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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Arrest warrants for 10 federal agents who planted gun, captured on video

Lucio R. for Borderland Beat

The General Inspectorate of the PGR asked  federal judge Raul Angulo Garfias to order the arrest of 10 officers from the Ministerial Federal Police (PFM) which allegedly "planted" a weapon in the vehicle of social advocate attorney Paulo Díez Gargari. According to federal sources, the agency asked for arrests of  the police for unlawful simulation of evidence to justify an arrest, and other charges against four of them.

Key evidence was made public by an anonymous source, captured footage from surveillance cameras.  The source sent the video footage to Diez.   After agents stopped Diez, on September 7th, the video appears to show an agent exiting a federal vehicle holding something in his pocket, and later with half of his body inside Diez vehicle he straightens and quickly leaves the site.  Another agent moves to the vehicle and “discovers” the weapon.

Since last Thursday, the Eleventh Judge Sixth District Federal Criminal Proceedings in Mexico City has the case and investigation for a ruling to go forward or dismiss the case.  A decision must be made within 10 days.

If the case goes forth, it is doubtful the agents will spend time behind bars before a trial.

According to Reforma, the Federal Criminal Code, Article 248a is punishable by two to six years in prison and a fine, for any person planting evidence to accuse a person criminally. In relation to the alteration of the objects of the offense, Article 225, paragraph 31, provides for punishment of four to ten years.

A guess from this BB contributor is no matter how far into the process this case continues, all charges will eventually be dismissed for “lack of evidence”.   But the government needed to address the issue because of the widespread publishing of the video.  

Read original BB post on this story here


  1. Poser government in action, pues, corrupt cowards. A brave citizen takes the right step sending the video of the gun plant, a legal case is put together in the name of justice, but corruption will have the last say in court. No hay derecho. Good article, but really depressing, too. Gracias BB. ¡¡ VIVA MÉXICO!!

  2. Uvo un operativo este fin De semana en Tamazula Durango . la marina se enfrento con el chapo y su gente y uvo un enfrentamiento grande... El gobierno reporto que les tumbaron solo un helicoptero pero la verdad es que fueron 3 helicopteros que les tumbaron..
    -El FM-

    1. I read about that, but how do they know it was Chapo or/and his men? and is there fotos of the house? I saw the video and heard the gun fire but it could be anything, no?

      of course Marina denies it was about Chapo

    2. Where is it in the news or govnt.

    3. If the Marina is denying it was about Chapo it could very well be because he still managed to get away. But who knows?

    4. @chivis in Canal 10 durango youtube page they have a video where they interview the mayor of tamazula where he does confirm that a heli was brought down.

    5. Pongan un link a la noticia de la balacera en tamazula


    7. Oh I know something happened, what I am not sure of is who the Marina were shooting at, did the mayor say? I posted the link above. I think El Debate has 2 videos. I don't have anyone to post the story, I will send to Otis and see if he has time. thanks BTW can you send the link of the mayor

      and please everyone you can help BB by sending a link to your great suggestions, it really saves time

  3. New PFM training video on how not to get caught doing routine planting of evidence.

    1. Fack getting caught, planting the gun was the mission. To save peña nieto's ass...
      --save mexico? Hellsheet, no, no way, jose...

  4. Don't help them! We helped with Chapo's capture and look what the criminal country did. Who cares anymore? Way too many games being played in Mexico. Let them clean up their own messes!

  5. Me quedo pensando si las familias de estos estupidos policias corruptos non tienen idea de el desmadre que hacen estos? Pueden ser las madres de estos, los hermanos y hemanas, hasta las esposas de estos. Por ejemplo-apoco no se va a dar cuenta la esposa de un chingado transito que su pinche marido salio de casa a ir a trabajar sin traer mas que unos cien pesos en el bolcillo para comprar comida y un otro gasto que se pueda ofrecer y no es dia de pago y llega a casa despues del trabajo con mil pesos en la bolsa para sacar a la familia a cenar? De donde chingados a de pensar la esposa de este pinche transito que saco dinero si cuando salio de casa no lo traia? Un chingado bono o que? Deberas que no van a saber que es de las mordidas que estos hueyes reciben? O mas bien se hacen pendejas y voltean la cara para no tener problemas? Eso de voltear la cara es cerrar los ojos a la corrupcion es promoverla tambien porke a la ves se gastan este dinero sin arrepentimiento alguno! Y mas aparte han de decir que todo mundo lo hace nomas porke ellos no? Y luego los mata un pinche delincuente a cualquier policia y andan llorando que era una persona honesta y nunca le hiso dano a nadie! Que lastima que seamos haci como Mexicanos! Y no salgan con que en todo el mundo hay corrupcion tambien porke en realidad a mi chingados no me importa todo el mundo, solo mi Mexico querido!

  6. No No No guns in Mexico, only the police, army ,and cartels. Innocent people cannot have guns. Citizens beware No Guns In Mexico

  7. The uproar inside Los Pinos is not about la sembrar of the gun. It is about los diez pendejos getting CAUGHT doing it. The bones of Benito Juarez continue to rattle in agony. This is the Mexico your mother warned you about.


    1. La Aristegui and her team got kicked from their job for using the name of their tv station in their mexico leaks propaganda, that was worser than getting out the los calzones de peña nieto, videogaray and osorio chong and his husband out to dry...como unos calzones de piruja, en la puta calle, tirados en la banqueta, sin lavar...

  8. Los bones de don Benito Juarez and the heroes of the independence are not there anymore, they got stolen, ground to fine dust and snorted by the high and mighty with their cocaine...
    --but the presidente fecal said famously, "we don't know aboubout them bones,BUT THE MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE HAS BEEN DEAD AND BURIED FOR YEARS...

  9. I read about that, but how do they know it was Chapo or/and his men? and is there fotos of the house? I saw the video and heard the gun fire but it could be anything, no?

    of course Marina denies it was about Chapo

  10. This is very nice one and gives depth information. Thanks and keep posting! Thanks again for the blog article . Much thanks again. Great.


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