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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tijuana: Narco message hung and signed by CTNG addresses "El Alante murder"

Chivis Borderland Beat-Big thanks to BB follower for link and translation from Sin Censura

Narcomanta signed by CTNG at Benitez Bridge in Tijuana, reads:
“Keep barking motherfuckers and the same will happen to you as it did to Alfonso Lira Sotelo “El Atlante.  Traitors are good for something and you really did (Jesus Rafael Yocupicio “El Cabezon; you set up your boss with us on a silver platter and some time ago you gave us his brother (Javier “El Carnicero”) Now, who are you going to set up? Because we don’t want you back with us traitor, and now you are next (David Lopez Jimenez “El 20”) we are going after you and all your crooks. You know LA NUEVA has no borders hahahaha."
Sincerely CTNG

It doesn't specifically take responsibility for the murder, but implied.   as the BB follower asks "Did they do it?  Your guess is as good as mine"

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  1. No mames la nueva anda asta en la cocina de Sinaloa. No wonder they took Tijuana

    1. Stop ur nonsense please, any pendejo can hang up a manta n claim to b god...

    2. True but usually those pendejos are doing that from orders of a pesado.

      But when it comes to mantas, they ain't trying to be God they trying to be the calaca. So no andes tratando de apendejar a la gente.

    3. Don’t forget ctng are ex cds members that got betrayed so there many people from Sinaloa en ctng

    4. Ok anyone can hang up a manta n claim to have killed Osama...old tricks cartels use...

    5. Those guys betrayed cds not the other way around...

    6. Los chapitos order the hit on him for going independent he was a no good for everyone in the game had let lots of shipments fall and wouldn’t pay up ctng is taking claim cuz they wanted a piece of him as well

  2. You set your boss with us on a silver platter said it all. Ctng/cjng got him.

    1. 1:07 it never said anything about ctng killing him just "same thing will happen",another thing all those names on the manta were working for ctng, nothing but betrayel,some switched sides reason why they want them dead n the only 1 on the message that worked for cds was atlante...

  3. Most likely wasn't them that killed the guy. Maybe it was CJNG but not the faction in Tijuana. They are making it seem like they can reach out and touch someone like AT&T. Not likely!

    1. Cjng and ctng are the same cartel and ctng has the most chances of killing rivals in Sinaloa since they used to operate for cds and have members who are from Sinaloa

    2. They are affiliated with them. That is all!

  4. El akiles wacked him he was a chapolin jumping cjng had nothing to do with this or else u be seeing way more hits than this he smart

    1. Finally someone who knows what they're talking about. Also, AMLO/CDS/CDP/CU/RANA/Salazar/Flaco...Mr Sombrero, Guero Palma, quintero 237...wait 6 months... Adios CJNG, it was nice knowing you...
      P s. Save this messege in your favorite section and get some popcorn.

    2. Thanks Michael some people just like using there imagination just a little too much at times. Atlante has been out in the shadows 4 since time the ones fighting in la tia Juana is los akiles and los uriertas. Atlante got cut off after trying to let los Zetas in to tijas.

    3. Makes way more sense than anyone else going in to Culiacan. Unless.....invited???

  5. He wasn't even with cds anymore

    1. He wasnt, cds didnt want him for being a hopper...

    2. Cds will take anything to keep fighting Tijuana. That fact is they are almost out of Tijuana

  6. El Cabezon better use his head and get the hell out of dodge. Both sides are looking for him.

  7. Thats stupid, there trying to get credit for his murder and scare off the rest of his crew, cause cjng dont have the ways to go in culiacan get into a gunfight and walk out scott free imposible
    Arriba el recucitado

    1. far from impossible, but we get your point

    2. "LA NUEVA has no borders hahahaha."

    3. They do they used to work for cds before getting betrayed 20% of there members are from Sinaloa they don’t have to send a whole commando all they have to send is 3 men to get the job done and they did even if you dislike it it was done

    4. You guys are forgetting that “el Javier” jefe de plaza in Los cabos also got wacked in Sinaloa by ctng/cjng

    5. @12:27 dude el javier was working for damazo,he got killed when they were warring with chapo/mayos crew if not mistaking in culiacan..ur just assuming any n every cds murdered is by cjng,,,nonsense

    6. 12:27 relax brother cjng could b the biggest cartel the richest n all u want but theres places/cities/plazas they will NEVER take culiacan being one of them so no way cjng will send people without been noticed...

    7. 10:51 look it up los cabos took him out. It’s right here in borderland beat. La nueva son los nuevos dueños la baja. Dámasos was still Culiacan at the time.

  8. Cjng have graphic designers drafting their mantas, this on the contrary looks Like some 2 grade kid made it. I call fake news.

    1. Graphic designers??? Jajaja...everyone one Can make this. You just need some kind of plotter. There are online stores doing this and fedex/ups doing delivery on time.

    2. Lmao te mamates cabron

    3. I heard menchos daughter took marketing classes, perhaps she is trying to push cjng brand. I saw some good quality mantas with the logo and some back ground graphics.these has to be sloppy but that lil cartulina with the family drawings was so cuite.

    4. Word, i sort of imagine mencho with a correcting Pen going over the manta checking for gramar and spelling before is sent to print.


    1. way more than that was siezed. Phx is super hot right now nobody has a clue whos been snitching but so much $ and the kids my age dont give a damn they still willing to make deliveries knowing the risk.
      -CDS nutthugger

    2. Every paisa bar on the west side has a person who sells jale and perico in the bathrooms

    3. 12:09 Why are you snitching my dude?

  10. Cds groupies are so in denial

    1. Ur all hyped up on cjng thinking mencho is all-mighty but reality is he is NOT or maybe killing kids do make u tuff ah...

    2. Yes he is and sooner or later you’re going to be a cheerleader for him

  11. Really? Info from Mario Soto? That’s like getting info from a roadkilled raccoon!
    That guy is hypedup and misinformed. He is known to take $ from cartels. Wow just wow

    -the guy who knows nothing

  12. Cds groupies are mad and the rest sad

  13. Tell me when they kill aquiles until then keep barking everyone can do that post up a manta

  14. If Aquiles killed him, then its easy for them to take credit. They have nothing to win denying it, IF they did it. Why do people think it is so hard for CJNG to kill someone in Sinaloa? Atlante wasn´t all that connected now, and if, as the manta claims, his people gave him up, its really easy to do. No cartel has full control of no city, not even Osiel, Ramon or Amado did in their days.

    1. Some are in denial and the ones that do know are mad. Because they don’t want to admit that ctng is in Sinaloa not knowing that the have no borders

  15. Why is it so hard to believe cjng/ctng killed him? Hiw you think they took more than half of Tijuan. Please, Sinaloa is not untouchable and far from what it used to be

    1. You're so far behind that you think you're ahead.

      El smartass

  16. 1:39 cause its stupider to believe they did,why...? Cause 1 cds wanted to kill him too 2 ctng could not touch him in tj....if ctng took half of tj is cause these guys switching sides,betrayels etc...u right cds in not untouchable BUT ctng/cnjg is NOT allmighty..

  17. This is about all they can do is put up this rag tag sign....AFO still owns TJ plaza. There have been sighting of Ramon driving around in a red porsche

    1. Was that red Porsche seen in hell?

    2. 7:13 so now ur saying that afo n ctng are fighting eachother...???btw afo are far very far from owing tj,they might run some areas but thats it...sorry to pop ur ballom..

  18. The Tijuaneros didn't do this. They don't have any power outside T.J. It was probably in-house.


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