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Friday, October 30, 2015

"El JJ" warned of Chapos escape, Z42 and others complained of Chapos special privileges

By Lucio R. for Borderland Beat

Last February, the Intelligence Division of the Federal Police obtained information revealing that Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman had intended to escape the Federal Altiplano Prison.

Reforma reports that Mauricio Enriquez, a member of that division and one of the agents monitoring (with audio) Guzman from Mexico City, said in his declaration to the PGR agency that intelligence captured a prisoner talking about the escape Chapo Guzman was planning.

In February 2015, information was captured on audio intelligence, from the prison area of Special Treatments. It was protected witness, Jose Jorge Balderas Garza, "El JJ", (left) who said that "El Chapo" Guzman was planning to escape.  This information was forwarded directly, in writing, to prison director, Valentin Cardenas Lerma.  The agent confirmed that the director received the report.

Cardenas Lerma is now incarcerated for her suspected role in El Chapo’s July prison escape.

Formerly with BLO,  “JJ” shot and wounded futbol player Salvador Cabañas on January, 2010.  It
was through security camera footage that “JJ” was identified as the attacker.  It is that case that landed “J” in Altiplano,where he became a protective witness testifying to the interworkings if BLO and CIDA cartels, including the heavy role that all levels, municipal, state and federal government played in the operation, to read more follow this hyperlink.

Cardenas Lerma is now incarcerated for her suspected role in El Chapo’s July prison escape.

Alberto de la Cruz, the attorney representing the 11 federal agents charged in the Chapo escape, says that the monitoring centers at the prison, which monitored Chapo, had identical monitoring as the center at Cisen in D.F. (Mexico City), yet only the agents at the prison were charged in the

High profile inmates objected to Chapo’s preferential treatment

Omar Trevino, "42", Los Zetas and Mario Casarrubias Salgado, Guerreros Unidos, were irritated and complained about "El Chapo", receiving special privileges not given any other prisoner.

Chapo "watching" television with the volume raised high
Such favored treatment include;  unscheduled visits (all visits are to be approved and scheduled) a television in his cell and permission to have the volume raised, and never having to change cells.  It is customary at Altiplano to have cell changes on a regular basis.

Of course changing of cells would have nixed the tunnel plan, and the raised television volume was to help shroud the sound of the tunnel construction.

PGR has confirmed the complaints and confirmed Chapo was given permission to raise the volume on the T.V.  It did not say on what basis Chapo asked permission, but only one comes to mind, he may have feigned a level of deafness.

When the audio was released if the “break out” video, you can hear the TV was at an extremely loud audio level although Chapo’s head was only a couple of feet from the mini television. (see transcript of audio here)

Chapo was arrested in February, 2014, the land used in conjunction with the tunnel construction was purchased 90 days later.

Material from Reforma and BB archives were used to write this post


  1. Lol i wonder if Z40 & Z42 ever exchanged words with Chapo in there

    1. Unlikely. They are appointed to cell blocks away from each other and rotate. Also schedules are converse to each other.

      However, that does not mean messages cannot be exchanged through corrupt guards or other inmates.

    2. Chivis, in Mexico everything is possible :-)

    3. Apparently not all are rotated

    4. Z40 hasta le llevó los Tucanes for a serenade for his birthday al Doctor Don juaquin EL CHAPO Guzman, pero por ajuera de la carcel...
      --Apparently El chapo was too busy making a "new" one to almoloya, je je jeee...
      --in prison, los jefes kiss and make out..

    5. I read a article that talked about chapo telling z40 "si fuera Puto ya te ubiera cojido" ("if I was a fag I would of already fucked you)

    6. @ 9:27 am True..

      Pretty sure if El Chapo can escape from prison he can send some taunts to Z42 in prison. As we all know they were brutal enemies on the street so I think it is safe to assume he did..

    7. 1:51 that was to Lazcano since he was fit back then.

    8. On the trip after being captured they reported Don Juaquin saying el lazca was a gentleman, la tuta was a mugre ratero and he sent cardboard manta saying "Mira pinche lavacarros...z40"
      Did they all ever met in person? And how it went?

    9. El 40 didn't talk to him the one was friends with chapo was el 42 their cells were right next to each other

    10. 4:23 Anybody knows what they talked about? Were any "chinga tu madres" traded?
      You know, if all the mexican capos were together it would end their exploitation by government agents to elect and keep more honest pooliticians to public office...
      --with retroactive death penalty for corruption from public office and confiscation of property, if the capos got together...

  2. I forget. Did BB ever post the audio of the escape? If not they need to. Also, a lot more guys like the pilot were recently arrested. Why no article?

    1. sure did! and it is the best article on the subject out there. As for the pilot, the story is suspect.

    2. I just added the link to the audio post see above

    3. Ive seen the video of him.. First time ive heard the audio.. Thanks & welcome back?

    4. Thanks, Chivis, I was traveling when Lucio put up the audio transcript article. In this case, the audio of the actual escape is much more informative than just the video. You hear the banging, the t.v. and the guy coming out of the hole. It lets you know just how many officials must have been involved in the esacpe. And it rejects forever the idea some had that Chapo left by "the front door."

    5. Many people are susceptible to conspiracy theories even when facts and evidence are right in front of them, such as a mile long tunnel to his cell?

  3. Duh t.v was loud so no one would here the drilling of his tunnel.

    1. No buey, you are mistaken didn't you read that Chapo had trouble hearing...hahaha...

  4. 'El JJ' the woosy whiner is jealous of Chapo.

    _Canadian girl

    1. Woo woo choo choo, Chaka Chaka, another one bites the.dust for EL CHAPO!
      Canadian Girl, you're welcome, nobody better get on the way of love...

    2. Maybe 7:58 Got paid by guzman loera to pose as the canadian hooker... Like he does with other lamehuevos, doing propaganda for his drug cartel...

    3. 4:43 el Chapo pays, others just get cogidos as you, know?

    4. How much did they pay you for all the propaganda... Or did you just got cogido by the tail?

  5. Excellent job Lucio. I have wondered about El Chapo and what special privileges he paid for. I read yesterday that El Chapo was almost caught last week due to his trying to get his twin daughters pet monkey Boots to his hide out. If true it is so crazy. Hope you will know if the story is true or not and possibly post the story. Once again grazie.

    1. Bro, Chapo is a celebrity, he didn't have to pay for anything... Nada mas con el miedo, he got what he wanted...

  6. Wow this is shocking chapo receiving special treatment

  7. yeah they talk in their,menchito first stint in altiplano he used to talk to felix gallardo! gallardo would tell menchito that he was gonna get out and to not stress!! and that he had jobs for him,getting money from people that owed him!!

    1. And to look for Jose Lopez and poke him in the ass since he's talking out his ass so much lol

    2. 7:o7 Chivis, how dare you, i'm impressed

    3. 7:27

      what cha talkin bout willito?

  8. Para que lo encierran si el Batman es un superheroe. El solo ace su trabajo acabando con villanos como el grosero de salvador cabanas y avisando de la fuga del chapo. Al Batman si le queda su apodo.

  9. oh wow you are so funny, and observant.

    it is at the level of special treatment, and that other capos knew and complained that is news ignoramus. thee is no reason any inmate needs high volume, even in Mexico they have ear buds

    1. El Chapo is the rule to the exception, but don't cry for el chapo argentinians,
      he'll be baaack... (!!!) Chivis is he a cousin or sompim' ?

    2. Sr. Gomez Returns To Buenos Aires Via Air Italia... El Pablo's kid had some extra air miles, so the Big Guy sprung for Shorty's

    3. Don't Snitch On Me Argentinaaa...

  10. Z40 complaining about special privilege? He was allowed to have Tucanes come sign for him next to the prison and project a big bat like signal with his clave. For the tough narco bosses that these guys are supposed to be, they're nothing but winny little girls.

    1. True Z40 had Tucanes outside the prison but Chapo would have had them inside the prison... and that isn't fair... y aparte, did you not watch all those commercials during the Super Bowl, whinny little girls?, como lloran las niñas, O, my bad i guess they do sound like whinny little girls...hahaha

  11. Chapo guzman was the boss in altiplano i mexico theres lots of fools who claim they are capos but only 2 stand true amado carrillo fuentes sinaloenses who DEA call the baddest drug lord of his time and know chapo who DEA call him the godfather in the drug world
    - el sinaloko-

    1. Snitchaloa JockRider!!!!!

    2. No te cuelges, You sound like you might just rub one out... Now maybe because Chapo is in the news people know who he is but Amado is only embedded in the minds of us who grew up listening to the stories...
      Atte: Nutrider, see you're still posting

    3. Los meros chingones nadie los menciona...
      Emilio azcarraga I, II, III
      Manlio fabio beltrones
      El azul
      El mayo
      El migueladas
      Genaro garcia luna
      Ernesto zedillo
      Felipe calderon...
      Y toda una gran lista de cabrones protected by the US all of them, el chapo is being made the fall guy because these guys want his businezz, but with all their powers they still can't cook it...maybe mañana, or tomarrah or the day after...

    4. Add to that Carlos Najera CJNG mastermind.

    5. La verdá si, puro Sinaloa, puros gatos de lujo, todos perseguidos tarde o temprano, por todo lo que tengan y por lo que no tengan, una cosa segura, nunca han rajado y mandado a nadie grande del gobierno ni bankeros ni militaries ni policia al bote, les hagan lo que les hagan, pinchis sinaloas, ahí están, fieles como perros,

  12. LOL even the bosses are rat snitch bitches. Crybaby motherfuckers once they are caught and caged. Execute the scum and save some Mexicans some pride for once.

    1. Ay pobrecitos, no los maten...hihihi

    2. Mexican's pride has been hijacked by el PRI pooliticians with the help of US money, US weapons, and US trained gorillas...not by narco cry babies big or small...

  13. That just proves how strong El patron is .. dont mess with him, he won't mess with you. Easy as that. Atte el morroñis de la palma navolato sinaloa. ajuuuaa

  14. chapo got snitched lol

  15. The loyalty of Chapos sons is in no doubt, they must be the main driving force behind the escape?

    1. yes he bought property near the prison before his arrest so he could break out to see his children....

  16. maybe chapo receiving special treatment was ok'ed if he turned himself in and later would be allowed to escape

    1. There's an interesting idea, maybe, the "agreement" was prison staff had to stay out of his way while he set up the escape.

    2. ya me imagino...Bro, when Chapo was caught, Wardens, prison gaurds, even the people hired to do the laundry were hoping Chapo would end up in their prison because they knew payday was coming...

  17. Those other low life's dont have game or as much $$ as Chapo.....Zetas & BLO dont have the power Chapo CDS has...of course they are gonna gripe, bitch, & complain like little bitches they are....people high in government got paid very good $$...JJ, Z42...dont have the power Chapo has, thats why no one ever paid attention to thier complaints

    1. First of all of course no other capo has the cash Chapo has (duh) Secondly, how can every other person locked in that prison be "bitches".. Their players in the cartel world, besides.. What are you supposed to be to talk down on them lol

    2. 2:11pm - your right! These scum don't amount to anything without their guns, bodyguards and selfishness to rob, rape, steal, and extort the law abiding. Z fat tit is a cry baby who didn't have the work ethic to keep washing cars and I hope he's miserable and gettin rammed in every opening every night by 10 stinky greasy unclean thugs.

    3. The poor narcos and their sicarios are like a shit bomb exploding on the face of the mad bomber, the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia, narcopoliticians and polizetas that extort them into the poor house...

    4. @2:11 If el chapo ain't shit, how did he escape?
      And this is not the first time, I believe...

  18. When you're the best, you get special treatment. Having the President on the payroll helps too.

  19. Z40 and Z42 had power, influence, and government connections, but no where near Chapo. Now for el JJ, that guy was just a "narcomenudista" local drug retailer who sold drugs in Mexico City, nothing more.

  20. Well said,El Chapo es el mero mero BUT at the end of the day he is himself another puppet of the real Master of The Darkness:Satan himself.
    Real shit.

    1. Nah. Chapo is the guy who can get Satan and God to sit at the same table.


    2. Governments run the show

    3. 10:21 but it ain't happened yet, maybe not for lack of trying, or they just do not exist

  21. In Mexico, life is worth nothing. Its literally impossible to do what Chapo has done and manage to stay alive and not in jail. This will never be duplicated again. Its always sad when innocents die, but shoot, Chapos story is one hell of a story. How is their not a movie about this guy?

    1. They have to pay him to do a movie if he is still alive...

  22. It doesn't matter. If the CIA wants they will kill el chapo. Look how much money pablo escobar had. He wasn't killed my columbians as everyone thinks. He was killed because of the US CIA. They monitor everything, I mean everything, television chanels you watch, emails you read, websites you visit, people you talk to on your cell phone hell they can probably even tell you what music you listen too. The use drones as well. So chapo is only buying time. Now that he has escaped the US wants to kill him badly. The only reason he isn't dead is because the Mexican government says they want a crack at catching him first. If all else fails they will have US special forces kill him.

    1. Why would the CIA capture or kill their best employee?

    2. Actually it is the NSA that monitors everything.

    3. De pelicula, Bro you that interested in learning go to school stop getting your ideas from movies...1:55's got you it's the NSA, they keep track of all your electronic footprint...All that weird porn you watch, they've got it....

  23. Hahaha what a shame for Z42! He wasn't complaining when he sent his guys to chop the heads of migrants but now he's a law abiding citizen.

    1. Again, UN, human rights, bla, bla, bla.... He has rights you know....

  24. I don't know where you get your info but this isn't true made up stuff to amuse the ignorant only people who know these drug lords know what goes on

    1. 'drug lords' gave you away white boy. only a stupid person would make such a pronouncement.

      PGR for your information is the attorney general office of Mexico. this information was derived from the declarations of the federal police in D.F. (Mexico city for you) who were monitoring chapo in tandem with the Altiplano (name of prison that chapo was incarcerated in)

      all of this is within the post, but since you are an ignorant, stupid, reader I dumbed it down for your pathetic ass.

    2. Bro you've put the label of Drug lord on to high of a pedestal... regular people like you and I, son...

  25. Z42 is always coming across as a whiny crybaby puto. Ever since I saw his chubby baby-face crying when he was arrested in that video I just can't take that fool seriously. He actually claims to have killed 1,000 people with his own hands? He seems like a spoiled baby. What a joke.

    P.S, I hope the zetas don't track me down and hang me off a bridge in Atlanta.

  26. New Canadian PM is going to put Chapo out of Business!
    He promised, if elected, he would legalize weed. And all Americans know compared to Canadian bud Mexican bud is garbage.
    Canadians will flood America with high-grade bud!

    1. please hurry. thanks in advance.

    2. ok smart guy, since we all know chapos billions were made from his weed sales...and the US cant grow any dank for themselves? herb grown here is already 100 times better than down there

    3. Bud in Canada?, Where do you grow it? And don't tell me it is warehoused cause you've got to keep up with demand.... Why does everyone think that there is a bud shortage in the States, like we cant grow our own....

    4. So then all the weed crops are replaced by opium crops and it keeps going. Legalising weed will basically only benefit the country that does it (less people arrested/imprisoned).

    5. Well, now they will have the US on all fours and hanging from the tail, enjoy!

    6. You think Chapo even gives two squirts of piss about canadian weed? If and that's a huge IF it were to bother him all he has to is lean on the coke and heroin connects to set the hippies strait. the PM can legalize it all he wants but Chapo has the power to make it stay in Canada and not cross over to the states. But weed is small potatoes for Chapo.

    7. Chapo is hiding like a rat in a hole!

    8. And were all anonymously hiding behind our keyboards talking about him ain'tthat great!

  27. Calma, all people have human rights, he has the right to complain....just like all his victims complained before they were murdered... But we can't kill him because that is wrong....Sarcasm


  29. Canadian bud is twice the quality and will a 1/3 of the price of anything America will produce in their momma's basement!

    1. Hahahha the best bud grows in Mexico and the U.S pure indica non of that sativa Canadian shit hahahah I don't smoke anymore so I don't care just letting you son dont hate

  30. @8:19

    Los culpables de la masacre en el casino royal en Monterrey ya están muertos y otros detenidos.40 y Lazcano tuvieron la orden de entregar los que hicieron esa estupidez.También pusieron mantas diciéndole perdón a la gente de Monterrey y a los familiares de las victimas.

  31. Well, the leaders of los setas se pueden meter sus disculpas por el jundillo, i mean, the setas leaders can stick their apologies up the ass, and those that give them 10 years to get out in two, whether on the US or in mexico, que chinguen a su puta madre tambien...

  32. La realidad Es q Sinaloa vencio Tetaz dieron batalla pero chapingo sigue siendo number one y las Tetaz encerradas

  33. Se me antoja una caguama bien helada


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