Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, November 29, 2024

La Chapiza Or Los Chapos Hunt Down, Raid A Home, And Kill A Young MF Group Member Responsible For Mini-Casino Attack In Culiacan, Sinaloa.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

NOVEMBER 27, 2024

An affiliated La Chapiza social media account published a video of numerous gunmen outside a home that was raided by La Chapiza or Los Chapos criminal organization in Culiacan, Sinaloa. The alleged young male who worked for the MF Group was targeted by La Chapiza and was said to be responsible for an attack against an illegal Mini-Casino (Jugada). In this type of Mini-Casinos drugs are sold like meth, marijuana, and cocaine, from which highly likely Los Chapos made a profit. 



  1. ¿No que MF ya llegó a Culiacán? No los veo por ninguna parte 🤣🤣

    1. @07:40 PM__Calmado Toro Albino, que viva la paz.

    2. aki vives o k? todos los dias les cain a oficinas y se sabe solo q las noticias no lo publica

  2. A pero andava de muy salsita.

  3. El mochomito captured in culiacan, in a shootout.

    1. I don’t think it’s true but they kidnapped kc markitos toys brother

    2. 10:19 that was just a rumor. Not true.

    3. 3:37 como ergaa no…me vas a salir con q tienes primos en Cln y son mas..Busos q Los del Rio Doce…Les habian dicho a La Familia Castro si llegamos a madrugar a sus hijos tengan 10 Kilos de Billete Verde Listo por cada hijo y nitercambiamos..osea 5 kilos de Benjamines por cada Choya ni dos horas pasaron cuando el KFC 🐔 ya estaba en Los Brazos de Miami soltaron billete ahuevo

  4. No content warning

  5. This guy was just a game organizer. He was not involved in anything illegal. They killed him to send a message. He was not a high level guy. Just a sacrificial lamb. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Game organizers dont dress like the military taking photos with your firearms. He got caught and was dealt with, no one came to his rescue. Nuff said.

    2. All of these idiots take photos and dress in military with guns. That does not mean anything. Remember the YouTuber el Pirata De Culiacan? He was another nobody idiot taking photos in military gear with guns. They all do it. Get with the program buddy. Nuff Said!!!

    3. They’re all sacrificial lambs…

  6. We're gonna win this thing! 🙂

    1. Cálmate pinche Tony soprano 😂

    2. ''We're gonna win this thing''
      ''Cálmate pinche Tony soprano''
      Tellin ye,their like little girls gettin wet cheering in safety

    3. I think the only thing you are going to "win" is a tiny burst of exhilaration from X posts you misunderstood from a long long way away. I don't know what's worse sometimes- comments like that from people who are genuinely caught up or compromised or fighting, or the kids who wish they were and squeal from the sidelines. At least the former might have a story to tell.

  7. Those jugadas or slot machine places are drug sale spots.

    1. Se me antoja una caguama bien helada un 🚬 palmol y meterle 100 pesos a la máquina de habichuelas.

    2. Y luego, cuando regreses al motel takuache, pegarse unos focasos a toda madre y sacar el telefono con el wifi a todo lo que da para ver videos adultos.

    3. Not only that but the spot themselves make money. That's why they're called mini casinos. Im sure they get their cut at the very minimum.

    4. Chapitos rent the Games & Tax ALL the Beer.. They're not just taking a piece, it's fully their business.

  8. Kid looked good all dolled-up in his camouflage outfit!
    Will he, or whatever parts of him turn up, be buried with full military honors?

    1. So he's paying t of MF's but doesn't even have a gun in his house knowing how hot culiacan is. Either he is extremely stupid or this is bull💩accusations.

  9. They all know what happens in that game if they get caught,he killed people now he been killed for it

    1. He killed people? Who, exactly? Even if the kid in the photo is the kid being shot, you think he was the shooter because Chapos people say so? The headline should be "Chapos propaganda alleges....."

    2. 3:06 Not only that, if he's involved amd one of Mayito's guys, you would think he would have some kind of weapons in his house. Everyone knows Culiacan mostly belings to Chaputos. And that it's hot. I know I would if had atleast a few weapons, maybe even a granade, as hot as it's been and being at war with the faction that dominates the city I live in. Shit, make that a few granades and 50 cal if possible. Even if they get me Im going to try and make sure I aint the inly one going. Im doing my utmost to take mf'ers with me.

    3. @3.50. How would you get those weapons if you were a 19 year old kid surviving on promises of pay at the end of the month? Try using a 50 cal or grenade to defend a home invasion. I think there was a weapon taken from the house, it's the old rifle with a wooden stock put in the back of the truck. My point (I'm 3.06) was more that people shouldn't believe cartel posts just because it's been reposted by BB.

  10. Where is the story about EL JASPER's death in Sinaloa?? Miguel Vivanco. 4 days ago. Famous Youtuber. Chapiza whacked his azz

  11. There's a rumor going around that Markitos Toys is on the lista and they're looking for him in Cln.

    1. There was a narcomanta call him oht. But rumor has it that him and his brother left the city/state after they butned down some of their restaurants.

  12. Dumb Mexican savages.
    No wonder Mexico hasn’t won a war.

    1. Well Mexicans are also the only ones known to have invaded the US and killed whoever was in the path and leave without ever being caught or captured. (Pancho Villa ) made your generals look like rookies . Wouldn’t necessary call them dumb .

    2. Mexico was on the winning side in WW2

    3. @12.25. The world was turning before you were born this century into your US bubble.
      "No wonder Mexico hasn't won a war.
      It's fucking embarrassing. Do you even know what you just watched?

    4. Fuck you you stupid coward mothafucker. Say some shit like that in a mothafuckers face! I'll back hand you like the bitch that you are! Fuckin chump.

    5. These dumb savages are the richest and most powerful criminals in the world..

    6. 530
      What's the use of being rich if you are stuck in the Sierras and can't go anywhere to spend the money? 😾


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