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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Judge Stops Rafael Caro-Quintero's Immediate Extradition to the US

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

"The definitive suspension requested is granted in favor of (Rafael Caro Quintero)," reported Judge Abigail Ocampo Álvarez.

The suspension granted on August 1 stopped indefinitely the extradition of the founder of the Guadalajara Cartel, who is currently being held at the Federal Center for Social Readaptation no. 1 “Almoloya,” also known as “El Altiplano.” However, the ruling can still be challenged by the Attorney General's Office (FGR). If this happens, a collegiate court will determine whether to confirm, revoke or modify the ruling.

The famous drug trafficker Rafael Caro Quintero, the "narco of drug traffickers", was granted the definitive suspension against the arrest warrant for extradition to the United States for the murder of the former agent of the DEA, Enrique “Kiki” Camarena.

The head judge of the First District Court for Amparos and Federal Trials of the State of Mexico who granted the ruling against the arrest warrant and incommunicado detention for extradition to the United States was Abigail Ocampo Álvarez.

This Monday, August 1, it was reported that Caro Quintero will have the representation of a public defender, after the Federal Institute of Public Defenders (IFDP) notified the First District Judge for Amparo and Federal Trials of the State of Mexico, Adrián Rivera López, that the defendant was appointed an ex officio litigant, assigned to the Fifth District Court of Federal Criminal Proceedings of Edomex.

This after "El Príncipe" promoted an injunction to stop his immediate extradition to the neighboring country to the north where he faces charges for the murder of Enrique Kiki Camarena in 1985, among other crimes related to the shipment of drugs to the United States, homicide and torture.

However, said protection granted to a federal judge was challenged by the Attorney General's Office (FGR), so the case went to the Collegiate Court in Criminal Matters of the Second Circuit for its ratification, modification, or, where appropriate, revocation. of the sentence.

The protection was granted by Judge Abigail Ocampo Álvarez so that the Mexican cartel co-founder stays in the Altiplano until the resolution, stopping his extradition. For its part, said the precautionary measure also included that RCQ not be deprived of communications within the prison.

Source Infobae


  1. The transparent and corrupt judicial system at its finest

    1. Remember when guns were brought into Mexico and no one got even a slap on the wrist? It goes both ways.

    2. Thanks to Obrador, he had no military checking what was coming in to Mexico.

    3. 1:28 weapons have been trafficked in an Olympic Wholesale Way since the years of George W Bush, his "Operation Wide Receiver" was not approved by AMLO, EPN PR FECAL, It was all US idea.

    4. @2:49 but none as disastrous and incompetent as operation fast and furious headed by the obama regime

    5. Didnt fast and the furious start with bush and continued with Obama. You realize Obama continued a lot of bushes policies. Obama loked up on Afghanistan. Obama also deported more people then bush. What do you expect tho…. They are straight up cousins. Look that shit up!

    6. @6:32 fast and furious began in 2006 under bush but it's when obama took over that they "lost track" of all those guns to the cartels. I'm not sticking up for bush either. He's a piece of shit just like obama!!

    7. 1:47 Obama is not the subject of any investigation, after about 14 years of his dictatorship...
      Hillary wipped her ass with her accusers and opponents, her emails were never located, her Hammer and Broom is more powerful than the URSS Hammer and Siecle chingadamadre!!!
      Her prior 8 years presidency was also very successful in spite of her husband's falling for "that woman, Miss Lewinsky" kneepads...SO THERE...

    8. 1:28 Blaming Obrador of 8 decades of bribes and corruption isn't very smart... And there are military and marines took power of ports... so not sure what do you mean... ☺

  2. If they didn’t extradite caro while he was locked up for 28 years, why would they do it now ?

    1. Constitution estates that he cant purge twice for the same sentence... If DEA had anything to do with his detention, that extradition would be ready.

  3. Curupt judge must be getting a hell of a bribe including curupt government officials.
    Lopez Obrador puppets controlling actions to piss off DEA. A committee of VP Harris regarding the capture, will be closely monitoring this circus judge.

    1. Mexico is bad, the US is good.... you are very smart ☺

  4. He'll be in the Good old USA soon

    1. Keep dreaming yankee, maybe focus on stopping all those 18 year old weirdos from shooting up places and also focus on your homegrown gangs?

    2. I am a Yankee Doodle Dandy.
      Long live USA!

    3. Ur prolly a white prick who's kids will end up as mass shooters . Caro did his time the real threat is El mencho they just wanna prove a point it ain't justice it's personal for the government

    4. @ 3:51

      Hey bright bulb, did you forget that the last school shooting was committed by a piece of shit Mexican kid? So was the one out of New Mexico. That phenomenon isn't just designated to Caucasian kids anymore.

    5. @3:51 Y MZ, Chapitos y CDS no son peligrosos? Ellos según controlan las fronteras de Sonora y La Baja. O será que son🐁👈

    6. 3:51 the lord of the cocks is a respectfull man he doesnt mess with inoccent people but his enemies better pray to their god that they never end up in Mr menchos hands cause they'll end up like cholo, Mr Mencho specially doesnt mess with under age girls like the good old chomo Cds, you better wash you mouth with gasoline when you talk about The Lord of the Cocks 🐓🐓🐓

    7. 351 pm: "Ur Prolly", whatever language that is, an idiot!

    8. 7:57 you prolly understood what iff meins...LOL
      living langauges keep evolving like viruses, relax and enjoy!

    9. But I don't enjoy viruses either.

    10. Sol Prendido... and you forget what did the agencies did... nothing, just waiting there ☺

  5. This news made my day :) he didn't do the crime, but did the time. The next step would be to get out of prison and be a free man

  6. Good! He shouldn’t be extradited. He’s served 28 years and the U.S. wants to take him to trial again for the same crime. They need to respect Mexico’s sovereignty. I would feel the same way for any other Mexican national.

    1. We want grampa Caro to live out his last year's in a cinder block prison.

    2. No we don't I'm from the U.S , free the man !

    3. You still believe in fairytales

    4. Mexico sovereign country
      Needs to respect it's citizens, that are getting slaughtered, kidnapped by criminal cartels.

    5. You fairy tale dreamers , do the crime pay the time in a US prison.
      Does not pay to kill a Federal Agent.

    6. Who is the terp that mentioned Mexico sovereign country? It's better to say Mexico going downhill, for the government laxed in letting criminals run rampant.

    7. 1:27 And how do you know he did it?

  7. He couldn’t have returned back to trafficking if he has an “appointed counsel “ that means he’s broke can’t afford an attorney.

  8. He's only just buying time ⏲
    At the end all Mexican capos go face a judge or two in the US OF A...
    When a court wants you in the US of A there's nowhere you can run and hide..

    He was making moves and helping turning Mexico to a narco state but now he's done

  9. The Mexican judicial system is just like the American look at that rittenhouse kid in the streets with a curfew and an ar-15 in hand murders another person and gets away with it what’s the difference??

    1. US Courts organized.
      Mexican curupt judges collecting bribes, stamping case closed.

    2. 2:01 organized crime, NRA and republican cheeto flavored trumpism and courts are more powerful than the mexicans.

  10. A drunk driver 20 years of age, bought a whiskey bottle at the liquor store.
    He was home drinking and had one two many.
    He decided to drive to get fast food.
    He somehow ran over a family of 3 and they died. That was a year ago, the guy driving drunk is in prison.
    Now the lawyer of the for the family wants to sue, the liquor store for selling to the 20 year old for not checking ID, that he was not 21 yet.
    Who is really at fault?????

    1. Good morning everyone.
      @ 253 that's very interesting. I guess technically speaking the fault should be held more at the liquor store for not checking ID. I mean I know the guy was at fault. But maybe things would have been different if they would have ask him for the ID. People can say that he would have gone somewhere else.

      But who knows............

    2. Hi de Blanko aka R.P.Rubio

    3. Why the hell sue the liquor store, it was not their fault, this moron decided to drive drunk. The actions the drunk driver took that day, are his responsibility, and is paying the price by being locked up.
      While the lawyer is at it sue the car manufacturer, also sue the City

  11. This didn't stop his extradition.

    This just means they can't deport or expel him from the country before he gets his full extradition process.

    1. You can't be deported, removed or expelled from your native country

    2. Yes, you can. Otherwise the judge would have tossed out this amparo appeal about potential deportation, removal, or expulsion from the get-go.

    3. 4:20

      Who told you that? You most certainly can be kicked out of country you were born in.

    4. I repeat that you can't. Or is the USA trying to claim RCQ is a citizen or national of their country and has jurisdiction over him? Maybe it was lost in translation or whoever wrote the article used the wrong word but Caro as a Mexican citizen would have to be extradited to the USA not expelled as this would essentially be stripping him of his citizenship and to be deported or removed would signify one isn't a citizen or national of the country giving you a swift kick in the ass.

    5. A country can deport someone that is not a citizen of that country to their country of origin/citizenship....Extradition can happen either way as it is a country requesting the transfer of a person to stand trial for a crime there. (versus basically being kicked out of a country they aren't a citizen of).

      The FGR can (and will) appeal the decision of the judge that granted the Amparo against him being extradited. So then a higher up court will make the decision to uphold the Judge's decision, or reverse it and have him go through the extradition process.

    6. @5:58 the article not once mentions expulsion, deportation or removal of RCQ. As a Mexican citizen he would have to be extradited to the USA. This article is about the amparo petition to halt his "immediate" extradition.
      Cite me a legal case about what you write


      "que el gobierno federal lo deporte o expulse del país para ser entregado a Estados Unidos"

      Deportation and expulsion are exactly the terms that were previously ruled on. I wrote about this more here:

    8. Hearst - I consulted another source that included the direct quote from the judge. He wasn’t deciding on his expulsion / deportation.

      “‘Cuando el acto reclamado sea la orden de deportación, expulsión o extradición, la suspensión tiene por efecto que no se ejecute y el interesado quede en el lugar donde se encuentre a disposición del órgano jurisdiccional de amparo, sólo en lo que se refiere a su libertad personal’, refirió el juez.”

      “'When the act claimed is the order of deportation, expulsion or extradition, the suspension has the effect that it is not executed and the interested party remains in the place where he is at the disposal of the amparo court, only in what refers to his personal freedom,' the judge said.”

      He was explaining what a court may consider depending on the scenario (notice the word “or”), but not that expulsion / deportation apply to RCQ’s case necessarily.

      On another note, Article 33 of the Mexican Constitution covers expulsion of foreigners. No mention of nationals whatsoever.

    9. Oh! That's very interesting to hear. I stand corrected.

      Thank you for asking your other source and thank you for telling me what they said. It makes sense that they mentioned all possibilities - regardless of whether they apply to RCQ.

      I wish we had a Mexican legal consultant. I'll keep this example in mind for future articles though.

  12. He will be sent to the US, we don't take kindly to the killing of our officers.......he will never see Mexico alive again.

    1. Your opinion matters... lol...

    2. 9:05 HAHAHAHAHAAA!
      I new it, the deal is in the bank, lawyering that did not happen while RCQ was in the big house for 28 years is making up for time lost litigating the bugs out of every body's ass, by the time they are done RCQ will be very dead and with cold feet.
      There is a lot of shit many peepol on the US don't want to be shined on by the sunlight, Iran/ Contra conspirators with presidential pardons are some of them.

  13. Pendejos think they he’s safe and sound from the us prison. He’s not. He will be there soon enough

  14. This guy is pure scum. Hope he enjoys spending the remainder of his pathetic life in one our prisons, most likely the supermax in Colorado. He and garbage boy Chapo can die together behind bars there!

    A fitting end indeed for both of these losers!

    1. Really, NEVER. It's never ok to wish harm on anyone else. If you do, you're actually inviting that bad energy back into your life tenfold.

      Free Caro,!!

    2. If you believe in Hell, then harm will come, no matter.

    3. If you believe in straws, you would not get the last one.

    4. LASTRAW as in the one that breaks the camels back.

    5. Well said 1:27. These guys should reap what they sow.


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