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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Another PRI Federal Deputy Kidnapped, Murdered, and Incinerated

From El Diario de Coahuila

GUADALAJARA, JAL. (Apro) .- On Monday afternoon, the PRI federal deputy Michel Gabriel Gómez was driving his late model SUV through the intersection of South Loop avenues and July 8, in the metropolitan area of ​​Tlaquepaque, accompanied by his assistant . He was heading to the airport to take a flight to Mexico City.
However, he never managed to reach their destination because he was deprived of his liberty at gunpoint along with his assistant whose identity has not been provided..

 According to the attorney general of this state, Luis Carlos Najera, at 17:11 hours the police authorities received a first report of an eyewitness  that gunmen had kidnapped a person at South Loop and Morelos.
The police sent a patrol to the site and the soldiers returned to  report  "no news".

By protocol, the authorities decided to take a look at the security cameras located near the point reported and confirmed that several trucks blocked the way to the vehicle in which the PRI deputy was transported and took him to an unknown destination.
With that information, the prosecutor issued a report Nájera all police forces to track the unit which at that time was unknown belonging to a federal representative .
Confirmation of the latter came at 22:05 pm when the family reported the missing deputy to government authorities and gave the characteristics of the vehicle in which he was traveling.
These coincided with the car that appears in the videos, so it became known that the person kidnapped in the evening was none other than Michel Gomez.

Nearly five hours later, the FGJ receives information from its counterpart in Zacatecas on the discovery of a van with the characteristics described in the report, with two subjects completely incinerated in the interior. "The bodies are unrecognizable," warned the officials Zacatecas.
In a statement, the head of the Attorney General of Zacatecas (PGJE), Arturo Nahle García, explained that the unit was found in Paulco a municipality that borders the states of Jalisco and Aguascalientes.
Before issuing the information, the official told Radio Formula that this had all the signs of organized crime.

NEW VIDEO:  play this video full screen.  You can see there are at least  three cars involved.  In this video Gomez is extracted from his vehicle while riding in the front passenger seat.  He is seemingly left at the scene, he walks about, then towards the vehicles of the kidnappers.  He is rubbing his head.  Simultaneous seen, behind Gomez, two men exited a bronze SUV with a wheel attached to the back hatch.   They then board the SUV and pull up in front of Gomez, they are mostly out of view of camera.  But you can see a struggle at the rear of the vehicle between Gomez and a man from the third kidnapping vehicle.  The vehicle then disappears.


  1. Prendan la vela que los chicos del barrio regresan.

  2. van por jaliZco a como de lugar...

    1. Jajajaja idiota si en Veracruuu no pueden con los del CJNG que vaz a pensar que puedan entrar a terrenos ajenos y menos en Jalisco donde es unas de las ciudades mas ricas de México junto con Monterrey y el DF.

      Porque crees que en Monterrey desparecio "La Letra" porqué ahi nadien los quiere y el gobierno de Monterrey siempre fueron contrarios de los Z.Todo el daño que hicieron en esa ciudad y su gente de Nuevo León nunca se los perdonara a los Zetas.

      Puro CDS

      Un verdadero regio!

    2. Es todo compa se vale

  3. another murder kidnapping n incineration NADA NUEVO EN MEXICO LA TIERRA PROMETIDA!!!

  4. i know this talk pretty bad about myself, but this kind of news always make my day a little better. fuck these good for nothing politicians. it's good the violence finally has reached them

    1. Don't be so quick to judge. He may have been working against organized crime and making Mexico better!

    2. kill'em all n let God sort them out!!!

  5. Had this happened in the states, no rock would have been left unturned and they would have the perpetrators incarcerated within 48 hours but alas this is Mexico and for all we know it could be someone in his Own Political Party who wanted him out of the way and who better to pin it on but some lowly teenage sicario's who have already have been paid a pittance to take the fall!
    After all this is a PRI Federal Deputy if they aren't safe who the f--k is ???
    Also when they said his assistant was also kidnapped But they won't release his name would mean to me that he's alive and he's the first suspect if I was
    heading this investigation. Well "Good Luck Mexico" !

    1. You must didn't read the whole report , they stated that two bodies were found

  6. Stop the violence and this stupid war on drugs where only the corrupt top politicians, corrupt top police, corrupt top military, corrupt top bankers and corrupt top business men are the winners:

    L E G A L I Z E D R U G S !!!

    just like guns - which also are dangerous - are legal.

  7. Someone made a deal with the devil and like always lost

  8. This is horrible news. Mexico must make protection of those prosecuting the cartels a top priority. I assume this is the kidnapping video that briefly appeared yesterday. This is very reminiscent of the evolution of violence and anarchy that crippled Columbia for many years. Sr. Gabriel Gomez will go down in history as a courages civil servant who championed the rights of the common person.

  9. the million dollar question now is: was he killed for refusing to play nice with the narcos, or because he was playing nice with one group of narcos and another group took offense.

  10. Dam!! Must of pissed somebody off

  11. Anybody noe what cartel might have been responsible

    1. ZZZZZZZZZETAS. That's why he was found in Zacatecas, a Z territory.

  12. Really all the signs of organized crime
    I just thought maybe they accidently lit they're self on fire or maybe they got sunburn

  13. La unica forma de reducir esta ola de "levantamientos" es que el pueblo exiga una nueva ley que se les permita portar armas para poderse defender...
    Dada la sitiacion en Mexico es la UNICA FORMA para poder reducir los levantamientos y secuestros...

  14. Really nice guy knew him well RIP Michel Gomez. I'm thinking it was a hit from Los zetas to send a message to Mencho cause Sr Gomez was president and very well liked in my town of El Grullo Jalisco. Also known as Menchos house

  15. Wow no to far from my home town Calvijo Aguasclintes :( so sad

  16. Mexico don't let this man die in vain! This is your opportunity to continue their fight against organized crime! Viva Mexico!

  17. Que Bueno que se los lleve la chingada especialmente los politicos

  18. Mhmmm not to be a dick but the elite get a taste of their own medicine. Now only if they kept this up and kept upping the ante maybe the elite would actually try to do something about all the shit happening in Mexico. Oh and I'm just throwing this out there but one of the factions big 3 factions of the CDG met up with Z-42 and other Zetas in Nuevo Leon to discuss a possible non-aggression pact.


    September 24, 2014 at 7:30 PM
    Ni sabes lo que hablas. Es a lo contrario todo lo que dices guey no mames. En Veracruz los de Jaliso nunca pudieron quitarle ninguna plaza a los Zetas.. Tenian que contratar Golfos para la pelea de la plaza. Lo unico qe si sabian hacer es calentar la plaza y comprar el ejercito. Y luego para acabarla dices PURO CDS!! No mames pendejo si el CJNG ya no esta con los Sinaloenses dejate de mamadas hasta hicieron una tregua con los Zetas por que los Zetas andavan hasta sus cocina de Guadalajara y solitos no como los de CJNG que tenian que andar con los de CDG para calentarle la plaza a los Zetas. Ughhh me hace enojar todo la desinformación que ponen aqui y todo los mama-vergas que nomas andan mamando a un cartel.

  19. The assistant/ driver and the deputy burned together inside a van. What a horrible death, I bet they were burned alive with hands and feet tied together. Don't these politicians have bodyguards or at least a handgun to protect themselves? Very sad video

  20. @ 8:08 p.m. "Wow no to far from my home town Calvijo Aguasclintes :( so sad"

    You mean Calvillo, verdad, mi güey? Bien cerca de La Tierra de Gente Buena.

    1. Es que como es posible!! NO SE DEVEN dejar vencer asi de facil!! es que de verdad LES FALTA INTEL!! Mirando como estan esos hijos de perra de malos. Alguien que trabaja para el Gob de mexico Federal, Politico, oh un simple policial siempre tiene que andar un BUEN antibalas, una buena ARMA de fuego o mucho mejor un Rifle15 para este tipo de eventos!! para darles fuego a todos esos perros de una!! especialmente en la calle, es que como es possible. Ahi por ejemplo asta la camioneta podian ver usado como arma tenian que ver aplastado esas dos ratas que se vajaron de una! esos perros por lo que se ve ni chaleco andavan con una 9mm se podrian ver salvado los que murieron. y esa gente mierda tambien que no ayuda nada por eso es que los joden, alguien los tenia que VER SEGUIDO A DISTANCIA PARA QUE LA MARINA LOS UBICARA Y LES DIERA SU MERECIDO! a esos malnacidos basuras del mundo que matan gente por unos cuantos pesos de mierda.

  21. Mexico needs politicians to take the fight to their cartels and not back down! Be intelligent!

  22. The police said they got a report of a kidnapping but reported "no news" when they returned from the scene. BUT the security camera pans, zooms in and follows the action. Someone at the police station was definitely watching the kidnapping in real time. So why did the police wait 5 hours before they started looking for the kidnappers? Perhaps the police is involved?

  23. YAWEH

    Hablas de mama riatas de carteles y tu te la pasas hablando de los jotoZZZ apoco no crees que no miro el foro de esta pagina?

    Y yo nunca dije que el CJNG y CDS estan aliados yo nomas dije que el CJNG opera, en Veracruuu y en Zacatecas no es estado de Los Z ahi presencia del CDG y CDS en ese estado tambien.

    Y no creo que el CDS se quede con las manos cruzadas de mi te recuerdas que el CDS este sexenio con EPN no estara jugandole a la defensiva nomas como fue con FCH donde nomas quidaban sus plazas, esta vez van a defender y atacar a la vez en varias plazas...

    Y sobre el CDG haciendo tregua de no agresión con los az sera con los de Matamoros porque con los de Reynosa no se pueden ver en pintura menos con los del CDG de la ribereña con esos se quieren sacar los ojos...


  24. ... and we're worried about ISIS?

    1. You are not worried, you are scared!

  25. Taken in Guadalajara and burned in Zacatecas?Either he didn't hold up his end or wouldn't play(but don't think there is such a thing in Mexico,they kill you)CJNG supposed to have a deal with Z so who took him?Is there a message in this from where he was took and where he was burned?Who knows?

  26. Entrenle a zacatecas putos pa ke vean como les va! igual como les fue en florencia zacatecas mayo del 2011 y igual como les fue en tabasco el ano nuevo del 2011... Saludos

    1. Identificate. perro indio asesino malnacido. maricas cuando andan en grupo se creen la mierda. pero aver que anden solos y sin nada ni el ozico apestoso abren ratas!

    2. 4:37 identificate tu india maria, por un momento pense que me hablabas a mi, no mames, pon la hora a que te dirijes...

  27. Haha deprived of his liberty...that's awesome sauce yo.What goes around came back and murdered his ass.Rest in hell shithead.

  28. who cares! there is more governors anyway!

  29. "Anonymous said...
    the million dollar question now is: was he killed for refusing to play nice with the narcos, or because he was playing nice with one group of narcos and another group took offense."
    Good point!



  30. Unheard offf, believe it or not! Unbleblieblable!!!
    Atte: sherlock gomes

  31. "Identificate. perro indio asesino malnacido"

    Wey,,quien le hablas? Tío,suena enojado?What for,who to?

    1. dd confundido por la india maria? Same here, but no it was against the zeta nuthugger at 11:02..

    2. I laughed until my stomach hurt, thinking it was for me

  32. What is the real story behind the murder? Congressman was involved with the cartel and deal went wrong?


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