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Thursday, November 5, 2015

"El Negro" third in command of BLO, is captured

by Lucio R. Borderland Beat

Diego Armando Añorve Martínez, the chief of assassins for the Beltran Leyva Cartel, has been captured.  He is described by the Federal Police spokesman, Manelich Castilla, said that investigation intelligence revealed that the suspect is  third in command of the cartel.

Añorve Martínez, also known as “El Negro” or “El Chango”, is hailed by the commission of national security (CNS) as an important capture. Arrested along with Añorve Martínez, was Julio César Gallardo Pineda, “El Piporro” ,  and Luis Ángel Hernández Vázquez, alias “El Chamucho”.

Añorve Martínez, was arrested by agents of the Federal Police and the gendarmerie in the port of Acapulco.

The sicarios arrested with Añorve Martínez,  worked at the direction of Añorve Martínez, who allegedly ordered murders of rival group members, predominantly of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Castilla reported that that information derived during the investigation, revealed that Añorve Martinez is third in command of  the Beltran Leyva Organization and ordered the killing of members of rival groups.  Additionally, he led the extortion of businesses in the areas of Puerto Marqués, Llano Largo and Colosio.

"El Piporro", has admitted to ministerial authorities that he was one of those responsible for the gunfire attack on September 26, against elements of the gendarmerie in the colonia La Máquina .

Intelligence indicate that the 3 detainees were directly responsible for over 20 murders and are attributed of being responsible for a large portion of the uptick of violence in the port.

Not a single shot was fired in the arrest operation.

Information accessed on Gobierno del Guerrero (


  1. Manelich Castilla Craviotto, "El Hombre que Traiciono a los Zetas" hombre en llamas, san luis potosi..., castillo y los zetas.
    --indice rodriguez
    ☆☆☆☆Tomas borge/maquiavelo para narcos...
    --if Castilla Craviotto roasted enrique francisco galindo ceballos when he failed his tests of trustworthiness as SSP chief in San Luis Potosi, making him admit extortion and misuse of funds, how can he still be working with the federal police? Well, maybe it helps that he is one godson of Carlos Slim Helu right up there with genaro garcia luna, alfredo castillo, Luis cardenas palomino, and la comandante Lorena, kidnapper for ransom of el niño Marti that was not a police officer, but was directly under the command of cardenas palomino and garcia luna, francisco Rosas and eduardo pequeño, bla bla bla...
    --Galindo ceballos murdering his own commanders too in San luis, looks like the different police corporations are conformed into cartels, bigger than any narco cartel ever was and tight with the politicians they work for, they do not have cartel names, but they do exist and are worse criminals that ever were there...

  2. I seriously doubt he is third in command of the entire BLO. Maybe third in charge of a sicario cell but nothing more.

    1. It may have been a typographical error. The story should read, "third in charge of the cartulina", no cartel! LOL

  3. These dudes are straight from la sierra.

  4. El Negro that applies to all of them.

  5. El Chapo is smart. He pays the government to pretty much do his dirty work. Get rid of rivals by either capturing or killing them in shootouts.

    1. And then dumbasses listen to fake corridors about how some R culo or commando Punal ran off the contrast with a stick and a rock. So much valor OMG

  6. The three pictures of the sicarios look like the age progression of the life of an alcoholic.

  7. Well his Alias Gave Him Away. He should have named himself "El Gringo".

  8. They should have killed him, now that's where the tax money will go.

  9. If arturo beltran was alive this fuckers woundnt even be alive he dint let no extortion happen just like his compadre chapo , lo de arturo sin palabras eso no pienso celebrarlo fuimos amigos tambien paisanos luchamos contra los arellano nomas que falasas amistades fueron las que me lo voltearon (chapo guzman)

  10. this guy 3rd in command of blo??? i dont believe it. he looks to dumb for that position. maybe head of killers but thats about it

  11. Independent Expert Group that destroyed the "official story" about Iguala now is demanding access to the crematoriums, both public and private, in the state. Very good advance: "El GIEI también pidió al Gobierno mexicano investigar los hornos crematorios en Guerrero, tanto públicos como privados, a donde pudieron ser llevados los 43 estudiantes de la Normal Rural “Raúl Isidro Burgos” de Ayotzinapa. Pidió cateos a estos lugares. “Es clave en la investigación, debido a que la PGR sólo encontró restos incinerados” en las bolsas que fueron arrojadas al basurero de Cocula."

    1. Great ace of reporting journalism and government ass kissing champion Carlos Marin dice que he says doubting the reports of the mexican PGR is dangerous, unpatriotic, unprecedented and counterproductive, at his homepage, Milenio...I son chingaderas buscan crematoriums having there the cocula garbage dump and 60 000 pieces of burnt corpses, Milenio and carlos marin are corrupt...

  12. So 1st would be Edel el Alacran aka el 05 followed by his nephew Jared calling shots for BLO?

    1. Of some sicarios maybe. But the main bosses still have the last name Beltran nobody else can lead it or it wouldnt be called the BL cartel. But they do a good job of keeping their identities unknown and thats a good thing for them. That family is bigger than it seems they have many brothers, uncles, nephews still running it.

  13. lol and to think back in the day BLO were the "socialite" narcos. are they still controlling san pedro? Because i highly doubt these peasants control it.

    1. They still control San Pedro ,this guy was not a leader of the cartel maybe in charge of a cell of sicarios but not a regional leader,much less a leader of the cartel. Humberto Beltran leyva and Mario Beltran Leyva are the leaders followed by Mochomos son Alfredo Beltran Guzman , and Chapo Isidro ,also H2 and so on .

  14. Now let's imagine the next 1, 2, 3 in charge of the BLO...pure professionals...

  15. I would like to know why there has been a recent proliferation of the term "gendarmerie" in Mexico. I know what the term means but don't know if these forces originate from the military or law enforcement and which is their current status. Under who's jurisdiction are they operating? Are they being called Gendarme s as a general term or is that their official description? This is an honest question for the adults on BB. LOL.

    1. Official description there like the Policia Federal special ops

    2. Since emperor Maximiliano de habsburgo, imposed with the help of the french as our Second emperor, the french had police helping him, they were called gendarmes, in mexico you call them also: cuicos, callentos, chotas, polizetas, tiras and tecolotes, one famous police officer was popcha el guardia, back when the police still was respected, before the MEXICO68 tlaltelolco...

  16. El h wife is the one in charge she give orders to this guy chapo Isidro and other word is they call her la senora they should have killed her when Nacho coronel sent a pegar Le un levanton

  17. He not Sinaloa lol

  18. Are you stupid or you just trying to play stupid it clearly says they're from blo in alcapulco

  19. You guys are down low gays always talking about guys looks and they are too ugly what does that have to do with being killers and drug dealers or leaders?? High school girls.

  20. Frenchified specialists, supposedly beyond suspicion of corruption, but they reflect their jefes, the corrupt mexican governing narco-mierdocracia, James Bond has been given the title of "distinguished visitor" to mexico, he took the award with the intent of he's gonna wipe his ass with the award, but queen Elizabeth II was mad, wondering why she was not given another title because she is the specialist...

  21. the government says third in command in the region and chief of assassins.

    this punk has killed over 100 people in the past 6 months in the port region

  22. 1:56
    How many baby face sicarios and narcos are there . Quite a few.

  23. No llores chivis, pero "cae el cebollón"

  24. Lucio S' up did you mean to say Luis Angel aka el chamuco? = the devil


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