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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

12 Alleged Criminals Caught, Including Attackers from the Carol Event Hall in Ciudad Victoria

Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat From Processo
Los rastros del ataque en Ciudad Victoria. Foto: Especial

MEXICO CITY (AP) - In three different operations in Victoria, Tamaulipas, state police captured 12 people allegedly involved in drug trafficking, homicides, criminal association, security offenses and weapons carrying.

Seven of the detainees, according to local prosecution authorities, may be directly related to the killings and injuries of several people committed Saturday night in an event hall in the state capital. 

Some of the Detainees. Fotos: Especial

On Saturday night, during a graduation party in an event hall, four people were killed and five injured. Those responsible, who fled aboard a van, used handguns and heavy weapons.  

Shortly after, the state security areas implemented the immediate actions and investigations that, hours later, lead to the arrests.

In one of the detention areas, the likely perpetrators used tactical equipment and assaulted the uniformed men with weapons, and even threw spike strips at them.  

In the three actions carried out in the Pajaritos and Naciones Unidas neighborhoods, parts of the PGJE and the SSP succeeded in arresting Nayeli Esmeralda "N", José Óscar "N", Edson "N"; Jenifer Yuled "N", Luis Enrique "N", Alan Guadalupe "N"; Víctor Fabián "N", Jorge Luis "N", Cecilia "N", José Luis "N"; and Juan "N" and Ramiro "N".

From those arrested, three long weapons and one handgun, more than 20 magazines, more than a thousand cartridges, tactical helmets, military uniforms, tire punctures, more than 40 bags and a pot with marijuana-like grass were seized.

According to investigations, the seized weapons were related to several homicides that were committed in the capital Tamaulipeca.

It was also pointed out that, out of a group of seven detainees, three stated that they did have a direct involvement in the killing of four people and injuries at the Carol event hall in Victoria.

Even in laboratory tests it was found that the weapons match the shells found in at least a dozen homicides committed in Ciudad Victoria.

Among the core activities of the 12 captured are drug trafficking and extortion. Among them are two minors, one of them a pregnant 15 year old girl.

The assassins allegedly committed homicides in the event hall because they were looking for a member of an opposing group, but, it turns out, he was not there.  


  1. Who are they affiliated with?

    1. The CDN the coward Treviños, the one in dark green tee shirt it's "Comandante Ceja"

    2. @1:43 'Was Ceja' she is going through some changes in her life. Thinking that if he became a she it would be easier to remain free.

    3. por que no les tapan las chichis a esos batos, que onda.

  2. All for nothing. They'll all be out of jail by the end of the year. Thank goodness for corrupt judges in Mexico.

  3. At 09:53 PM I was thinking the same thing. The majority of the defendants will probably be granted an amparo and released because a corrupt judge is willing to sell justice. The crimes that the defendants committed cry out for an extreme form of punishment. Since MX doesn't have the death penalty, they should receive natural life sentences requiring every defendant to spend the rest of their lives in prison.

    1. Let's hope that scenario is not the case.
      We are aware of such practices by government officials and the judiciary system.
      However, I am hoping that this surge of violence which has plagued Mexico will finally come to an end. By enforcing the laws that were established. And serving and protecting its citizens.
      Replies of corruption by commentators seems to be the norm around here. And criticism is often used towards any who states the reality of Mexicos situation.
      Suggest a warranted criticism to those Mexican government officials for not doing their jobs. Putting personal interests at the forefront than its constituents.


  4. Terrorists by a different name. Line them all up against a wall and open fire on the worthless shits.

    1. This is transpiring in our American cities as well. The wars that gangs are raging across many communities. Applying the same principles tactics as our neighbors with assault weapons. A common practice nowadays. With innocent people caught in the crossfire.
      Recently a dear friend son was critically wounded due to such. An epidemic of senseless violence and behavior. Despite the repeated criticism of ignorance in participation of such . Kids today have embraced an ideology of stupidity.


  5. 15 year old pregnant girl, oh great, geeeeeeez.

  6. These “people” went into a crowded graduation party in a hall and opened fire on the entire crowd because they were looking for one dude ?
    That’s plain SICK.

  7. So Mexico is secretly pursuing what is it the top 100 or so narcos in the country? Why don't they pursue the top 100 or so corrupt politicians in the state too? I'm curious why we've never seen that list. I think I've seen a top 10 corrupt individual political leaders in Mexico awhile back. But these folks should be outed as well.

    1. Can see the irony of your comment. Logic is not applied to these individuals. A political establishment whose interests are of organized criminal activities and are subject to
      Such a shame!


  8. How far the narcos|sicarios have fallen that now this is what is considered a narco ..some deported gangmember/meth addict ...and kids still want to be sicarios ???? No hope.

    1. They are no where near that of a Narco!
      Rather a group of individuals who traffic / safeguard Narcos interests. For a small price of course.
      The definition of a true Narco is one that operates incognito. A savvy business owner and often a respectable member of society.
      You will be surprised as to who are the true Narcos.
      These individuals are nothing more than expendable liter!



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