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Saturday, March 7, 2015

La Tuta's Lieutenant 'El Tena' is apprehended

Lucio with material from Michoacán 3.0

Thursday, authorities arrested a lieutenant loyal to Servando Gómez Martínez, “La Tuta” the now detained leader of Caballeros Templarios. He was arrested along with two more people in Playa Larga, close to La Huacana, Michoacán.

Sergio Huerta Tena alias 'El Tena' was captured in an operation which involved elements of the
Secretariat of National Defense and the Attorney General, who allegedly wanted to extort three million pesos.
According to official reports, Tena was responsible for kidnapping, extortion, dues, and homicides.
Along with Huerta were arrested Gabriel Barreto and José de Jesús Mejía.  Seized in the arrest was 20 kilos of marijuana, two guns and grenades.  The  three will transfer to SIEDO for processing. 


  1. We know whos spitting names now, its not Chapo anymore!

  2. He is probably a worshipper of the demonic cult Santa Muerte.

  3. Tuta snitched!!

  4. La tuta and his boys all got sold out. As my people in Nayarit told me when a new group took over,"it's a change in government"

  5. His forehead appears smooth, but from his lower eyes on down to his neck he looks wrinkled like a shar-pei dog. And what’s up with that cross? He murders, but says his prayers every night?

    1. His eyes are very deep set into his face, and you can barely see them. Kind of scary looking.

    2. What happened is that his hair got scared by his face.....and the hair ran away!

    3. I have a reto(challenge) for you playas and a question.Fussy, the reto is: put your identity on the line of your comments, sarcasm and bullshit bravado. What say you, give your opinions and have the balls to say "that's right, I said what's on my mind and in my heart about this situation

      Now the question:
      Hire duo you feel about living in this writers as slaves that you are, under the lesion of the United nations and if you didn't know it, learn it. EVERY soldier on this planet is no the property of the government that they are under and you are Chinsideredr the property of the UnitedUnited nations

  6. Toda la bola de ratas y ladrones estan callendo como moscas fumigadas valla.

  7. Looks like the skin under his chin is rippling in the wind. Sexy.

  8. Borderland Beat Snitched!!

  9. Tuta monster and his monster liutenat. Yeah whatever 'look at me i am wearing a cross on my chain' how many padres did he kill??

  10. Pinche cara de guante!!!

  11. This dude looks like Frankenstein lol

  12. He looks like snoopy the dog. He has a Michelin man neck.

  13. Wonder why this guy decided to become a criminal. He could have made a fortune as a model.

  14. C.J.N.G is the strongest right now don't be surprised if they start moving in to Sinaloa & michoacan. Mencho & RCQ must be working together.

    1. they already have moved into mich by way of viagras alliance. smart strategic move. When one steps back and realizes that there is an alliance with the remainding ct, and viagras, cjng and possibly an agreement of some sort of the 4 who met in PN..Zs, Juarez, Blo (incl isidro) and cjng and now with the others and RCQ in the mix....that is a powerful super cartel alliance.

      remember RCQ provided H3 with vehicles and weapons. ditto mencho. as for being the strongest, no not yet. but there is the possibility.

    2. bet ur ass they are coming for RCQ. When they take his ass down in Mexico they are taking him across the border. No ands, ifs or buts out of the Mexican government on that one. He's gonna finish his Mexican sentence in an American prison. He is a Mexican embarrassment and the US does not take lightly for the release especially when he murdered a US agent. Thats a no no even in America. He is going to pay and dearly. The US gave up locations on Z 42 and Tuta, RCQ is different, he is strictly for the US. EPN knows better and will in the end fully cooperate with handing him over, legally or illegally. it doesn't matter, he's crossing the border for justice.

    3. RCQ coming to America soon!

    4. Yeah it makes you wonder is mexico going to settle for a super cartel. If they do come together cds is done , pretty much with that alliance it'll be one of the most powerful cartels mexico has seen ever.

    5. And if the population settles for it, then they need to stop complaining and accept the fact cartels will rule over them as well as the government. They will have a country they truly deserve!

    6. 10:38 You gotta be kidding. They can not let it happen, cause it would not be good for all the latin american countries. Including the USA sharing borders with mx

  15. Replies
    1. Rafael caro quintero. ...los putos chinolas.....En fin. La letra se las va a partir......

    2. Rafael caro quintero

    3. Rafael es de la noria de bdgto, camarada del mayo y de chapo.....pura gente De huevos

    4. RCQ the old man who just wants to be left alone & live out his days in peace.

  16. --Rafael Caro Quintero, the total CIA asset that never talked about the DFS/CIA connections, "wanted"???
    --maybe, but i'll believe when i see it, his participation on the kidnapping, torture and murder of kiki camarena a request of his CIA associates is all out there, but he did not talk and named names, so this could be just some circus for the lonely dreamy quinceaneras, as no amerikkkan participants on the camarena case have never been even named, prosecuted, indicted or incarcerated by the amerikkkan government...
    --sure, ALL RECEIVED PRESIDENTIAL PARDONS, except for foreigners like juan ramon matta ballesteros or the mexican eMe in mexico of the guadalajara cartel...
    --mexico found matta ballesteros did not participate after all, ( mordidas anyone ???)
    --BB chismosa sez matta ballesteros is still in prison, why???

    1. You need to stop ranting, raving & rambling...really!

    2. Millie the thing there.... with that thing called CIA is that they are pretty much about the LAW, they can decide who when and where, the question there. is... is anybody above them. Keeping them on check on all the things they be doing... when they are working supposedly... as well when they are not. Do some of them use that govt protection for their own "personal porpuses"... NOW THAT is the thing.

      Where is that Black Eyes Jocky Jay? say hi to him when you see it

    3. 6:58 Then, why do the "LAW" needed presidential pardons?

  17. I thought his name was Fernando Cruz Mendoza, alias El Tena. Am I missing something?

  18. Can anybody expand on Rafael Carro Quintero? Whats he up too? Whos he working for? Allied or against with? Ive seen his name thrown around a few times but no real articles on him or his situation..

  19. Please, el tena is just "RIBBED" because of the gravity effect...


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