Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 25, 2024

Shoot Me Instead Of Using The Knife

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

A conversation about the Fedepales (Federal Municipal Policemen), the Delegación Norte police station, and assassins for the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (CSRL) returns to Borderland Beat once more. 

For this broadcast, the CSRL tries to make us believe that their captive is actually guilty of his every action. The onset of the interrogation will have us thinking it’s actually true. But the way they went about presenting the facts eventually shows us the holes in their flimsy narrative.

It’s unknown why the captors started to fumble their manufactured communique. Or what compelled them to go forward with what they had recorded. However, that didn’t stop them from executing their captive in the end. There is a surprise twist to how the enslaved male choose to leave though. 

Video translation is as follows:

Captive: Every young man who is placed inside the Delegación Norte police station is tortured and physically assaulted. Whatever crooked individuals they come across they kill inside there. Every new inmate that’s in there doesn’t have any training whatsoever. They’re all just well known individuals who’ve been on the inside before. 

The inmates could be taxi drivers or butchers. It’s a hodgepodge of individuals in there. And they have no prior training. Which is why they get them to run in the mornings. Overall they’re wanting people to assume leadership roles at some point. The authority figures are only here because the state sent them. It has nothing to do with the municipality. 

All of the Fedepales (Federal Municipal Policemen) who have left, the so called hitmen who were here in Celaya. Every bomb that was reported about, they placed that blame on you guys in order to clean their hands of those deeds. All of those firearms that were found in Camargo actually belonged to them. Every seizure that the ministerial policemen allegedly came across. 

My partners claimed that they were provided with weapons and because of this videos were made where everything supposedly belonged to you guys. The recent bust made by the Sedena was split between the Sedena and the Fedepales. It was done with the understanding that the Jalisco gunmen would be blamed for it. But it’s all bullshit that was carried out just to cover up the truth. 

 * At 48 seconds into this video someone is heard in the background coaching the captive on what he has to say.

Sicario #1: This will be the fate of everyone who was fucking up. 

Captive: This will be the fate of everyone who was fucking up. The fucking bombs that were thrown are being blamed on you so that they could clean their hands of this crime. The bombs thrown at the Delegación Norte police station was done so by Jose Luis Suarez. He’s the individual responsible for having thrown them at the police station. The only reason they didn’t detonate was because they were duds. 

* At 1:05 the scene cuts off. 

The five pixelated uniforms that surfaced with five of my accomplices were given to us in order to confuse us with them. Because we apparently did have police training. Son of a bitch. Here recently Luis Suarez threatened us. He said that things would fucking end horribly for us. According to him it was the absolute 4 letters cartel in charge here. And their code in reference to us being gunmen for El Marro is 06. This is according to them. Jose Luis Suarez is who threatened 8 of us from the police force. And if we protested anything against them they said they’d kill us. Or if we said anything about them killing off the young men they also said we’d be killed. 

* At 1:57 the scene cuts off again. 

They spy on every store or big business that opens. They spy on them in order to extort them. This is the reason why they want the PAN political party to win the elections. So that they can continue to steal from everyone. 

The transit police who was executed on Boulevard Juan Pablo II was also tortured at the Delegación Norte police station. It was said that he was a gunman for you guys, a shooter for El Marro. They want the PAN party to stay in power so that El Pelón can bring more of his crew here. 

Please sir don’t this. (The hit man is trying to cut his neck open)

Sicario #1: Hold his hands down. 

Captive: I ask that you please just shoot me instead of using the knife. 

Sicario #2: Hold your fucking hands back you faggot. 

Sicario #3: Move your hands you son of a fucking bitch!

Captive: Just give me a bullet instead sir. Please. 

* At 3:04 a hitman grants him his wish to be shot to death. A single round is fired into his head. 

Sicario #1: Go ahead and fire another round into him so that he dies properly. 

* At 3:17 another round is fired into his head. 

* At 3:33 the removal of his head begins.

* At 3:59 the camera shows the corpse cut into pieces. Everything that they intended to dismember is complete at this point. 

El Blog de Los Guachos


  1. Damn he got off easy all things considered. That machete was so blunt it was gonna be hell on earth for him if they kept going

    1. Damn I got off on that video.

    2. In a way this video made me happy. He went the easy way. Which is cool.

    3. 9:01 that was funny

  2. Abrazos no balasos. Pues a este le dieron 2 balasos.

  3. Damn the way he knew he was dead and not asking “don’t kill me”
    instead asking
    “kill me with a bullet sir”
    That’s real
    He probably had been on the other end of that blunt machete and gun before
    Good riddance you fool

  4. Sol you are the FUCKING MAN. there was a time when I thought Elblogdecaca had all the cruel videos. But you my friend have the hook up. Been speaking to some Mexicans here and they tell me there’s a lot of jealousy with the people in Mexico. Sad that it is what it is. But listen. You keep showing us the fucked up side. And I pray to god that someday it will change. Your people deserve better.

    And mannnnn that guy got lucky. Big shout out to Hearst also.

    Rubio NYC

    1. I was born in the u.s but when I go to the rancho in mexico mfs be hating on me for no reason

    2. 9:26 you’re lucky you’re not buried in your backyard.

    3. 9:26 I am surprised you did not come back sliced up in a xoxo cooler or dismembered in a trash bag.
      You need to read more BB before traveling to Mexico, otherwise put on a shirt with a circular target 🎯 painted on you.

    4. 9:26 this very true. Within the Mexican community there is a lot of hate. For example I’m tall and very good looking. When I visited family in Mx. I get lots of hate from people in the rancho. They think I’m rich and that I’m show a off. I’m literally broke, live in a 1 room apartment that’s 1500 a month, drive a 99 Honda civic and still use a iPhone 7plus. Also despite my good looks my gf of 4 years cheated on me LOL

    5. 10:55 your probably looks like Roseanne Barr mate with Donald trump.

    6. 10:55
      Animo sicario, I had no idea she had a boyfriend..
      Lo lamento mucho, bro, mil perdones..
      (They don't know who's climbing on top of them when they're drunk..)

    7. @10:55
      This is Borderlandbeat everyone here is a super model so we can all relate to your story ! It's rough but we all carry that torch .

  5. Bad ass corrido el triángulo sigue rifando.

    1. Comando de La M slaps too🔥

    2. 9:12; it is bad ass! Question; are you a Gen Xer? I served w/ a man that used that term and reading your comment brought back some laughs and good times.

  6. Sol be like forget about Netflix .imma watch Cartel gore videos


    2. 9:27 You actually took time to write that garbage lol.

  7. These cartels kidnap civilians with bad behavior and force them to shoot tasteless movies.
    Fuck you cartel!

  8. Damn ruthless .. but he’s lucky

  9. BB is certainly more real than any flix...

  10. The definitive "fast talking".

  11. I have to give him his props for going out like a champ, he asked for the bullet instead of being tortured alive. RIP

    1. That's true Bloody Mate.

    2. 12:28 AM
      Bro was a man awrite

  12. The commenters who laugh and “get off” on the sad events and situation with our neighbors to the south are immature and disputable people; and likely racist. I spent my youth fighting an enemy that stooped to this level and I am glad my brothers and I never had any inclination to stoop to this level.

    1. 12:48 AM
      Someone give this guy a medal

    2. Your the racist the ones who shout the loudest,keep it real tho ?

  13. Were those police?

    1. Criminals with police lights on truck.
      Imagine getting stopped by them, with lights flashing and you think it's nothing until they kidnapped you for ransom, if you don't pay this is what happens to you.

  14. Damn, that guy was thoroughly reversed IKEA'd. Lucky for him he got a coup de grace.

  15. Last week the GF of a Fedapales and now a Fedapale. Full tilt between Marro's Crew and the Fedapales!

  16. Fucking hell bad way to go away but he was brave to ask I suppose that I would just freeze....but for me even machete is better than be burned alive....

  17. A terrorist organisation doing terrorist activities smh

  18. goddamn. Stone cold killers. The way he pulled that pistol out racked it and shot him was brutal. Fuck.

  19. When you're begging someone to shoot you, it's safe to say that you've gone through the looking glass.

  20. Oh hi fake Police with lights we want to make you look like a rival Cartel for our video, ok but I will live I don't belong to no cartel.
    We have a plastic knife , we pretend we slash you, ok.
    Wow you guys really want to kill me, kill me with a gun I don't want to suffer.

  21. Glad he got the bullet he was a man deep in,instead of the other machete torture bullshit

  22. turns out the guy was a cop


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