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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sinaloa:Jaime Carrillo, Nephew of Amado Carrillo, is the kidnapping ring leader of yesterday's shootout

Lucio R Borderland Beat-with material from RioDoce, ElDebate and Sinaloa A.G.
Jaime Eduardo Carrillo top left
The Attorney General of the State, Marco Antonio Higuera Gomez gave details of the confrontation happened yesterday in Cañadas,  Culiacán.

The kidnapping victim at the core of the operation was restaurateur Ernesto Valdez Solano, who was kidnapped 10 days ago.

Valdez was abducted by three individuals as he arrived home.

That same day, the kidnappers contacted relatives of Ernesto Valdez for ransom of 70 million pesos.  

It was an arrest of Luis Alberto Pérez Jacobo, that provided information about the kidnapping gang, that led authorities to the arrest of the gangs leader, Jaime Eduardo Quevedo Gastelum, aka Jaime Quevedo Carrillo, who is the son of Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentes.("El Nino de Oro")

Rodolfo is the brother of the late Amado Carrillo Fuentes, “El Señor de los Cielos”, leader  of the Juárez Cartel.  Amado died while undergoing plastic surgery in 1997.  

Jaime explained the family decision to use his mother’s name of Quevedo Gastelum to avoid any issues when going to the United States.

Jaime was arrested along with two of his bodyguards Miguel Angel Castillo Carrillo (cousin of Jaime, son of Luz Berthia Carrillo Fuentes) and Nelson Quintero González, the trio were arrested as they traveled aboard a 2015 Mustang.

Following the arrests, an operation was launched to free Valdez, which triggered the 2 hour shootout in the colonia of  Cañadas, Culiacán.

 After the shootout,  the body of  Ernesto Valdez  was discovered.

The attorney General emphasized, that according to the autopsy repor,t the victim had been dead for at least two hours.  Valdez sustained two bullet holes, in the chest.

Previously kidnapped and killed his own Grandfather

A previous kidnapping victim was Jaime Antonio Quevedo Barrero, the maternal grandfather of the gang’s leader, Jaime (Carrillo Quevedo).  He was abducted in December, 2014 and killed while being held.

A ransom of 400k MXN was demanded.

Seized in the operation were; 50 caliber, AR15 with grenade launcher attachment, f20 assault rifle, an AK-47 and a M16.

Two gang members were killed in the shootout, and four arrested ,they face up to 80 years for their crimes.


  1. Rancho del guamuchilito desde el cielo yo te veo cuidamelo san juditas i a esa gente que yo mas quiero prendan muchas veladoras que me alumbren asta el cielo :)
    ( El nino de oro)

    1. tio de secuetrador

    2. Como she llama LA cansion

    3. Luto en el cielo los nuevos rebeldes.

  2. These punks really exemplify how far CDJ has fallen. I wonder what hole their cousins Julio Cesar and Juan Carrillo Leyva are hiding in.

    1. Maybe in Culiacan? Who would have guessed there are carrillos in that city wheres all antrax. These guys killed most of them.

    2. They were push out of navolato by the marines but the police working for the sinaloa cartel quickly detected therir presencens in culiacan

  3. Pinche bola de huevones.

  4. I think 70million pesos is much more than 450k US MONEY

    1. you are correct, i removed it for Lucio. But honestly that seems absurd. It is the number reported, but I wonder if it was really 7M. pesos. I guess it is not that important to the overall story. thanks

    2. 70 million pessos its like 65k dolars

    3. no go back to school, it is somewhere between 4.5 and 5 million depending on exchange rate which is above 14 as we speak. I think chivis is right it prob was 7 M not 70

  5. I was going to say that amount really? That is 4,539,301.43 in Us money. I read Chivis comment and caught on. I was going to also state does any business owner have that kind of money in Mexico with all the extortion, kidnappings and ransom demands? Isn't it really a bit late in the game to be kidnapping for ransom anymore in Mexico? These cartel idiots has drained the pool of all its good water! lol

    1. "Does any business owner have that kind of money in Mexico" ...really? You think everyone is dirt poor living off arroz y frijoles? Mexicos a first world country with the possibility of a thriving economy, its only in the shit hole due to corruption.

    2. Lol. You have no clue what mexico is like..all you know is what you read or see in the news. There is alot of money in México. Its like the US. There are rich,super rich,and ultra rich..and there are poor,super poor and dirt poor. I go and visit my family in guasave sin. About 4x a year and believe me not everything is how you read. There is violence. There is poverty. But there is also an economy.
      Did you know that mexico has an abundance of almost every natural resource? There is also an abundance of educated people. And there are also alot of lazy good for nothing people. Its just like here in the u s. The only difference is that everything is reported in the news. All the violence all the killings.. If a guy gets ran over in my lil town, it goes in the local news. El debate. Or if there is any type of violence everybody knows about it. All the town talks about it and we all know. I read el debate every day and i read every little thing that happens in my rancho. So you read about all the deaths that occur and here in LA where i live there are constant shootings and killings and there is no mention whatsoever in any news. Unless its some major killing or some crazy shit.
      I live in south LA and fools get killed constantly. I stay around florence hood and they are constanly beefing with the cheese toast crips and tramp 8. Killings every damn day!! Bums. All over my hood. Crack heads all around stealing my shit. Crazy ass fools doing crazy shit. But its normal here. Back in my rancho the shit that goes on in LA doesn not happen. And when it does we all know about and it always makes the newspapers. In south los it doen not even make a footnote on the evening news.

    3. Relax rancho cholo the east coast crips kill alot of flowers and so do 38st flowers are getting killed left and right

    4. Nice word play on disrespecting those two gangs 12:57pm. If that is common place in South LA no wonder there are daily killings. The greater LA area has a population of 18 million residents so what do you expect would happen in a metro area that size. Your rancho is probably 1/1000th the size of LA and is probably just like any other small towns in America where everyone knows everyone. It should be expected that everything would be reported in a town of that size.

    5. Im just saying that its the same...only didference is that mexico reports all the crime and US does not. Both countries have wealthy people and poor people. And the original poster made a comment that he didnt think mexicans had that kind of dough. They do.

    6. That's a lie the u.s does report the crime

    7. L.A Times publishes every person killed on Los Angeles. Also ,there would be no crack heads and junkies if the supply got stopped. Those ranches in Sinaloa are making Meth, Heroin,processing cocaine,ect. The whole state is most agriculture. The drug trade is behind most businesses.

    8. Those ranches in modesto,fontana and riverside are also growin dank..making meth..we hear alot of the drug war because were here reading it. But the fact is that mexico is a nation of wealth, culture and prosperity. The fact that you dont see or hear about it does not negate the fact it exists. We are here about drugs, poverty, that is what you see here. But dont twisted pariente...ay billetes en mexico tambien. And there are some fine ass females there too!! Y pa tirar royo no ay como las playas de la Costa del pacifo mexicano! You can have some fun on them mexican beaches

    9. And thats not true. La Times dont report every death. If you have money you can get a piece on the obituary but they dont publish all deaths


    1. Dude that website is full of bs propaganda. First that ISIS had camps across El Paso then that the cartels were helping them set up shop in Mexico. Those guys get stories out of their asshole bunch of conspiracy theorists.


    2. I know a lot of what that guy spouts is bullshit, but I have to say when it comes to the issue of the DEA working with drug traffickers I do believe he has that issue correct. The DEA has to show that their making arrests and what a great way to do so, have someone hand feed you victims that you can parade on nightly news so all the sheep think it's working. The only thing is, it's not working because just as many drugs are getting into country because the DEA is giving their butt buddies a free pass to the streets. Sick thing is this shit has been shown to be true but the public still buys into the law enforcement crap. In the end it's really just my opinion, but fuck the upper level of the DEA, I do believe that there are a few rank and file who truly want to do good for humanity, but those at the top are really just corrupt and worthless as the scum they cover for.

  7. Kidnapped his own grandfather? Talk about lack of scruples!

  8. I read elsewhere the grandfather was let go. That out of the 6 people they kidnapped he was the only victim who was returned alive. But the guy who delivered the ransom for the grandaddy was killed

  9. Valio madrez se kebraroon al chacorta!!!!

  10. He looks like a little kid

  11. Amado Carillo Fuentes must be rolling around in his grave to see how low his nephew went...there will never be another Lord of the Skies

    1. Killed his own grandfather smh

  12. Killed his own grandfather? No way! Any article on that??

  13. Que bajo callo el sobrino de uno de los grandes. Era para qur fuera un gran narcotraficante no un gran secuestrador.

    1. Si pero por no trabajar y queres dinero facil o usar drogas cayo el wey tenia en la sangre ser capo pero no

  14. Chapo would never let that happen!!!!
    Free Chapo....

  15. He was probably left with nothing but the name like most drug dealing money doesnt go far easy come easy go not defending him i just know that 90% of drug dealers die broke or are are in jail broke

  16. Es puro pedo de los medios y prensa, que andavan secuestrando. Los quieren quemar.cdj anda con madres. No k puro pinche chaputos y mayates en sinaloa. Es pura propaganda. Compas. Les arde el jediondo. Jajaja

    1. No llores mandale dinero para je pare de matar y robar a la gente wey

  17. Just wondering anyone is Vicente Carrillo leyva out of prison wats his story?????

  18. They let the granfather go but killed their cousin who was paid the ransom


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