Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 1, 2021

Baja California Femicides: First Place on the National Stage as Violence Rages in the State

The State of Baja California is in First Place on the National Stage in Mexico with the highest numbers of "Feminicides" or criminal murder of women in the Republic of Mexico.

38 women were reported executed or assassinated just in the first month of January, 2021 in the State; that is the number reported by the Executive Secretary of the National System of Public Security.

The data was released last Thursday for Baja California, a tally higher than the States of Guanajuato or Chihuahua, where the numbers were 34 and 26 respectively, making the rate the highest in the nation.

In contrast there are other states in the Republic that reported NO criminal murders of any women: Baja Ca Sur, Aguascalientes, Campeche, Tlaxcala and Yucatán.

Violence against women also is reportedly high as violence rages in the sate of Baja Ca. 148 women have reported aggressions, while 58 have made reports that had been victims of rape.

While these statistics are high they do not reflect unreported crimes or women who have disappeared.

Baja California is among the "top ten" of entities with the highest number of feminicides committed between January and July 2020, reported the Ministry of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC).

In the monthly information report on violence against women of the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), it indicates that Baja California is the eighth national with 21 feminicides.

The border cities Tijuana and Ciudad Juárez top the list of municipalities with the highest number of registered feminicides from January to July with 14 feminicides respectively, official figures reveal.

Those numbers were just for the first 6 months of 2020. 

It is worth mentioning that Mexicali and Ensenada occupy a place in the list of the first 100 municipalities with alleged crimes of feminicide, they are ranked 27 and 26, respectively, both municipalities with three cases of feminicide.

In July, 73 feminicides were registered in the country, for a total of 549 in the period from January to July 2020. However, regarding intentional homicides against women, in the country there are 1,674 cases, of which Baja California registers 142.

Since July of 2020, the data and numbers now tell us that the State of Baja California has achieved first place on the list of atrocities.

Source: ElSolTJ / CadenaNoticias 


  1. Well can not trust the numbers,
    As the story says:: disapered
    or crimes of rape or Unreported crimes dont count ha ha
    Of course they dont count
    if not reported
    i betcha its higher wonder what the numvers are for Child Abuse and Deaths are ???

  2. Executive Secretary of the National System of Public Security.

    THAT is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.
    Which National System of Public Security are they talking about?


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