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Monday, February 23, 2015

Mexican "Best Director" seizes the moment hoping for a better goverment

 By Lucio R. for Borderland Beat

(Added information at bottom) 

Yes, I concede this has almost nothing to do with drug trafficking, although one may really stretch boundaries and link curbing organized crime to a better Mexican government, so to the BB purists.... somethings are too good not to acknowledge.

"Too good", is not the fact that Alejandro Gonzales Iñárritu made history in 2006 by becoming the first Mexican director to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director, that time for his drama Babel.

And "Too good", is not that on Sunday night at the Academy Awards in L.A. , Gonzales Iñárritu  won the award, thanks to the dark comedy Birdman, making it two years in a row that a Mexican-born director has taken home the Oscar. Birdman also won the  "Best Picture" award.  Sweeping the most prestigious awards of the night.

As delicious as the sweep was for Mexicans, and  those  long appreciative fans  of Mexican film-making, if that was the end of the story, I would not be writing this post.

What overshadowed the movement is what happened when Gonzales Iñárritu gave his acceptance speech.

A speech that no doubt left the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto livid.

The proud Mexican director, seized the moment giving  an eloquent, thoughtful speech.  With the attention of a global audience, Gonzales Iñárritu dedicated the Oscar to the people of Mexico and to Mexican immigrants in the United States.  He delivered these words;

"I pray that we can find and build a government that we deserve, and the ones that live in this country, who are a part of the latest generation of immigrants in this country, I just pray that they can be treated with the same dignity and respect as the ones who came before and built this incredible immigrant nation," said the director.

Ah, yes, nodded this child of immigrants, as I wiped away a few tears.

One dumb and inappropriate guffaw was made by Sean Penn, who announced the "Best Picture" award, the biggest moment of the evening, unfortunately Penn said;

         "Who gave this son of a bitch a green card?”

In the way of today, people took to social media to blast Penn, even "going there", bringing up ancient history of his abusing Madonna. 

And then, reacting to the director's speech,  thousands of Mexican tweeted the hashtag #ElGobiernoQueMerecemos, (the government we deserve).

Gonzales Iñárritu, who worked with Penn on '21 Grams', was gracious and witty , with his come back, facetiously saying;

      "Two Mexicans in a row, now that's suspicious!"

I find myself in the itchy position of defending Penn, yes it was stupid, but the guy was caught up in the moment and the foot jammed into his mouth, without the benefit of his brain being involved.  I give him a pass.  

Best director Gonzales Iñárritu gave him one, saying,"I thought it was hilarious".

"If there were  justice,  the first who would go to jail, are those who commit such crimes, and it’s those at the top......"

Later, the director gave greater clarity to his speech of Mexican deserving a better government:

"I think the level of dissatisfaction, injustice , corruption, impunity has reached intolerable levels," said the director, referring to his speech at the ceremony of the Oscars. 

"My frustration peaked, like with all Mexicans due to the level of impunity and corruption that prevails now as a generalized system ... the things that happen every day; every day there is news that is outrageous, right? 

“Because a government must serve a society, and not use that society, for personal gain" said the filmmaker. González Iñárritu said that the political class in general is backed by corrupt businessmen who weave alliances.

"Impunity is the lifeblood of corruption, because if there were  justice,  the first who would go to jail, are those who commit such crimes, and it’s those at the top. " 

Thank you to the reader who sent in the  director comments, made after the Oscars.


  1. Penn's comment was funny and perfectly in keeping with the pro-immigration statement later said by Iñárritu. He even said this a.m.:

    "I found it hilarious. Sean and I have that kind of brutal (relationship) where only true friendship can survive … When I was directing him in 21 Grams, he was always making jokes like that. … We have that kind of relation of old friendship. .. I thought it was very funny."

    I wish Iñárritu had spent more time denouncing the corruption and impunity in MX, though, and less time on the more PC US-friendly topic of US immigration.

    1. You are wrong. In a private conversation it would be funny, or if the audience was only consisted of people who were in on the joke. It fell flat and Lucio said it best, give him a pass he meant no harm, but it was inappropriate and regrettable to most people.

    2. PS
      great post btw

    3. Thats a true friendship alright! In deed it was hilarious.

    4. u r full of it u racist person

  2. ok-s I am not so mad now

  3. Congrats to them for knowing the truth. Now that we are on the subject, the Sundance film "Western" a documentary that touches on border life on both sides of the river with Eagle Pass ex Mayor, shows how the cartels have changed life on the border, what they didnt explain is how the local polititions are the main problem in Eagle Pass Tx. Just look for yourselves. BB why havent you touched on this??? bigge

    1. @1148. I haven't seen the new Documentary "Western" that debuted at the Sundance Festival, but they could have taken some of material from stories posted on Borderland Beat about corrupt politicians in Eagle Pass.

      Back in October of 2012, our esteemed owner of BB, Buggs posted a story entitled "A portrait of a Maverick County Commissioner."

      In December of 2013 one of our readers, Christero, who lived in Eagle Pass/Piedras Negras, posted an excellent story on the Forum entitled Fraud and Corruption in Eagle Pass.
      (links to both stories below)
      Because the commissioners and others who were arrested, as reported in Christero's story, were not scheduled for Sentencing until today, there has not been much new to report until this past Friday when another ex-commissioner was arrested. Be assured that BB is following the story and will have the latest developments up soon.

    2. I am not getting why your comment is here on lucio amazing post? It is not about films, it is about the comment made of the Mexican government.

    3. @ 6:50 you are right. I just wish BB had an open forum to discuss the bigger picture. I didnt mean to side track. These directors have the platform and recognize the issues. And thats whats important. As far as Sean Penn, he's also an activist, the comment was in bad taste, but maybe he can redeem himself by taking part in some real issues, who knows?

    4. @8:29 BB has a Forum. In the top right hand corner of the opening page here, there is a box captioned "want to contribute". The bottom line of that box says "Borderland Beat Forum here".
      Click that line and you will to to :

    5. the forum page is crap, and you have to register.

  4. a joke amongst friends sure, no problem, but this is on live tv broadcast to millions all over the world, its not the end of the world, but when you have a notable mexican director accepting a prestigious award, in a way for all mexicans, a proud moment for mexicans in mexico and mexicans in this feels like damn, another green card joke? especially when inarritu's speech talked about giving this generation of mexican immigrants dignity and respect. Sean Penn shouldn't be stoned to death or even have to apologize because in the end, I really don't think he meant it in a mean spirited way against all mexicans. he was probably caught up in the moment and excited that his friend had just won. at the end of the day, he is a good director and i'm proud that he won.

    1. He won the award simply and only because he is Mexican! The Academy has become so PC that the award is meaningless.

    2. Trollin, trollin, trollin on the rio

      yeah, so PC look at all the black people nominated

    3. @ 12:18 he has directed amores perros, Babel, films that are considered solid movies. let me guess, you wanted American Sniper to win right?! he deserved the award, i know it hurts you to see the mexican dude win, but hey thats life, get over it.

    4. Good point 12:21

    5. Sean Penn rude it Bad Man

    6. Sean Penn is a idioto

    7. IA. Latinos, especially Mexicans are always reduced to their immigration status even when one is winning a very prestigious and important award. But of course, a lot of Latinos are ok with being the butt of every white people's joke. I don't get it. White people are not doing anything for us and are doing everything to socially and economically cripples us (both in the US and in Latin America), but so many are so quick to stand by their side as they express racist, discriminatory, and prejudiced thoughts and actions against their own kind. It sickens me.

    8. i Am a american living in mexico from the USA ...Sean Penn is a very Stupid
      Jerk...and a very Jealous one Also... vova mexico

  5. The squeamish need to grow some baaawws, real men know what is up, and real men include ''men'' wo''men'', he/she's as well as straight out wrong people, when you don't agree with something, investigate before condemning, by the way, madonna needed some straightening, old age is taking care of that, she even shaved her armpits a while ago, she even prays to all the saints that her kids will listen to their daddies' and her preachings for gosshakes!!!

  6. This was perfect. What a hero for bringing that up on one of the biggest stages in the world

    1. Several days ago the film "Cartel Land" won the Sundance Film Festival in USA.
      Now the Mexican won the Oscar Award !

    2. Heros are the ones in Mexico fighting for their country. Not the ones that leave. He cannot say that in Mexico

    3. I was very happy to see someone with the attention of so many say it.

  7. Someone should ask him why HE doesn't live and work in Mexico if he's so worried about the current state of his country? Like millions of others, he prefers to flee and then bring up the subject from the safety the American justice system provides him and comfort that the American standard of living provides him and his family. Typical.

    1. Are you a veteran???

    2. He just won the biggest award in the world for his profession and on the biggest stage, duh... Why wouldn't he work in Hollywood?

    3. Because their r no jobs in Mexico. If u can u pack ur bags and get out of Mx. No future

  8. What is the big deal they are friends we all say stupid shit like that to our friends i knew wen i seen this the hurt coochie gang would come out of the woodwork

  9. Good job Alejandro Iñarritu! Much props. People are so afraid of speaking their mind but this guy did it on the Big Stage. Congratz!

    Have you guys at BB looked into the situation between Coca Cola and the state of Michoacan? I emailed you guys during the weekend but I don know if it went through. They are refusing to send Coke products to the city of Chilpancingo and the areas around because of attacks on workers and threats against workers and the Coca Cola company. They went as far as to say that they will stop sending their products to any areas that put their workers and their product at risk.

    1. Chilpancingo is in Guerrero. But thanks for participating!

    2. Excuse me for making a simple mistake. I meant Guerrero. There. I hope your panties aren't in a bunch anymore. Here I am trying to give a little news and babosos like you want to point out mistakes.

    3. Lol geographical slap in the face

    4. Here is some info on the Coca Cola plant

    5. Haha! A slap in the face on the net. I think I'll live

  10. Cartel justice should be given to Sean Penn. Filmed and uploaded on YouTube.

  11. I am A gringo living Mexico, Sean Penn is horrible, bad guy. If only he knew the poor people of Mexico r suffering. Shame on you Sean Penn

  12. Whether Penn sexually, physically, AND emotionally/mentally abusing Madonna happened 10 years ago or a second ago does not matter, what matters is that he did it and saw no repercussions in terms of his career. Let's not make it seem as if domestic abuse is no big deal and I find it disappointing that someone who runs such a great website has such views.

    Anyway, good for Alejandro and I hope it opens people's eyes to what's happening in Mexico.

    1. Sean Penn helped out during Hurricane Katrina. Down there on a boat pulling people out of water and dropping off supplies .He's ok dude

    2. I agree exelent job done for alejandro gonzalez i give him my congratulations for the remarks for said exact what mexico people need dignitid and respet

    3. Penn so great why doesn't he help the poor here in the US. I work 2 jobs he is rich.

  13. That this is the greatest immigrant generation was insulting.when any piece of shit can walk thru our borders I doubt that the best of Mexico or central America is what coming to our country.

    1. I live here in Mexico. He did say immigrant which would in my mind be legal immigrant. There are many great true immigrants. My daughter-in-law being one of them. Highly educated and following the path to citizenship with dignity and correctness. You are right about one thing. The people that are crossing illegally in most cases are not the greatest of the Mexican society when it comes to education and ability to fit into society, most of the time. They lack the fundamentals to function here in Mexico, and they still suffer in the USA when crossing. It is obvious because they are picketing and complaining and demanding rights. You must remember that not everyone can qualify for citizenship or even a long term visa here in Mexico or just about any country, unless one shows they have sufficient income from abroad to support themselves while living in Mexico or anywhere else. Why should one group of people expect something different. They have not earned their place to live well in Mexico, and far from qualifying to live in the USA. Many of the States here in Mexico are upset they are sending the underachievers back to Mexico. I know this is stark and to the point, but there is no denying the facts. Mexico needs to change and make more opportunities for their people and advance their educational system. It is hard to afford for the poor people here. There are people here that are successful here. They are most of the time educated. Without an education it is obvious that people do not fair so well in the USA either, they want handouts for their shortcomings in life. With the illegal immigration of poor also comes crime that is inherent to that sect of people world wide including the USA. Why would anyone call them honorable and great immigrants. The most honorable and greatest immigrant's are the people that fought, died and built a great country. Maybe the illegals are not who he was referring to. He needs to be a little clearer.

    2. How can you give the same respect to people who are coming in illegally as the great people who built, died and suffered while building the USA or any country. Many of the immigrants that even came into the USA legally were not respected and had to earn that respect. Many suffered and died building the USA. I live in Mexico and the people here are not willing to put forth civil war and change things. To die for what they believe is right, like so many countries have done before. They would rather leave and burden others who had their forefathers die to build a country for them.

    3. Yeap, you said it, any piece of SHIT can come to America. The mayflower brought lots of them and the NATIVE treaded them with respect, but in return they got killed. Thats what Alejandro was pointing out when he said he hopes that this new imigration is treated with respect just like the first immigration was treated with respect. By that he was referring to the pilgrims.

    4. 10:14
      He was not calling the American invaders immigrants. That would be like saying that the Spaniards that invaded the Indian land of what is now Mexico were immigrants. Immigrants came and registered later once a country was established just like Mexico. In the world early on there were no immigrants. People came in and took what they wanted. They did not fill out papers and say I want to be a part of your country. In Mexico a person that crosses illegally here is called and illegal alien. They throw illegal aliens out here without the right paperwork. They love to find them here illegally. An immigrant is a person that immigrates to another country through the proper channels. People that come in are legal and people that try to take other countries buy force are still invaders. Are the Russians now immigrants when trying to take over a country. I guess that we can call Isis immigrant's according to you. Nice twist you made there with words.

    5. He means the US is built on immigrants;the Irish went to New York.the Titanic from England and where were the quakers from?etc.etc.We are all from somewhere else,our ancestry unless we are Native American.

  14. All these award shows are political bullshit stages. All these fucked up actor/actresses, directors etc. think they can change the world with their bullshit speeches. A few years ago most were homeless eating trash and now all of a sudden they have big bucks so they talk the political propaganda like they are big shots.

    I will give credit to Alejandro as he is a great director but this political propaganda needs to stop on all these awards shows. No one listens to the shit because most are leftists and Democrats who believe in worldwide welfare and global handouts.

  15. If that was the Best Director's best shot at taking a shot at EPN and his administration, I think he should re-shoot the shot.....and put some life into it. That's about the mildest criticism I've ever heard.

    1. Well said and very true. As a criticism of the narco terror state now in Mexico, his comment was disappointingly weak and muted.

    2. it was just right. it was point made, with no disrespect.

    3. thank you Lucio for your continuing outstanding work.

    4. Gonzales said just enough to bring alittle awareness to the struggle of Mexicans people but not enough to get him killed. Remember it is still Mexico after all. We all know what EPN and his minions are capable of.

    5. No disrespect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea u r in Hollywood and I am Poor what would Penn care. He has got respect he got $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  16. Should of brought up the 43 students but still good work boss

    1. he has many times! but to do it at the Oscars would have been focusing on one Mexican atrocity, he was correct to say a better government is needed

      in December he said this about the 43


  17. "Ah, yes, nodded this child of immigrants, as I wiped away a few tears."

    nice personal touch. you needn't explain the "why" you posted this story, but it was a gentleman thing to do

  18. A comment that stuck with me today, "cracking jokes is like selling real estate, you have to consider three things....location, location, location"

  19. Anyone remember Sean Penn's uppity remark after Cris Rock's Oscar joke about jude law?

  20. I have a real problem with "rich entertainers" commenting on govt. /social issues. Most may sound sincere, right? But just like the rich televangelist have many are not willing to abandon all that "money" and save people? I'm a proud mexican american but I just feel artists have no business commenting on those types of things. For one, they probably will never feel "poor" again.. Unless they are out there feeding the hungry and not in the "strip Club" making it "rain"... They should both chill out.

    1. you're an anonymous poster stating your opinion, as am i, why can't they? everyone is entitled to an opinion....some are out there feeding the hungry

    2. I read that Sean Penn spent a good chunk of his time and money helping Haiti after the earthquake. A Spanish speaking country, That is by the way a lot poorer than Mexico. I say he put his money where his mouth is. Remember the Joke is in context. GET OVER IT!

    3. Ok . Me get over it? I would like to ask you a question. I will start with the obvious, you follow what is happening in Mexico.. Else, you wouldn't be here. Right? So, the question is.. Do you despise "crime" ? This, in my humble opinion, was "limelight abuse". Circus acts like this do nothing but create more hatred. Ok? I know it's hard to comprehend. If you're in high school and still enjoy lunchroom gossip, then Hollywood is definitely "your thing"... :)

  21. Replies
    1. Not a hater...Birdman did suck! That's why I tell my daughter, "es la cuota". Or maybe I'm old school when it comes to movies, but this film gave me a migraine : (

    2. Mexicans hate "Birdman."

      It played for a week or so, only at 8 p.m., down here then disappeared. Everyone I talked to hated it.

      Now it's won those Oscars and it's back. But only in select theatres at 8 p.m.

      These owners of movie houses are not dumb... No one except PC Gringo critics like this film...

  22. I wonder what the reaction would've been had someone insulted Penn's Jewish heritage..... A lit more fallout than what followed his dumb comment thats for sure.

    In America there are people you can and cannot insult. That's painfully obvious.

  23. All well and good that he brought it up, but remember when people were protesting in Mexico City and asking for EPN to resign? EPN knows that all he has to do is wait a week or two and all the noise dies down, and he can go back to his routine of pulling in tons and tons of money for retirement and having no one seriously hold him accountable for anything.
    No one will be talking about this in a week.

    1. Agreed! Everyone's thinking "oh boy, Pena Nieto is going to have to answer for his corruption now", while EPN is sitting there thinking "just give it a few days, I've got nothing to worry about".

    2. Who has the Power "Nieto"

  24. Green card jokes were popular when sean penn was.... in the 80s haha

    1. do u know how hard it is to get a Green Card? How Mexican Families suffer to rise Money to get a Card. And u say get over it. Sean Penn is a spoiled American, everything given to him

  25. I knew soon as I heard Penn' s' joke It would be trouble. This was meant as a compliment ,some people do not understand context. . Penn should have understood that any chance, Latinos will call foul. Get over it !

    1. Yea u get over it. U r going to tell Mexican kids get over it.

  26. People being killed n'chopped up & then we have all this commotion & stress over a comment spoken by a washed up "actor"? ey...

  27. I fully agree about these political and self serving speeches. The national and world press has blasted the allowance of these self serving mostly negative political speeches for these guild members about their pet ideas and "world solutions". All one has to do is Google Academy speeches and the list of negative press is endless. Instead of thank yous they want to speak about minimum wages, why Blacks and minorities were limited in votes, anti-science crap with John Legend about more people in prison now then during slavery. Personally, who the fuck cares what these idiots ramble on about.

    The next day everyone already forgot about Birdman, not even a mention in the press and the racist Black community condemning everyone because Selma only won one Oscar for a song. People, get over it, the awards are bull crap and the speeches even lamer. Fact, the award was given not actually because of his directing talents but because he was the ONLY Mexican director and it would be blatantly incredulous if he lost then the USA would ALL be racists.

    Here is but just one article among countless thousands ripping the lame awards and what they call "political theater". A good read and they are all the same....BS awards. even worse personal political speeches even fewer listen too.

    One article even states that in attendance were actual left wing democrats, all these political left wing nut jobs like Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz and Robert Menendez to name a few who in their total natural idiotic selfs applauding and cheering these guild loser fanatic left wing socialists.

    So I agree as the world agrees, the awards are lame and the idiotic BS speeches even lamer.

    Just Google these tags for a little sample: "idiotic academy award speeches"

  28. ...but, latinos in general have never been respected, we have earned whatever we got, or stole or trafficked for it, even as welfare mothers, older generations of mexicans had a very hard time, and many more white people helped than not...
    --the civil rights struggles brought up the need fo' help, some people would not have more kids, bring in the mexicans!!! Then the mexicans voted all for OBAMA, driving the "man" more to china fo succor, and piracy and meth precursors, and opiates to feed the poor and the black, at gun point...

  29. don't sweat the translation, i tried to capture the gist of his point:

    " I think the level of dissatisfaction , injustice , corruption, impunity has reached intolerable levels ," said the director , referring to his speech at the ceremony of the Oscars .

    "My frustration peaked, like with all Mexicans due to the level of impunity and corruption that prevails now as a generalized system ... the things that happen every day; every day there is news that are outrageous, right ?, because a government must serve a society, and not use that society (for personal gain" said the filmmaker.

    González Iñárritu said that the political class in general is backed by corrupt businessmen who weave alliances : "Impunity is the lifeblood of corruption , because if there were any justice the first who would go to jail are those who commit such crimes and its those at the top. "

    1. thank you I have added this information. is that you P?

    2. Its not "P" unless by "P" you mean Panson

  30. So what the hell?
    Everything now is about recent immigrants and children of recent immigrants from Latin America?
    There are millions of Hispanics in what is now the U.S. that have been here since the 1500's, far preceding the "recent immigrants" from Latin America and the English speakers from the 13 colonies.
    Furthermore, learn history:
    Mexico did not exist until 1810, and really, when the war of independence from Spain ended, 10 or 12 years later.
    Until then, this was NEW SPAIN, not Mexico.

    1. Not "everything" you moron, just this guys speech. Educate yourself pocho, the vast majority of the recent wave of immigrants to the US, are Mexicans. Calm the fuck down.

  31. Who cares if this was at one time or not new Spain, that is irrelevant just like your comment, what is important is that the blood of Mexicans (ie indigenous blood from the borders of Mexico) always has belonged to the Americas, just like all indigenous tribes of the Americas who are the true ancestors of this continent.

    On another note poor Donald Trump is crying because he has been unable to collect his money over some sort of civil suit he won in Mexico. This is funny, because it is probably the only time in my life I feel proud of the Mexican governments corruptness. I guess I'm picking the lessor of two evils. Get in line Senor Trump by the millions who feel the Mexican gov't has screwed them. Go build another golf course, humanity won't remember you for anything but that.

  32. Senor trump bribed the judge to win his civil suit in mexico...
    Senor trump the imaginary billionaire who is too deep in debt to be allowed to FAIL is full of the hardest twisted-in-knots shit turds, and a-lot of hot air, quote:
    "when you owe money to the bank, you are in trouble, when you owe a lot of money to the bank, the bank is in trouble"

  33. Those that worry about the rule of law, as broken and raped by mexican and other latino illegal aliens, and the leftist worrywarts in and out of US government, never give a shit about operations made "legal" through dirty lobbying, presidential pardons and kickbacks, and the imperial rule of corrupt politicians, foreign and domestic, there is a name for them HYPOCRITES, self serving ass kissing brownie pointers...
    --But there is always the positive, "GOD, rules"...smfho...

  34. Legal immigration should be restricted to rich, educated mexicans who wait patiently on line, or good looking mexican women with ample wide plastiline injected T and A, or kidnapping-extortionist-murdering associates of carlos slim helu like genaro garcia luna

  35. The new spain's fate was decided when the american revolutionaries achieved their independence, because spain did not help them...
    --after not paying their war debts to france, the US allowed england to fuck up their friend, the french king and monarchy to get even...
    --The independence of the american colonies was only promoted to make ''america for the americans'' monroe doctrine a reality, it never contemplated any mexican, indian, black, brown or chinese ''rights'' for anybody else...
    --now in this new brave global world of us, capitalist jesus trumps theology of liberation BS, and gets nuns and priests raped and murdered, and indians too, in the quest for global privatization of property and socialization of poverty through drug trafficking, and promotions of low intensit conflicts all over the world...
    --just like mexico 68 olympics, the sochi games were used to help the ukrainian nazi neo-nazis stage their arab spring coup that has the US up to their neck deep in shit Again, losing another little war, again, for billions of dollars, again, and again, and again.

  36. Sean penn got his ass kicked as a young actor in a ganbanging movie,when he was a young starter, Esai Morales kicked his ass, but sean had to win, he white cute good guy, his fame led to madonna using and abusing him to get to the top faster, whatever she got, she earned it, including being struck in the chompers for using people


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