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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Guanajuato: Reporter who first published security video of commando attack is gunned down

Thank you Tu Fren material from Pagina Negra

10th Reporter Killed in Mexico This Year

Juan Carlos Hernández Ríos, was murdered Tuesday night. Hernández was a collaborator of the La Bandera Noticias de Yuriria portal.

The 29-year-old journalist was attacked by two men dressed in black who carried large-caliber weapons as the reporter left home in the Guadalupana colony.

Hernández Rios, who was editorial assistant and photographer of the news portal, was transferred to the community hospital of Yuriria, where he succumbed to his injuries.

The victim, worked for the La Bandera Noticias portal, which in recent months has managed to bolster police content.

Hernández Rios, was the first reporter to publish the security video of the commando police  attack that killed 7 including 4 police this past Monday.

Guanajuato,  has experienced a huge uptick in violence over the past year,  The state is east of Michoacán and Jalisco, CJNG, Zetas and Templarios operate there. 

10th this year

Order to kill may have come from the mayor’s office

Note: This looks like it may be a hit ordered/paid for by the municipal government, namely the mayor. The organization of protection to journalists, Article 19, in December reported that the son of the Mayor had gone to a business property of Alejandro Chávez, who is another reporter of La Bandera Noticias, to tell him that someone was hired to kill him.

The reporter had published information related to a claim made by indigenous people, for the dispossession of land against the municipal government.

Alejandro Chávez, said that the journalistic work in the municipality of Yuriria is very high risk, because reporters are often intimidated by the authorities.

In its last report regarding the press in Mexico, Article 19 reported that every 15.7 hours a journalist is attacked in the country. In the first half of the year, it reported a 23% increase in attacks on media workers compared to the same period in 2016.

Additionally, a video depicting an interview of the two murdered policemen, was published in the newspaper.  The video makes accusations against the police chief and municipal government.


  1. WTF is up with this town? Who's operating in this town that does exactly what it wants? Worthless cops and military. Most important WORTHLESS GOVERNMENT!!!

    1. Worthless government??? They are collecting as much bribes as they possibly can. That's worth a lot!

    2. 2:13 overpaid government officers, police and melitary, they are not worth the bribes and now pretend they own the plaza, what is needed is to hang the motherfackers from the highest trees

    3. With the wall being built the USA will take over the drug trade. It will charge cartels to cross drugs. Just like a monopoly. Why would someone build a long wall? Their is a catch to this

  2. Replies
    1. CDS is a crippled shadow

    2. Sinaloa just keeps advancing tho? Your comments make no sense. Sinaloa still has Contador, El 20, Changuito, ChavoFelix, CheyoAntrax, LosMayitos, El Negro, Archivaldo, Alfredito, Panu, MacCormick, LosNinis, LosGueritos, M-100(GN), So many trained gunmen unlike CJNG hitting anything that moves. Yeah so dead

    3. @ 8:30, All Cartels will be crippled at some point. CDS had one hell of a run and it lasted for over 20 years. By most estimates, that's unheard of in the Drug Game. CJNG will be top dog soon, if not already, but over time a new younger Cartel will over take them. None of this is new, history just repeats itself.

    4. It's just New to mexico, Italians were the first to deal with mafias, later the U.S, Colombia and then Mexico. Mexicans are the craziest though imo, not that organized with many cartels and gangs that are out of control. It was eazy when cds was one of the first cartels in Mexico but now there is more competition wich old school mayo is not war ready, he is about peace while chapo was about war. That's the reason cartel de sinaloa has been loosing plazas to cjng.

    5. 2:03; Mayo, Azul, and their jefes have not remained alive, free and grown their exports exponentially without defending and advancing war upon other cartels.
      But politics is more important than war and many people do not understand this. To be in power long term in Mexico you must understand how to work and pay politics and if this was not true los Zetas would rule all of Mexico, no? Mayo, Azul, and the jefes de sombra of CDS are fluent in the politics required just as Amado Carrillo was fluent in politics as general Gutiérrez Rebollo was chasing small independent narcos while the aeroplanes of Amado's flew with no problems.

    6. the colombians have recovered the drug trafficking for the real owners that now have 7, probably more, US military bases in colombia, the mask finally fell for the pena nieto campaign with colombian hackers stealing the election for el PRI helped by colombian criminal genius giniral naranjas, these days, colombian "TECHNICIANS" make $9 000.00 dollars a month working for PEMEX against $9 000.00 pesos mexican technicians get paid for doing a better job in their own country, of course, a lot of it is kept by Blackrock and other international murdering murder for profit corporations,
      amado, el mayo los jefes de guadalajara, los sinaloenses, BLO, THE CAFES, ZETAS, ALL HAVE BEEN NOTHING BUT PUPPETS OF THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT CRIMINALS and their puppeteers on the US, lately associated with russians, chinese and all manner of "globalista international neo-oligarchs" combined with africans, europeans, spanish and british,
      time to wake the fack up...

    7. 12:02; I think there's a morsel of truth in what your saying but you may be just a little paranoid about the "globalistas" lol

    8. I agree with 4:43 because once the government is against you (Mexican and USA) its always a death nail.
      2:03; You need to learn your history on Mexican cartels. They go way back to the 1800s with cartels in Baja Cal run by a general and chinese, early 1900s with a madam in Juarez running the biggest heroin dens and exports to US, same thing with DF there have been families that have overseen exports of drugs and other contraband to the USA since early 1900s. And then of course the Gulf Cartel has a long history beginning in prohibition. Point is CDS is not even close to being the first cartel, and the reason most end is a nit-wit inherits the business and isn't strong or smart enough to continue the oligopoly and routes the families once controlled. Thats all cartels do is control and manage routes.

    9. Amado didn't last long so that's not a good example, mayo is low key and thats what helps him but all his kids are locked up in U.S. though.

    10. 1:27...Dude you need to educate yourself before wasting space here. Amado operated under the radar for decades, made billions, and even had the Mexican Army chasing little narcos while he was flying fleets of planes everyday, all day, 24/7/365! I believe his death was accidental over Anesthesia b/c he had all the right people on his payroll and the people of Guamuchilito, Ojinaga, Juarez, and even Mexico either loved him or had no problem with him because he built infrastructure where he was from and where he operated and kept the business in Mexico non-violent (unless of course he perceived you as a threat:)
      Amado is a legend to rival all other narcos in Mexico and his family is still filthy rich.

  3. The muzzle blasts in the video looked like a continuous flame. I don't blame the cops for being scared.

  4. Pero por que matan al mensajero. Smh. nunca van a tapar la verdad

    1. "El Mensajero" did not keep his cover, do not try to make a living from offending the dignitaries that have hijacked the mexican government helped by billions and billions of US AMERICAN DOLLARS, WEAPONS, TRAINING, DIPLOMACY AND BOAT LOADS OF SOVEREIGN IMPUNITY...

  5. Can someone tell me why are the cartel's are fighting for the state of Guanajuato? I know Puebla it's because it's a gold mine for oil theft and Zacatecas because it's a strategic plaza for crossing drugs to Coahuila borders and to Nuevo Leon near the border. But why the hell are the cartels fighting over Guanajuato? Can someone explain me?

    1. 5:54 YEAH, TOO MANY OLD FARTS THERE IN GUANATOS, muchas muchachas muy pedorras too, on top of that, there is mining and turf on the way to the gulf coast,
      rememba, el benja got cogido there, and el H too,
      el partido verde ecologista mexicano believes they own the state and they want it on the bag, elections is coming, but he son of the city mayor is accused of threatening reporters, after all his daddy has his baby's back

    2. the mexican military had a gun battle in San Jose de Lourdes by fresnillo zacatecas, many got killed, but for many years nobody knew those zetas lived across the street from the military base in fresnillo, a great coincidence, el bambino francisco rafael barraza bocanegra got killed in guadalupe zacatecas, home of the biggest military zone in the state, and it was also full of narcos zetas, near thyeir boses i guess.

  6. Unbelievable! Such a shame to bear the burden of being a reporter. Moreover, the continuous violence that has plagued Mexico for so long.
    Mexico should consider military assistance from other nations to combat these terrorists.
    In truth; they are terrorists!
    Question is? Will Mexico ask for help? We are all aware of government involvement with criminal organizations. So such a request may be futile.
    Hopefully, one day the slaughtering of criminals like that of the Philippines will take place. I see no other solutions for Mexico.
    Either accept the reality of citizens being murdered and terrorized as a daily fact or apply enforcement!
    Prayers to the family.


    1. More guns will not help.the smartest way might be extradition. Just send corrupt or criminals to the states or some other First World Country fur sentencing. As Long as you can bribe your way out with a few hundred peso nothing will Change.

    2. Unfortunately, housing criminals from other countries will only burden American penal system. Moreover, its the moral responsibility of Mexican government to combat within their country and punish those responsible. Assistance will definitely put an end to such.
      Prime example, ISIS is loosing ground and footholds in other parts of the country. Using the same tactics and principles to fight these terrorists can benefit Mexico for a resolution.
      Fact is; too many criminals are creating a havoc
      in Mexico and no solutions are in sight.
      Let's bring order to our neighbors then maybe this stereotype of Mexicans will finally be put to rest.
      A coalition of military forces are what's needed.
      That's if Mexican government what's real change?


    3. US should consider drug legalization and a whole lot of this nonsense will stop

    4. Truth to a point.
      If legalization of such were to be implemented?
      What means of other avenues will the criminals survive? Jobs are limited and underpaid.
      Inflation continues to rise.
      There would be so much opposition from many sides, politically speaking. Especially those corrupt government officials who are the cartels!
      Can you imagine the economical impact of such?


    5. Attack demand for the future utility and health of children in USA. I listen anti drug awareness on 98.5 fm Culiacan and 97.1 fm Mazatlan all the time and also on Mexican televisión. In Sinaloa the schools educate and show photos and story of adictos to the drugs like cristal and cocaine and most children choose health above drugs.

    6. 5:21 - I was on exchange for a semester and then a summer at Monterrey Tech and I was amazed at how few students I met had ever experimented with marijuana much less blow or ecstasy. The young people I partied with every weeknight and weekend all drank, but slower than in the US and over longer periods of time and almost nobody I met had used ecstasy or blow unless they were rich and usually from Mexico City or they regularly went to Europe.

    7. 6:15 i see you just can't change, must have been born like that, after all these yaers?
      iraq and afghanistan were not helped one bit by "foreign military intervention", neither were bangladesh, syria, lebanon, lybia, the Balkans, or Qatar these days, newly discovered to be a rogue state sponsor of arab terroristas, AFTER refusing to INVEST
      $500 000 000.00 IN DUBIOUS BUSINESS DEALS ON THE US,
      --PLEASE NOTE, INVESTMENTS GET LOST, OR STOLEN, while loans must be guaranteed and re-paid, beware.
      --meanwhile on the philipines El Loco Duterte keeps murdering anybody that looks like a criminal, drug trafficker or drug addict, even if they voted for his ass, and i can't help wondering what you look like e42

    8. 9:53 "we may have another chance and take the iraqi oil"
      afghanistan will be developed for its minerals to help defray the costs..." of bringing murder and mayhem to them because of a few supposed saudi arab terroristas disciples of osama bin laden, a former CIa asset...
      no pinchis mames Malinche

    9. @12:21 am
      Born like what?
      To have ones own opinion?
      My opinions and observations are just that like many here.
      So to make yourself as some philosopher whose comments or concerns to be valid as true is overstated.
      I am aware of the killings taking place in the Philippines. The slaughtering of many who or may not be an addict or dealer. Nevertheless, he is cleaning up his country. Unfortunately, casualties of war.
      Life is not perfect. But trying to make safety a priority issue is important.

      As for what I look like. Clean cut well groomed and educated businessman. With family values and a sense of honorable respect.
      That's what I look like.
      No need to say further.


    10. Somewhat!
      Do respect you Chivis. Your hard work and dedication to inform your readers is well noted.
      Just somethings are not always cozy for others and to judge and critique ones opinions are not right.
      Respects to BB


    11. 9:02 alt realities and opinions do not have a right to exist, much less to be propagated, or to be given an inch of opportunity just because it is the decent thing to do, that was the problem that gasve us Hitler and his Beer Hall putsch than ended on his suicide after millions of peoples murdered on the Holocaust, no wonder people see the fuhrer and mussolini on the so called president, he copied them but may be unaware of it, all fake as his TIME covers that hang on his casinos, paid for with "charity money" donated by others, your "alt reality" contaminates others too, that is the worst part, i hope this puts us on a more correct reality, truth leaves no room for debates or "alt opinions", unless you got born like that...

    12. PS cleaning up "his country" with a blood bath that uses the blood of the poorest philipines is no heroic feat, just like the mexican bloodbath is no heroic bloodbath, you may just like to be living in the bordello of death

  7. 4:42 AM
    The Cartels are fighting for Guanajuato because it provides another link to the drug routes that connect the west coast and east coast ports. More importantly, it is centrally located and in close proximity to Mexico City.

  8. Purpose of killing the journalist that published a video of an execution of police and innocent bystanders, in cold blood: nobody else bring these actions to light.

    That execution of the employee on the floor says a lot more and has more impact than any news story of the incident or numbers of people killed. Watching it happen for no reason is just inhuman.

  9. What video did he publish?

  10. These fuckers did not even killed the messenger. They will also kill the guy who recorded the Video and his hole family.

  11. More background for Spanish readers:

    1. I added some updated info I gathered. There is much more to the story

  12. Police station in Coroneo, GTO shot up this a.m. by commando of five vehicles. Coroneo is about 25 miles south of Apaseo El Alto, where the 7 were killed at or near the gas station. 3 killed here, including one of the shooters and, what appears to be, two elderly civilians caught in the crossfire:

    1. CJNG is trying to take the plaza? Plata o Plono....Mexico is a narco state controlled by the CIA. Its a shame. Pawns on a chessboard.

    2. Definitely a Hot zone transpiring for control.


    3. I'm from moroleon, gto. And all Yuriria, Uriangato, & Moroleon have a curfew from so called narcos and defensas because, according to them, people who are out there extorting, and kidnapping false cartel members. In other words they can just go to any random business, which moroleon uriaganto and yurira is nothing but clothing comercial, and say they are from so "x" cartel and since Mexico already fear them, they believe it. Now this really affects the cartels running that place because they're not doing that out here any more since Tuta and his girls got exterminated. Things are just getting worse by the day.

    4. @5:58 pm
      Why do believe ( not assume) that the CIA iare the main culprits?
      Do you have proof of such accusations?

      I truly believe that that conspiracy theories and shows have distorted your rationale. Being polite here with a constructive perspective.


    5. 5:58 gimme a break. Always the US' fault. Theres no chess game amigo. Just mexican on mexican greed my friend.

    6. 5:58 That's true, cia controls poppy fields of opiom in Afghanistan. Since the U.S. invaded that country the fields expanded 40% more. They blame the Mexicans that only produce 5% of that drug while Afghanistan produces 90% of it and it's destined for the U.S. of A. Read about it

    7. Video can be found at YouTube: Balean instalaciones gubernamentales en Coroneo Guanajuato

    8. 6:02 YOU ARE RIGHT, AND 100% CORRECT!
      Please keep posting

  13. More fotos:

  14. Killed i gunfight, CJNG cell boss, "Tun Tun", was one of those responsible for the killing of five police officers and two gas station employees on Monday in Apaseo el Alto, Guanajuato.

  15. To the reader who sent text of manta:
    1. I found two others from CJNG. I will write a post on the story of CJNG in GTO causing the conflict/violence as they are pushing Z and others out.

    2. everyone: this is cjng in action. and they warn the public not to go out at night and not allowing their children to go alone. or they will be dismembered the same as their enemy. etc etc. they say they are from CULIACAN SINALOA.

    3. I recall some years ago, maybe 5 or so when similar mantas appeared in the coahuila town of my main offices, but was from chapo to z's. telling us not to wear black and stay in at night etc. for one week as they clean. there was violence but Zs stayed in control.

    4. social media, people in the streets say the gasolina employees are innocents, having nothing to do with organized crime

    also pin the blame of that attack "on authorities" but do not specifically define who.

    It is very difficult getting news. I don't have sources in GTO, and it has sparked almost no interest outside its borders. It is like Gro and Iguala. Ignored as hundreds killed and countless narco fosas began dotting the landscape for a few years, people begging for help and no one cared, until one September night in 2014 when the devil came to Iguala and 44 students were killed. one left at the scene and 43 taken. it was then the world knew what had been happening. GTO seems to be in the same position.

    1. Chivis, #2 is actually true. I'm here in Moroleon, GTO, and there's a curfew in place just like you say. They are cleaning up the plaza from all those false cartel members,extorting, corruption (because politics out here are the ones extorting and bribing). These towns (Moroleon, Uriangato, Yurira) have a lot of money, for it being so commercial, being in the clothing business for so many years.

    2. Cds has no chance against cjng, they are in a suicide mission.

    3. 5:58 robin hoods huh? Ni tu te la crees

  16. Hi Chivis!!! Any chance that the video can be posted of the interview of the police officer's accusations against the police chief and municipal government? Thx for your continued commitment to BB.

    1. I was not sent it but if someone would send me where to access I will. often it is taken down to prevent further killing.


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