Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, December 19, 2019

CJNG: Cartel Meeting Held in Broad Daylight

Video translation is as follows:
A video circulates through social networks where alleged members of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generaci贸n can be seen in what appears to be a meeting.

In the images you can see a street obstructed by several SUVs from which narcocorridos are being played. In the broadcast there are several men with rifles sporting a relaxed attitude.

Just as well you can also see others huddled up in what could be described as a kind of meeting. It is noteworthy that in the surrounding homes no people are seen. The video shows that the events took place in broad daylight.

According to the information disseminated with the video this matter happened in the state of Jalisco. However, it wasn’t specified in which entity. There is no more information about this video.

Nor have the authorities made an official announcement. In less than a decade the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generaci贸n has become one of the most prolific and violent drug trafficking organizations in the world.

From a small group of deserters to the now extinct Cartel Milenio, it evolved to form a vast criminal network whose nexus extends to all of America. As well as Europe and Asia.

US security agency reports reveal that the cartel distributes cocaine and methamphetamine along 10 thousand kilometers of sea coast.

In a zone that extends from the Southern Cone Region to the border of the United States and Canada. Information from Mexican and US authorities have intelligence reports for the activities of this cartel regarding 25 of the 32 states in the country.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source


  1. They are not afraid to hold meetings in the day, they own the police and curupt government by bribes.

    1. Gangs do the same thing across the USA. Mostly at parks

    2. Except they don't have guns out in the open like it's nothing.

    3. Yes but not armed to the teeth like cartels gangs are lame ass bums

    4. As if your comparing cartels , to dumb ass street gangs lol

  2. I saw the interview with Anabel Hernandez El traidor where she states the Pentagon of the USA says sinaloa has presences of 70% of the world ,now thats the cartel we should be combating not jalisco since they are no different then this other organizations like cdn cdg tijuana cartel at the end they would vanished but a Cartel thats in 70% of the world how you deal with that ?

    1. That interview was interesting saying mayo sells meat to Walmart and has his money in many businesses so his family can have clean laundered money for generations to make legit money when he dies he’s really smart.

    2. Cds is the FAVORITE cartel, all the presidents including AMLO making cds strong going after all cartels except cds.. Specially pena nieto and calderon

    3. Are you serious we’re have you been lately CDS is the cartel that has been losing a lot of ther people the government has been going after cds when the ones they need to stop is cjng those idiots have mexico all messed up

  3. Como siempre andan todos tranquis en todos estos videos que no mas no paran en salir. Y esas disque agencias de inteligencia que seg煤n andan vigilando el pa铆s a todas horas de el d铆a? Puros pinches torpes. En serio que si. Haciendo gueyes quien sabe donde madres. No se sabe porque les andan pagando su salario si ni siquiera se activan para hacer su trabajo. Era para que anduvieran all铆 en chinga cayendo se de puro pinche pecho para parar esta banda de narcos. Ya ni sorprenden estas mamadas. Neta que no. Mientras tanto hay va toda la Mexicanada inocente en cima pagando por los cr铆menes de esa gente malvada...esa gente malvada...esa gente malvada...

    1. Si, Sol tienes razon ! eso es ridiculo......
      May I use this opportunity to say :
      I, FINALAMENTE, was able to watch "SEA of SHADOWS".
      HIGHLY recommend, just as Chivis said: RAW.....prepare for emotions.
      I feel like I have been living this "Cocaine of the Sea" film.
      Extremely well done, and the whole point is exactly Sol's point above. El pinche Gobierno is bought and paid for, WE ALL, the Mexicans, the US and the Chinese have the intel /info on the bad guys. I am not sure that just taking out the Chinese connection will solve the problem, ie the traffickers and the consumers in China. Grrrrrrrr.

    2. Yaqui...The chinese government actually took down one of the largest gangs of bladder traffickers. It was in the port providence where out business is. A drop in the bucket but it is a good thing.

      as for closing off the chinese on the mexican side.....that would do it, but never will happen. too much money for many sticky fingers.

      the movie is AWESOME, so happy you finally saw it. I wanted to write a review but you know....

      I did feel I was living your posts I knew what events were happening because of your posts...but they came to life in a surreal way. Did SM watch it also?

      I tell people that this is not a movie about fish extinction this is a hardcore organized crime movie that has fish near extinction in it.

  4. One cruise missile hurdled precisely as to protect innocent residents and the cartel problem in Mexico is over.
    The thugs would go back to dishing their wares in darkness and 10,000 sicarios out out of work overnight. Turn them into delivery drivers instead of assassins.
    Murder goes down.
    The only reason for outdoor meetings like this is because the government of Mexico is neutered and the capos know it.
    The deterioration of a once great country is playing out before our eyes and little to nothing is being done to end it.

  5. We will see how many meetings they have in broad daylight when the america gets involved. Their meetings will turned to human bbq. Lets see their machine guns stop a missile.

    1. I regret to inform you 馃様, that Obrador yes the enept president, does not want help from USA and that all is fine. With approximately 29,000 homicides and counting this year.

    2. What are they doing to you ?

    3. Wishful thinking at best.

    4. It's coming to a big festering head. No one is going to send in cruise missiles, crazy talk, it's a festering pimple and it'll give way either on its own or it'll get so itchy somebody is going to pop it.

    5. Why would America get involved?

  6. WHY is this even NEWS? Happens EVERY day in Mexico with current CARTELS in every state

  7. Too bad the US didn't conduct a drone strike on those cockroaches.

  8. Judgment Day comes for us all eventually

  9. Happens everyday in the US and all across the world. DTO involve a lot of people and meetings are necessary.

  10. CJNG must have cut a deal with a Ford dealership. Seen some dodge trucks in one video. I like how CDG drive GMC trucks even seen a few with CDG instead of GMC profesionally mounted on the front grill on a youtube corrido video. I like pick up trucks especially compact mini trucks

    1. Titan pro 4X baby. Never disappointed. Nor have yet to.

    2. Ford ranger is the best trokita

    3. ISIS LOVES TOYOTAS, white please, to keep cool like El Aurens...
      Former Blackwater executives will do their best to supply, but claim Saddam left them behind, hidden in the sands of Iraq, along with machine guns and IEDS.

  11. I dont know about you guys but this is some scary shit, am I the only one who is seeing that the world is turning for the worst. Even here in the US the streets are over run with organized gangs and cartels associates. What's going to happen when organized crime infiltrates the government like in Mexico, and you also combine that this country has the most productions in arms, not looking good guys.馃様

  12. Sometimes I wonder if they get permission to post these videos or they just do it and when they see it on the internet they turn to the guy who posted it


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