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Sunday, May 19, 2019

3 Hectares of Poppy Crops Near Tijuana, BC = 2 Million Plants

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Zeta
A poppy field of approximately three hectares was located by agents of the State Preventive Police at the height of El Veladero Hill, in the Natura district, in Tijuana.

The first data provided to ZETA  that at 4:38 pm on Friday they reported to the emergency line that from Camino Vecinal street in Colonia Natura a poppy field was visible.

PEP units arrived at the site and confirmed the fact that it is estimated that around 2 Million plants  with pods and flowers were planted in sections in an aligned manner and was outstanding in the  vegetation of the area.

The officers  specified that they were approximately 3 hectares which had 80 plants per square meter, some had pink flowers and a characteristic bulb of the poppy plant, from which opium gum is obtained and then manufactured into the dangerous drug known as a heroin.

At the moment there are no reported detainees or weapons seizure. Agents of the State Preventive and elements of the SEDENA guard the perimeter.


  1. With the price tumbling for poppies nowadays. Surprised this was taken into consideration due to the synthetic production of fentanyl.

    What's the estimate for this finding?

    1. 12:47 the PEPOS will let us know what was the highest bid, they most probably got the shit planted to have work to show. They are running out of accomplices from the underworld and after a few incidents and investigations, Falsos Positivos don't want to volunteer for applications of La Ley Fuga that easily.

  2. Big bow to cjng now that they have Tijuana on lock

    1. 1:33 wrong...cjng dont have the knowledge or brains nor real state to grow this beauty...only drug they mess with is meth n maybe weed...useless baby killers pigs

  3. I thought Mexico was changing its stance on poppy cultivation?


    1. 2:18 relli? Who told you? EPN?
      I hope Evo Morales who quit bitching about coca leaves and the criminal farmers who cultivate them to eat did not contaminate AMLO with his permissiveness, but AMLO did promise to persecuting small dealers and addicts a bit less and to focus on the big fish a bit more, but not that much, because there are much bigger problems like the economy, stupid, and the survival of the country and what remains of its democracy. and battling the international cabals that want to keep Mexico on its knees and forking it to all comers that call it "commerce".

    2. I believe it was/is Amlo pushing for this. Decriminalizing poppy cultivation this is.


    3. 12:49 why do you "believe"?
      And don't tell me "Somebody said so".

  4. "dangerous drug known as HEROWIN"
    sorry but right now heroin is a healthy alternative compared to all the synthetic garbage out there.

    1. 2:43 Yeah! We win, and I can now have me some...
      I have been dreaming of it for about 50 years but these pinchis polesias PEPOS se la van a chingar toda, they call it finders keepers, I am sure they have the slave laborer workers to collect the gomas as part of their voluntary community service. A FOR FREE AND IN THE OPEN.

  5. Isn't that in the town limits of Tijuana?

  6. it is estimated that around 2 Million plants with pods and flowers were planted in sections in an aligned manner and was outstanding in the "vegetation of the area"? doooood, you should have said "outstanding in the field" El Oh EL

  7. Three hectares equal 30000 square meters. Eighty plants to a square meter equals 2 million 400 thousand plants. Based on the 2 million plant estimate by PEP the growing area would be 9.5 square inches per plant. Or roughly 3x3 inches per plant. The square root of 9.5
    I doubt the 2 million plant estimate is correct. I am certain the 80 plants per square meter is also wrong, as an additional 400,000 plants would burden the growing area by 20 percent. The flowers are pretty though.


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