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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Podcast: "If you think you know what is going on in Mexico...You are misinformed"

Lucio R. Borderland Beat Republished from Radio WhoWhatWhy Podcast

In this podcast, Guillermo Jimenez speaks with journalist and author Ioan Grillo, as they explore "facts" of  the El Chapo prison escape, and rumors surrounding the event.

Grillo probes into the outlandish and the plausible in this entertaining and honest exchange.  Of course corruption and mistrust by the people are a part of the discussion along with along with the much discussed on BB, “Bald-Gate”.

Jimenez brings up a SinEmbargo article, which he mentions was translated to English by Borderland Beat, follow this link to read the post, Translated by “Valor”.

Apologies to BB readers for having to post in this format, Blogger is not capable of posting audio, so we went around the problem by "tweeting" the story.


  1. Awesome interview! He's right, no one really knows for sure how many are involved.

  2. So, when does the revolution start?

    1. When you fire the first bullet!!

    2. Sorry to break it for you, but Mexico's citizens are not mentally prepared to start a revolution. Many are to afraid of death another is many of the people enjoy their life's. Not everyone is been affected by the narcos or the fucked up government. The ones affected are the ones who live in conflict zones. What we need is a citizen force composed of normal individuals ready to protect citizens of those regions in conflict. But again the government does not allow that... They would become targets like the Autodefensas.

      Saludos desde Monter(rey)oca N.L


    3. 12:58 You know, revolutions is like sex, by the time you ask how you get started, you got started a while ago, but asking around gets you there places...
      --some people never get beyond wondering, and the wonderment passes them by...

    4. Mexicanos today aren't built for a revolutionary war. They are more worried about looking the other way and surviving for the next day. They believe things will get better for the future but they are mistaken. They say to themselves "at least things aren't as bad as when my parents were young". In reality things are much worse but they fail to see it. My 2 cents.

  3. Does anyone know what's up with thw fake Chapo tweets about going after Tamaulipas?
    Maybe gonna go after different front since TJ and Cd Juarez hasn't gone well after gis capture.

    1. En tamaulipas le patiaron el Culo a los de sinaloa.y si este pendejo Cree que va entrar a tamaulipas esta equivocado

    2. I dont think Chapo is going to "go after" anything for a while. He is probably still consolidating his power base.

    3. I allso read he was going to Tamaulipas and Michoacan to control those plazas lol. He is too bussy hidding out and making sure he doesn't get caught because uncle sam will snatch him up quick the second he gets arrested

    4. Ha funny im sure he spends lots of time on social media, shit i think he should do some kind of podcast to keep everyone informed even a youtube channel why not

    5. I'm sure the Golfos and Zetas really worried (not). CDS didn't fair too well the last incursion into Tamaulipas did they.

  4. I listened to the Podcast and Grillo is a common sense kind of guy anyway..
    Not with-standing planted evidence,do we really think they made a mile long tunnel and did not use it?

    1. Why not? This tunnel is what regular Joe thinks this life is about, about narratives and stories, you have to grow up in order to know second and third orders effects.

  5. Oh i apologize then, i should of known better. The 43students never got kidnapped they just took a vacation.

  6. Borderland Beat pops up everywhere, it shows it is respected.

    1. BB is coveted too, by conceited bloggers nobody ever reads sees or visits, and a lot of it has something to do with some of the worst we have here at BB, anonymous cowards' comments...
      Atentamente: one more anonymous coward commenter...

  7. If your a drugrealer with money then you have Mexico in your pocket. It'sovious to me. Chapo escaped becase he paid a bunch of money to the right people like polititians. Pena nieto is just a puppet and a peace of shit that works for cds.

    1. 9:55 Honey, nobody has mexico in its pockets, twisting mexican balls and tails like peña nieto, of course, he is a bad person doing good for himself, but bad for mexico and the mexicans, with the help of the Lord and the US government, the very devil itself...

  8. Chapo Snitched

    El Mayito

  9. Shave the mustache and give him som rastas.. You see people, its what we perceive as "real" what they're feeding us from both aspects, sides, contrary. The real threat is in our conscience/mind. We are all one, and while its being done by someonelse(not me personally) somewhere else, it's morally correct? No matter what scumbag or law enforcement officers that are in here we all have our morals, some stronger, some non existent but we got them. We simply need to step up for what is "Right" as in righteousness. IMHO

    1. I just read your post twice and I have no clue what you're talking about

    2. He is generalizing. Basically, through propaganda one is solely being conditioned on what is right or wrong. We are influenced and in many instances not taking action based on our genuine understanding or interpretation of x issue/conflict.

    3. We wouldn't expect you to!

    4. Man,don't worry about it,you gotta come from his planet?

    5. He sees morals and ethics is personal, if you consider the Lord is with you, and that you are doing the best you can under and/or above the law, go for it, it is like, you know? Greed is good, greed is great!!! Power justifies the means and your ends is all that matters, try and smoke something better, to get the meaning between the lines he/she writes, snorts, smokes, licks, mainlines...
      --i'very been meaning to find the meaning of IMHO for years, but after exhaustive research about LOL, lol, MSM, smh, and gtfoh, i'm not in the mood today for more puñetas mentales sin jabon, or PMSJ...

  10. Appreciation to BB for this, thx. Like the saying puts it--if you know what's going down in Mexico, you're misinformed.. Who knows, maybe Chapo dropped EPN off in Paris, then flew to Toronto for drinks in Yorkville.. Grillo is right, the political cost to EPN is failure, damned if he did and damned if he didn't have a hand in Guzman's sensational escape. For what it's worth, my 2 cents is Pretty Boy lived out his usefulness to his CIA masters. The gringos might be in the market for a "regime change" in Mexico, in theory, the anti EPN factor could be lending itself towards such a goal. Grillo's take that there is more chaos than organization to Chapo's escape rings true, his remark on power plays inside a house of cards does, too. No matter, it is still hard to believe the tunnel story. I'm going with Chapo having left through the gates... dressed in a guard's uniform... Looking forward to Grillo's new book release in January, 2016.

    1. I'm not sure if I am totally convinced Chapo actually spent more than a day in prison and he actually had body double. No court appearances. Not a peep from him other than the hunger strike rumors. It's all clear as mud.

    2. @106AM: I can dig that, too. Anything is possible when it comes to El Chapo Guzman!

  11. El Chapo raced down that tunnel with a hooker on the back of his motorcycle and never looked back. Champagne and hookers are on the house as Mexico celebrates! Viva La Mexico!

  12. All this chapo shit getting old same as lame story they should just say the truth he walked out the front door!

  13. The East London accents makes this interview uh bit ard to understand aht times. One comment I have is the PRI MACHINE the PAN MACHINE and the PRD MACHINE runs this country. Not el presidente. It is like the gringo presidente OBAMA. He is working for a MACHINE. Candidados sell their soul to their machine to be possible to be president. Being Mexicano none of this interview was news to me. We live with mordida to the municipios. We live with mordida to the estado. We live with mordida to Mexico. And we live with piso. Mi abuelo told me this hace 65 años. So when there is duda about anuncios desde Mexico nothing has changed. Except now a lot more people die. When a transito gives a laugh when he saw you stop at the sign but takes your credencial any way is this right? Some of you have sueños about how this country is. There is no trust there is no hope.

    1. @5:25 PM, RAGE AGAINST THE GREED MACHINE, that's righteous.

  14. Consolidating his power??? Who chapo???? He is the power, he was still raking in millions while he was locked up, mayo continued operations and ensured sinaloa would remain top dog....mayo is loyal and will always be chapos right hand through business and family

  15. just read the magazine processo last night abiur chapo! fucken dude has 18 kids! was the only inmate that didnt cut his hair,had special rooms for his visits in prison! his lawyer would go c him everyday so his lawyer could take care of his everyday things out side like give money and take care of his family! his 24 yr old wife would go c him every 9 days! check it out,very intresting article!

    1. I hate to break it to you Jose, but since Hernandez joined Proceso the quality and integrity of Proceso's reporting has been downhill racing. It is not the source it used to be. I advise you look for INDEPENDENT corroborating source before swallowing what they publish.

      That said, all the visiting rooms are private at altiplano. I wrote a report about the prison a while back, search for it. I wrote about the accommodations of z40 and other notorious bigs in the altiplano.

      I believe in the video you can see the visiting rooms. Also they have a the private family theater room. it is in the video. these are for all prisoners. the hair I am not sure about, but it is not standard in prisons that prisoners must have a shaved head. So I am not sure why or if altiplano does. But I do know the hair has length restrictions and even facial hair is restricted in some places.

      Now Back to PROCESO. even in this Podcast, Guillermo questions a story published by proceso, that tells me he rarely reads the magazine, because it has been publishing tabloid stories without merit for over a year.


    2. where can i find that? about the accomadations

    3. Jose,
      First I would like to say I did not appreciate you other comment which I deleted. You are a willito to the highest power, you are contentious to even those trying to work with you. I would prefer you did not log on to BB at all let alone comment.

      That aside, You are also lazy, I told you where to get the report, I said do a search and even gave one of the titles. I typed in Notorious Bigs in the search bar and in one second there was one of my reports.

      The visiting rooms are called "Sala Familiar" and directly following is the theater.

      Since you are either lazy or unfamiliar with searching I have located the very spot in the footage you are interested in.

      At around 2:00 in the vid

    4. PROCESO has deteriorated greatly

    5. ja ja ja ja, ass whipping to the highest power! While proving willito is replying on bogus information, when at lil ol borderland beat blog demonstrate they actually do research.

    6. Chivis I don't wanna research nothing, I smelled the shit bag of doggie doo from a mile away, call it love at first sight, then you don't let us play with the sick poopie, but sure, he wants to play and play and play with you, and that makes me see green dark shades of hate, jealousy, envy and hunger for a caldo de perro rostizado...grrr!

    7. chivis, shut this guy down. he will never thank you for your effort, but I will, "Thank you Chivis for your research and reporting".

      As for the willis, his comments are always contentious, baiting and self important.

      A troll

    8. You guys are killing me...but I appreciate the support. and I admit to LOL at many of the comments, especially those I can't post.

      As for Jose, he is behaving worse than my 3 yr old twin grandbabies ever have. Calling names, etc. even saying I have a body part that Caitlin Jenner has but I lack. Go figure.

    9. Jose Lopez! Voz si que sos, no? You might want to invest in some new tin foil for that space helmet you got your head stuck in, bro.

      ~Gringita Con Gadejo~

  16. Yup, the queen has been most patient with you Josie


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