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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Semei Verdía re-arrested on charges he "murdered" Templarios in May clash

By Lucio R. Borderland Beat

Salvador Jara, the graduate from the  Fausto Vallejo University of corruption, the PRI Governor of Michoacán made good on his threat to assure indigenous autodefensa leader, Semei Verdía,  remains incarcerated.

He presumed Verdía would be locked up for the foreseeable future, but was dealt a blow when the federal government determined the case against Verdía lacked evidence.  That is zero evidence, as none was presented.

Verdía was ordered released by the court.

Jara was incensed and said there would be new charges filed, this time from his puppet administration. 

He followed through on his threat.

Verdía was re-arrested at 11:30 pm, as he was leaving the prison in Tepi, Nayarit, where he was held since the July 19th arrest.

On the Michoacán state PGJE twitter page the following was tweeted (paraphrased):

“PGJE makes it known we have completed two arrest warrants against Cemei (Semei) Verdía Zepeda, for the criminal acts of aggravated robbery and homicide.”

According to the state agency, the warrants were issued by two separate criminal courts in the state.

After the new arrest in Tepic, Verdía was immediately transferred back to Michoacán, to the Mil Cumbres State prison in the state capital of Morelia.

Without providing details, PGJE stated that the crime of robbery originated from the city of Aquila. 

Noteworthy, these charges were never spoken of, nor Verdía ever questioned about them.  These magically appeared, timely for Jara and goons to assure the humble indigenous leader remained in prison.

The “murder”

The “murder” stemmed from a conflict between organized crime members and  the coastal autodefensas.  In the attack 4 members of Caballeros Templarios were killed and 2 autodefensas.
Reports in the media of the event give this scenario as to what happened on May 26th;

Ostula communal authorities reported that a group of Templarios had invaded and set up a command in an indigenous village between La Marieta and Ixtapilla.  The area is, in part, inaccessible to vehicles.

Community Police and Costa Sierra autodefensas were deployed to arrest the suspects.

The Templarios attacked a group of  community police,  killing Reginaldo Rodríguez Flores, the community police commander of Ostula.

Verdía notified  both the state and federal officials, and requested support from each.  

Despite the requests, assistance never arrived and the community groups had to confront the Templarios alone.

After dark it was discovered the Templarios had barricaded themselves in a cave, and from there continued to fire at the community police members, who had surrounded them.

The clash lasted through the night.

In the balance, 4 Templarios killed and 2 community members.

The community said the attack was initiated by area CT leaders, Mario Alvarez and Federico "Lico" Gonzalez, who in February 2014 fled the region after the reorganization of community policing in Ostula supported by the autodefensas of Aquila, Coalcomán Coahuayana and Chiniculia.

The group of CT returned in an attempt to once again gain control of the area.

Worthy to point out is the fact that nowhere in the murder arrest warrant, did the Jara administration allude to the fact that; the 4 alleged murdered men were Templarios, that they attacked first, that the state and feds were notified, asked for assistance,  or that the community police commander was killed by the Templarios.  

Jara-Vallejo-Castillo mission: Shut down all genuine autodefensas by cutting off the head

Verdía, was appointed commander of Rurales on the coast, but all of that is inconsequential to Jara who is obsessed with keeping the last of the genuine AD leaders under wraps.

Upon hearing the ruling of the courts with respect to Verdía’s release, Jara announced that due to  arrest Verdía could no longer be a part of Rurales.  Irrespective of the fact he was found completely innocent of charges brought forth in the arrest.

Hours later the new charges were cooking, Jara could not contain himself and actually announced new charges were being commenced against Verdía.

Jara’s mission now a fait accompli, he has the last of the AD power leaders in prison, and in control.


  1. Well dont arrest the guy for murdering templarios thank him for doing that. what else is he suppose to do reward them for the bullshit they put their community through

    1. At the time of the crime, the templarios were in good standing with comisionado castillo de cagada who is an expert on appearances, disappearances, kidnappings, for profit or not, and extortion, he is also cousin of panista police commander and genaro garcia luna's pretty boy, murderer Luis cardenas palomino, so you put panista and priista police family helping each other, Semei has abused them for too long...

  2. Well well well who thought it sounded to good to be true that Verdia would be released? They can do anything they want because no-one does anything about it.
    When a man stands up they lock him up and the impetus withers and dies.

    1. And what greater good have you done your country today sir?

    2. This shit is getting out of hand !

    3. Well we can't have decent people roaming los calles de México, now can we? Next thing you know, people will think they're supposed to walk around unmolested & keep their own paycheck. Chaos, anarchy!

    4. Order out of chaos..north american union

  3. ¿El tonto gobernador era ganador de eleccion como? Por votos michoacaneses.

    1. Oy vay, dude, give up. He was selected by the Legislature when the criminal Vallejo resigned.

      And it's Michoacanos, not michoacaneses. LOL ; )

    2. lol I noticed that too. Michoacanenses haha

    3. 3:32 es un tonto for believing that the michuacananensuanos voted for that nmaderfacker "jara" who was fingered by the chamuco godfather of the cartel de las lomas epn to be picked to be voted in by the michuaca legislaters...
      --Stop blaming the michuacas, the mexicans or "the voters", mr broke record...

  4. Oh but Menchito gets released no problem.

  5. Hey i thought Menchito was the only one that got arrested released n arrested again!!

  6. What a crock of shit! When are the Mexican people going to stand up and say "no more." No more corruption, no more cartels, no more corrupted politicians, etc., etc.

    1. Its not that easy, we have no weapons. Politicians have the army and cartels on their side. We only have guts and bravery.

    2. IMHO, when Hell freezes over or Jesus Christ returns. The folks down there seem to have a problem opening their mouths in support of those risking everything to make their lives better. They did nothing when the crooked government killed Zapata, I'm not disposed to thinking the descendants would do anything now. I don't know if it's mass depression or hopelessness.

    3. Never, Never have, Never will.

    4. The Mexican people never have stood up for rights, Never have, never will. A nation of sheep deserves a government of wolfs. End of story, sad but true.

    5. 9:18 People are trying, you just don't see it, maybe never will...

    6. The times when the christians fed themselves to the lion's and the wolves is gone, but you have not seen any protesters anywhere on el DF and other state capitals and big cities, accompanied by unpaid people, protesters and loudmouths yelling for peña nieto to go to chinga tu madre?
      --It even took presidential guard jihadistas themselves setting the door of the presidential palace of the rat bastards on fire, on video, to make the insurgency look introllerable to the US who promptly sent weapons, the US navy, the CIA, more gorilla training, and corrupted vote counting machines to prove the rightfulness of the peña nietista regime, as infalible as the North Korean kimilsungs, the great clairvoyants...
      You lost a good show on youtube...

  7. ... So Lucio, You Think Mrs. Maria Valdovinos Is Lying And Made Up The Whole Story About Her Family? ... Maybe There Is Some Truth To Her Story ... Please Inform The BB Readers Of Her Allegations Against Semei By Posting Her Story ... As Readers/Followers/Bloggers/Etc., We Need To Hear/Listen To Both Sides As The "Truth" Is Normally Somewhere In Between ... As Always, Thanks Señor Lucio ...

    1. I apologize for the delay, Chivis saved this comment for me, and I am still travelling.

      ok..I don't think the poor lady is lying, I think she was told a story and it was easier to live with. Her sons were Templarios and one of them shot the community police commander on May 26.

      I saw the video and it is difficult to view. The guy was badly tortured. But you must understand he just killed a beloved member of the community. Emotions were uncontrolled.

      As for Semei, he is not seen in the footage and no torturing or killing is on the footage. But it is obvious the man was near death.

      Only the person interviewing is heard questioning Maria's son. I have compared known voice of Semei to the video and they do not appear to be the same. That said, it could be, because the man is very emotional and may not sound the same. I don't know.

      What we know.

      Maria's sons were a part of the Templarios who were driven out of the area by AD, community police and rurales of which Semei is the commander.

      On May 26th they returned and tried to strong-arm for control. Semei notified state and feds and asked for help as the first attack by Templarios commenced and the community police commander was killed. and the fighting began and lasted for hours.

      No support came from the state or the feds.
      as for the mother, she follows the pattern of all mothers who see their loved ones killed living the life of criminality, "they are innocent" "the y are humble laborers" and so forth. no matter what evidence is before them. It is the lessor of the two evils.

    2. BTW I will try to get something added to explain this and the video. I am leaving back to the states today so my time is limited. But I will try today or tomorrow.

    3. Thanks to the poster 4.30 and Lucio and BB for keeping it real and informing everyone of this story.I have not seen said video,and more families are said to be forthcoming with more allegations ?

    4. The video referred to does not have torture of any kind,its very short and shows a young dude close to death lying on his back badly shot up.Its quite sad really,even being a Templarios

    5. Comisionado castillo de cagada eggs some templarios, perdonados and autodefensas chaqueteras and chapulines against Semei Verdia and his AutoDefensas, when they could not deliver, castllo's own people sacrifice some of their less trusted members and blames Semei Verdia's side, typical government behaviour, also applied to demonize the CT by blaming them of all the crime, done to get them out of "El Migueladas' way"

  8. Highlighting the corrupt state government of Michoacan, not to mention that on the federal leve,l one can be arrested for nothing other than standing up for what is right.

  9. the fact that Mexican federal police can shoot unarmed citizens and no one in the international community cares. In the USA cops shoot people and all these other countries including EPN tell the USA to get these police officers under control. Also if the Indigenous people were called Native Americans all hell would break loose when the international community recognized that the Mexican government is trying to take their land and targeting them for exercising their rights of self government. I'm just a gringo; what is the difference between Native Americans and the indigenous people her in the USA?

    1. There is no diference, infact Mexico is in the Americas and are native to America so tecnically they are Native Americans but does not count if you are not in the U.S. Mexico just takes advantage of them! Fuck the Mexico Government!!

    2. In the USA, people have long stopped screwing the indigenous. Most find Native culture and the remaining tribes fascinating. Mexico, like a few other LatAm countries, see the indigenous as eyesores and backwards. In a way Mexico is still stuck in a colonial mindset, a semi racist one at that. Mexico, as an independant country, isnt even 200 yrs old yet. It has a lot of growing up to do. Can't imagine why all the silliness against indigenous considering who built the monumental structures which have lasted for thousands of years.

      Also, I think the US Govt has learned when to leave well enough alone on its own soil.

    3. BS.... the US govt is still fucking with the Native Americans .... I just saw an article last week about how terrible their treatment is.... Congress secretly removed some protections for sacred native lands at the very last minute in some legislation they pushed through allowing mining of the American Indian's land... happens all the time, but this time they got some publicity. Plus I know the US Dept of the Interior has renegged on many agreements that have been made about repaying Native American Indian tribes money that was owed to them. Unless they have casinos, they are living in abject poverty in abysmal housing with very poor education and health. What planet are you living on? Wake up.

    4. 10:16 PM: Get a library card! FNations Americans eat dirt everyday in Canada, USA, Mexico and America Latina. It's called "genocide." Whose land gets the oil and minerals stolen out from under their feet? Whose waters and forests are polluted, destroyed, by Great White Greed? There are nearly 1,500 murdered missing FNations Aboriginal women in present day Canada. There are 60,000 unmarked children's graves containg the remains of FNations boys and girls who were legally kidnapped, then, placed in residential schools run by Canadian clergy, where these kids were bound under law to stay until the age of 18. They were forbidden family visits, their mother tongues, culture and heritage beaten out of them. These children were subjected to severe punishment, starvation, torture and sexual assaults as the means to "assimilate" whitey's culture and societal values. The last residential school closed in 1993. Once you leave Canadian Rez land, you lose the right to live there ever again. The survivors of the residential schools end up no place to go but to towns and cities, where they fall once again to race hate and exclusion by society over all. "Fascinated by Native Culture?" Which one? Cree? Cherokee? Casino?

    5. The US isn't Canada, eh.

    6. Don't get too smug, Gringo Chistoso..the US outright slaughtered millions of US FNations. Not that it does them any good because of race hate, but on paper, Canadian Aboriginal Peoples have more rights than American Indians do, eh?

  10. I'm not the biggest fan of Mireles but know many are and yet he seems forgotten. Hopefully this vato doesn't meet the same fate.

  11. Right on @1436 I tell my parents Mexico is the way it is because the people let it happen and when something or someone comes and tries to change it they stab each other in the back or sell out great example is the self defense movement of Michoacan maybe one we'll get it right

    1. The soldiers just shot and murdered some children, none of the people strongly armed with 5-6 foot long branches reinforced with "black paint" were killed...

  12. This is terrible news. Verdia in one in a long list of triple that try to do the right thing. The numbers of people like this are not high enough to stop the crooked gob. from continuing this crap. If only they had the numbers of the teachers union.

  13. He should be given a medal!

  14. This, the killing of children by the govt, the 100ish bodies found in Guerrero... Hmmm.... The timing of the piojo firing seems suspiciously convenient.

  15. If the other countries don't start cutting ties with this damn place. So confusing there. Just let it rot away.

  16. I wonder what Don Rafa, Don Mayo & Don Chapo think about all of this, must be very interesting.

    1. It would be great if they were thinking how best to use their billion$ to help their country eliminate Poverty's violence and social injustice. Mexico needs more schools, hospitals, roads as well as a value added economy, clean water and electricity. These men have lived warriors' lives, they're grandfathers, now. We can hope they will use the power of their $ towards the benefit of future generations and their own descendants. These men could help bring positive changes to Mexico if they felt like it. Peace...

  17. I smell revolution in the air . Problem is not enough weapons . What will become of Mexico ?????

    1. What do you mean not enough weapons?Theres weapons everywhere.They just need to smuggle them in.What they are in Mexico everyone afraid of anything illegal?I think one of the previous bloggers said it right when he said low numbers of people protesting or standing up.Maybe has anyone considered a military coup but then again it could be cartel related.

    2. This is not Syria sir, Mexicans need good leaders who want change to actual start something but then again the US will link the uprise to Isis or alqaeda and begin attacking the good people. Shit just look at Alex Jones claiming Isis is in the border lmao. So as long the US keeps supporting the corrupt Mexican government to get their hands in the natural resources there will be no revolution



    3. Strangely enough more protest and march in the US?Strange that?
      'We want our rights,land,equality'
      Must be the water in the US?

  18. Why don't they arrest templarios for killing Autodefenzas!? Better yet, why don't they arrest Federales and Marina for shooting and killing innocent kids that have nothing to do with anything?! Nexico is run by drugs that's why.. kill or arrest the people that want change and let the drug dealers run free.

    1. Mexico is run by crooks with US provided weapons, drug trafficking is a small part of the whole rigmarole...
      --the mexican state don't have much many legs to stand on, that is why they stand on the shoulders of giants, the US, holding on to power with their amerikkkan guns against the people's wishes, votes, laws...autodefensas...

  19. I read in blog del narco that chapo is trting to get Michoacan as his plaza. I thought it was funny, there is no way gente nueva can last in Michoacan.

  20. You will never hear a word of condemnation from America as these ADs care too much about the people in their communities and might morph into a national communist movement!
    Washington gives a greenlight to imprison or murder as many as necessary!

  21. This will keep happening until the Mexican government is overthrown!.. Seriously!..

    1. Nahh,don't we mean the US gov?
      Their the ones to blame,so you keep hearing on here?

    2. One or the other, it will be a start, the US is the big Prize, but we can be grateful for a mexican revolution a la francesa, with royalty and guillotines, and shit...

  22. I love the lined out text Lucio

    1. Must be a new application, needs to underline the text, i'll keep saying 'I mean', I can barely type with two thumbs


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