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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Member of musical group killed in Sinaloa

A member of a musical group called The Cardinals of Sinaloa was executed by armed men.

According to the first police reports, the victim was traveling with his companions from the Tatemas, Sinaloa town when they were intercepted by an armed group. The musical group were allegedly returning from a fifteen year old party.

The subjects forced the accordionist out of the car, identified as Marcos Felix Bojorquez, 30, and shot him dead.

The assailants forced the rest of the musicians to go on their way and then they left the body of the victim on a breach.

According to the newspaper El Debate, at 8:30 am agents of the Municipal Police arrived at the crime scene.

The musician's body was located eight kilometers from Sinaloa de Leyva, on a dirt road, face up and at first sight at least nine bullet wounds can be seen in the chest.

The newspaper reported that next to the musician's hat on his right hand next to his had a was a rope with which he was tied, to stop any resistance. Bojorquez was wearing a red uniform, black boots and hat.

The experts also located six R-15 rifle shells and three AK-47.

The body was taken by a funeral home and transferred to Guasave where he underwent the necropsy.

This article was translated from Proceso


  1. Christian Lopez PalafoxNovember 1, 2015 at 12:58 PM

    North west of Guasave is a little town called Fonseca which was where alot of la mochomera use to hold meetings, hundreds of SUV's and trucks use to line up all over town and in a mariscos called las brisas the people use to say that arturo beltran leyva hosted a leader of the zetas around the time of his war with el m1

    1. @12:58 -yeah and!!!!! AFO and El Azul used to drink at Frankenstiens in Mazatlan and Cochi Loco and the current gob of Sinaloa used to drink till they wee green in the face at Cuchapetas.....w/t/f does that have to do with an accordion player being assassinated leaving a quinceanera??

    2. @4:05. Do you mean Frankie O on the malecone by where Botanas is now? That place was a blast. We used to party there until afternoon and then eat mariscos at Memin and start all over again. Jaja!! Was raining and snowing every sunny day at Frankie Os!!

    3. @405 and what does you being mad have to do with us??? Its not our fault your life sucks!!!

    4. @4:05, maybe he meant to say that the area is full of narcos and not safe? You take things some what personal or do you expect comments to be right on point?

    5. 4:05pm
      He didn't say it did have to something with an accordion player. Why did YOU bring it up??

    6. All intel serves a purpose 2 complete a puzzle or 2 fill n the blanks. It took me a few years 2 find something out but I found it here. - El Soldado Perdido

    7. 12:58 BEWARE OF DOG!
      Or beetch...
      --matter of fack is there is a reason for this selective murder and ain't no manta esplainin nothin'... is all...
      --and your buddies can not save your ass if you owe, beware, go away...

    8. Stop saying stuff about my great uncle fredy Leon Bojorquez that right my great uncle I am Vanessa Espinoza Bojorquez he is my grandma's brother so my grandma son (my dad) so we have Bojorquez in are blood

  2. I find it unusual that they only killed him and not the others. Either he owed someone money or he was messing with someone's wife. Who knows.

    1. Exactly what i was thinking.... More on the over a girl thing.......

  3. It's also the land of the biggest snitches!

  4. Otro chinola nuthugger,now you got eyewitness that eill eventually tell the whovit was that did the killing
    No testigos, no guella
    Ke no kede guella, ke me o y ke no
    Dice el kompa bronco

  5. Way to blame the homicide victim!

  6. I disagree. My wife's 2 uncles were murdered and burnt in their own vehicle north of Choix cause they had groceries in their trunk and the sicarios "thought or accused " them that the food they had was to feed a rival criminal group. Those 2 men were farmers and the food they had was plenty due to the fact that the nearest town where the can shop is hours away and they stock up on supplies. Everyone knew them including the people that killed them but they wanted to send a message to their rivals. Yeah they let the wives go but killed 2 innocent men just cause they're at war. Not bashing Sinaloa cause I'm from there but that was total bs.

  7. Bojorquez, as in Fredy Leon Bojorquez el Comandante de la B from Sinaloa de Leyva , operator for H2 in Nayarit, killed a few years ago by soldiers. Wonder if he was related.

    1. This is close to Guasave and Sinaloa de Leyva ,the Sinaloa Cartel don't enter the Beltran Leyva are no joke they run that whole area

  8. @2:25 - you must be talking about your man Tuta b/c if it was the land of snitches there would be a dead Tuba, Bass Drum, Trombone, Trumpet and Guitar player. So much for your silly worthless theory.

  9. death and more death . every month or so a singer is smoked in Mexico . few are lucky to live . it looks like you can die from any profession in Mexico . except for telenovela actors .

    1. Telenovela actors seem to be tight up and down or in between telenovelas with their producers and suppliers, who are suspected to be also "Under the Table Tutti Cappi of the known little tutti cappi" as exposed by the Televisa Narco-Caravan captured in Nicaragua or Venezuela that somebody planted there just to play joke on poor televisa

  10. Los d sinaloa son buenos pa cantar no nomas sus fantasias si no en el bote tambien retebuenos pa cantar jajaj el mexicano mas coriente es el sinaloense nomas sirven pa humillar y chismiar

    1. Muy sierto yo trabajo con muchos y son mas chismosos envidiosos que mujeres. Nadanas ablando mal de la gente cuando se dan la buelta y se que ablan mal de mi po que ablan mal de todo el mundo a su alrededor

    2. 5:53 el mexicano MAs pendejo y envidioso es usted Viejo, no seras hermano de Pena nieto

    3. 7:12 "hermanas" mas bien...

  11. I agreed whit you G . I from guerro but move to sinaloa and since i move here ai seen a couple excutions were they kill the guy but let their family free , that people who say otherwise its because they are other cartel nutthuggers

  12. I'm shocked they let the others go.

  13. @2:25 michoacanos stay hating on Sinaloa but cant make it in the game without us. Its all good, hate all you want, as long as you keep making us greenbacks. Just remember when the jefe gets busted who you have to turn to.

  14. He should have converted to rap music.

  15. Que sigan cantando sus corridos mensos

  16. Dicen que lo mataron por andar de caliente con la chava verdad es que sus compañeros si saben y mejor, como dice el dicho en boca cerrada no entran moscas......

  17. Your not a reporter your a nut hugger. Small differences

  18. RIP, they are a good regional group like many others there.

  19. @8:30 yea the capos are bigger in sinaloa but look... cual gente es mas valiente??? Los michoacanos senor asi es la gente de ahi se levanto y peliaron contra el crimen aun que ora ya's the truth and I'm not even michoacano.. sinaloa land of snitches

  20. Pinche gente de michoacan valientes jajajajaja se estaban chingando ellos mismos chingando a su propia gente ,en Sinaloa no se meten con gente inocente ,si fueran como en michoacan tambien se levantarian pero no hay necedidad de eso! pinches michoacanos siempre Le an tenido envidia a Sinaloa i quieren ser como ellos porque casi todo les copean

  21. Ummm suspecting a michoacano! 3:15 pm

  22. Oyay?
    You want tooted up sicarios telling you you live or die? La Julia is bad but narcos are badder. Oh I kill the wrong people but now I go back and do the right ones. Tontos. You can not live in Mexico and say you think sicarios are OK.They do not give justicia they give death.

  23. @3:51 hahaha. That's what you're priding yourself on? That innocent people of michoacan stood up to the piece of shit cartels of their regions? In Sinaloa that problem is almost non existent because the cartels don't allow extortion. No somos extorcionistas ni rateros, somos narco traficantes. Haters will call Sinaloanenses snitches but the bottom line is we control the game y ustedes nos hacen los mandados. Pinches valientes vale verga! Jajaja

  24. calm down you ain't nobody and we you meant to say them a few people and you don't know shit every state in Mexico has there Capos. Most you have never heard of and will never hear about them and in Michoacan the problem is only in the areas close to jalisco but that's getting takein care of. Just because chapo gets out of prison you think everyone in sinaloa is a bad ass.Don't get me wrong I'm not dissing. The real capos are the ones that never get caught example Azul and to be honest you really don't even know where he really is from what state in Mexico. That man is like a ghost you can't even see him if he's standing right in front of you. Now that's a capo. Chapo is up their but I doubt he's at the very highest lvl someone is always bigger. Chapos is a badass since he's out but still got caught twice hopefully third time never happens or he's a goner.

  25. 1:29 I'm from sinaloa and in los mochis there is alot of injustice because narcos kill who ever they want and kidnap your sister or girfriend if they like them. Every state in mexico is filled with narcos and it's killing society.

  26. Sinaloa must have the best parties ever , damn party lasted 15 years according to the article.

  27. Killing over money if so makes no sense...the reality is he is loved by alot of people and missed by more...cartel capos...ja just putos
    And why only one person and let the others go he either owed or its flat out the wrong guy...thats how they roll in their region....


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