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Friday, September 19, 2014

Obama to Mexico: The 'Tlatlaya 22" killings must have a credible investigation

"After President Barack Obama urged President Enrique Peña Nieto to conduct a investigation into the shooting of 22  at the hands of the military, the Department of Defense and the PGR said they are willing to heed the call,  to investigate the incident.

In separate statements issued simultaneously, both agencies stated "with full respect for the rights of the people" we have begun "a complete and thorough investigation to get to the truth" of what happened on Monday, June 30 at Pedro Limón community in the municipality of Tlatlaya in the state of Mexico.

However, the Ministry of National Defense (Department of Defense), reiterated that the death of 22 young was due to military personnel repelling an armed attack."
The U.S. State Department urged Mexico to investigate the Tlatlaya case, saying it is "imperative that there is a credible review of the circumstances."

Mexican Interior Secretary Miguel Angel Osorio Chong said federal prosecutors would investigate the shootings and make the results public if it finds any contradictions in the army's version of events. (is anyone relieved?) 

The army has said soldiers came under fire from a gang of armed men at an abandoned grain warehouse and the troops returned fire in self-defense, killing 22 people and rescuing three kidnap victims unharmed.

However, the mother of the only female killed said she witnessed the June 30 incident and only one of the gunmen died in a brief, initial battle with soldiers. She said the 20 other men and her daughter were killed after they surrendered.

Human Rights Commission investigator Marat Paredes Montiel said commission staff had talked with the mother almost two months ago and were investigating the case to see what really happened.
"We have recently been given access to the case file and the autopsies," Paredes Montiel said. "We are analyzing this data."

The governmental agency has the power to issue recommendations that government entities have to either obey, or explain publicly why they won't.

On Friday, U.S. State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke, speaking to reporters in Washington, said that "we have seen these most recent reports and we've been following this case since June."

"We have encouraged the government of Mexico to investigate and we understand that several Mexican entities are investigating this incident," Rathke said. "But as in all cases where security forces use lethal force, we think it's imperative that there is a credible review of the circumstances undertaken in response to them and the appropriate civilian authorities should conduct those investigations."

In an interview with Radio Formula, Osorio Chong, Mexico's top security official, said the federal Attorney General's Office was leading the investigation.

"Anything that needs to be made known, if something happened that differs from the version we have, will of course be made public," Osorio Chong said.

Later Friday, the Attorney General's Office said in a statement that from the beginning it assigned a team of experts to conduct a thorough investigation.

"It is our responsibility to clarify with precision whether the acts (of the soldiers) were carried out according to the law and with absolute respect to human rights," it said. (Translation: The world is paying attention, we need a finding/determination the soldiers acted within lawful boundaries, and did not slaughter disarmed teens that were in surrender stance)

The comments came after an Associated Press story quoted the mother telling about witnessing the bloodshed and saying soldiers fatally shoot her 15-year-old daughter even though the girl was lying wounded on the ground.

The army's version came into question because government troops suffered only one wounded, and physical evidence at the scene pointed toward more selective killings.

The witness, who asked to be quoted by name for fear of reprisals, said soldiers interrogated the men after they surrendered in front of the warehouse and then took them inside one-by-one. From where she stood just outside the warehouse and in army custody, she heard gunshots and moans of the dying.

Source: AP


  1. Did a brighter future await?

  2. get them MR.OBAMA.ITS guestion why don't you just shut the hole border down till mexico gets all the cartles or kill them.stop and think about it do we need mexico for anything?

    1. Ask to top 100 industries in the country if they need México ;), you have no clue, if you dont care about México as a country or latín América people, go and read the news in other place. racist!

    2. Yes you need mex for the drugs and cheap labor, by the way get all your stupid tourist out!

    3. Get the Obama, really he is the least to open his mouth requesting an investigation. Obama needs to in jail for treason to our country yes I'm talking about the USA. NOW for closing the boarder I'm for it. Many people say why if im Mexican. I love my Mexican heritage and I love that I was born in the USA let's say I got the best of both part. We really need to look at the big issue and that is economy growth once that is under control them one boarders back up. Security risk the way would is right now who nows what and who is crossing. Now for all you ignorant people I'm not talking about workers but ISIS

    4. You need mexico for a whole lot more than you may think, but regardless it's not Americas choice to make whether or not to eleminate an entire ...grow up

    5. To 7:45 the USA needs the Mex oil. Just in case war breaks out big time in middle east. So do some home work before you post a comment flunky! Lol

    6. 12:12 stop watching Fox News bro. You might want to prosecute George W. for Treason first before you start trashing President Obama. I could list a dozen reasons but this is not the correct forum.

    7. Hilarious! Why would you even respond to that comment? Here let's see what you got on this... Obama should ask all tecatos to stop making strawberries!

  3. 150 tons of the cds were cought. . Big news

  4. You must be kidding me, the mass murderer from the USA is asking to investigate.
    It is the same to put a fox in the chicken stable.

  5. Recommandation, 9/11 MH 17, do your homework befor looking over the boarder.

  6. These soldiers were from Ferguson Mo.

    1. I shouldn't of laughed when I read this

    2. Tell me why when i was reading this i was thinking FERGUSON! Lol

    3. Unfortunately you weren't alone lol

    4. Hands up fuck that shoot them!

  7. Pena nieto is a dumbass...

  8. Mexico should be like.. Obama i want a credible investigation for 9/11.

  9. So now O'bummer comes on board in support of the criminals just like in the USA. All the time the innocent people have been being massacred he has said nothing about Mexico. One corrupt government giving a more corrupt government money. Funny the government here in Mexico is not fighting the drug cartels that pay them off. Just the ones that do not give them what they want. Just let the criminals make demands in the USA and in Mexico and let the innocent people pay the price. Get them off the streets in both countries. He just likes to give condolences to the innocent people that have lost loved ones on both sides of the border. He gives more rights to criminals and does not give a damn about law. Cannot even enforce the border laws. Because of the carrot that is being held out people are dying coming North through the gauntlet of gangs, and the bad people that make it North of the border are forming their gangs in the USA, so people suffer there also. Do not need to shut down the border so the good people here will suffer in Mexico. Just enforce the laws on the books like they do here. The good and successful people are crossing because of the criminals here. I know some of them that have been able to. They feel safe now in El Paso.

    1. Why doesn't Mexico spend money on border security? There is over 19,000 lineal miles on the border that "our" BCP agents cover. All Mexico has a fat ass gate guard in some shack at the port of entry. Our Agents save thousands of illegals lives every year who have heat exhaustion and would have died if not picked up. Why doesn't President Nieto do more for border security? Why doesn't President Nieto ask for an investigation on this case? I'll tell you why.....Nieto has the balls the size of peas. He can't piss off his employers. Just do what Big Daddy Obama tells you to do liike a good lil sancha so you can get your billions dollars in aid.

    2. You said it your self Obama does not want to close the border!

    3. Billions in aid and billions in drug sales, thank you US govt.

  10. Anything the US does is construed in the worst possible light either way,it gets so tiring seeing the hate towards the US?What is the point in even trying?Wait and see comments,its started already?
    Anyway,this particular story is so sad in every way...The poor mother looking for her daughter,the brothers,we cant have military executing people...

  11. Obama cant even do shit here with excesive force from police who go out and kill all these black and hispanic kids.

  12. These soldiers were from Ferguson Mo.

    And did nothing wrong. (Ferguson cop)

  13. shut the border down.drugs are killing our kids.and let mexico have their cheap labors.shut border down Obama and see how they like it they we be crying about it.

    1. Holy shit! Are you on any of the drugs we Mexicans are killing your kids with? Because the way you write it seems as though you are doing a bunch of them at the same time.

  14. @ 11:23 keep your addicts on check in the U.S. and there would be no need for drugs

  15. Why bother? It will only lead to the common fact of corruption! Furthermore the military shouldn't be killing teens, instead put them on a bus and let the cartel forcibly abduct them. That place is totally hopeless. I have friends here from Mexico that don't even think about their loved ones back at home. "All about me, me, me" What a nonchalant attitude in that country! I feel sorry for the people until I talk to some of them that fled to the US. No one cares about their families it seems. So sad. Several of the guys are here just cheating with other woman while their wives and children are back home living in fear. Not everyone is like that, but many are. I have many friends from there and some deserve better and some need to be right back there due to living much like that here.Thanks BB for keeping on top of things, but it truly is hard to feel sorry for people that have such ruthless attitudes about life.

    1. Are you talking about cartels or mexs in general?

  16. Y'all can say all the stupid stuff you can think of but there are aspects to this interacton that hopefully will work for good, including Miriele's case. There is nothing as good as the light of day shining into dark places. I hope it is not just a flash of light but a steady flow. It is good that the Mex. govt is talking about avoiding embarassment. I think it is a powerful tool to combat the macho arrogance that permeates politicians here. I for one am glad that the US govt has moved away for their hands off attitude. It['s the impact on the innocents that will garner worldwide attention. It has been too easy for people to write off the violence as cartel to cartel.

  17. The border will never shut down, dummy. Without the border USA will be out of work. No border patrol, attorneys, police officers, judges will be out of work. So dummy think before you speak. It makes you look really educated, lol. So tell your racist daddy to speak the truth to you on the dinner table. Lol!

  18. The president of Mexico should be saying that Obama should be investigated for all crap he and his people have been involved in, mainly Fast ans Furious and project gun runner. Obama's a bigger criminal then all the cartels put together.

  19. Of course Obama's upset - there goes another 22 future dependent Democratic voters.

    1. You are right Obama is going to give amnesty to millions whether you idiots like it or not.

    2. "Of course Obama's upset - there goes another 22 future dependent Democratic voters."

      You still mad bro? Common it's been two years already. Romney lost fair and square. What will President Obama need with 22 dead Mexicans. He beat Romney by almost 2 million popular votes. His presidency is almost over so just wait for it.

  20. mexico need to do something for its people regradles.why is everybody leaveing jobs a lot of killing for no reason cartels running help from the government.if you don't got money not even a doctor will see mexico is a rich country a lot of oil in mexico and you name it they got why are the people leaveing the country?thats why I say shut the border down till the government starts to do something for its own peoples I leave in mexico live with my grandparents in Coahuila there no way for you to say im a racists.everybody knows that the government no good an I still say shut the border down till mexico gets its act right for the people of mexico.forget about Obama what does mexico need lol???

  21. Sure! Obozo we will investigate as soon as you give a credible response to 9/11 and building 7...

  22. Hey Mexico do you have any golf courses???? Because we are considering sending the Obamas down to you to help solve all your social justice problems. Mr. Obama will heal any racial devide between the spanish and native citizens. And Mrs Obama will help make your children healthier.

  23. Yes, the Mexican Military loves to find local teenagers hangin out and killing them. Those kids sitting their doing nothing wrong. Mabey drinking and having sex like all the teenagers everywhere else in the world. It may be possible that they had BB guns and popping balloons with them.
    Then the big mean military shows up and guns them down for fun.
    Obama please save Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I live in Mexico and you would be amazed at the amount of people that are suffering in many areas of Mexico. At the check out lines Mexicans do not buy a lot. They do not buy a lot of the art work and Mexican cultural work that the American tourists buy. I personally know here many people that are suffering big time because they lost the American tourists due to the violence. If you do not live in a resort and you depended on money from tourists, you may be one of the millions of people that are paying the price. Get rid of the American tourists in the resorts and you will see an economy fail. 100 billion made of oil each year. Billions off American tourists and they can not even fix the potholes ion the roads here in Chihuahua. I am talking holes that destroy cars. Mexico depends far more on American money than the other way around. They could just ship there maquiladoras business to China or further South of the Mexican border. Mexico would be total anarchy. Not just loosing your gardener type stuff.

    1. Why do you think american companies are going to other countries, b/c your uncle sam is a thief they tax so much they can't make a profit.

  25. CSI MEXICO... could you imagine it? Three guys... one deaf,one blind and one mute!

  26. 8:15 AM Lol..
    "CSI MEXICO? Three guys... one deaf,one blind and one mute!"
    Don't forget the 3 legged dog...that cant smell..
    Whats that?Does Mexico know about forensics?
    C,mon,there are more important things to do,like wasting all your energy hating the US.Now that is important !!

    1. We love the US, we don't like dirty and corrupt govts like yours and ours!

  27. "Billions in aid and billions in drug sales, thank you US govt"
    No problem,someomes gotta feel sorry for you....

    1. As long as you idiots give us all the billions we want, you can feel what you want.

      PS. Please thank all your addicts also.

  28. One reason big countries go to other countries is because the people will work for slave wages like here in Chihuahua. Literally making less than $100 a week. It is amazing how poor these people are here and subsist. No wonder people are doing so much crime. The only thing cheap here is rent or build a small house no larger than a bodega and put a tin roof with rocks and tires on it to keep the weather out. The companies in the USA make huge profits and are just greedy. The American country is overall beautiful and clean. The roads are amazing compared to here. Taxes pat for those roads. Roads here in Chihuahua are death traps with no emergency lanes and no system or regulations to make work sites on the roads safe for drivers. Poorly marked. No emergency lanes and potholes. Many neighborhoods that are just mud holes after the rains it the dirt streets. You need 4 wheel drive just to get to your house. Taxes are supposed to make things nicer. Go to downtown Chihuahua. The capital of Chihuahua. It is just ugly! When people pass over to El Paso it is amazing because the roads are perfect and the city is spotless. Like going from Spain across the "Straight of Gibraltar" to Morroco. Like two different planets. One modern and clean and the other visible very poor. You think Mexican people like living like this. They want nice roads, better homes and more. Do not kid yourselves. What is the answer? Apparently they have it in the USA. My Daughter-in-law (nuera) became a US citizen and lives in Denver. She is also from Chihuahua but she will never come back. She misses her family and friends here. She wants a better future for her two daughters. She knows the chances for that are not that great in Mexico. She is making $4000 a month for an insurance agency and lives in a beautiful home. She knows she would not be living so well if she stayed in Chihuahua. I have to go to work know and face the gauntlet of window washers and beggars at the lights. Always a nice way to start your day as they look at you with sad faces and hold up one finger asking for just one peso. Many just small children. One young beggar has a whole in his leg that is calf that is about 6" across and is rotted away right to the bone. His leg looks like leather. I figured he would be dead two years ago from gang green. If I was him I would check out of life. It makes you want to vomit when you look at it. But because he pays no social security there is no hospital that will treat him. There is no unicersal insurance here as some people will say. It is a lie.

    Before I go I lock the padlock on my tall gate with spikes on top. As I back up I see the bars on my windows to keep people out and the 9 foot walls on the sides and back with razor wire on top. I am successful here but that is not the norm. If you think the Mexican people do not want better, you are not normal. It is amazing that the wonderful people here. Many have smiles and are very friendly even the very poor ones. The kindness at times is overwhelming from many people here. They do the best they can with what they have. I would not knock the US government too much. They have made a better life for their people even with the high taxes, and the people overall still live much better in spite of it.

  29. that crime scene screasm EXECUTION!, any pendeiho can see that...

  30. All this shit started in the 60s with the murder of President Kennedy, and democrat presidents always get in trouble because republicans manipulate propaganda to get their way, paid for big US businessmen who firmly believe that "america's business is business" is a thing of the past, and that corporate welfare is the in thing now, they have discovered that there is nothing better for them than shaking down the federal government, for the children, for the retirees, for the poor, for the sick, under all the excuses in the world, take and take and take from the american people's government,
    --a government of the poor,
    --by the government,
    --for the rich...
    president Obama will never bend over backwards enough for the wannabes who think they own the world, even if he does as told, because, obviously, he is not WHITE ENOUGH...
    Human rights organizations have the means to investigate, and clearly they see there is a blue dress there there, and they will find that every single bullet used to pacify those 22 people were bought and paid for by the US taxpayers, but that was not the intended use, it was to aid mexico into helping themselves, from here, it looks like those people were planted there to murder them and earn a big commission where there are a lot of reward$$$,
    --Remember MY LAI, the US never tried the US murderers and rapists of young girls and women who massacred a whole town, about 300 to 550 people, only 2nd lt rusty calley got house arrest sentence, but was pardoned after three years, and that was it...
    --president obama calling for a full and thorough investigation gets him a scolding? You know? Give justice a chance...

  31. "PS. Please thank all your addicts also"

    Mexico what a country.
    Whats the date 1550?Er no its 2014,and its still a yard ....But hey,its not their fault you know?Its Spain,its France,its the US,new one China,the UK,its all their fault,,weally weally it is it is.So gracious,so humble,so nice.

  32. 5:54 yeah elmer, now get your shotgun and stick it up your ass and fire it!!!
    The US does not need any cover up, criminals do, they also need protection, and those US criminals sure got it all tied up, making money off their evil enterprise and under protection of US law.
    --criminals are wiping their ass with the US under the watchful eyes of their courageous shitizens

  33. Right wrong we can have an opinion but I thought Obamas authority stopped north of the border . Must have been a African killed because he seems to be compelled to weigh in on anything that makes the news involving a black person . If Mexico wants to execute their criminals on the street I don't think the president of another country has any say.
    These criminals knew the policy in Mexico before they committed their crimes.
    YOU KIDNAP IN MEXICO YOU CAN DIE FOR IT. Live a good life or die in a bad one.
    We should consider the risk of everything we do . Kidnapping is way over the line for any sane person .A kidnapper should be executed PERIOD

  34. 9:25 what mexico need?
    We need the US to stop feeding weapons to the mexican government, and granting them impunity, and sanctuary, and know how to money laundering, clearly none of that helps any mexican whatsoever, that only helps the satrapy to stay in power, but i know all they have to do is, keep the slaves busy all day and the plantation working as peaceful as ever...
    5:54 much as it bothers your skank, those parnas you mention are working in cahoots with each other to rob and steal from all the world, including mexico.
    The minimum wage is about $4.00 a day in mexico if you are lucky to find a job.


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