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Friday, March 24, 2023

Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas: Cartel del Golfo 15 Truck Convoy Overpowers State Authorities

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Armed men subdued members of the State Guard in Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas. The assailants ambushed the agents in order to free four subjects who had been detained on the Francisco I. Madero Avenue. 

When they were outnumbered, the detainees were released. No gunfire or injuries were reported. So far the state authorities have not given details of what happened.


  1. Insanity. I can't imagine the fear of being a cop and out gunned like that. Imagine this happening in the states...they'd send in an army and a team to catch them.

    1. No fear. They were warned in advance and stood down. Most are in the cartel payroll or just shut up and get by with mordidas. Bet on it!

    2. yea the Americans will send 6 cop cars and a helicopter for a guy speeding the narcos would never pull that off in the states

    3. Not because they can’t pull it off . It’s because it will hurt their business

    4. 1153, no becusss they can’t pull it off. Put down the novellas

  2. What cartel owns the McAllen Plaza?

    1. Who ever controls the Reynosa plaza, which right now is los metros. Who knows for how long.

    2. La ciudades fronterizas de USA regularmente no tienen un dueño como las de México, ya cruzando el rio es quien pueda vender, vende

    3. Rio bravo belongs to matamoros cdg.

    4. Mcallen is in usa. No criminal group can say they own mcallen. In south texas you have cartels you have gangs and prison gangs and a shitload of local drug traffickers with ties to the cdg but not anyone can claim to control the whole city. Brownsville tx is the same.

  3. CDG is making it really hot for themselves. They must have captured a big fish for cartel reaction to be like that. Can’t see them putting their selves out there for a hawk or hit man.

    1. A veces no son peces gordos, pero es solo para mostrar musculo a lo pendejo, Americo no lo ve así pero esto hace puntos negativos en su record en la USA

  4. Say what you want about USA law enforcement but Imagine the scorched earth USA law enforcement would leave behind if some criminals tried or did this in USA!

    1. I’m sure it happened a lot back when the Pinkertons and such law were around. Gunslinging outlaws going to rescue their mates.

    2. @11:12am That's a cop's wet dream, rolling in with guns blazing on an armed convoy. The bodies, the overtime!

    3. Wish they responded like that in uvalde 9:16

  5. People say it’s better to live in Mexico, I believe it’s up for debate. But let me tell you this, if you call 911 for help in the USA someone will come. In Mexico there’s no way

    1. In Los Angeles they take hours just to show up for a fender bender.

    2. Yes, only it may take two and a half hours like recently happened in Texas. Pointless debate in my view, USA has Hamptons and Skid Rows (plenty of them and sadly increasing) How do you average such extremely opposed realities? You simply can´t. Same goes for Mexico, which is a pretty big place on his own right. Mexico is more affordable, specially if you have dollars and do a ton of research to find a nice spot. Given that and some luck, sure you can get a nice living there and in many more places.

    3. 9:35 yea I’ll take my chances in the good ol’ u.s. of a

    4. 9:35 a dude got kidnapped on Chetumal,Mexico last Sunday and the wife talked to the governor at the end the governor didn’t do nothing and they found the body last Thursday

    5. Not an emergency

    6. 11:23
      That's not an emergency call, if the damage is under $1,500, you and the other driver exchange information and insurance companies, take pictures, if you need a police report you can go to the police station or even do it on the phone.

    7. 11:23 of course. A finder bender is NOT a emergency wiseman...

    8. Where in the USA can you find trucks of gunmen roaming around,sometimes shooting people , overpowering the police or kidnapping people.None.The USA is miles and miles ahead of Mexico.

  6. We're not discussing the BLM here you fucking idiot. You know who you are

    1. It's so early in the day and 🎶 I'm already hittin' switches on bitches 🎶


    2. You go, big guy! Zap 'em!

  7. This is one that the government of Lopez Obrador, could have used 2 hellfire missiles from a Blackhawk.
    But unfortunately they will not do it, because he says Mexico is safe. Yet he states no there is no Cartels taking over States, give me a break.

  8. 10:04:Thank you Sol, for saying the above in English so I can laugh first thing this morning. I can't read Spanish, and hate missing out on you just simply cutting to the chase! Cheers

    1. I know I laughed pretty hard too I even commented “lol” on Sols comment, I taught it was pretty funny too lol

  9. Lopez obrador is telling the world mexico is safe and is not violent and exporting tons of drugs good riddance when he leaves office next year and the new president will not be from his party if not the same BS will continue.

    1. I lnow huh. The other parties will take care of that (since you're not to bright, this is sarcasm)!!! Look at the fine job Garcia Luna did during the Calderon administration, which is when the war was declared against the cárteles. Didn't they just give him a recognition reward??? Not sure how much prison time he was awarded (more sarcasm)...Smh...You don't understand the dynamics in Mexico. The political, judiciary, and law enforcement is so corrupt there it's embarrassing. AMLO is trying to change things, but 50 years of political corruption won't be easy to undue. Pay attention what's going on over there before you look more of an idiot then you already do. Or who would you suggest for the next president of Mexico???!!! Who to you will come in and fix this mess???!!! I'm curious to hear your answer....and have me another good laugh.

    2. 6:36 Elmo internet influencer attacking another commenter. We all see the truth of was is going on in Mexico, you can't put a cork on it, and expect to believe you. Someone in here said Elmo pays the influencers with Tortas de Jamon and Horchanta is that true?

    3. ALMO is not going to change jack shet6:36 Keep dreaming.

  10. To Mexicans; I am a mechanic, living with 3 brothers and 2 cousins in our grandpa's house, rent-free. All of us work great paying jobs and have been getting massive combined annual income for about 5 years (one of us earns $110k+ in the IT field alone). Why do people join cartels? I heard some get paid abysmal. Isn't there always jobs? Don't gore vids deter wanting to join crime orgs?
    ATTE something something McLeod

    1. Quit trying to showing off pendejo. $110k is nothing to brag about.

      Make that argument to the thugs in the US that join gangs and smoke weed.

      Some people are just stupid, or simply evil and get a kick out or power, terror and desmadre.

      The end.


    2. There wasn't alot of work in Mexico and what was available has abysmal pay. That's why some join, others are forced, and there's alot of immigrants who stay in Mexico and end up working for the cartels. That's starting to change. Atleast work wise. AMLO has invested and has brought in alot of investment to Mexico. Give it another year or two and you'll start seeing the full impact of his policies.

    3. Your right. We will see the impact of ELMO's policies after he leaves office and Mexico elects a president with the huevos to take on the cartels.

    4. Why do you assume joining is always voluntary (it’s not).

    5. 6:43 we have waiting for over 3 years for results keep dreaming.

  11. The State police could have called in reinforcements, from the military, even a helicopter equipped with a machine gun, could have taken out a large percentage of the convoy.

    1. Lmao, homie got his first gun recently and now he thinks he’s GI Joe with the comments LOL


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