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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Eight people including 13 Y.O girl killed in string of shootouts in Tamaulipas

Posted by DD Republished from InformadorMx

A 13 year old child was killed Sunday  in a series of shootouts between gunmen and security forces that caused panic in the border city of Matamoros and resulted in the death of 7 presumed criminals as well as the little girl.  Authorities say she was at a crowded shopping mall with her parents when she was hit by a bullet fired by one of the suspects.  

"Unfortunately an underage girl, oblivious to the facts, was wounded by a bullet projectile fired by one of the criminals," the official coordination group said in a statement Tamaulipas , which integrates the security forces deployed in the region Northeast from Mexico.

She died while receiving medical attention.

 Clashes erupted in different parts of Matamoros, one of the most dangerous cities in Tamaulipas and stronghold of the Gulf Cartel.
Clashes erupted in different parts of Matamoros, one of the most dangerous cities in Tamaulipas and stronghold of the Gulf Cartel. - See more at:

The violence started Sunday afternoon when state police spotted a white SUV with Texas plates speeding and attempted a traffic stop.  The occupants of the SUV opened fire on the authorities and the police returned the fire.  Three suspects were killed.  No police were injured.

Officials from the coordination group said police seized three rifles, 23 magazines, 120 rounds of ammunition, body armor and packages with marijuana from the SUV.
That unleashed a series of chases and shootouts elsewhere in the city, as suspected criminals blocked roads with buses and other large vehicles to try to impede the movement of police and soldiers.

In the second incident, other state agents were "attacked by  armed men who were traveling in two SUVs.  To repel the attack the police shot dead 3 suspects.   More weapons were seized.

A group of suspects fled from there to the mall. Military defense secretary sent support to the police in that operation and at the mall another firefight broke out with the Mexican soldiers and the suspects  and the girl and another gunman was shot dead..

"Unfortunately an underage girl, oblivious to the facts, was wounded by a bullet projectile fired by one of the criminals," the official coordination group said in a statement Tamaulipas , which integrates the security forces deployed in the region Northeast from Mexico.
- See more at:


  1. Tamaulipas ay vamos mugrosos atte: cjng

    1. No sean idiotas si quieren entrar por Tamaulipas deberian de hacer tregua con los del CDG. Y establecerse en Nuevo Leon primero, y pegarle a los Zetas en la area norte de Monterrey primero eliminar todos los Zetillas en esa region con el apoyo de la policia de Monterrey. Haciendo eso los Golfos deberian de entrarles por la ribereña rumbo Nuevo Laredo y ustedes pegandoles del otro extremo por la parte norte de Monterrey a Nuevo Laredo. Sería estrategico ese plan y creeme que la plaza se la tumbarian en un par de meses. Aparte los Golfos tienen controlado todo el norte de Tamaulipas nomas les faltaria Nuevo Laredo tambien el CDG domina toda la zona sur de Tamaulipas por alli tambien pueden entrar refuerzos del CJNG como de apoyo al CDG en la ribereña. Me refiero de Veracruz a Tampico pueden mandar personal apoyar a los del CDG de la ribereña contra los Z en Nuevo Laredo y en Ciudad Victoria les pueden causar dos guerras al mismo tiempo y la plazas se las tumbarian. Por eso te digo los del CJNG tienen que primero establecerse en Monterrey y pelearle a los Z la zona norte de Nuevo Leon junto con los Golfos en la area Metropolitana de Monterrey. Luego irse por Nuevo Laredo y Ciudad Victoria con esa estrategia que te digo manden autobuses llenos de gente de Veracruz rumbo a Tampico con personal como apoyo.

    2. Jajaja XD que buen chiste hijo de puta. Si los Zetas no pueden y eso que son el Cartel mas grande de Mexico menos usdedes. Nadien puede tomar las Plazas de Tamaulipas y Nuevo Leon aki estas tierras son de la gende del pueblo no de putas como los de jaslisco.

    3. No mames wow
      desde hoy te bautizo como el comandante Aluzin
      Ya suelta esa pipa paisa

    4. 5:46 PM hahaha las plazas del golfo ahora son del "pueblo" hahaha mi R-1 el 2010 ya paso todo el mundo sabe que los CDG son peores lacras que los zetas...

    5. Yeah yeah, "los zetas, cjng"...
      The real news/ days of revolt: America's Death Squads

    6. Reporta el Comandante R-1 por carretera colombia rumbo a Nuevo Laredo. Aqui bien 111 con puras camionetas con placas de Nuevo Leon aqui el R-11 dos y medio repito dos y medio. Aqui el R-2 para el comandante del operativo entrando Nectar repito entrando Nectar. Aqui el R-27 con grupo Omega codigo rojo al oriente de Nectar repito codigo rojo al poniente de Nectar. Aqui el R-4 con grupo Alfa al poniente de Nectar repito grupo Alfa al poniente de Nectar. Aqui el R-9 con grupo Ruby y Esmeralda reventando puntos calientes repito reventando puntos calientes. Aqui el R-5 con grupo serviente y reptil levntando contras repito levantando contras. Aqui el R-9 con grupo de Jalisco y Tamaulipas en las casas de seguridad repito en las casas de seguridad.

    7. Y dicen que no hay claves aqui. Si como no. - El Soldado Perdido

    8. But codes are not said here according to all the wise keyboard warriors. How could this be? - El Sol Perdido

    9. thats just somebody repeating chatter..probably from a song

    10. @6:10AM
      Sol Perdido, you got taken for a ride. Who ever posted that gibberish got some of the 'code' (LOL) wrong. Go to school and stay in school.

  2. Chapo needs to leave innocent people out of this

    1. Chapo should of died instead of this child

    2. Its not cause of Chapo...dont get me wrong my home state of Durango was safe while Chapo was in control no Scumbag Zetas entered & dominated in Durango, the western part of the state to be exact...Zetas are the worst parasite that exist in Mexico along with the politicians. Chapo did his deal...& fought his enemies.CDG please clean up the Zetas in your region...& take control of your plazas...

    3. This had nothing to do with Chapo, what are you talking about?

    4. 11:46 see what happens when you let the propaganda run the corral? Everybody left and right is blaming "el chapo" pobrecitos, van a matar al chapo y los crimenes van a seguir y hasta peor

    5. Don't have to do shit with chapo. The piece of shit in charge of matamoros needs to fall.

  3. Peña ñieto instead of hunting for el chapo you piece of shit handle the streets where innocent children live and die day by day where child's lives are being taken by ruthless scumbags just like your self, Peña nieto eres culpable por todas las vidas perdidas de inocentes las manos manchadas de sangre las tienes igual que el chapo deverias estar preso digo quemarte vivo seria poco tanta sangre inocente paga por estas pendejadas I Tu agusto en Los pinos pinche pedaso de mierda lacra escoria. Toma el control de las calles pinche Perro vendido.

    1. It is sad, yet we cannot always blame the President. People do the same darn thing in the US when something bad happens. They act as if the presidency comes with a superman costume. This is years of corruption, even before their present president that has caused this. Sad a young girl died. Even more upsetting that infant died in the previous blogs. This is Mexico and this will continue. The president has other roles to tend to and that is why you have different levels of government. He can't help that in many cases the ones deployed to help are double agents for both the government and the cartels. I truly hater hearing the constant blame the president sentence. When he is out of office they will do the same with the next one. Like in the US, it is the fault of the entire government and their inability to see eye to eye. As for children losing their lives, it is the fault of these ruthless criminals, chapo and all of them. None of them have any respect for a life but their own and their money. They are all scum. We have to face that fact and realize there will be many more children to lose lives. That is how these criminals think and don't care about it.

    2. President pena is one of the "ruthless criminals" your describing. Him and all of his party members are invovled with this in one form or another. White collar crimes are the begining of the ripple effect that ends at the poorest people. This is a proven fact, you dont have to pull the trigger to be the bad guy. Simply being complicit to the killing of innocents, the robbing of government funds that were ment for a stuggling avacado farmer or for drs to travle to villages to aid people that dont hace access to transportation into citys makes you just as guilty. If someone came into your house, robbed all your valubles and hurt you, but they had someone else drive them there, and there were police there that are suposed to be protecting you but they turned there head when they saw the bad wouldnt be blaming just the person that actually went into your house but also the person that drove them there and the people that get paid to protect you. If the governemt will not punish someone for doing somthing wrong, their complicit to the entire act.

    3. The asshole dosnt because thats not where the attention is he wants everyone thinking he is in top of this but he has nothing under control he just recives his bribe n thats that

    4. Ay si, "el presidente" tiene su agenda bien 'full', 4 horas en la mañana para hacerse el copete acaban a cualquiera...
      El presidente es un culero intolerable, pendejo ignorante y ratero, traficante de drogas y asesino de estudiantes,"by proxy"

  4. My god,imagine what her family are going through right now?
    Their beautiful little girl has been taken from them.
    What more can you say about this?
    Condolences to her family and friends,hopefully they get through this somehow.

  5. I just heard a rumor that El Lazcas "Z3" & El Señor De Los Cielos both are alive & working together with there new cartel. Z3 with CDN & El Señor De Los Cielos con NCDJ. Z3 is in San Luis & y el Sr. Carrillo in Juarez.

    1. Who told you that "rumor" I really doubt its real.

    2. I hear that too out of Reynosa

    3. Y chavo ya Se hizo jefe de su vecindad y trae Al Don Ramon vendiendo jale por toda LA vecindad..some ppl y sus cuentos de LA mano peluda

    4. Sounds like bullshiett, unless they have clones or something. Doubt them 2 getting along. Smfh

      Are you trying to miss inform???

    5. Z3 with CDN makes complete sence of why they grew so rapidly. NCDJ also because they are still dominating pretty good juarez especially with Zetas"TrevinoZ" having their backs

    6. Eso todo mundo lo sabe el CDN es comandado por El Lazca y su familia. Lose "Zetas" son los originales y ex soldados comandados por El Rex y otros Zetas de la vieja escuela. El clan Treviño es el mas fuerte de todos son los que mueven y lavan el dinero para la organización y tienen contactos directos con la Familia Carillo y Beltran.

    7. @4:54 Zetas "Treviños", CDN "Lazcas", BeltraneZ & Carrillos "NCDJ" are united & working together since yrs back. Los Carrilos & BeltraneZ help the Zetas financially when they brock off from CDG how did yall think they where able to generate money & fought hard against the Golfos.

    8. 8:17 miguel tteviño was in charge of getting the money for the cdg when he was with them he would travle through all the plazas to collect so when they seperated he still had those people on his side thats how they took over the east cost

  6. My heart is broken today. When I woke up & read the post of the 7month old killed.. now I visit BB again & read this post, a young girl just starting out her life.. my eyes are actually tearing up as I type this comment :(

    1. 7:29-Thank God there are ppl out there like yourselves that actually care.There is some humanity out there.

    2. I know man and the worst part is, nobody cares about these type of news rather people listen more to el chapo and drug traffickers news

    3. Exactly when this is the real problem the violence innocent violence might i add

  7. En una bodega tienen congeladores con una tecnología impresionante, la tienen en Sabinas Coahuila, allí tienen congelado al Metro 3 del CDG, a Lazcano, a Tony Tormenta, y a otros mandos del CDG y de los Zetas. Con las autoridades federales, estadounidenses y religiosas se acordó que cada vez que haya avistamientos del tercer tipo en los cielos de Tamaulipas, Coahuila y Nuevo Leon, se descongelara a los mandos que han sido "abatidos". Se sabe que en las reuniones ha habido hombresillos de 1.40 cms de estatura, de piel grisasea, son extraterrestres y ellos les han dado la tecnología necesaria para hacer pasar a los mandos abatidos por muertos, pero en realidad están vivos, pero congelados.

    Cuando hay avistamientos de Ovnis descongelan a los mandos y se les ordena desde mandos muy altos de las fuerzas armadas, políticas y religiosas que hagan desorden, narcobloqueos, balaceras para que la gente no se dé cuenta que somos visitados por seres fuera de este mundo.

    Los altos mandos de estos dos carteles son seres extraterrestres, utilizan su inteligencia para reclutar soldados serviles al régimen que quieren imponernos, normalmente buscan muchachos de colonias populares con bajo coeficiente intelectual, al tener una mente muy pobre y sin inteligencia son fáciles de enganchar para los seres extraterrestres, por eso hay tanto muchacho que esta de ESTACA y halcon. Todos los sicarios y halcones del CDG y de los Zetas son idénticos, visten igual, usan gorras Armani Exchange piratas, bigote de chocomilk y corte de cabello de Daddy Yankee. todos estos muchachos son parecidos físicamente, tienen color de piel marron. Los seres extraterrestres siempre son iguales.

    No existe el CDG ni los Zetas, todos son un invento de los políticos, militares y de toda la iglesia católica que son serviles para los seres extraterrestres que vienen a nuestro planeta en busca de Oro, ya que el oro es un conductor de energía excelente y lo usan de materia prima.

    1. Ya deja de meter te tanta droga mi sabio. - El Soldado Perdido

    2. 8:58 PM
      "allí tienen congelado al Metro 3 del CDG, a Lazcano, a Tony Tormenta, y a otros mandos del CDG y de los Zetas"
      Dude,they want to charge money to view them?Imagine the queues to see them lying in some kind of state.
      TT,Lazca,M3,what a show,they could throw in R1 and The Beast El JL?They only qualify si estuviera muerto

    3. Con razon dicen que ya casi no hay oro en las reservas de oro de EUA ... Sera verdad??? Hijos de su reputisima madre. Donde estara todo ese pinche oro?

    4. El oro esta en la reserva federal en NYC. Estupidos dejen de creer estupideces

    5. "El oro esta en la reserva federal en NYC"

      Si como no. Pinches bolas de ratas. Ladrones de oro.

    6. En la reserva federal en CHINA...

    7. @ 12:33 Deveras??? Oye y las de Europa, UK, que? ... Esos aristocratas se la an pasado robando todo el oro del mundo desde que los piratas existian...

  8. 5:52 wer did u here this at and would like to here more about this!

    1. 9:10 Great scientists have worked looong hours to invent google for the yahoos, try it, but I doubt YOU have access, that is privileged information...

  9. Narcos hijos de toda su puta madre

  10. Why I left Tamps. My Hija is safe. But one thing people of Tamps. will take it has normal, except the family. Very sad I pray for the little Girl.

  11. Join the military. Travel to exotic places, meet strange people and kill them. - El Soldado Perdido

    1. more like
      join the zetacuaches, travel to Tamaulipas, eat maruchans, and believe you are a comandante when you are in fact a lousy three pesos "jitmen"

    2. 11:48 for people that eat cheap food they sure can kick ass in other states like snitchaloa

    3. 6:00 nice bounty hopes fueled operations like el "cisne negro" that have about 10 million dollar in the game are not for maruchaneros marinas or soldiers, that is special ordered between the "principals"...only very few mexican military with a great future are allowed...

    4. Sol perdido, put the pipe down.

  12. Shit like this happens when over 800kilos are confiscated... War has been declared... Casualities of war... Like in Iraq, Upper Africa, Syria, & the Middle East... Sad.. Smdh

  13. Ay esta no que los de tamaulipas muy chingones mata niños en sinaloa este puerkerilla no se perdona pura gente de respecto honor y fiel.pinches tamales de puerco hasta su mama le roban los calzones pa vender.

  14. doesnt justify..word is she stepped out to record with her cel

    1. Well, the News Blackout must be enforced at all cost at all hours, her parents did not teach her well, ya estados hartos de que unos ciudadanos sin patria ni cultura ni educacion ni respeto por la 'autoridá' nos anden grabando cuando la andamos cagando...
      See: "lady desgrabame" youtube

  15. Just more punk ass animals.Kill them all.

  16. Im staying in minnesota you dont get shot at the mall


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