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Friday, March 6, 2015

PGR face mapping of Omar Z42 Treviño

Lucio for Borderland Beat Images from PGR website


  1. Participating in murders & other criminal behavior takes its toll on a person’s physical features. It appears Omar may have had some minor surgery but it does look like him. His brother Z40 started out as a handsome man, but he looks terrible today.

    1. Eating to much does that to you

    2. No dude,when people eat too much and let themselves get out of shape,it's everyone else's fault nowadays,and yes,it is Omar,just lost some hair

  2. Just for shits and giggles there's a video of Omar Trevino getting undressed and humiliated and punked where they make him cry.... Chapo snitched

    1. Where is that video?

    2. And Jimmy Hoffas remains are in a little urn on Ivan Guzmans mantlepiece. Chapo and 42 were flat-out enemies, and the US were hunting him bad. But Chapo knew where he was before the authorities did? I don't believe it, and I don't believe you ever saw a video of 42 crying. I'd like to think you did, cos its a pleasing image, but I don't. Peace

  3. title should read : Mexico face maps a pile of shit.

  4. Judging by all the different angles, and by the highly technical examination done by the PGR. I conclude he's a piece of shit anyway you look at him.

  5. Chapo didn't snitch chapo would have had him killed had he known where he was. This is the Mexican government proving they know where these fuckers live, they're trying to distract the attention from the 43 missing student by these high ranking captures, which everyone knows do nothing to stop corruption and impunity in Mexico.

    1. Chapo don't have that much power to get rid of him ... he tried but omar along with his brother slaughtered all those Chaputos then went to sinaloa Durango and kept killing over on their territories ... if he could kill them he would have done it already but they've already proven they can't be killeed by those people

    2. They are all the same the least they could is except their fate and die in a blaze of gun fire instead of being cowards and being caught with out one bullet being fired

  6. The eyes speak volumes.

  7. Now why the hell did he continue his brother 'criminal carreer'? He should had just taken all the millions his brother left somewhere before he got captured. Look at him now ended just like the bad azteca

    1. In other words he should ha not keep doing the same thing. He should had just taken the money and ran without having to stay there killing, extorting, kidnapping etc....that

  8. The Sinaloa gun titty feeding frenzy worked!!! No more drug wars !!! Anyone else feel like the 'caro' release was retribution?

  9. Caro quintero cleaning house

  10. reader...if you have a new chapo photo send a link,

    1. Yeah chivis,i'll look it up again. Its been no more than 2 weeks that the photo came out! Bald as an eagle!!! I WILL send it to you,email. Take care!

    2. I googled in spanish, I wonder why they did that, he isn't an social activist. anyway if you can send it to me

    3. They have the pic on mundo narco. Com.....y el blog del narco...
      El chapo pelon y sin bigote.....

    4. Awww come on , don't even talk about BDN stuff. Look at the foto it is the same exact arrest foto, shirt everything, it is photoshopped, a pretty good job but a fake....

  11. Zetas Gangland episosde: "nosotros fuimos contratados por Omar Trevino para levantar y matar a gente yaque la plaza pertenece a los Zetas"

    1. March 7 @ 12:12pm

      You can watch the full video of La Barbie interrogating those zetas, includind the bullet to the head, in El Universal site. A little hard to find though.


  12. In the videos I was questioning if it is him. By them doing this it is a better close up and it is obvious. He doesn't look so baby faced in these photos.

  13. Nambre que baby face, it looks like drugs got the best of him.

  14. Is not Him period.

  15. La "plaza" pertenece al pueblo de mexico no a cualquier hijo de la chingada que la reclame, incluyendo los politicos y el ejercito...
    --The US and other privatizing partners want to steal everyhing, but let the slaves kill each other in the plantation, while they provide weapons for their chosen ones and ruin the environment away from prying eyes of true environmentalistas, fuck the spotted owl
    --the mexican army, prominently displays their name while arresting z42 for a master stroke of jalamelapinga and propaganda, to make people forget about their many many many murders, kidnappings, massacres, dirty deals with criminals, assassinations and disappearances they have carried in secret for the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia, but the mexican army perros are no heros!!!

  16. Yes that its true even tho los Zetas was the worst that happened to Mexico... they went to Durango, Zacatecas, Jalisco, Nayarit and even to Sinaloa and they indeed kicked everybody's ass from 2008 till 2011.... Arriba Nuevo Laredo y Arriba Mexico... and just remember that every one pays their debts in this life or the other... God Bless Mexico and its Innocent People

    1. Why not just say arriba México? Every lil town ranchito or mayor city deserve their props. Pa q pelearnos? Onde quiera hay valientes y cobardes again viva mexico all of it!!

  17. De ser zeta paso a ser ceta....o sea cetaceo porque es toda una ballenota


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