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Friday, March 24, 2023

DEA Points to Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG As Main US Threats

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Drug agency sees criminal organizations affecting health through fentanyl trafficking

CJNG. Women and men, captured in training work

The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) on Friday identified the Mexican Sinaloa and Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) as the main threats "to health and communities" in US territory.

In a report on the agency's foreign operations, the DEA recalled that in September last year it created a unit dedicated exclusively to pursuing and dismantling the efforts of these two "transnational" organizations to traffic "fentanyl and methamphetamines" into the US.

The kidnapping of four Americans and the murder of two of them in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas in early March has reignited the debate in the US about Mexican cartels.

A group of Republican legislators called for drug trafficking organizations to be classified as terrorist groups, a measure that the State Department does not rule out and which has been harshly criticized by the Mexican government.

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard even traveled to Washington on March 13 to meet with the country's consuls in the U.S. and launch a communication strategy to refute the proposal of the congressmen of the opposition party.

The US State Department has listed organizations such as the Islamic State (IS), Hamas and the Colombian National Liberation Army (ELN) as foreign terrorist groups.

El Heraldo de Chihuahua


  1. More kissing or shitpost videos. The fans demand it.

  2. I agree it's about time the cartels operations are shut down.. the drugs cause so much death and destruction on both sides of the border.
    Many die fast in Mexico to get the drugs here then they make it and create a slow death for the users.


    1. The first step of action is to freeze all of their new bank accounts. Second step is to cut of their cash, ammo, gun supplies going south by inspecting all vehicles including mail and delivery services, no exceptions. The third step would be to send the pegasus drones to the Sinaloa , Jalisco, and Michoacan sierras to obliterate the strongest organizations. Then your final step is to move on to Zacatecas,Sonora, Baja California, Chiapas, Veracruz, SL Potosi, Nuevo Leon, and finish off in Tamaulipas. There’s no need to send the cavalry to Mexico. I know this would never happen but wouldn’t it be cool?

    2. Cool in theory but would it work? I think you're missing the human element. People adapt, it's not hard for some of these figures to leave the sierra and move to a low key residential neighborhood in a major city and blend in with the rest of the population. After all, they have hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, to do as they please. Also think of the collateral damage. I don't think the mexican people or the mexican government, corrupt or not, would stand for innocent lives being lost as a result of U.S drone strikes. JMO.

    3. 1:46 and then there's this thing called real world practicality...

  3. But but but Lopez Obrador will say CJNG is not a Cartel, that they are Angels 😇 from heaven.

    1. Are you forgetting that Menchos brother, El Montana was recently apprehended. Did you forget about the chaos that occurred in Jalisco, Zacatecas and Guanajuato last year after the government attempted to apprehend El Apa and El RR, or how about the military operations carried out against Menchos daughter in Zapopan after CJNG kidnapped 3 soldiers in retaliation against Rosalinda Valencias rearrest. Did you forget that AMLO's administration extradited Menchito to the U.S and has kept Abigail Valencia in jail throughout this whole administration? They even moved him to enemy territory on suspicion of him attempting to escape. The only person claiming AMLO is calling these guys angels is you, which in fact just makes you look like a tonto.

    2. @7:12 you obviously don't understand sarcasm even if it was drawn out for you in stick figures.. smh. The real tonto here is you

    3. 135, seems to me like you don't understand the difference between SATIRE and sarcasm.

    4. 1:35
      The Lopez Obrador nutthugger can be annoying at times.

  4. The main threat is the fact that the USA refuses to accept one simple truth, we are the problem. Without the demand, there would be no cartels. We love our drugs and will pay any price to get them. If it's not Mexico, then it would be some other supplier. Without our drugs we wouldn't know whether to s**t or go blind. Weak, fat and out of shape drug addicts unwilling to look at our own self in a mirror.


    1. Of course, Europe and the rest of the world that provide huge markets for narcotics have nothing to do with it. It’s all the US good call stop using your own supply.

  5. Replies
    1. Una caguana a su honor🍻

    2. Are the Polivoces still alive?
      Cuevo Chano!

      Sol loves Las Hiergerias from Michoacan.

  6. Jaimito el cartero era narco

  7. "Drug agency" Factual and sarcastic at the same time. Intentional or not, you nailed it. Hats off to you!

  8. Good joke but the cartels won't get dismantled any time soon. To much money involved
    You think the US is just going to let those BILLIONS of dollars go? HELL NO!

    1. Well stated drugs will never be eliminated in the drug war will continue to do the opposite of what it is intended to do eliminate drugs… It makes them more widely available, less expensive and creates more types of drugs. For example, Tranq which was not around in the 70s or 60s or 80s. It’s xyzaline a horse tranquilizer know if there was ketamine available in the 80s but no tranq

  9. I’m just gonna say what el chapo said when he was being taken to ADX! mientras los Estados Unidos siga siendo el mayor consumidor de droga nada va a parar! As long as the United States keeps on being the largest drug consumer nothing will change!


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