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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Tombstone filled with 22 kilos of marijuana found in Mexico City Airport

With the help of a dog trained to detect drugs, elements of the Federal Police discovered a tombstone that had more than 22 kilos of marijuana hidden at the Mexico City International Airport. (AICM)

The tombstone, stored in a wooden box came from Zapopan, Jalisco, and had as the recipient an address in the United States.

On the tombstone the written words were "In loving memory Pedro Huerta. To live in the hearts of Those we love is never to die ".

Additionally, the dates of birth June / 15/1945 and died February / 04/2015 Pedro Huerta appear.

Inside the box detected by the dog, federal agents found a black plastic package containing more than 22 kilograms of marijuana.

The tombstone and the drug were made available to the prosecutor of the Mexican city.

This article was translated from Proceso


  1. Los Zetas shoot up business near Monterrey

    1. Zeta who? A sorority shot up a business in Monterrey?

    2. @3:50 Please tell us you're not that stupid! He said Los Zetas.

  2. Reverse marijuana smuggling. We keep hearing how Bud from Oregon Washington Colorado is ending up in Mexico City.

    1. Umm, no. You should reread the article. No reverse smuggling here..

  3. He'll yeah they got that idea from the movie American Gangster! Hahahaha even the dead get violated

    1. The fairy tale of Any American Gangster trafficking heroin from SE asia, indochina, vietnam, laos, cambodia to the US in disemboweled body cavities of US soldiers is so much bullshit, because the heroin came into the US in cargo planes owned by CIA and military contractors and other powerful.assets that were never checked for any contraband, after about 45 years, it is time to get the right and stop blaming some black negro american gangsters for all the whole shebangs...
      --matter of fact, after the vietnam laos cambodia fiasco, the CIA planes had started bringing the cocaine/crack epidemic and grifa addiction to the US, enhanced with a lot of marihuana, and CIA planes unleashed the "billions of dollars given away to mexico" by the US after their planes crashed or got caught in Yucatan peninsula "operation jaguar"...
      --And Leave American Gangsters alone riding their rainbows in fairyland...

  4. He hee, pablo escobar "started out" stealing colombian tombstones he stole from graveyards and exported to the US, it was the first thing i heard about him, until I noticed that well, colombia must have some too many rich people that need mausoleums and tombstones after pablo stole them originals, even the tombstone of el Santo Sepulcro was cheaper than pablo's tombstones, since nobody stole it...

    1. Sir i think you have your facts crossed...while i also read pablo escobar was a tombstone thief,he was doing this prior to his drug dealing activities...why,with all of his riches do you think he would still be STEALING headstones when he could have as many as he wanted made to use for smuggling?

    2. --The tombstones a poor pablo escobar stole to start his career, reports say, before he made all his money...i say were marihuana packed to look like tombstones, like this one...
      --I know I write broken english but without reading it again I swear I did not say a rich pablo stole tombstones, because I know I can't fool wise BB readers, and one more thing, Barry Seal, Carlos Lehder and others have not reported any tombstone packaging of grifa or cocaine, because shipping drugs on CIA contractors planes is not a risky operation...

  5. This was a trial run to see if it can make it to the states. Who smuggles that low quantity of mexican weed in a tombstone? And why send a tombstone from Mexico to the states when it comes out the same price if not cheaper after taking a plane ride etc.. Makes no sensez


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