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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mexico Government Sees Children As a Danger to Mexcio

Ninos peligroso;  Police groping child in the Zócalo on Independence Eve
Photo: Carlo Echegoyen
DD: Drug lords can walk the streets of the cities in Mexico with impunity.  Caravans of 40 or 50 vehicles carrying sicarios and other cartel members can travel the highways (even though all those eyes in the sky can see them ad report on their routes) with impunity.  Corrupt politicians and union leaders can steal from the treasury and extort their constituents and continue to buy muti-million dollar homes and yachts and nothing is done.  

But in the name of public safety, the government will go to incredible lengths to insure the public safety from “terrorist”.

Translated by Reed Brundage for Mexico Voices

Something sinister dwells in the minds of those who govern Mexico when, on the main national holiday, they have the hands of police insult the bodies of children under the guise of public safety

And something is very broken, too, that--except for marginal comments among 120 million Mexicans--society consents, dismisses and even justifies such aggression against the most sacred thing a people have: their children

The police groping of children and babies in the Zocalo [Mexico City's central plaza] on the night of the Shout of Independence, is not a random or isolated act, but an order coming from the government of Enrique Peña Nieto that has come to stay.

The message of Monte Alejandro Rubido, head of federal public security, and Roberto Campa Cifrián, Undersecretary of Government Relations, is unequivocal: What was done--the insult to the children--was well done.

This "yeah, so what" is the language of intolerance of those in power, the maxim that governs the conduct of those who know they go unpunished. And following this path, Mexico will only walk into the abyss.

 When to the daily violence, cynical corruption and impunity at all levels are joined the hands of police violating the bodies of children and babies, by order of those in power, barbarism is installed in Mexico, to the shame of everyone.


  1. corruption come from the top. this is one form of trickle down economics that DOES work...

  2. Are you saying we don't love our children?

  3. More photos of Mexican cops groping children, one in a wheelchair:

    Fat cats parked in El Zocalo for EPN State of the Union address earlier this month:

  4. In that cops defense, that child clearly looks like a terrorist, maybe even an ISIS operative. Better safe then sorry.

    1. Man I really hope that you are just kidding. If that's the case that is a good one.

    2. The toddler's name is Isis Lopez-Garcia.In reality though Mexico must act like they care about terror to keep their sugar daddy,the US,happy and printing money.

  5. Pretty disgusting. I live here in Mexico and they do things that make it look like they are trying to impress the people. In reality they look like fools. They think the people are gullible. Maybe they are to an extent. If they wanted to do that to my child I would have turned around and left. Only in Mexico. I do not think that child have been carrying a weapon.

  6. Just look at canada they are keeping up with the usa.Mexico is going backwards cant beleave this after so many years mexico is about 50 years behind.this is for the government pinches perros muertos de hambre.

  7. If the people put up with this government. ..they get what they deserve.

    1. That is nothing but the truth.

    2. Sept 24 @7:26pm

      And like everything else in life genius...

  8. I'm assuming the police believe parents are hiding drugs and guns on their children. Not to make light of the situation but I don't think it's the children they should be worried about. Children don't know how to use guns and smuggle drugs. If the police were really concerned they would station police officers at the schools and the roads where children walk to school. That way they can reduce the abductions of the youth by the cartels who force them into working for them. It makes no sense what they are doing or trying to achieve.

  9. Stupid cop! If only he would have looked in the baby stroller out of sight in the picture, the child terrorist had the RPG hidden under her nap blanket and the grenades where actually her innocent looking formula bottle. Like that little child could lug around a pistol or machine gun. I am sick and tired of the Mexican govt pretending they are doing something when the narcos are the ones pulling their puppet strings and in total control.

  10. I understand checking children I have carried guns since I was 8 years old its a mexicano thing

  11. Kids are easier to catch and not as dangerous as the real criminals

  12. That will show the narcos and narco babies mexico is tired of this shit so if ur a baby thinking about becoming a narco think twice mexico is on to you

  13. this goes on wherever there are policemen, wonder why?

  14. WTF!!! Have these fuckin' idiots ever used metal detectors or wands. I'm proud to be Mexican but in this day in age....Mexico's gov't is getting outta hand.SMFH

  15. Yes, they like to go the easiest and safest way. On the other side I won't be amazed if the narcos rig up children with suicide bomb stuff.


  16. "Are you saying we don't love our children?"

    How can you say something so imbecilic?You are part of the problem,its about political impunity and public apathy.And its precisely because we do love our children that we shouldn't have to deal with strangers putting their hands on our children under the guise of some spurious political nonsense.. Absolutely mind boggling that's the only question you ask?

    1. Idiot in the original article it stated that in mex we did not love our children, but they removed that paragraph.

    2. I am sorry I did not know.

  17. Not much different here in the U.S.;
    Violations of civil rights in the name of safety;
    In the name of fighting the war on terror and the war on drugs.
    I think WE wrote the book on Government excuses to "assure" the safety of the people.

    1. You are really going compare frisking toddlers in Mexico to wiretapping terrorist in the US. Tell me what civil rights the US government has taken from you. If you have never had one of your civil rights violated then you no place to talk.

  18. Does it surprise us that some policemen actually enforce this disgusting show of political idiocy?It shouldn't,the cry of"just doing my job"can be heard all over the world by civil servants who would enforce almost anything if ordered.More slight of hand by political non-entities.THE ARROGANCE OF MEXICO'S ELITE KNOWS NO BOUNDS.They treat the people with abject indifference which is very disturbing,almost psychopathic indifference?

  19. We all read and comment on the situation in Mexico, but it never gets better, is the way Mexico we always be? Will the bad people rule? There r so many good people in Mexico. I pray for a better Mexico.

  20. well at least kids can defend their self's, not like those kids in sandy hook.

    1. @8:13 September 25th
      Dumbest comment so far. Someone needs to kick you straight in the balls for that comment.

    2. 1:46 I don't have balls!

    3. Ooops my bad!!!!
      Please forgive me 4:07.

  21. Fckin Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if one those cartel dogs decides to use one those childrens as a IED delivery method to kill a gov official? so they do have a point on searching wathever they want to search is their job!!! after all mexico is full of idiots that dont even know of whats going on. I bet that just because those cops where just doing the job in searching their kids now they going to see them as their enemies, the real enemies are the other evil bitches killing people trying take control over mexico is because of them that this is happening.

  22. Looks like Obama is president of Mexico too. Noticing the same strategies that us uses

  23. "Fckin Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if one those cartel dogs decides to use one those childrens as a IED delivery method to kill a gov official?"

    Dude,with logic like yours you really shouldn't call anyone idiot..
    So Mexico may use children as IEDs ?
    Yes.We are idiots as you say,we haven't got a giant intellect like you..Phew

    1. 1:02 I never said mexico moron. I said criminals like people from drug cartels among other criminales trying to take control of mexico. And don't tell me that is not possible because an animal would do anything to stay in power. you big pendejo and admit it it's the truth most of mexicans like yourself are idiots...

  24. 10:33 "obama" did not invent searches, but friend and foe should be checking each other's bloomers.
    In the US i have seen people reach for the nickel or a dimes inside kids pampers, they take them to the sto' all the time to deliver etc etc etc, and sometimes hide guns in there too...
    --please note that i am not in favor of the priista or panista mexican government, just getting real...

  25. How can you search that little one?
    Fuckin idiots for enforcing this crap.
    Never mind real police work,search little toddlers?

  26. It is sad that Mexico has come this point. I'm sure Mexican cops are not enjoying this either but they have their orders and they are searching kids in front of the parent in a "respectfull" manner even though the whole act is disrespectful in itself. I don't like it but I do think it's needed in Mexico if there's been some history of drugs or small guns being hidden on toddler's clothes. Baby mules? Why not? G

  27. " I don't like it but I do think it's needed in Mexico if there's been some history of drugs or small guns being hidden on toddler's clothes. Baby mules?"

    " Baby mules " Are you having a laugh ? The "War on Terror"
    Search that child,she looks suspicious,so does that dog,,,,so do you ...


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