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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Singer Alfredito Olivas gunned down mid concert in Parral, one dead, three injured

Lucio for Borderland Beat
Update: Olivas is "out of danger", the state attorney says there have no arrests in the shooting and motive remains uncertain and under investigation.  The singer was transferred to an undisclosed U.S. hospital and sustained 8 gunshot wounds.

Earlier:   Alfredito Olivas, the regional music singer, was shot last night during a performance in the city of Parral, Chihuahua. As of one hour ago, his condition is listed as “critical”, sustaining   2 bullet impacts two others missed the singer. A few blog reports are stating he has died.

El Diario and social media is reporting that that the shooting was the result of a jealous rage from a gunman who was inebriated. Supposedly, Olivas was flirting with the man's girlfriend. Olivas had gone down into the audience, (conversely, he brought her up on stage), then dedicated the song to the girl. Police have suspects in custody and have recovered a gun used in the attack. The shooter is reported as being Rafael Mendoza age 38.

However, last June, a manta was hung in Obregon Sonora threatening Olivas, after the murder of popular singer Tito Torbellino:
Well we are here and we are not leaving,
  Chapito Trinis watch out... because we’ve come
with everything,  pure federal force salazar and the same that
was done  to Tito is going to happen to
Alfredito Olivas, fucking Chapo Trini Olivas

In the video, taken by an assistant, via cell phone, you can see Olivas, accompanied by another musician, performing the song "Asi es esto” suddenly several rapid fire gunshots can be heard and Alfredito falls. The shooting action begins at 1:28 of the video.

The crowd drops to the ground.  The person who was killed has not been identified, three persons sustained injuries.

Proceso is reporting Olivas has died.  They say he sustained 7 impacts, was then transferred to a local hospital and from there to a hospital in Los Angeles.  That seems doubtful as there are many prestigious trauma centers closer to Parral but north of the border.

As usual, there are many versions of details.


  1. I'm not surprised....he had it coming signing all this narco like 2 pax , easy E and gangster want to bang and support a specific is what happens...he is lucky they didn't get kill right away.....keep on openly supporting cartel members with your propaganda music....

    1. Eazy E didn't get killed due to gangster rap. He died by complications of AIDS...

    2. Easy E died of AIDS man it had nothing to do with GANGSTER this point only Alfredito and the shooter know what it was really about. Stop making up theories...

    3. Well here is a theory alfredo olivas got blasted. How about that...keep on defending this bullshit narco corrido, singers....never heard of normal artist getting shoot or kidnapped for signing loves songs...

    4. Same concept narco corridos is garbage, gangster rap garbage, so 2 pac, big small, tito torbellino, sergio vega, got killed for talking mad shit with their how is this. Alfredo olivas any different. I'm not surprised. Wannabes...

    5. In addition to the above post, Easy sang gangster in general and not for a specific side.

    6. That is why dumbass people should think before they post. It's 2 Pax it's 2 Pac 2nd E passed away from complications due to AIDS. Don't be a idiot and go around wishing death on people or any wrong doing on anybody. You don't know the struggle or the reason they ended doing what they are doing. Or maybe you're just a pissed off WELFARE USING AMERICAN WHO LOST HIS DRIVE AND IS COMFORTABLE BAGGING GROCIERS AT WALMART

    7. At 326pm. Keep on listening to your garbage..but when you get victimize don't start are an enabler, to narco corridos and gangster rap...yoooo yooo, Obama voter...

    8. Mexican narco corridors is the root of the Mexican raza so don't criticize if yu dont like then don't litesn to simple as Fuck cuz thire not going anywhere es la mods de la plevada de hoy y amino mi alfredito olivas att el fulano

    9. oh... Are referring to the "hip hop" president? I find it so interesting that one day rappers are yapping about murder and other bs. Next day they're "clowning" their own people by acting so childish. Then "rubbing elbows" with President Cool. I believe in earning money just like everyone else but I hate clowns. That music is so scary.. :) I wonder why they're not in jail already? Every rapper and corrido singer make jeffrey dahmer look like a kid eating a "raspa" ...

    10. 5:05 are you from the republic of planet tejas i was just wondering why the obama hate i thought this blog was mostly chapo/sinaloa hating blog

    11. It's the danger that comes with the territory. I play this music myself and your best paying clients are the ones that are involved in illicit drug activity. These young guys can either take the safe path which is hoping their talent will make them famous and successful or take the easy road and sing narco corridos and achieve instant success.

    12. To the guy that equated what happened here to 2pac & gangsta rap... if you are going to try atleast sound eloquent and not like you are struggling to type a coherent sentence. Unless you are an elementary school student you really have no excuse. Jesus. As far as this video This is the first time something like this is captured on video. This is reminiscent of how Chalino got shot the first is eerie. People need to let kids know the dangers of singing these damn corridos. Nowadays kids listen to corridors more than any genre it seems and what ends up happening is kids start glorifying drugs, violence and eventually they ease themselves into the drug game too thinking there are no consequences. It is a culture that is not dying out soon and something really needs to be done. Courses need to be taught. ANYTHING. SOMETHING. Mexican youth are already some of the worst academic achievers and this type of music just makes things worse and drives them even further from College or any academic success. I understand it starts in the home but man...................

    13. 1:42..ever heard of jogn lennon?

      He sang love songs and was killed by some psycho guy..

    14. 2 pac and easy-e were one of the greatest rappers of all time, have nothing to do with Mex especially BB drug war reporting.

    15. Shut the fuck up and if you don't appreciate this music get your dam nose off this business and go listen to your normal singers

    16. @1:42 pm your theory that only Narco Corridos and gangster rappers are the only ones who get shot and that singers of love songs don't get shot I have one name for you.....Selena....

    17. Selena is a isolated case....but narco singer should are going to continue to get blasted because of what they actually glad it happen, maybe it would stop this clown music...narco corridos should be banned in the USA.

    18. If yall don't like the narco corridos or Gangsta rap don't listen to it....putos ain't about that life then don't judge it. Like 2Pac said u don't have to bump my music but please respect it...mofos quick to judge!

    19. Thank you @7:49

      I was thinking that exact thing. Selena got blasted during a performance. Seems to be a Mexican "thing" to shoot singers while in concert, for whatever reason.

      The others mentioned weren't performing when they died. Besides, what would you expect "Gangsta" rappers to be singing about ... bluejays and ponies???

    20. Estas bien pendejo lol Selena did not die while performing bro

    21. Selena, RIP! Narco singers wouldn't be around if people didn't pay to see or hear them! I just don't want to hear their crappy music! Especially when it's playing on the radio! Now I just change the station, pre-set another station, or listen to beautiful good music like Selena on Pandora!


    23. And Dimebag from Pantera got blasted on stage so it's not just a Mexican thing...its stardom...when you are a star it attracts all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons...and with that is a higher rate of exposed to people who have no grasp of reality and who have no ability to to act rationally and who take extreme measures when slighted by someone who is a star that they may feel some kind of connection to...and yeah Selena was not blasted on stage...

    24. The Fuck ya'll putting Selenas name next to these morons...she was talented. Edtos wueyes cantan nomas por q alguien les paga ala radii para q los token.

    25. Helloooooo! That's the point of mentioning her dinger. Keep working on that GED.

    26. Thing is hes dad is in the bussines and so is his uncle.. They are beltranes..

    27. Solo fue un plomaso ke le pegaron a ese chaparro, ke decian ke ocho, nadie aguanta ocho plomasos, ni ke fuera un gorilla de esos de 20 pies. jajaja

  2. You don't disrespect a man and not expect retaliation. Justsaying

  3. Eazy E died from AIDs

  4. Mas facil no es.....pinches gentes ignorantes que les gusta los narco corridos , piensan que en mexico no pasa nada al cantarles sus tonterias ofendiendo, ala gente, pues tenga sus plomasos, para que se entretenga..con sus fantasias pendejas que son los mas CHINGONES de la blindada y que bazucas y la chingada, no aguanto nada este marikita, entienden. Asta que los matan luego ahi van sus fanaticos alucinados, a llorar....Que bueno que les sirva de Te pasas de verga no mas no llores...aguanta, la vara...

    1. ya callate pinche touch guy, los narco corridos no inventaron la violencia, para eso hay 2 culpables, los narcos y el gobierno Mexicano.

    2. Alfredo olivas es un artista, nunca finja ser narcotraficante o sicario simplemente canta sobre personajes e historias que suceden en el narcomundo. Viene siendo lo mismo que un periódico, reportero, o canal de televisión.
      Y como que no aguanta nada. No mames, cuando as visto a alguien que le peguen 8 balas y sigua caminando como nada.

    3. So manny.l are you a narco corrido fanatic???cause if so I would pay for your ticket so you can explain to Mia Tia in guerrero why his son along with other 42 students disappear..and you can tell her look señora " I came from USA and I'm a narco corridos fan and I got you a Cd and shirt of el Komander" see what they tell you or do to you in that small town!!!! Just saying Manny don't be an enabler or try to justify narco propaganda please....God bless...

    4. Here is to manny.I

      "A lot of people say, 'How can you sit there and glorify these people?' And I'm telling them, 'You can't hang the messenger.' You know, I'm not the one that caused this," typical narco corrido singer says. "All we do is give people what they want, which is hardcore Spanish corridos or songs. That's what they want. They want the truth, so my songs are the truth. You're either gonna love it or gonna hate it. One or the other." Ignore me if you please but you cannot hide the sad reality of your narco music of hate. Is Not cultural is only a selected few, ignorantes that listen to this crap....

  5. Las mujeres se respetan y mucho mas casadas oh con novio.. Si se paso de lanza este amigo que puedo decir...

  6. The shooting is alright, I guess :-)
    Thew music, however, SUCKS.

  7. Sounded like about 15-17 shots fired within 6 seconds. Maybe more than one shooter?

  8. Another singer gunned down... Not surprised

  9. Que viva los corridos culeros,

    1. Go to mexico and tell that to the parents of the 43 students from guerrero......wait people forgot about them all ready? ??? Que viva los corridos, si como no...deported for being an ignorant peasant.

  10. Man... two of my favorites die in one week... RIP/DEP

  11. el alcohol la cocaína y las armas no son buenas compañeras ojala y no se muera pero pues si andas enredado ya sabes lo que te puede pasar....

  12. The funny thing about all this , is the narco corridos fans at the concert...when the gunshots Started there was a bunch of screaming and people going to the bathroom on their pants.....not fun when you part of the violence...something to think about.

    1. Ok...what the fuck did you want people to do? Its the women screaming anyway cause theyre fucking scared and they panic and of course violence isnt fun. And why are people so butthurt on narco corridos? This music isnt new! And look at rappers talking about how they got glocks and the trap house and stupid shit like that. Only dumbasses who are barely getting aware that narco corridos exist are the ones saying "thats what they get" or "keep singing to the cartels"...lmao all this cartel bullshit has been going on for decades. If you dont like a certain type of music then dont listen to it.

  13. If u get to close to the fire u just going to get burn he hat it coming to him if u don't want to risk ur life don't sing narco songs plain and simple

    1. Plain And simple....narcos corridos are bad news...

  14. El llamado cahpo Trino tambien se apellida Olivas, son parientes?

    1. Yes this dude is his nephew

    2. Chapo Trini es tio directo de Alfredito. Su papa es hermano de Chapo Trini.

    3. Who are ur sources?

  15. I actually have no problem with this shooting. Fucking idiot, what did he expect disrespecting another man.

    1. I feel the same@ the end of the day we are all human. With basic primitive needs...bad mix, ego ,respect ,a girl,firearm, alcohol, cocaine, bad news when combined with narco corridos as a soundtrack.... what happened alfredito olivas, it reminds me of the corrido de los perez..when the bullets stared flying everything and everyone started running. Lol...

  16. Why did the people duc and scream with fear no que no they seem to like narco corridos they get tuff more like pussy people.

    1. Hay que opinar con logica. A poco si te gustan las peliculas de guerra vas a hacerte el heroe en una balacera? Digo, hay que ser serios.

    2. Mmm eres o te haces? Pa mi que eres....un pendejo. Que putos esperas wei? Why would you even ask that? Que querias que hiciera la gente? Yea buddy, ya mero te imagino haciendole frente a los disparos. Jajaja the bullets bouncing off your chest like if you were superman o que pedo? Eso que la gente escuche narco corridos no quiere decir que son narcotraficantes ni que son bravos. Es solo una puta cancion wei. Pero claro, aquel que si se crea chingon con su narco corrido pues esta igual que tu....bien pendejo. Ora cabron llevatela tranquilo superman......

    3. Any person with common sense will duck from flying bullets. So your saying that standing there waiting for the bullets to hit makes you tough? You have to be a complete idiot to believe that. Although the screaming part, there is no excuse for that. Just duck down to safety and shut up.

    4. Wow! Really? A singer picking out a lady from the audience & dedicating a song is disrespect? Anyone who thinks such is not much of a man. No wonder Mexico can't have nice things

    5. Your a fukkin idiot get ur head out if your asss what does the music have to do with people dodging bullets its common sense if shooting duck if it wer a bunch of soldiers,policeofficers etc. they would duck also. Just in case u didn't know listening to narco corridos does not make u bullet proof.

    6. @ 1235 pm Ok you talk about common sense right!!! What are they doing at a narco concert, cheering and applauding a narco singer? That sings shit about violence, drugs,decapitation, and all of the sudden they get a taste of violence, the crap alfredo olivas sings about..and 99.9 % of the attendees Start to cry , scream and run with shit on their pants....well there you go!!! Narco cheerleader Common sense for like the suburb kids trying so hard to be thugs. That when they confront a real criminal in County jail, the are quick to get on their knees...not so gangster after all....

    7. Wait I have a Friend who is a taquero. Mexicab fast food employee , he makes minimum wage and he swears up and down that listening to alfredo olivas makes you bullet proof....and he has a tattoo of el komander on his back...yeah narco music has some intelectual fanatics...

    8. At 930pm is funny how the narcos corridos fanatics try to talk about being serious....when they glorify violence....have you listen to the shit they sing about??? And you have the bravery to say is just tu eres un super no Te quedas hablar...

    9. Watch "WEB207 - The Medusa Sickness" on YouTube
      WEB207 - The Medusa Sickness:

  17. His uncle is el chapo trini!

  18. Replies
    1. Chapo trini snitched lol ya cAmbiale guey

    2. Are you the guy?

    3. Dude your comment is kinda old. Stop
      Being stubborn.

    4. He's an impostor.

    5. How do you know I'm a dude? Mr 12:54

    6. Are you telling me you've been a girl all along? The chapo snitched guy is actually a girl?

  19. All u pussys saying for them to stop singing corridos.....understand that these singers Know the dangers of this game very well and know it can mean there life ..pretty sure they know that's why all them gave some type security personnel they just dnt when or where..and if they want to live with danger and doing what they want love..who are u to tell them otherwise. lol .

    1. Fine let them sing narco corridos. Next time shot him with AK 47, bet he won't survive...

  20. Now imagine if el komander went to perform in chihuahua these days for sure he would be dead... Lol but alfredo should've respected that guy its his girl

    1. Sorry to break the bad news but Alfredo Rios AKA El Komander se encuentra vivo de milagro y amenaza sacar otro disco....Sorry to break the sad news...

  21. I really hope he is ok.his music and legent would always be in our radios.he is the tipe of person not easy to forget and .nothing would be the same if something happens to him.I feally feel for his family .just remember if you ask for peace .you would have it.

  22. I really hope he is ok.his music and legent would always be in our radios.he is the tipe of person not easy to forget and .nothing would be the same if something happens to him.I feally feel for his family .just remember if you ask for peace .you would have it.

    1. Narco fan.......glorified narcos...go to mexico so you can see the real thing. Not on the safety of the USA....cheering for a narco propaganda.

  23. I agree this music is bad news.....these young artist dying so young their clueless....whats their legacy what do they leave behind? Wasted gift God granted them. Cant appreciate...gotta take it away ...where are their parents,? Guidance ? They are lost in this world so God takes over!!!!!

  24. That seems doubtful as there are many prestigious trauma centers closer to Parral but north of the border.

    He's not gonna stay there in mexico hence the fact that killers finish off their rivals at the hospital. Of course he ran to the US

    1. read slowly and this time THINK, the post is saying doubtful he is in L.A. because there are close trauma centers in the US that he could be transferred to

  25. It was a hit thats y he was transfered to usa


    1. It happened in Chihuahua... lol

    2. fue en chihuahua cabezon... ahí en parral son mas bravos que en Sinaloa eso te lo garantizo...

    3. Lol si bien bravos por una vieja tengo miedoo

    4. Sabes @10:01cual es el estado mas bravo , es el estado de la ebriedad alli es cuando la gente esta envalentonadA eso y con un poco de polvo en la cabeza tantito mas

  27. How can all you people say oh he had it coming im glad it happned , hes a human being , just like i dont like justin birber but wouldnt wish for him to get shot smh this world is goin to shit cuz of ppl line you ,

  28. Don't listen to this pendejo music anyway. onward to better topics

  29. at the concert police body searched and anything carried in like purses looking for weapons.

    you guys can believe this was about a guy jealous over his girl, but did you see her foto? She was plain and fat. anyway the gun was allowed in, pay off, it was an attempt at a hit, the manta isn't an amazing coincidence.

    1. Well for a hit they sent a real dumbass he missed most shots so I think he was drunk. A good sicaro would have done a better job dont you think.

    2. I could not disagree more.
      most of them hit him that is what atty gen said. he was lucky, most hits are not with hundreds of people around causing panic and he fell at the first shot. I say pretty good shooting under the circumstances. I saw the girls also, there were 5 up on stage with him he pulled from the audience, gob wants people to believe it was a jealousy thing

  30. He is at umc hospital in el paso...

  31. What is worse, to be pleased that a narcorrido "artist" got shot, or to be the guy up there singing and composing songs that glorify drug dealers and murderers?

  32. by mid 80s stupid punk gangs emerged in OC and LA and instead of enjoying the gig you had to be alert not to get jumped of knifed!

  33. The article said they made an arrest but the government said no, who is telling the truth?

    1. first reports said their was an arrest, but it turned out BS, also universal and proceso said he was dead, also BS

  34. i used to listen to gangster rap and never have i ever wanted to pack heat, sell drugs and join gangs. I graduated from college like a normal kid. So simply by listening to it is not going to make anyone do stupid things. It starts out by having good parents and family members that reinforces the importance of being a good person. There are other factors as well but im not going to write an essay on a blog.

    1. Thank you :)

    2. Fuck narco music.....and gangster music. .your worse than a criminal, a real wannabe, a narcoplaticante....weekend gangster...I bet your dad is proud of you. Listening to garbage..."hey dad ,have you listen to new cd of 2pac" no mijo I'm to busy working paying for the rent.....loser.

    3. Every genre of music promotes violence and drug use in some form or fashion. Religious music and classical music probably being the only exceptions. I guess because gangster rap and narco corridos are preformed by minorities who aren't afraid to glorify their subculture makes it "wrong". Hell even red neck hillbilly honkey tonk music all you hear is how somebody is getting drunk and killing their wife for cheating. A simple solution for those of you who hate gangster rap and narco corridos is to just not listen to it.

    4. To 401pm...Here Is About Hate Speech With All This Narco Corridos.....Not Listening Is Different. They should not he allowed to be played In national radio with such explicit lyrics.....hate spech is not protect under freedom of speech. The narco corridos from the 1980 are different from the 2015 narco corridos....that's the problem here , not standing up to what is wrong rights begin and end where your rights start.....but at the same time.....narco corridos shouldn't be allowed because they are hate speech.....otherwise narco corridos would bring social degradation to the equivalent of allowing crystal meth to be legal for use just because individuals like it...narco propaganda goes against what america stands for....narco corridos are against families, Christian faith, education, and the well being of children. Narco corridos are lyrical poison to kids......ignore if you please.....if you have young kids , last thing you need is for them to think that decapitation, drug trafficking, mass muder, rape, corruption is ok......that's is the message we as a society are sending by allowing narco corridos in the radio.....Look at gangster rap in general , it basically destroyed the black community.

  35. I wonder who gets killed more often narco corridos singers or US rappers? That would be a interesting research topic for those who actually care.

    1. narco corrido singers. When was the last rapper killed?

    2. A Oakland rapper named "The Jacka" was killed Feb 2, 2015. He wasn't well known outside of California. Diehard hip hop lover may know him but I am not too familiar with his work. He was comparable to Alfredo since Alfredo was a regional narco corrido singer and Jacka was a regional rapper.

  36. There saying they captured Orso Ivan gastelum el Cholo Vago in Guamuchil

  37. I wish they had a field trip to down town ciudad juarez "one way ticket" for all the narco corridos they could experience poverty, narcos and despair,first hand with out the safety of the USA.

  38. Go to Mx wedding r 15 birthday leave before 2200 hours and u will be ok

  39. 7:34 ''RASPA'' commenter deserves a coarse raspa file up the ass for insinuating like, all kids eat is''raspas'' especially mexican kids, who do ''eat raspas'', among many other things...
    --there are many other paragons of innocence to compare jeffrey dahmer to...

    1. Wow. And that's how rap music and corridos were saved.!. Every child in the Americas deserves a COURSE on how to pimp that "girl" and "kill" for crack money, not a RASPA. Standing ovation ! The proud Mexican American in me will not stoop so low as to insult your "beautiful mind".. ;)

  40. For anyone here talking smack about Narco Corridos you need to STFU. All music is propaganda you idiots. Music is music. We all have our likes and dislikes in music. If you dont like Corridos stay the F*** out of websites and blogs that have anything to do with them. You sound more like a fool talking down Corridos and posting in here. Good Riddence...go entertain yourself elsewhere.

    1. you took the words right out of my mouth so everyone needs to STFU

      �� Que tanto les cala que me gusten los corridos
      Que pinche alboroto traen conmigo
      Que como me visto que como hablo como actuó
      Que a que se dedican mis amigos

      Que me miran ensillado que si estoy apalabrado
      Puro pancho eso es mentira yo soy hombre de trabajo
      Que me gasto mi dinero en lo que quiero y como quiero y que te importa

      Que porque agarro la banda que porque muchos mis pagos
      Que me vieron en un antro con dos viejas abrazado
      Gasto mucho y gano poco que como chingados le hago

      Que si me dejo la barba ya soy gente de fulano
      Pero los que no critican es que me mato chambeando
      Me gusta la buena vida y eso que tiene de malo
      Que escuchar corridos compa le aseguro no me asuma el mexicano ��

    2. At something to chew on... It isn’t just our economy that is crumbling.  Something is happening to America that no amount of money will be able to fix.  Everywhere around us we can see evidence of the social decay that is systematically eating away at the foundations of our society.  It can be found on the streets of our inner cities, in dark basements in extremely rural communities, in the most prestigious boardrooms on Wall Street, and definitely in the halls of power in Washington.   Bringing in an entirely different crop of politicians or printing gigantic mountains of money is not going to solve this problem, because it exists in the hearts of millions of ordinary men and women.  The truth is that we really need to take a good, long look at ourselves in the mirror, because we need to take a 180 degree turn as a nation.  What we are doing now is clearly not working, and the longer that we take to address this problem the worse it is going to get.  The following are 10 examples of the social decay that is eating away at America like cancer.  Individually, they could be dismissed as isolated incidents.  But I could have easily listed 100 examples or 1000 examples.  Every single day, we are inundated with reports like these.  The symptoms of the decay of our society are all around us.  We just have to be willing to look at them… so tell are narco corridos something that you would allow your son or daughter to listen ??? If so how can you correct your family , when we as a society allow social decay?? With music and clothing...

    3. We used to have birds pooping on our heads, now it is biiig jumbo jets and airplanes with big shitloads, call it progress.

  41. Algo parecido le paso a Chalino en Coachella... y luego unos meses mas tarde ya no se salvo.


    Rapper big paybaccc 3 or 4 mos ago in socal
    Earl hayes 12-14 SoCal
    Blood Money /big glo spring 2014 Chicago
    Lil Marc april 2014 chicago
    OTF NuNu May 31, 2014
    ASAP Yams January 18, 2015
    The Jacka earlier this month 2015

    There are more with drug od, drug related illness and other causes above are all gunshot killings

    1. ASAP Yams was an overdose so he wasn't murdered. Codeine and Xanax got him.

    2. What does tinto music have to do with this story?

  43. Another one bites the dust! Aver quien sige!

  44. The inventors of crack for the huddled welfare masses, even got quickly approved increases to the welfare payments, to enhance the ''take'', i did not understand why, at the time, but to have that coming from heartless conservative reactionaries who hate welfare recipients was the 80's...
    --later i found out why, and the really big drug traffickers, got presidential pardons from ''their president'' who had been at it all the time, while ronnie slept, drooling on nancy's lap...
    --drugs may have released the worst from the worst, like rappers and narco-corrido singers and their terrible music, an unintended consequence, but they did not invent drug trafficking en masse, anywhere in the world, or benefit from selling a few weapons to drug trafficking-gun toting criminals to ''enhance the revenue''...

  45. So Narco corridos are cultural? ??if so , " narco music hate speech" is not protect under freedom of speech..... government should get involved and prohibit distribution and media exposure of this hate filled music.....kind of like gangster rap music not played on major radio stations.....eventually give it time....the only good thing about mexican media is that they prohibit narco corridos and fine the artist and promoters......

  46. Canta feo mejor que se retire de la musica.

  47. Narco corridos are bad why???
    "A lot of people say, 'How can you sit there and glorify these people?' And I'm telling them, 'You can't hang the messenger.' You know, I'm not the one that caused this," typical narco singer says. "All we do is give people what they want, which is hardcore Spanish rap(narco corridos ) songs. That's what they want. They want the truth, so my songs are the truth. You're either gonna love it or gonna hate it. One or the other." So based on this we as a society are to blame for the consumption of this musical garbage.....I feel bad for the 43 students in guerrero and the innocent women in ciudad juarez, the 72 immigrants in San fernando tamaulipas...."why????" Because we as a society are guilty of hypocrisy , not allowing the mexican population the right to bear arms and defend themselves and by allowing the United States of America to support business with record labels that promote narco time someone get raped, killed or disappears in mexico you are just as guilty. Because "you" consume narco corridos music.....I hope is not your "mom dad or family members "because we all have family and is fun and games till it happens to "you".. my god if he exist give peaceful resolution to your souls...

  48. Wow look at all the dumbasses talking shit about a genre a music. Narco corridors come from the fucked situation in Mexico. They're not the cause of it. I bet all of you morons support violent movies and video games but then you turn around and condem another form of violent media. It's fiction, entertainment, a FUCKING FANTASY. That what he sells and he shouldn't die because of it and you fucking hypocrite who love violent movies and games are a Vince stupid, uneducated hypocrites

  49. Narco propaganda destroyed america a Trojan horse...... isn’t just our economy that is crumbling.  Something is happening to America that no amount of money will be able to fix.  Everywhere around us we can see evidence of the social decay that is systematically eating away at the foundations of our society.  It can be found on the streets of our inner cities, in dark basements in extremely rural communities, in the most prestigious boardrooms on Wall Street, and definitely in the halls of power in Washington.   Bringing in an entirely different crop of politicians or printing gigantic mountains of money is not going to solve this problem, because it exists in the hearts of millions of ordinary men and women.  The truth is that we really need to take a good, long look at ourselves in the mirror, because we need to take a 180 degree turn as a nation.  What we are doing now is clearly not working, and the longer that we take to address this problem the worse it is going to get.  The following are 10 examples of the social decay that is eating away at America like cancer.  Individually, they could be dismissed as isolated incidents.  But I could have easily listed 100 examples or 1000 examples.  Every single day, we are inundated with reports like these.  The symptoms of the decay of our society are all around us.  We just have to be willing to look at them… immigration, drugs, narco corridos, gangster rap, hate speech, Liberals,enablers,obama,economic deficit, islam.

  50. How can you correct your son and daughter. When they go to school with kids that are narco corrido fanatics, gangster rap fanatics.....unfortunately by law they have to share the same classrooms. Every minority tries to make a discrimination argument when time we make real laws like they do in texas.....death penalty for criminals, strict probation for young offenders......deportation of illegals and the implementation of federal for drug users and traffickers......and to all legal residents confront them with deportation and fines for illegal crimes.....wait a minute every minority is going to jump on the blame game of " your racist" .....are you an American ??? if so. --- don't ask what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country ---- I do my part by speaking up..... against Narco Corridos.....

  51. es como lo que le paso a selena quinjtana cantando sus pendejadas de la calle ocho

  52. 180 degree turn, almost complete, when the world stops believing in the power of american printed money, it will be over...
    --the chinese have their loans backed up with the gold the american government has sent them, thanks to america's enemies, foreign and domestic, working for the global socialization of poverty and the privatization of the world.
    --Narco-corridos only reflect our world of dog eats dog, a consequence of failed politics of greedy businessmen all over the world, who never get a song about their dirty shenanigans, nooo, they is all about OOOOLD ballet and operas in fine theaters at which they arrive in luxurious cars wearing their finest clothes, made by he most famous of the rainbow riders for the expensive tastes of the ugliest and the skinniest of the rarest bitches, makes you want to eat a chihuahua and puke!!!

  53. They probably would of made of made a corrido about him if he would of died. But he wont get one now, he survived.

  54. Singer with horrible voice had time to get out sweetest corrido: A MIS ENEMIGOS, del Valentin Elizalde, or Una Cruz de Mariguana/Aguilas del Norte, or Sonora y Sus Ojos Negros de Miguel y Miguel...
    @2:09 you will never see the end as long as you keep blaming obama and the liberals...
    Obama invested the money he earned pushing his american blessings at harvard U, getting a degree, others got two degrees with daddy's millions, then went on to business and banking and investing, for american republican politicians, mostly, laundering their drug trafficking money, investing it in offshoring the best of the best american jobs by the whole industry, leaving american workers holding onto hopes that perhaps, maybe, viagra will help, as soon as we keep chasing the black, the brown, the poor and the ''liberals''...
    --Maybe check mitt romney about how to make billions of dollars for your partners and yourself, all while not drinking or smoking and being a religiously good pretty c#######ing man of the church conservative on the right
    --also recommend to read some about columbia health care chain of posession, and who is the worst of the welfare queens, just one, is worse than all the welfare mamas put toghether, rick scott's paid back billions of dollars for his welfare frauds...he is not a liberal, by any means...

  55. I thought they said some dude shot him because Olivas was being flirty with his girlfriend. The dude got pissed and shot him.


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