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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Texas Mother and infant shot by Mexican Soldiers

Lucio R. Borderland Beat-republished from KRGV (follow link for news video)

Saida De La Torre said she hopes the Mexican soldiers who wounded her and her daughter will be held responsible. She said the Mexican government promised to help fix her bullet-riddled SUV. De La Torre hopes they keep their word.

Both mother and daughter were hit by flying bullets. De La Torre said the incident happened when she was visiting family in Camargo, Mexico.

“I was going to pick up my oldest daughter and was on the road, when we heard gun shots,” De La Torre said. “I told my cousin that we needed to go back to my parent's house, because it looked like something was going down. When I made a turn, I saw a vehicle with soldiers traveling really fast.”

De La Torre said she saw a black vehicle speeding by. It looked similar to her Dodge Nitro. She pulled over until the road was clear, and then she headed back to her parents’ home.

Out of nowhere, soldiers reappeared. They were right behind De La Torre.

“Everything seemed to be normal while I was driving back, but then I heard gun shots again,” De La Torre said. 

“They sounded a lot closer. I began to realize the soldiers were following me. I thought they were following the truck that I had seen speeding,” she said. “I think they got confused and thought my truck was the one they were first chasing. They started firing at us.”
De La Torre rushed to her parents’ home.

“I got to the house,” De La Torre said. “I got off the truck and ran toward my father who was outside. I screamed to him that they were shooting at us. The soldiers pulled up and parked right behind my truck,” she said. “They got off with their weapons drawn. My father spoke out and questioned their motives.”

At the time, De La Torre said she checked on her daughter and cousin. She saw that her baby girl had been shot in the back.

Fragments of the bullets hit me on the face, my hands and my legs, that's it.” De La Torre said. “My little girl did get hit with a bullet. I didn't realize it until I got to the house, and I went to get her out of the truck. That's when I saw she was wounded.”

De La Torre’s father pleaded with the officers. He told them that they needed to get the child to the hospital.

The soldier’s checked De La Torre’s vehicle. De La Torre guessed they were looking for drugs or anything illegal. They didn’t find anything.

One of the soldiers said it was time to go. De La Torre said they left with smiles on their faces.

De La Torre filed a report with local authorities. They told her they found the suspects they were initially chasing.

“They came to me and offered their apologies,” De La Torre said. “I could tell that they meant what they said. They treated us well during this whole process.”

De La Torre’s daughter underwent surgery and was released from a San Antonio hospital on Monday. She said hospital officials are concerned for the child’s well-being. They have to return for a checkup on Friday and in the weeks ahead.

The Mexican army told CHANNEL 5 NEWS they are investigating this case. De La Torre said they promised to repair her truck or help her buy a new one. She said she hopes they come through with their promise.


  1. Well dont hold your breath these retards you know what im sorry i dont mean retards thats insulting to retards i mean these whatever u want to call them have been fucccking up and getting away with it for years so best u can do is thank god you are all alive and move on.

  2. Banana republic. In USA they wouldn't even engage a car speeding too fast let alone have a shootout on an open highway.

    -Mike Haggar

    1. When they were looking for cristopher dobner the cop killer in USA, you know the police shot rounds of bullets to a truck where a mom and daugther were in just because it look like dobners truck dumass look it up on google

    2. Are you serious ? sheriff's of Jefferson county Wisconsin chased four kids just three weeks ago after they had them pulled over an they had already gave up there IDs two of the four died at the scene of the crash they chased the four teens ages 14-17 for several miles at very high speeds so yes it happens in USA ..And thers more 17 yr old girl was shot thirteen times an she had no drugs or weapons she had passengers same age in Colorado ..thers more but I won't take up more time. Point is this happens everywhere its an epidemic wer power gets to the head of those in authority !

    3. Did you forget the Dorner incident? The lapd wounded two women thinking Chris Dorner was behind the wheel of the same model the women were driving? Cops here are the same. Shoot first ask questions later.

    4. wasn't police...when was the last time US Soldiers shot at civilians in a car chase, then search the car as a baby bled and walked away laughing????

      get a grip dumbasses

    5. There are police officers that are former military or both at the same time, but the militarized poolice forces in the US use too much force as a rule, do not give a damn, are too prepotent without need, but as a provoking proposition...
      --Timothy McVeigh was no poolice officer, he was just a bemedaled soldier, and what intrigues me the most is the unsolved problem of:
      ...I have not checked but I have some suspicions...hopelessness, fraud, abandonment...others take their frustrations on other people...

    6. @ 4:08 maybe you dont remember the Mahmudiya rape and killings?

    7. @2:26 Try 2 solve why you're such a coward hiding behind a computer screen. Los soldados no dejan de existir por jotos cobardes como tu mi hija.

    8. 12:02 it is more like we do not need weapons to realize our manhood, and we are not stupid enough to fight losing wars for profit for rich chickenhawks or go around the world murdering people in their behalf, mamá...

    9. @Mike Haggar- Go back to Breitbart Mike, where you can say that children murdered were ''No Angels''.

  3. These Mexican soldiers are like the fucking Three Stooges and The Marx brothers all combined. A fatherfucking joke they are!!! I bet they can barely find their dicks to pee. No wonder the Narcos are winning in Mexico. SMMFH!!

    1. Most Narcos in mexico are former police officers

    2. 9:53 but the US pays for their "trainin' and weapons", one thousand dollars worth of training per cop, sailor, soldier...Mexico applies one thousand pesos to the trainin' and steals the rest for the cooperation from the pinchis gringos güeyes...

    3. 1:23 you can train a monkey to do the same job as these soldiers but it doesn't mean they will make the correct decisions. Just like these yahoos shooting at a mother and child. If a man has hate and discontent in his heart it really doesn't matter how much training he has. He will spread that hate along with the destruction he brings along with it.

    4. 11:15 poolice officers are drug dealers all day too, plus kidnappers for ransom, rapists and brownie pointers, 24/7

  4. POS soldiers shooting at women and kids

  5. This is sad but unfortunately shit like this can and will happen in any conflict! I know some will automatically blame everything on the government and or soldiers relentlessly but you have to remember that sometimes these soldiers at young and scared of these well armed narcos themselves just as any soldier is in any conflict. I'm not entirely defending the soldiers actions or inactions but there is always two sides to any story. Lets not loose sight of these facts because of the simple fact that this woman is from Texas!

    1. I agree. These types of situations are unfortunate but you have to continue to support the soldiers. If she heard gunshots and felt something was happening, and saw a vehicle that looked similar to hers speeding away, the worst thing she could have done then was take off like a bat out of hell going anywhere. And what do ya know, soldiers saw this vehicle and went after it and now there are injuries. They will pay her to satisfy her and continue on.
      If all the soldiers were corrupt nobody would be getting caught and fucked up. Look at all the captures. If anything it shows you can count on the Mexican Military to catch these assholes but you cant count on the government institutions to follow behind and do their jobs...VIVA LA MARINA!!!

    2. @10:4 Fack you estupido...
      --if you are scared it is no excuse to just shoot anything that moves, if the soldier facks up, it goes to his superior officer, don't tell me officers do not have the huevos nor the discipline, even if it were so, it is no excuse...
      --500 sentones en una piedra for you dumbass.

    3. @1:29 Fuck You ignorant peasant You've probably only heard gunshots in movies and believe the army always has everything under control when at war like Chuck Norris or something! Officers in any army can be just as punks as you sitting behind the computer badmouthing anything you don't agree on!

    4. If the mexican army or any army can not have themselves under control, they are no fackin' army, they are a bunch of marranos en cuatropatas, come think of it, there were no "Dodge Nitros" at MyLai in vietnam, what was the confusion?

    5. Mills mills go get some,chill you out a bit,ease that tension you always under,tek it off,skin sweat up,undo a button or three all afternoon,make some black haired dude happy and if he good youll know it,roll back at ease.You got to do it,now..

    6. Excuse the biig grown up hairy assed marinas, they are at war against any woman and her little girl now, because of their shattered little nerves...

  6. Someone should shoot the soldiers

    1. I hate to be that guy but there are people trying to shoot the soldiers.

  7. Let me guess what you'll say.. "Be carefull, because usa will send navy seals" "uh, DEA will find them" "mexican gov the most corrupt in the world" "should of stayed on the states, the safest place on earth" bla bla bla fuck this lady, shr out her child in danger by tinting her windows

    1. You're an idiot! Nothing more, nothing less.

    2. Dumb ass alert.

    3. She was a American...Having tints does justify getting pulled over depending on the state..However in No state is it lawful for authorities to Fire at your vehicle for simply having tints..Not even in mexico.

  8. Thanks for posting the family is from Miguel Aleman and Camargo. I've been playing with the idea of visiting, since my family members always travel there. After reading this news report I second guess my decision. Not because I'm afraid for myself, but my family. Thanks again and for all those traveling these holidays to your home towns, stay safe and God bless. Hope for a fast recovery for the baby.

  9. The lesson here:

    Stay the hell away from all the towns close to the border

    1. Another idiot. Magnifying things way out of proportion. Why can't it just be a case of mistaken identity? A mistake by the soldiers. 99.99% of the travelers to the border don't encounter problems.

    2. Yea that's tru it's really bad near the borders that were its crazy I have family in Mexico and tells when it's ok to go if not we have to ask the narcos for permission

    3. Bottom line do not go to mexico, save your money for the ransom, if you send, the money recipient may get fingered for "adoption" by the bankers themselves...

    4. I'd would rather save my money to visit Costa Rica 2:42.

  10. What a nightmare. Yet again innocents are victims. Can't you guys show some compassion for a baby being shot? It's unnecessary to say F**K this lady. I do agree that it's probably safer to stay away from the border towns. But,what about the innocents who live there and are victims daily? It's a sad day when even one person is such a cynical cruel person without an ounce of sympathy. Fortunately there are more loving and caring people in Mexico than insensitive jerks. God bless all the innocents in Mexico. And,my prayers are with the familia of the baby. Grazie BB for your continuous coverage! Almost daily on facebook a friend usually in another country is educated by my liking your posts. This is a global issue and knowledge is power. Hope all is well with your health Chivas. God speed. Robin.

  11. I pass through Camargo and Jimenez quite often. These Pueblos are beautiful and look like a place one would want to retire to and spend there whole life there. But they are infested with criminals, narco's, police and soldiers that are corrupt and care nothing about their own citizens. When she said they were smiling I believe it. It is like they are from a different planet and have no care at all about even a woman or baby. They are themselves criminals with authority to kill and rob at will. These cops do not survive on their paychecks. It is through crime period. That is through all of Mexico. I fear the police and military more than I do the criminals here. I have to stop for the police and you never know what will happen. I hide my money when I travel so the Feds or soldiers do not find it and take it. They love to rob people and they do it in plain view. there is nothing you can do, and no one will help you if you complain.

    1. Mexico is the wild west....except you can't have a gun legally. I'm from nuevo laredo and yes , gun talk and bull shit careful and don't drive at nite , don't tint your windows and if possible drive suv a car narcos usually use.. get a subaru , volvo t5, kia sou a car that screams tourist a mile away, I drive a bocho, and never get any issues aka a white folk car.

    2. The poolice and soldiers have to pay piso and plaza to their jefes, and so on and on and on, if in chihuahua, as everyehere else, the bucks stop at the governor's BANORTE BANK, so I guess it is all for a good cause...

  12. Failed Government with a failed military. Time for a Revolution or nothing will change. Same Shit, Different Day.

    1. Makes you so fuckin angry what kind of 'men'fire into a truck with women and children? Doesn't say anything about tinted windows or shit ? Its a wonder they didn't find an AK in the truck ?

    2. 5:45, in my rush to condemn these sorry excuses for a piece of shit I mean "soldiers", I forgot about the planted weapons, if the little girl had died, then a weapon would have been planted on her little hands all ready to fire...

    3. There are only two hopes for Mexico. One is the government collapses or is overthrown and some one like Chapo takes control. The second is the US invades. There is no happy easy solution to the problems Mexico has and has had for the last 200 years.

    4. 3:44, 5:45, 2:49, this is what happens when you write with a bias, The Mother said there way a similar truck that flew by her... Shit happens everyday with other countries...Shit happens... What kind of men fire...?, the kind of men tasked with the responsibility to carry out written law, like women and children can hold and fire weapons...

    5. 1.05
      Yes,ill write with bias every time i see innocent women and children fired on by supposedly trained professionals wherever it may happen ?
      ' Men tasked with responsibility '
      Exactly,responsibility,,,men with automatic weapons who are tasked with safeguarding women and babies,not firing into their truck?Go away

    6. I bet these soldiers were higher than a kite. Tweaking on narco fairy dust if you ask me. What kind of "professional" soldier confuses a mom and kid with narcos? Such a shame...

  13. They were soldiers not police

  14. Ahh look at her ? What can you say about this,surely that would haunt the dudes who did this?
    I hope to god she gets better and no complications at all, her and the family. What a world, little babies fired on ?

    1. Now the soldiers will get PTSD...

    2. Fuck man, I would get PTSD
      A little girl that I might've shot ? Any normal dude would feel shame at that?

  15. Quejas do nothing to make you safer. Commentaraios no vale nada. New cars have black windows. just look and see. ¿OK now what?

    A person has to think. Hear shots near. Pull over get of the car everyone and take cover. If a car is seen speeding, it may be sicarios. If the car look like your car. Do not move. Luego go home slow with windows down so people can see inside.

    I have not read anyone ones idea to make illegal new cars with black windows. Los retenes y puesto de controles make the chofer take off window tintos. This is loco. Old cars are hated by sicarios y jefes. But new cars have black windows.

    I do not comprendo this. Gobernacion has brains like a chango.

    1. She stopped when the soldiers came by chasing the other car, when they went away she drove home, then the soldiers came back chasing and shooting her all the way home while she drove away in a panic, with reason...
      --the soldiers do not have a right to a panic attack

  16. POS soldiers shooting at women and kids
    bebe wellness


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