember, all was fine here in Tamaulipas when the Zetas and the Gulf Cartel were together. Also, when the PRI Govt and the Mafia were the same. Everyone had their own area of control. It's a free for all without that structure. Another possiblity is a settlement with a new president (read end crackdown).
According to Forbes magazine, Carlos Slim is now the richest man in the world.
There remains some skepticism about telecommunications contracts with the government giving the guy a virtual monopoly in Mexico. My bet is on curruption at the highest levels.
bro this is ten years old
DeleteAs far as Carlos Slim goes; My feeling is that no one can make that much money in Mexico and hold on to it without having a fair amount of blood on their hands.
ReplyDeletecarlos slim helu is the richest man alive (forbes ) 2010
was also 2007
began with general stores- sanborns-telmex-telcel monopolies.
he buys disaster stocks no one will touch like NYT. at rock bottom...I love that
he is frugal...i love that
calls buffet & gates santa claus because they give so much of their wealth away, I don;t love that B U T >>>>
he does have a great dollar for dollar foundation that gives equal funding to foreign NGOs that provide, educational, health or medical programs in Mx
and I love that also
"But, none of us, individually or collectively have or will have any effect bringing these matters to an end, unless we stop our drug use and open our borders to immigrants, or we liberalize our laws to legalize all drugs."
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? Stop Drug use, impossible! Open borders to immigrants, until you find yourself on the street because your boss, hired a cheaper worker, then what? Legalize all drugs, yep! and then children can take a break in school to smoke some weed.
Good Idea!!!!
ReplyDeleteI would normally agree with this...but you can't paint the entire country with such a broad brush. Slim's parents immigrated from Lebanon and gained wealth with their general markets I forgot the name. Slim is a brilliant marketeer and plays the market like no other, he honestly did it the old fashioned way. e.g. he bough 3 % of Apple stock when it was in freefall and that alone made him a wealthy man. Got to give the guy his due, he is somone to study if you are interested in the market.
J still haven't heard not even one idea from you. Just criticism. Who are YOU working for?
ReplyDeleteI don't see you with any positive comments or ideas - you are just a troll.
I just don't understand how they keep getting so many people to kill, torture, kidnap, attack, have shootouts everyday and yet so many people mostly involved with cartels get killed everyday. How do you keep recruiting people like this? They need to be more educated and realize the only think that will come out of them joining is an early death or prison.
I think they need to educate the people more! The young and middle age people and also open up new jobs so they do not fall into the life of drugs, violence, and murder.
A good read on here had me wondered too just how with all this violence and killing how is their production, transportation, and smuggling going with all this going on? I would also assume they're losing money.
They need to look into columbia more and what they've done to get rid of cartels or at least cripple them badly.
It takes a broader solution because there's a lot of corruption. If they weed out corruption at the police level, federal level and govt officials and there could be a solution or at least won't give cartels so much power. Will all the money they seize, and get from the us and tourism I don't understand why municipal police and state police don't get a pay raise?? Root out all the corrupt officials and police force.
I also won't back down when I said those people they parade to the media to just kill them so they can't call any shots from prison, bribe officials, or escape from prison. That will disrupt a lot of things and maybe put fear that once they get caught they will meet the same fate.
There's a lot that can be done or at least started to quell down the violence or improve security in those danger places across mexico.
You can criticize me but hey I am at least giving ideas and talking about the issues and not complaining and criticizing people on here.
My husband now and then will ask me what solutions I can think of with respect to the war aginst the cartels..
ReplyDeleteFirst; I have been firm in saying until the fed-state-municiple police are paid a good wage they will always have the temptation to become corrupt with the economy Mx suffers from. Make it profitable to stay clean, also your field of choice while hiring then becomes much larger with candidates that are better qualified.
Secondly, as we did in Colombia increase the advisors on the ground (US) we only have offered a tenth of what we gave Colombia, so that the Mx forces can be well trained, and also equip the forces with weapons that are in parity of those the cartels have.
Thirdly, secure green areas in Mx. such as i previously said that exists in Juarez for the foreign owned crime and no murders in that area of Juarez, they should do the same for key cities such as Monterrey and along the border in conjunction with the US on the US side of the border.
Fourth: Reinstate capital punishment solely for the horrific atrocities committed by the cartels..sentences for war crimes
Fifth: Impose life sentences for any persons of fiduciary and trust such as police, and politians, that aid the cartels
sixth: and I don't think you will like this one; the problem with arresting high profile or leaders or even sicarios is they bribe their way out of prisons, remember El Chapo? Remember in Torreon mass killing? the only sure way to avoid that is to house these leaders in US maxium prisons, like pelican bay or even guantanamo, perhaps solitary confinement, until they go to trial or even after sentencing.
I have posted a few times that I work + live part time in Mx, coahuila, NL and now chiapas, I have an advantage to really witness what is happening and I have given so much thought to solutions, and clearly I am a humanitarian not a qualified expert of war, but I love Mx and my heart is shattered over this "war" because most gains in which Mx has progressed has now been nulified. and now Mx is dependent on revenues of the drug business, with oil depleting it is at the point that without oil and drug money the Mx economy would collapse. This sounds radical but I have studied this with great passion, and it scares me for the people of Mx
I see how the border is not protected on both sides, I can count on one hand the times in one year that I have been stopped on the US exit side and Mx POE. and sometimes, such as this time when school resummed it is not uncommon for me to go back and forth over the border 5 or 6 times a day. I see the weaknesses. I know this is not the end all by all means but these ideas implemented would help, in my opinion.
oye J...
ReplyDeletei am gonna put a one million chiclets bounty for you for being a pendejo...pendejo
and as for carlos slim ever have to buy minutes for one of those telcel phones you will KNOW he is a bandit
fee fie fo fum i smell the pee of some gun control morons
anon @ 2:48
ReplyDeletei agree the monopoly is unfair
I buy 6 cel cards per month for my staff in coahuila
the best price I can get is .22 per min
there is no competition.
you need to place cameras on every corridor and back areas anonymously. you have to have a mandatory curfew in place if it takes nationwide. if your caught after hours, your stopped, questioned, and data retrieved. but stiffer fines and penalties are necessary for the legal system. You cannot fight corruption if the same system is supposedly incarcerating. its a no-win situation. but rewards for information is a excellent start. but mandatory curfews would weed out the workers and the illegal activities.