Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Interrogation Of Laura Karen Rodriguez Moreno

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Several gunmen from the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, lead by José Antonio Yépez Ortiz aka El Marro, appear on film during the dead of night. 

The enforcer on the left is wearing what appears to be the distinguishable Freedom Eagle trucker cap made by the Goorin Brothers hat makers. 

In addition, his counterpart next to him is donning headgear similar in nature. But the animal on the patch isn’t as clearly seen. 

A partially nude woman is also present among the three male assassins. Her short interrogation will reveal an alleged nexus between local municipal policemen and members from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. 

The woman’s demise isn’t shown within this broadcast. Nonetheless, confirmation was made that she was shot to death afterwards.

Video translation is as follows:

Interrogator: What’s your name?

Captive: Laura Karen Rodriguez Moreno. 

Interrogator: Where do you live?

Captive: In the Virreyes neighborhood on 404 Calle 30 de Septiembre. I work for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. And we’re being supported by the municipal police of Salamanca. 

Interrogator: How much material are you being provided with?

Captive: 30 pieces. 

Interrogator: Who supplied you?

Captive: Two young men on a motorcycle. 

Interrogator: What are their names? 

Captive: Valentino and Quique.

Interrogator: How often are you provided with material?

Captive: Every time we run out. 

Interrogator: When do you run out?

Captive: Every third day. 

Interrogator: How much are you paid for…

Captive: 20 pesos for every piece sold. 

Interrogator: How long have you been working in this? 

Captive: I’m going on 6 months. 

Interrogator: This goes out to all of those skinny Jalisca bitches. We’re coming after everyone of you guys. 

Sicario #2: We are the absolute mob of El Marro. 

Sicario #3: We are the fucking absolute mob of El Marro. 

The Virreyes neighborhood 
Salamanca, Guanajuato

Salamanca Alerta


  1. They were a lot more calm with this video. Looked like the lady accepted her fate and was pretty open minded. No emotions or tears about her future. She was listo

    1. That happens when they tell them their family or kids will pay if lies are made. so they cooperate; if they are lucky, they finish them fast. anyways alcones know what is coming sad.

    2. i dont sell drugs. work go home get pussy when i want. selling drugs is pathetic.

    3. A few people in yachts and mansions would beg to differ.

  2. 600 hundred pesos every 3 days that's like 40 Benjamin's should of sell quesadillas more money , chimes and with a chance to catch a sigma to take care of los hijos de somebody else

    1. Benjamin's? You must mean Washington's. She earned less that one Benjamin Franklin a week. Not trying to argue.
      The F up part is if she sold hot food from her house, a stand or restaurant she may have had to pay piso anyways.
      Another person that didn't survive through the current peacenik policy of the old bumbling fool.

    2. Shittt, if 600 pesos is 40 Benjamins. Tell them boys I’m buying my Jale in Puro Pesos pa’delante.

    3. $15. A sell

    4. Correction...$12 a day to sell her 10 pieces

  3. Cjng cheerleaders see what happens when your involved in a Cartel.

    1. CJNG Cheerleaders are few and far between here just CDs fangirls at the moment.

    2. CDS fan girls happy with their allies Los Marros or is IT the CDG escorpiones LOS QUE PICAN CON LA COLA that are in bed with CSRLima !

    3. Jaliskas punching the air

  4. Que pinche pedo es estoy?
    Matan a una mujer por 20 pesos la dosis que vende?
    Osea que gana como 200 pesos a el dia si bien le va y estos gueyes como si les tumba mucho negocio a el cartel contra entero?
    Pinche poquiteros muertos de hambre jajaja.
    Si tan chingones son no se apuran por que esta mujer les quita solo 200 pesos de negocio a el dia.

    1. Todos los que participan en carteles que se vayan mucho ALV. No importa lo que ganes.

    2. 4:02 a mi me valen verga los carteles tambien. Lo que no me gusta es la matanza a lo pendejo solo por unos cuantos pesos o verse chingones estos cuates.
      Si fueran listos los carteles mejor vendieran droga de mejor calidad y ganaban terreno a contras sin nececidad de tanta muerto.
      Pero bueno. Al fin y al cabo quien escucha lo bueno?

    3. los pendejos son los que la consumen y luego se quejan del presidente y de la delincuencia pero hay andan de perras flacas hechando se un pascual...

    4. 7:43 an de ser muy abusados los pendejos que matan a otro por mil pesos a la semana o se dejan matar por un pendejo que gana mil pesos por semana jajaja

    5. 6:55 pero el pedo es que todos los que andan en los carteles son una mierda. Esta vieja no me da pesar porque ella a hecho sus pendejadas. Anda con los de las 4 letras y esa bola de montoneros no ayudan al pueblo. Que se mayen todos entre ellos.

    6. ASI son la mayoria de Los mañosos, muertos de hambre, mediocre, y envidiosos. Por $200 pesos SE quedan pobre. Lastima a la bola de pendejos que Los admiran.

    7. 11:01 sabes a quien admiro?
      A la gente que trabaja y se gana la vida honestamente.
      Poco dinero tal ves pero luchando con todo para salir adelante.
      Un saludo para todos ellos.

    8. no importa. si jala jale save a que aterse. sean 20 pesos o millones. en Gunanajuato ahy ordenes y protoolos de los patrones.

  5. El marro is just the front but the true boss of gto is el azul the smartest of the big 3 out of sinaloa

    1. El marro fu ked recording himself crying

    2. That mf is worm food. Alongside his late son too

    3. You think that because of that manta few years ago...Hermano nosotros ex dfs...nosotros...well to say to you in english...we simply because higher powers managed to get out with cash and make fake deaths,amado,z3 aswell...we were in the game for sake of politics and we earned it...muchos saludes desde eindhoven europa

    4. 1221 but but but

    5. Pinche azul pareces morado vato

    6. no names. they put color on their cristal blue for csrl and red/white for cjng. now csrl do get thier product from labs from cds but they are from Salazar operators near Cortazar ranch municipalities its known.

  6. They showed a little respect by putting a shirt on her before being killed.

    1. Yeah immediately noticed that too.

    2. Thinking the same thing

  7. Its gotta be fucking suicide to go sell drugs in enemy turf...

  8. This woman was a real person and she was killed by a cartel group.

    This is not the appropriate time or place to make comments on her appearance/body.

    If you want to discuss that, do it somewhere else because your comments are not going to be approved here.

    1. That's koo foo

    2. Thank you HEARST, i read those comments before they disappeared down the Orwellian memory hole, truly cringeworthy, I wonder how these tactless commentors would react if this happened to their own daughter, sister or sweetheart?

    3. And Hearst btw. I don’t want to sound like a Dck. But honestly I get what you’re saying. But people over there are very aware of what these cartels do. If you decide to go and start working with some cartel that is known for blowing up kids. And fathers etc. and then you get upset because some people write certain comments. That’s a bit biased of your part. Because it’s like me if I was In a prison and know that if you do something specific, they’ll rape me. And then I still go and do it. And get raped. And then I’m pissed at the people that did this. Now I also understand that she could have been forced into this. But the fact is that we don’t know that. There are women that get into it without giving it that much thought and then it’s bad if they end up killed?
      I’m sorry but with some of these things that are posted. Unless you k ow for sure that the person is subjugated into doing something. We can’t act like it’s all wrong.
      I’m sorry but sometimes this site is a bit biased with comments after articles are posted. It’s almost like some of ya. Just want to allow comments that fit the narrative of the person that’s posting the article.that’s why it’s taking me a while to write something.

      Rubio NYC.

    4. Rubio, you're assuming that I'm making a commentary on her culpability and that the reason I don't want people commenting on her body is because I believe she was a victim.

      But it has nothing to do with that. A woman could be the most evil, awful killer in the world and I would still make the same comment that I did.

      A woman just died. A cartel group did it. There's a lot of things worth discussing with this story. If people want to discuss her alleged involvement with the CJNG, go right ahead.

      But if people want to talk about the size of the dead woman's chest? They can find a blog that isn't focused on cartel news and make those comments there.

    5. 5:24
      Aren't you the same weasel-lizard that wrote "business is business char, even kids are fair game" yet now you're here with fake gallantry? What a despicable character.

    6. 7:20
      You have a sharp eye to note the hypocrisy there, but that wasn't the authentic acapulco weasel/lizard that addressed Char in that comment, it was some gecko wannabe that didn't even have the courtesy to end his rant with TWO periods, like a proper amphibian would..
      I recall the comment, not sure if I complained at the time, I usually do, but life is too short to carry a grudge..
      Acerbic students of the lethargic lagarto know to look for his signature run-on sentences, usually paragraphs long, and rambling on about mostly stoopid stuff..
      Detractors see the green slime and keep on scrolling..

    7. Hearst has a point. For the sickos talking about a dead woman’s chest you should really seek Jesus. Cause you’ve got real problems. What if that were your mother , sister , wife or daughter. Would you like someone commenting on their chest ? This is a necro sight it’s about the cartel wars. I’m sure there are plenty of sights that float your boat just not this one. Sick puppy 🐶

    8. 7:50
      Thanks, I apologize to you.

    9. The sex pervs run amok again?

    10. My apologize i got it now....i am little bit..under stress..🤯😒❤️

    11. Rubio have some respect, what's the matter with you, taking a female soul, for trying to survive, with selling drugs, is unbelievable, those killers had nothing better for do, that treat that lady like a stray dog looking for food.
      Rubio grow up cause that can happen to one of your relatives.

    12. Hearst You publish unbounderied digs, shots, put-downs, beratings, insults, indignities on the physical characteristics of men all the time. So now women are a protected class?
      Women embrace equality. But only on your own terms.
      When it comes to women victims, perhaps women moderators are overly-sensitive. See themselves as saviors protecting a woman's "decency" (lol!) from the lewd designs of predatory men.

    13. Here's to You Hearst!

    14. Even though I don’t like James brown I agree with him in this one 💯

    15. What if you invite a woman out for a cup of coffee, and she takes advantage of the situation and orders chicken strips, a salad, and dessert?

    16. 1:33 your such a cheapskate, she could turn out to be your future wife, you want to remember that you were so cheap you took her out riding the local bus.🤣

    17. To James Brown
      Please consider one can feel the same compassion for either sex when being sexually abused, humiliated. The same comments on a males body from a bunch of women, would be treated the same.

    18. Thank you James brown. There’s a huge hypocrisy going on here. I get and respect everyone’s point. But if you decide to deal in a place where you know the group that’s there does despicable things. And still decide to take that risk. You can’t pick and chose what you think they should do to you or not. My goodness I’m not in a cartel or live In Mexico. But even I have more common sense. If you are poor and still chose to do that ( not getting killed or worse is not an excuse ). My goodness people stop being such a bunch of doushbags. I respect Hearst. But I’m glad James brown doesn’t decide to kiss ass like all the other half brained individuals who also are some of the ones that are always begging Sol for sex smut.

      This is why us Hispanics are never going anywhere. We are sarcastic. Hypocrites, and kiss too much butt.
      Rubio NYC

    19. THANKS SOL for allowing me to get in on the discussion. Much respect. Hope your weekend is going well so far. Stay safe hermano.

      Rubio NYC

    20. Rubio, this video is a clear example of what I was talking to Detroit about the other day. Had this article been about a journalist being killed and all we had to go with was words with pics. No one would give a fuck. The views would be low in numbers. But since we have a video of a beautiful and naked female those figures have skyrocketed past 10K views from one day to the next. As fucked up as it sounds the majority of viewers look forward to seeing shit like this. Which is why it went straight to number one. Once you get use to seeing those numbers and understanding certain patterns you quickly realize what most individuals really come here for. The morbid fascination that people harbor is what drives them to it again and again.

    21. THANK YOU SOL.
      I really appreciate that you keep it real. As someone that’s involved in a journalistic type of work. You have to keep your personal preferences aside. I know it’s tough because you also are trying to keep the site from becoming like And I’m sure that it’s hard as a moderator. You say what’s on your mind. And I used to see how people would start disrespecting you and shit. And that I didn’t like. Because I saw the sarcasm with other articles. And that’s why I used to speak on your behalf. Although I know you don’t let that annoy you. But I can’t hold my tongue sometimes. Seriously don’t change. Unfortunately we have become desensitized. And I know some people also start saying “ oh these guys are low life’s for doing that to her etc”. But they forget that those are the risks that come with that job over there. It’s like any other job that has their own way of operating. Some people do not understand that. I used to hustle. Most people are critics that haven’t done shit. Haven’t been around dangerous people. The most they’ve hustled is by watching one of those cartel shows or documentaries.

      But besides that. I’m glad you got to number 1 😈. And again. A shout to James brown for saying what I was thinking.

      Rubio NYC

    22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    23. That’s funny, I do come here for cartel news but your other moderators decide to post the most gruesome execution videos. Make up your mind

    24. @10:19
      Young man it's past your bedtime.
      This site is for mature people.
      I'm gonna tell your mom.

    25. 949
      Wow some of you guys are getting really good at posting like me. Except that I wouldn’t say that comment in that way. I have a rapport with Sol. But I’m not going to start saying that he has feelings and a heart. Or at least I wouldn’t say it that way. Sorry but that’s not me. Even though I know Sol is a great guy. I have to say I appreciate whoever 949 is for trying to get me right. I don’t think Sol would want me talking about his feelings lol.
      Oh funny thing I just saw all the pictures of the victim. And she looks a little like my ex Vicky. I wish I could figure out why I can’t log in with my email to not be anonymous. It’s weird.

      Now I’m missing her.

      Rubio NYC

    26. @James Brown, but us as men have to be the bigger person. That's the point.

    27. @James Brown. If you had read some of the previous comments on here when young women have been mutilated, raped, tortured, and murdered, you might understand Hearst asking for respect, regardless of gender. Families of victims sometimes read this shit. If you can point to a SINGLE thread where a bunch of vicious dipshit young women discuss how foxy a man being tortured to death is, then you can talk about "hypocrisy". Otherwise it's humanity.

    28. I don’t like James brown because he’s black but I do agree with him . Ni modos así es el pedo

  9. Freedom Eagle trucker caps!
    "I've been from Tucson to Tucumcari
    Tehachapi to Tonopah
    Driven every kind of rig that's ever been made
    Driven the back roads so I wouldn't get weighed
    And if you give me weed, whites, and wine
    And you show me a sign
    I'll be willin' to be movin'"
    .. Little Feat

    1. Peterbuilt ftw

    2. Old truckers never die, they just get a new Peterbilt 🚚

    3. Everytime I go to Mexico.....

    4. "Well I've been kicked by the wind, robbed by the sleet
      Had my head stoved in but I'm still on my feet
      And I'm still willin'
      I smuggled some smoke and folks from Mexico
      Burned by the sun every time I'm in Mexico
      But I'm still willin'"


    Crazy if true.

    1. Este vato loco no es de la CIA. Algo le hizo daño y se quedó bien arriba el viejon jajaja esa charola es falsa ALV jaja milagros no reclamo ser gente del MZ

  11. The messed up thing about this is this young lady died for nothing..judging by the numbers it's not like she was a big shot for Cjng or anything. This looks weak and desperate on Csrl's part..catch a Cjng sicario or something..but then to go a step further and film it n put it out there like they're doing some damage.. absolute POS's

    1. That's exactly what I say.
      These so called cartels are going after small time dealers making 200 pesos a day if lucky.
      They can't get to the big shots so they take out the small timers.
      Pathetic on their part.

  12. what is up wit CSRL stripping women on video interrogating them

    1. To me it makes the point that "this isn't going to save you."

  13. Fucked up.Killed for what? selling a little coke? meth? not sure what drugs were involved. but fuck..this shit isnt to be glamorized and looked up to. at least the shot her and put a shirt on her.

    1. Jale....don't even get caught with the wrong color jale. And for fucks sake, don't get caught selling the wrong color jale. She got off pretty easy, actually.

    2. For being a dumbass hanging around the wrong losers

  14. Replies
    1. I hate myself for loving you and the weakness that it showed
      You were just a painted face on a trip down suicide road
      ..bob dylan

    2. Bob Dylan… you hippie

  15. HMMMMMM.



    1. Ever cartel in Mexico rapes women. I mean CDS is referred as the baby didler cartel

    2. 8:36 Caballeros Templarios are up there too

  16. Sadly, they get paid crumbs but the addiction is also supplied with their sales, many do it for the daily fix, the attempt to make it big, and end up like her. Sadly, she died and was exposed like this, and for what reason? I can’t even imagine what they did to her before she was killed. No respect for human life.

  17. Things are pretty sad in Mexico when you have to sell meth for 200 pesos a day. CJNG are cheap to just pay 20 pesos from a 100 peso bag of meth. At the end of the day if you play in the game be prepared to pay the price if you get caught which she did. NUFF SAID!!!

    Nuff Man

    1. Is that you Nuffy?

    2. I prefer the Duff Man 1221

    3. Nuffy sounds better because your a Midget.🤣😭

    4. Hi Nuffy what going on.

    5. Hi there guys. Nice to meet you. Great pleasure to voice my comments with other BB followers. NUFF SAID!!!

      Nuff Man

  18. This makes them look weak asf I could see them give her the paddle for selling drugs for the rival cartel but wouldn't it been better to not even bother her get Intel hit the suppliers get Intel from them and keep following the trail. I know it's cartel shit but I'm guessing she knew them that's why they murdered her.

  19. that the really machomenos mexicano,,,,,,,,,,,,con una pobre girl,,,,,,,,,,eso no es ser macho ..........eso se llama ser rata barata inmunda....................

    1. Eso se llama igualdad de generos 👍

    2. No, ahora las mujeres ya se creen igual que los hombres y ellas piden el mismo trato que los hombres así que parejo para todos ya las mujeres ya no son como antes ahora ya van a ver que hay diferencias

    3. Women only ask for equal treatment when it suits them but when it’s time for equal treatment in real life they want the special privileges of being a fragile woman

  20. This lady used to sale chimichangas

  21. Start from the top and work down get the big fish RIP senseless murder no need for this

  22. for my self,a lady is like flower,peace and love.......

  23. She was pretty that’s for sure.

  24. Sad and senseless to kill this young woman! Smdh I hope these lunatics get their same fate. She was not a threat! The killers should not be part of a cartel band be considered more as serial killers and rapists.!Cartels at one time had boundaries!

  25. mismo si el marro esta carnala controla todo,y sobre todo el huachicol....por ahi pasan los ductos de la refineria de salamanca.........

  26. 20 pesos x 6 meses
    Perdió la vida...

  27. She is nothing more than a meth addict. This group of weak ass punks calling themselves a cartel are nothing more then clown. I hope God curses them with PTSD every night all night for the rest of their lives. 10 to 1 they are bisexual and deeply dislike women. CJNG doesn’t have a hair on their ass if they don’t slaughter them. She was flipping $80 meth every 3 days. Sorry losers trying to act like they killed a major player. Damn them for eternity. Disgusting bastards.

  28. 20 pesos por pieza y por eso te mataron pinche vieja pendeja. What a waste of a pretty female who could of used her beaty to find a good honest man instead.

  29. I hate all cartels, but I hate CSRL the most. They are just cowards who like to bully the weak!

  30. Pobre Chica. Tiene Como 4 facebooks, en una de Ellas se ve Que aparece comiendo con dos niños. Muy probable Que eran sus hijos. Murio por 20 pesos Al dia. Cobardes esos del CSRL, Que se mueran esos putozz mata mujeres..

  31. Poor lady didnt deserve this. I cannot fathom calling myself a man and then going on to torture and murder a half naked women. Complete cowards.


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