Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, May 12, 2024

“El Chapo Gave Marriage Advice To His Son”: José Luis Montenegro Reveals Details About Ovidio Guzmán's Marriage

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Unlike other drug traffickers, 'El Ratón' has only had one known partner: Adriana Meza Torres, the mother of his three daughters.

Ovidio Guzmán is married to Adriana Meza Torres, with whom he has three daughters.

More than a year has passed since Ovidio Guzmán López, alias 'El Ratón', lost his freedom and his leadership at the head of the Sinaloa Cartel. The youngest son of all the men of Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán is being held in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago, awaiting his trial and far from his greatest treasure: his three daughters and his wife.

Although there are few known personal details of the youngest member of Los Chapitos, various journalistic reports indicate that he is the least controversial character of the quartet.

And unlike his brothers or other members of organized crime, Ovidio Guzmán kept a low profile and it is even said that he didn’t like to show off luxuries or any proof of his illicit profits.

Another aspect for which 'El Ratón' has stood out within the history of the Sinaloa Cartel is his little interest in women. In this regard, and in an interview with INFOBAE MÉXICO, journalist José Luis Montenegro revealed little-known details about his only known relationship: the one he has with Adriana Meza Torres.

Adriana Meza Torres, apparently, is the daughter of an important 'El Mayo' Zambada operator who was murdered in 2007. 

Together for more than a decade: this was the relationship between Ovidio and Adriana

According to the author of the book Los Chapitos: criminal radiography of the heirs of the Sinaloa Cartel - published in March 2024 under the Penguin Random House Publishing Group - the Guzmán Loera family and their descendants have been characterized in drug trafficking, among other things, because its nerve center is women.

Along these lines, he reveals that, in turn, Ovidio Guzmán has been a “rare” character within the Sinaloa Cartel because of the love he professes for Meza Torres; even more so because despite the problems they have faced at some points in their relationship, he was always faithful to her.

“There are some unpublished conversations that a source tells me in which Ovidio approached his father ('El Chapo' Guzmán) on several occasions, while the brothers were there, in a house in Mazatlán, and cried. He told him: Dad, I can't do it, I'm very tired, I have a lot of relationship problems. And he was talking about his relationship with Adriana Meza Torres,” Montenegro told this media outlet.

The communicator, in recent months, announced an investigation carried out on the descendants of Guzmán Loera. In his work he reveals details not only of 'Los Chapitos', but also of the little-known daughters and sons of his first two marriages.

“Ironically, ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán, with countless women in his history, gave marriage advice to his son, who was having a hard time in his thirties. So it is ironic, he suffered a lot from the strong character that Meza Torres has that we remember, she is the daughter of a character also very close to Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada," he added.

Adriana Meza Torres has been identified as the romantic partner of Ovidio Guzmán, son of 'Chapo' Guzmán, nicknamed 'El Ratón'.

Even less is known about Adriana Meza Torres.

Reports indicate that she is the daughter of Raúl Meza Ontiveros, alias 'M-6′, a member of great importance for the Sinaloa Cartel who was murdered on March 27, 2007 in the residential area of ​​Monte Bello, Culiacán.

Her brother, Raúl Meza Torres, known as 'El Mini-6', also entered the drug business but received the same fate as his father. He died during a confrontation with municipal police from Zapopan, Jalisco, at the age of 18.

Her family's relationship with the senior leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel would have caused her, at an early age, to meet and fall in love with Ovidio Guzmán.

“Between 2010 and 2012, Adriana would have strengthened her romantic relationship with Ovidio Guzmán. Since then, the couple was inseparable despite the woman's constant jealousy problems,” Montenegro revealed in her most recent work.

Jealousy and physical attacks

According to Montenegro in Los Chapitos: criminal x-ray of the heirs of the Sinaloa Cartel, most of the couple's problems originated from the jealousy of Meza Torres, who is also said to have physically attacked the young capo.

“A source close to the couple said that Meza Torres physically abused El Chapo's son. 'He never dared to raise his hand to his wife. The thing is that she was the bitch. From time to time, she zapped him in public,' she said (sic),” Montenegro revealed.

This information agrees with the statements of Dámaso López Serrano, the 'Mini Lic', who in October 2023 revealed never-before-known details of Los Chapitos to journalist Anabel Hernández.

“He was very bossy, his wife completely dominated him. I've known them since we were young. I saw that relationship since they were dating, I know Adriana and Ovidio completely, and I got to see everything firsthand. All their arguments,” said the former drug trafficker.

Adriana Meza is the daughter of a former operative of "Mayo" Zambada.

Like Montenegro's source, the son of Dámaso López Núñez, 'El Licenciado,' said that before they got married, Meza Torres used to beat Guzmán López.

"Ovidio was very quiet, I remember Adriana going out to parties, to nightclubs, well, as any woman can do," he added.

It is worth mentioning that together with Meza Torres, 'El Ratón' had three daughters: Adriana, Griseli and María Joaquina. It is said that they would have been the cause of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) capturing him on January 5, 2023 during an operation in Jesús María, Culiacán.

"El Ratón' escaped from the area, leaving his family adrift, but it was a phone call from Meza Torres that made the young drug lord return to his hideout. (...) In a moment of desperation, according to a source, Meza Torres took his cell phone and dialed El Chapo's son: 'Griseli had a nervous breakdown. I can't control her.

Ovidio simply hung up the phone after sending a message of hope to his wife: "I'm on my way," said Montenegro.



  1. Has a ukraine i respect Ovidio guzman he turned himself because the coward soldiers held his family hostage they new the where gone be put on their kness by Sinaloa mercs like the first time and being caugth he would do no more than 15 years then be a free man like Mayito mini lic serafín and Vicente zambada they winning in life

    1. 5:52 do you mean put on their knees like the Chupitos in Puerto Vallarta?

    2. 5:52:
      The soldiers weren't cowards. They are the ones with the courage to confront these criminals. The cowards are the ones too lazy to work and choose to live off of their criminal activities. Ovidio doesn't deserve any respect. A real man will work a legitimate job to support his family and not turn to crime in order to make a living.

    3. Doubt it ges getting life

    4. Coward soldiers?!? Really! They are cowards but the drug dealing scum and their killers are righteous RIGHT?! Wow, you re fucked in the head!

    5. Ovidio deserves life but when you play the game you gotta take the good with the bad every kid over here in culiacan and Mexico are being forced into this life these politicians could end this way and protect the citizens but the army is just as corrupt I’m like vascogil Durango moved to America in 2008 I know the Cabrera family personally had to pay them 40,000 pesos to go to America while Jose lives in his huge mansion take a look on google maps the war between the cabreras and m10 killed so many generations of ppl

    6. As your future Democrat President of the United States, I will free Mr. Ratón and personally escort him back to lada 667. Consensus is Mr. Ratón is a respectable man and father.

    7. @11:31 no mms puras casononas en Vascogil!

  2. Unless you’ve dealt with a fiery Sinaloan woman first hand, you shouldn’t pass judgment. So says the desert.

    1. You can control any woman if you’re physically stronger than her.

    2. Sinaloan women are feminine and demure. The reason a woman gets agressive is when she feels you are not being a man. It doesn't matter how much power you have or how much money you can make because if you are not being a man to her she won't be a woman for you.

  3. Rodolfo "Teresa" Santana leader of Los Viagras allegedly killed in Guerrero


    1. 7:00 - Bro, that YouTube channel is known for click baiting and spreading fake news. They have a video where they claim that the rapper Yahir Saldivar was kidnapped by CDG Los Escorpiones, which is false. They also made a video on a previous channel (they’ve had like four different channels in total) claiming that La Kena had been killed by the military months before he was captured in San Pedro, Nuevo León. Until I see a picture of the body, I don’t believe it.

  4. And she ain't even pretty ...looks like blinky the clown with all that makeup

    1. I'm sure the guys next to you in the prison you are held in look prettier than her hahaha

  5. Pobre raton. Got the worst fate out of all his asshole siblings

  6. Her nose looked better before . New one givin Me whoosville vibes

  7. Didn't the Chaput0s do the same thing in el Culiacanazo? They kidnapped and held the families of soldiers hostages. There is absolutely no honor or boundaries with these lacras. Si fueran muy bravos toparan de frente, pero que se esperaba de chinolas fanfarrones, que solo en corridos son valientes igual que los mata-amarrados de Michacaca y Jalisco

    1. Dilo sin llorar 😭 😭

    2. Los unicos que lloran son los malandros cuando estan encañonados por los militares, puñete. Hasta parece que esos weyes te dan para tragar 🤡

    3. 7:48 Sin llorar, asi como el chapo cuando lo llebavan para Estados Unidos 🤭🥹😢😭🤣🤣🤣

  8. I wonder if she has cheated on him since he has been arrested. 1 year turns into 5 and 5 turns into 10. Shes pretty young to have to be a married celibate woman forever.

    1. I guarantee you she's going out to parties and nightclubs. It's unlikely she's living a celibate lifestyle.

    2. Culiacan is a small city, everyone knows everyone and all their business. If she is and whoever she's banging, will definitely be kept a secret for both of their safety.

    3. Lol i bet he regrets going bsck for her now shes probably alrdy with spme other dude

    4. Your guarantee means shiii if she’s doing that she’s putting her own life in danger and that goes double for any mofo that’s dumb enough to come close to her

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Her father was M-6 who along with M-1 and M-2 worked directly below Mayo. She is well connected and can do as she pleases. She has a reputation as a party girl and a clubber and is known as a brat that gets what she wants due to her family members status in CDS. I doubt she is staying home with the kids.

    7. 5:00 yeah her dad and family were big names in the past and sure they’re respected but they’re not around anymore but you know who are Chapitos and they have a reputation of being hot headed kidnapping whole families and stuff so she might be all that you say but she’s also not stupid now

  9. El chapo que lo agarraron por calenturiento no debe de dar ningun consejo sobre relaciones con mujeres.

  10. One redeeming quality to honour his vows to his wife.

    @7:36pm, 7:47pm Absolutely not - it wouldn't across her mind to cheat. She will be holding her daughters close together as a family and provide strength to her husband. If she is out socialising it would be with trusted girlfriends and family.

    Canadian girl💋

    1. "The fittest time to corrupt a man's wife is when she's fallen out with her husband"
      ..the Bard

    2. You ever been to Mexico and not at a resort? Plenty of Mexican women cheat; they are very sexual. Stay in Canada "Canadian girl".

    3. How crazy you have to be to touch that girl. Even if he gets life, you never know if you get killed over this girl.

    4. 12.33 She certainly showed her feminine power and strength as regards her husband if the accounts of spousal abuse in this article are correct.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Canadian Girl:
      She has a reputation as a brat and a party girl. If you have information that is different from this and reliable, please post it here.
      I give Ovidio credit for what appears to be his staying loyal to his wife and family. He is more of a man than his father.
      I have no information that she has ever been disloyal to Ovidio. However, with the lifestyle that she lives there are certainly many opportunities for her to meet other men. If Ovido receives a decades long prison sentence I wouldn't be surprised if she hooks up with someone else.
      It's going to be a few months before we get any indication whether Ovidio will be cooperating or not. Even if he is cooperating I don't see where he has a lot of information to give that the feds that they don't already have. They really have him bent over a barrel, but his quick extradition suggests a deal in the works. We have to wait to see how this whole drama plays out.

    7. I was born a bitc...oopsie, a Brat.

      Hi Detroit, empirical evidence in that: 1.) overall women are inclined to be monogamous, 2.) women tend to focus on and protect their offspring with their lives especially if her male partner is not around.

      Depending on variables - yes, if he gets time with or without squealing, her home base safety etc. she may decide to have a boyfriend and/or divorce buddy. Many women have strayed but for the most part we are the sweet feminine energy that usually respects and honours our man.

      Canadian girl 💋

  11. Ngl but u gotta have some big balls of power to call yourself el raton sure it means rat but come on walking around with that kind of name its headshot boom he must of had some man power for anyone to touch him with that name!

    1. "Raton" in Spanish means "Mouse" in English.

    2. Raton means mickey mouse 🐭.

    3. 1:45 Raton has a few meanings, mouse is one it could also be used as to say a BIG Rat

  12. Ovidio, the rat, seems to be the reluctant narco, pushed and prodded by his wife and brothers. Seems like his mental and physical health were deteriorating significantly and returning for capture was perhaps, in his mind a relief!

  13. por algo le decian el raton....por chapo se le olvido darle este consejo a su chavalon un buen ranchero debe de tener una buena vieja y una buena mula....y que la mula no sea muy vieja y la vieja sea muy la plebada...........

  14. She forced Ovidio to wear a gimp suit like in the movie Pulp Fiction, with a padlocked leather mask. She kept him in a big wooden box downstairs. She was the driving force behind his power.

  15. If Ovidio really escaped and then returned because his wife said so, he is ridiculously stupid. As if he didn’t learn from his father that MX government’s easiest way of arresting you is by going after your family.

  16. And now he will spend a lifetime behind bars while she will move on in life and onto the next man.
    How can a man who cannot have control of his own house, have control of hundreds of men who look to him for leadership?

    1. 12:35
      Julius Caesar and Cleopatra come to mind..

    2. Just like you except you don’t got a group of people to control, a ti te contralo tu vieja

  17. Ivan should have her clipped on general principle.

  18. I heard that in there prison tank in Chicago they call him mandis

    1. Yes because he cheated on his wife when he was on the run in wa state. Mexico lied about either his capture altogether, or possibly just having him in custody after what I feel a staged event.
      A couple of small town dealers figured out his name wasn't hector Guzman Leon Valenzuela, but instead oviduo. He was using out in monse, wa. They kidnapped him thinking their supposed citizen arrest or handing him over would @/=the 5-10 million rewed payout but instead were arrested for kidnapping drugs and guns.

      Anyhow he cheated with several women and had a baby with 1 of them at least z named Mandy huston

    2. 11:35 that's quite the story you came up with

    3. Not a story. A story would be that Enrique camarena Salazar, the uncle to the chapitos- was killed- by around quintero. He in fact is very much still alive

  19. Shes sub par at best

  20. I heard from a reliable source that he was an avid horse rider abd rooster fighhter. How true it is who knows?

  21. Ovidio was a mandilón… at home watching the kids while she was out at the bailé… maybe she hasn’t done anything yet… but when he’s officially sentenced & not coming back for decades or at all then she will have her camote holding her down… can’t fight the law of nature for decades…

    -Holden D. Cash

    1. Holding the pennies
      She is a Chonga no one will mess with her as long as she lives within the group.

  22. Turns out he’s just an innocent domestic violence victim they shoulda just took him to a shelter with other victims.

  23. Marriage advice from el Chapo???? Ovidio definitely isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

  24. Quien carajos da esas fuentes ? Por supuesto que el raton no regresaría a entregarse solo para ver a sus hijas, eso solo vez en Hollywood o netflix

  25. El chapo had kids with gold diggers ,ovidio married a woman raised with a bunch of gatilleros the ontiveros on one side and the meza puro heavyweights on both sides poor ovidio raised as daddy's boy everything handed to him didn't stand a chance to dominate the beach


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