Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 12, 2024

The DEA Is Tracking Two Cartels Through Atlanta - Here's Why

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Cartels use Atlanta as a 'warehouse,' according to the federal law enforcement agency

11 Alive


  1. Muchos tienen liñea en Atlanta. They just doing shit now cause of elections and the spot light on the southern border. This shit ain’t stopping. They drop one today tomorrow somebody will be back up. At this point them people that are working for the dea still have jobs cause of this cat and mouse game of “the war on drugs”

    1. @10:13 You are right on the money. Linea is deep up in that bitch in the ATL. Fuck. You should see the way they move dem thangz.

      They're in Cobb County real strong and Virginia Avenue.

      Them rap songs ain't fake either JaJaja

      I don't know why dem foolz buy them keyz from them bangerz and then rap about it, make a music video, and a new dance. Let's get Puffy up in this Bitch.

    2. Very true brother,me personally I saw 👀 this in the 90’s in a documentary gang land know out of the blues they know

    3. Ahhh it’s always been a storing and distribution city.

  2. Los michoacanos tienen base alli en Atlanta .. mucho celula independiente de lo que quedo de los templarios .. gente del kike plancarte que todavia tienen acuerdos por la frontera de nuevo laredo.

    1. Casi dos décadas si no más que se acomodaron allí...

    2. Have you smashed in Atlanta?

    3. 1247 that's a positive chief.. cierto

    4. Apoco andan michoacanos vendiendo aguacate robado aya en Atlanta ?? Y yo pensando que esos jotos de su casa ni salían

    5. 3:12 Estados Unidos está hasta la madre de migrantes michoacanos y jalisquillos, son la mayoría

    6. @02:09 That's the first intelligent thing I haver ever heard you say before, dude. Yet, I just posted below and saw your comments. If I don't get censored I just spillt the beans and told about LFM and they still there. Old School Zetas. & El Ruso has a giant cell operating on Buford Highway and also in Gwinett County and Clayton County.

      Chapitos are there too as well as many Guzmans and inlaws and cousins and nephews and neices. Lots of shitty poisionous drugs are sold by these entities.

      They don't shoot it out as much like they do in Mexico but they are definitely in Atlanta, and have been since the 1990s. Fuck a Guzman.

    7. @1:15am. I may have posted this before but here goes. I've been to Plaza Fiesta mall on Buford Highway. As the only tall black man around I am somewhat conspicuous.
      The first time, the security people put eyes on me. They were low-key hovering. But I didn't get the feeling it was a shoplifting thing, because I mostly walked around outside the stores. No, they were suspicious, wondering who I was. When I used my phone they would slide past pretending to do something but eavesdropping.
      But after my first visit, on subsequent visits I didn't witness the suspicion. At least I didn't pick up on it.

    8. @1:15am yeah. You’re right. I’ve known Ronnie Guzmán over at the scrap yard since 2k3

  3. But but but I thought this couldn't happen in the US because people have guns and wouldn't allow it. Oh, wait, this is real life.

    1. 🤦‍♂️💩🧠🤡

    2. Obviously you’re some anti gun liberal puke! You stick with that frame of mind. And DONT ever call a good guy with a gun to save your pathetic liberal ass!

    3. lots of mountain cowboys with guns not afraid of drug gangs.

    4. Republicans are just wanna be tough guys with their cowboys hats and guns. MAGAs are useless brainwashed fools.

  4. In fantasy land gun advocates wouldn't allow this in US soil.

  5. Cartels been using atlanta as a hub since the 90s

  6. This will never stop, it brings hundreds of billions of dollars. Just confiscating stuff , the government doesn't care for the people, if they tell you that run.

    1. Drugs would stop flowing if govern like China, Saudi Arabia. No drugs there bcuz you know you will die.

    2. Drugs flow freely in China and Saudi Arabia but the markets are smaller their.

    3. 449 lol ok buddy

  7. Are we just as guilty for listening or following cats on social media that promote violence? Cartels traffic kids for sexual activity, think about that next time you sing Jgl or belicumbias. Let’s start calling these fuckers out

    1. I’ve been calling out the mass rapists for years on this site. I mean people actually glorify chapo when he was a child sex predator who would send for little girls to screw and dope up.

    2. No more bad boy either.... Take that take that.

  8. Has anyone seen Queso?
    He sold me some expired Cheese.
    I want fresh Cheese, he probably hiding out at his mom's basement.

    1. You gotta age you cheese 1033

    2. 7:44 but but but you have to check out his 🧀 cheese, it has green mold, he did not age it properly.

  9. Yeahhh! Let's get it homie. HAHAHA


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