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Monday, February 23, 2015

Decapitated man found in car at El Kommander concert in Monterrey

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

A man was found decapitated inside a car in the Arena of Monterrey, during a concert of the narco-corrido singer El Kommander, according to sources from the PGJ from Nuevo Leon

Alfredo Rios "El Kommander"

The discovery was made when security guards investigated an abandoned Dodge Caravan at approximately 19:00 hours last Friday.

Elements of the PGJ arrived and confirmed there was a decapitated corpse, put barriers around the vehicle and removed the body for autopsy.

The body according to reports was wrapped up, and the victims head was on the floor of the vehicle. the authorities reported that in the luggage compartment of the vehicle, was a man who had multiple stab wounds.

The subject was identified as Armando Alejandro Hernandez Hernandez, 19 years of age.

After the conclusion of the El Kommander concert, the artist left the Monterrey Arena heavily guarded by police officers, to Monterrey International Airport.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. I thought Ozzy Osbourne was bad back in the day. Like biting the head off a bat and dove. Really decapitated head at a Kommander concert. I mean that's taking show business to a new level. Iron Maiden and the head and Kommander.

    1. The "head" is the "head liner"!! Damn, I been to some "head bangin' concerts before, but nothing at all like this, literally loosing ones head. Only in Mexico, only in Mexico will this happen.

    2. @1::25. The name of Iron Maiden's mascot is called 'Eddie'. A rotten corpse type figure that takes many forms with the release of a new album and start of new tour. The name Eddie is derived from the fictitious character originally being called the head, which in the English accent the h isn't pronounced, and becomes silent. Originally appeared only in an artist drawing of his head, face, and shoulders. Highly popular British heavy metal band in Mexico, Latin America, etc. , headlining to 10s of thousands of concerts. Up the irons mates!

  2. That there was a WARNING to el kommander.. On of the most OVERRATED singers next to Larry Hernandez the industry ever produced.

    1. What was the warning? Lol get out if zeta trash

  3. RETE CULON! Over here in mexico this leach now watches what he sings! Used to sing all about coward chapo,but since tito torbellino got killed for being a cds cheerleader,the fall of chapo and how cds keeps getting killed all over mexico,either by rivals or amongst themselves,this so called komander watches what he sings in mexico.Here in the state of mexico,this coward gets escorted by a swarm of cops each and every time he arrives and leaves and always straight to the airport. Komander,just keep singing your love songs and you will be ok...cds gonna get you killed,fool,

  4. This is the stupidest music that has ever come out of Mexico in history!!! The should put El Komander music 24hrs to punish criminals in jail!!!!

    1. Im pretty sure Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift 24 hrs a day would be more punishment to them. Haha Remember it is criminals where talking about. Lol

    2. @5:32 p.m not much into corridos either but i agree justin beiber would drive me batshit crazy and begging for my head to explode lol!

    3. I agree the that this narco singers exaggerated corridos are the worst style Mexico has produced. Only people who don't know any better listen to that trash. Mariachis, now that's a beautiful style and they sing with passion and with heart. This new music is just boring, no passion, fake stories about a drug dealers and just glorifying the drug game. I like Spanish music but these idiots Larry Hernandez, commander, compra chuy, and the rest of these untalented overaded singers who got famous with Chapos money made me not listen to the Spanish radio station anymore. Pura musica pendejos. Real

    4. @ 8:55. Yup, I agree! Mexican radio stations that play this crap make me change the station all the time!!! This music is so lame! I'd rather hear Jim Carrey do the most most annoying sound in the world a million times in a row than this junk!!!!

    5. Mariachis is boring good for wedding receptions and funerals

  5. damm..the only sad thing it that it wasn't el komanders own head...smh

  6. Preach to his followers, el kommander fills his joints and gets paid, his security gets paid, his followers go to his events and pay...
    --Pena nieto has to arrest peple and pay them to attend his free events, and serve them lunch, soda and a torta or no hay...

    1. Pena nieto takes all Mexicans billions of pesos gets money from cartels and million dollar homes as gifts. You cannot compare these 2. Well I guess you can. They are both bullshiters, they both get paid by cartels to tell the masses lies, they both help organized crime, and they are both stupid.

  7. I think we can all agree El kommander is trash, like the corrido version of the movie Jack and Jill, just fucking bad. the only new artists I have feel have talent in singing, lyrics and instruments is Ariel Camacho and Los alegres del barranco (although if my memory serves right, los alegres formed around 2005 I believe) they kinda have that old school understated Allegory type of lyrics, especially Los Alegres. and thank god they rarely wear those fruity jersey shore sunglasses that are popular with a lot of corrido artists.

    1. I think the same way about this wacked out new music.Everything went down hill after Chalino,with the exceptions of a Canelos de Durango,Alegres del Barranco,and a couple more out there.The worse one besides Comander is Gerardo Ortiz.

    2. Please add Larry Hernandez to the list! Nothing but trash comes out of that midgets mouth

  8. Al, these movimiento alterado movement in corridos have created a culture amongs youth who are low income and live up the expectation of lirics from groups like calibre 50 (or 50cal ) in alusion to the heavyest artilery the cartels carry around for hits or el komander manking reference to a rank whithin the cartel comandante or el komanche or komandantazo i dont blame them for the violence in mexico every part of my mex its difrent and have their ways it was already bad all over even before this guys came to scene but i have to give it to them they got smart and started singing about all that decaputations and singing to narcos sicarios a difrent way which the youth identified im from reynosa every wana be dresses lime this guy or arleast trys to whit fake armani plo ferrarie shirts can blame them they wont stop even if the hole country is in fire aslomg the ignorant people here keep wanting to heare los buchones rivales alterados komander and all them will keeep giving them what they want and taking their money..

  9. what did you expect To happen at these concerts ya se avian tardado cabrones the only thing that would of surprised me is one these people attending these concerts have a college degree

  10. Like they say in Mexico...."Ya lo traen"....If he is a so called bad dude why didn't he stick around in monterrey,ya "siente pasos" that piece of garbage...

  11. I seen this on another site they say he said this
    "El Komander presume ser compadre de puros pesados y que todos se la pelea"....of he did say that it wasn't smart...

    1. His songs are Snitchaloa
      Whats he doing in Monterrey?
      That's Chapito Isidro / CDG / Zetas contested territory

  12. Embarrassing.. Imagine looking over at the stage and seeing them "spitting" "rapping" "singing" whatever you want it call it , right? It's more like "fantasizing" they could be like the "mero, mero".. LOL.. Then someone is in the crowd with a lil grin thinking to himself... Why did I pay to see this clown? Then he's like "oh yeah"... The women, right? But then he's like ... "what a fake ass on stage"... Mesera! Otra botella! "ya me tiene hasta la madre este pendejo" ... jajaja

  13. Some dude was found dead, and you guys make lame ass jokes. I pity you

  14. Does anyone investigate these singers to be sure some of their proceeds are not benefiting the cartels? Of course not! There is freedom of speech but not when it is tied to criminal organizations, If he does his concert in the US, they will have probes so deep in him he will hit extraordinary high notes. So obvious there are ties but everyone pretends not to notice. What makes it even worst, is the public buy tickets, yet complain they want the crime to stop. Best way to stop it is to finance it. Real smart!

    1. Tuta's daughter comes to mind.

    2. Do your research, he performs regularly in the U.S. His most recent album was a live recording of a concert he had at the Nokia Theater in LA.

  15. Is this the same Komanders Band who were kidnapped and numerous band members were murdered and thrown into a well not far from Sabinas Hidalgo a couple of years ago?

    1. No the other was like komba or something with a k it was real band.this guy is a solo artist

    2. That was Kombo Kolombia Chuck.

  16. I dont want to upset somebody or anybody but get it straight,... Movimiento alterado invented in the los angeles area,... California not mexico... Even buchones and or buknas de culiacan... Are not from culiacan they are from the Los angeles area... Dam some of them dont even speak good spanish,... But they sure can sing and understand there narco corridos.... If you dont like then tune to a different station,... Censoring is not good for no one..... Now lets get real so you mean to say komander was to finish his concert and then go hang out drink some beers and have some cabrito at la cola de caballo.... Are you kidding me.... So everytime dwight yokam or slim shady or madonna finish their concerts they go have cold ones and hang out with local people at local bars.... NOT they also have heavy security and plus anteroge.... And you who knows it all that band that got wacked in sabinas or coahuila,.. Was not el komander he does not have his own band.... He is a soloist,... He may sing with pick a band or norteño band but he does not have his own band.... It is not cost eficient....He is Komander only not komander y su banda..... Now about the shirts and jeans,... Lets say true religion... Quite expensive.... Puma,.... Nike,... Armani... It is a name brand and everything with a name brand is welcomed in mexico..... Example take your child to wall mart and buy him some running shoes,... Not going to happen,.... He wont want to wear them not a name brand,... Take him to big five, sports authority, or foot locker,... And his eyes will pop out,... Dad lets get the jordans,.... Or these lebrons,... Or the xxxxxx... Why name brands.... Name brands sell.... Plus american made garments or made for america last way longer than anything made in or for mexico or el salvador honduras, guatemala and keep going south of that..... Name brands sell themselves..... I hope i made sense... If not shoot replies.... Im out like jim rome says......

  17. He should of already know Monterrey is CDG Metros & Zetas/BeltranaZ territory neither of them 3 like CDS supporters. Corridos singers from culiacan are not allow in MTY except for Banda MTY loves Bandas now.

  18. lot of haters on these board sometimes i wish it would just shut down with the stupidity that is said on these board

    1. Yes, your right. I HATE THIS MUSIC!

    2. @9:42 if you leave BB, where will you be spouting off your stupidity?

  19. ¿Don't like musica pendejo? ¿Tune it out? ¿Here in Michoacan?

    ¿Estas loco?

    400-watt estereos @ 0200 can hear 3km

    Carros with amplifiers big as a stove con bocinas like the size of the top of a barrel of oil.

    A person can NOT tune this out. The pendejos demand everyone hear this BOOM BOOM BOOM

    And it is wonder why you go to a refraccionaria and the man can not addition more than 10 without dropping his pants. Mexico and EUA is getting stupider. Pretty soon people so stupid nothing gets done. No hay pedos en el ejido hombre.

  20. If you are a musician, and your band or artist name begins with K, don't perform in Monterrey. It's bad for your health.

  21. Imagine when this panocha called kommander comes to nectar Lima jajaja puto better not sing no movimiento alterado corridos dedicated to los 600 o sino their in nectar Lima Z will slaughter his ass with all his bodyguards.AKI SE RESPETA alfredito rios

    1. Thats right bro puro Z

      English Z

    2. Simon puro uzbeki Z

    3. Ur stupid as hell he has been in nuevo laredo plus all the lil criminals in nectar listen to his shit i herd before when i passed through their, no digas jaladas pa krer te perron

  22. Gee, is it not visible there are more beheadings in Mexico than the Middle east ?

  23. Dont like the music change the station

  24. Si señor yo soy de rancho...... Is heard all over nuevo laredo,.... And tijuana,... Matamoros,.... Monterrey,... I has a catch to it and wether you like it or not the average and above average people like his music.... We complain about drugs but what about those including myself that love scar face,... The god father,... That type of movie are we not in a way supporting better yet glorifying king pins and druglords,,,,... Just saying... And its nuevo laredo not nectar lima.... Clave idiota.... The difference between you and i is i have been to all the places i mentioned and you have not,... Are probably undereducated and or ignorant to what goes on in mainstream and around your own country...... Im out .... Love that jim rome.... Yes i know thats his saying but i like it IM OUT......

  25. @11:18 AM

    This music didn't come from Mexico! Kommander is from Burbank, CA! So, this music came from the good Ole USA!

    1. Komander alfredo rios is from culiacan sinaloa

  26. Bola de estupidos, there is nothing like el pasito duranguense while La Chupitos dances to the music...
    --El kommamder makes a few thousands, dollars and pesos, and pays his bills...
    --pena nieto steals billions of dollars exclusively, pays no bills, and gets mexicans murdered or at least disappeared by the dozens every day, to make it easier to complete his quota of murder and genocide to show his masters he is a worthy member, i'll say it again, all the mexican narcs, including the murderous ones, are not as evil as one ELITE mexican politician, or any Atracomulco Group member...

    1. Duranguense died like 5 years ago bro

    2. @12:54 Not for true believers, el escorpion dorado dances it, and la chupitos, have you seen la chupitooos? Only Chivis makes me happier...

  27. U should listen to "lineas de a metro" by Los Originales de San Juan. Also Mencho y La Fresa are gonna run shit.


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