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Friday, August 8, 2014

The Tamaulipas Most Wanted List Revisited

On April 11, 2014, the head of the PGR of Mexico, Jesús Murillo Karam, announced that the federal government would implement a new strategy to fight the violence taking place in the state of Tamaulipas. In the following days it was reported that Mexican federal forces deployed in Tamaulipas were seeking to arrest of twelve high priority targets from Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel. The news site 24 HORAS went on to report the following names on the list:

From Los Zetas
  • Omar "Z-42" Treviño Morales
  • Sergio "El Grande" Basurto Peña
  • Maxiley "El Max/Z-19" Barahona Nadales
From the Gulf Cartel
  • Juan Carlos "El Chuma" de la Cruz Moctezuma
  • José Ismael "Polimenso" Mendoza Falcón
  • Eduardo Ismael "El Negro" Flores Borrego
  • José Antonio "La Hamburguesa" Romo López 
  • Carlos "Carlitos Whiskies" González Escobar 
  • Juan Manuel "Juan Perros" Rodríguez García
  • "El Orejón/Ciclón 7"
  • "El Comandante Paquito"
  • Juan Francisco "El Metro 103" Saenz Tamez
In the following weeks, members of Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel were arrested and reported to as high priority targets of the government.  However, in a number of cases these individuals did not appear on the aforementioned list, something that did not go unnoticed on the Borderland Beat forum. 
On July 28, new articles reported "Two months after the initiation of the new strategy of security in Tamaulipas, the federal forces have detained seven of the 14 individuals that they identified as priorities".  What was previously said to be a list of twelve was now reported as comprised of fourteen individuals.  

Further complicating the issue was the names of the seven individuals that were captured, which are as follows:

From Los Zetas
  • Fernando "Z-16" Martínez Magaña
  • Juan Fernando "El Ferrari" Álvarez Cortez/Francisco Ramírez Rivera
  • Ricardo Enrique "Ricky" Santillan Trejo
From the Gulf Cartel
  • Eleno "Pantera 6" Salazar Flores
  • Juan Manuel "Juan Perros/Pantera 11" Rodríguez García
  • Juan Manuel "Juan Perros Sr." Rodríguez Rodríguez
  • Juan Pablo "El Cherrys" Leal Gutiérrez

While Juan Manuel "Juan Perros/Pantera 11" Rodríguez García appears on both lists, none of the other six arrested individuals are found on the list provided by 24 HORAS.  There may be a clue to the discrepancies, however.  The July 28 article refers to it being two months after the initiation of the strategy.  The 24 HORAS list was published in mid-April, which would correspond to three months.  Yet this graphic appears in the July 28 article, listing the initiation of the strategy as May 13.


So what are we to conclude?  The difference between an April start date and a May start date is a relatively minor matter at first glance and could be explained as a difference between announcement and actual action, the existence of two very different lists is not so easily overlooked. 

The most simple explanation would be that the very existence of the first list was made up by 24 HORAS.  As news agencies try to out scoop each other, this does make sense, however, there is one problem.  It is hard to believe they made up the existence of the list in the first place as an actual list has emerged. 

Maybe they were aware that a list was in existence and decided to come up with the individuals they felt would be on the list.  If that were the case, it would not be much more of a step to believe that 24 HORAS received an unofficial list from government sources, a rough draft of sorts, that would be heavily revised, thus rendering the original list obsolete.

Yet there is another more sinister possibility.  Obviously both articles reference the same change in strategy.  Yet, as mentioned before, there is a one month gap between the 24 HORAS article and the alleged start of the strategy mentioned in the newer articles.  According to the above graphic, which is based on information from Segob, Fernando "Z-16" Martínez Magaña and Juan Fernando "El Ferrari" Álvarez Cortez/Francisco Ramírez Rivera were both arrested on May 14. 

Let us not be too cynical, these arrests were important and the government should be commended for achieving them, yet neither appear on the 24 HORAS list.  Could it be that the government, in celebration of their accomplishment, decided to call them high priority targets and, in doing so, began to pain themselves into a corner? 

It would be simple enough to add "Z-16" and "El Ferrari" to the list, expanding it from twelve to fourteen individuals and the subsequent arrest of "Juan Perros" would not be an issue.  Yet as more arrests were achieved and celebrated as attacking high priority targets, the original list would be rendered void.

Keep in mind, this is just a theory, but it is feasible that the government, after randomly calling several other arrested individuals high priority targets, reached a point in which they wanted to formalize their achievements.  Therefore, rather than using the original starting date of the new strategy, a new date in May was chosen in order to make the results appear to have occurred more quickly and the original list was ignored in order to substantially increase the number of targeted arrests achieved. 

While this theory may be completely wrong, there are two things that reinforce the possibility at the very least.  As far as I am aware of, though the article refers to their being fourteen priority targets, the identity of the other seven individuals has not been published.  With that being the case, the government has free rein to arrest an individual and then announce that they were on the list as they see fit.

Then there is the matter of Juan Pablo "El Cherrys" Leal Gutiérrez.  Although he is well known online for the videos and pictures he has posted, the general consensus among people who follow the inner workings of the Gulf Cartel is that he is not much more than a glorified sicario leader.  The fact that he is included on the list of priority targets is highly suspicious and appears to be an effort to increase the success rate.  Call it a conspiracy theory if you want, but with all the smoke an mirrors that occurs in the narco wars, at least it is worth considering.

Postscript: As I was writing the final draft of this article, it was reported that Javier Aldemar "El Comandnate Diablo" Morales Estrada was arrested.  In the Milenio article about his arrest, he was called "one of the 14 priority targets identified by the federal government".  If this is the case, he would be the eighth to be arrested.  His inclusion on the list, in my opinion, meets the exact same criteria as "El Cherrys" and increases my skepticism even further.

24 HORAS- Buscan en Tamaulipas a 12 líderes del narco
Milenio- En 2 meses caen 7 de 14 objetivos en Tamaulipas


  1. Welcome to the Beat Main Board Itzli!
    You KNOW how happy I am, because CDG info gives me seizures :)

    Nice looking post....

  2. And juan reyes el r1 wer is he on the list?

    1. I think there gonna make him boss

  3. interesting article + beautiful little map

  4. Of course the government is doing such a fine job. They get it done. Just take Michoacan as an example, they did such a fine job, everything has been cleared up now , the problem is over, everybody is safe and and life is great. All your tourist be sure to go. You just have to use the governments way of measuring and calculating.

    Free Dr, Mireles!

  5. my conclusion is that I have never heard of any of these guys. The list seems watered down and represents of cartels breaking off or becoming weak. whick will mean more kidnappings, murders, extorsions, and stuff like that.

  6. From the statistics, it seems that Zetas have successfully achieved judicial protection. Far less arrests of Z, and much lower priority targets that have been arrested. Either that or the leaders are better at getting away (which is 100% untrue)

    Mexico's political system is embarrassing. Even their official stories make me want to back hand them for being corrupt scum bags.

    I hope CDG prospers over Zetas.

    The gulf of Mexico is shaped like a legless elephant, or a balaclava'ed sicario when lookingat it upside down.

    1. Honestly I don't cdg brings more violence with there infighting

  7. Who cares if there is 12 or 14 on the list. What matters is that they are being taken out of circulation and that is a big PLUS for the EPN government and for humanity. No one will miss this scum. Keep doing you job EPN but FREE MIRELES!!!

  8. Am I missing something or is the Tamaulipas government capturing CDG members and making them seem like bigger fish then they really are? I first noticed this a few weeks back when Eleno Salazar Flores or Pantera-6 was captured. The government clearly states he was one of the top 14 priorities to capture. But when you read the governments initial press release, his name is no where to be found! How about the supposed Comandante Diablo capture. We all know that this isn't the same Diablo who became famous for the execution videos. But what's the government do, they come right out and say that this is the Diablo from the videos. Then they mentioned that Diablo was one of the top 14 priorities, but again his name is nowhere to be found. The name Javier Aldemar Morales Estrada, or Comandante Diablo is never mentioned once as one of the most wanted CDG members. Am I missing something or is the government just trying to make themselves look good?

    1. 6:11pm
      You are totally right the Mexican government is overhyping every capture that happens in Tamaulipas. For example, Pantera 6 was never mentioned until his captured. Pantera 6 held an administrative role with CDG, but he was portrayed as the baddest m%%% on earth.

  9. Ahh pinche itzli..way to go my friend on mainboard...don't forget about forum! ! --NAJ

  10. it is like... Dr Mireles was in no list of priority targets...
    with so many criminals, with long criminal careers and a lot of experience, the governmemt will keep arresting other criminals not on the list, amd more criminals will be stepping up to cover for the loses, so don't worry about the sharp critics, they are probably just jealous of your new status, so don't even think of apologizing, nothing will make them happy, and they want to take over BB to carry on with their evil propaganda, they are more dangerous than narco-sicarios...

  11. Great article and analysis. Each step of the way in the fight against these scum is crittically important. Their victims deserve nothing less than a complete and thorough police action. As for the government shenanigans with the list; they lost their credibity a long time ago. If they stumble upon a criminal then add him to the list as a victorious capture, so be it! As long as they jail real criminals then let them crow about how efficient they are, all that they want. Thanks to your reporting, we know the real deal.

  12. Some of the Zetas that are not on the most wanted list just to name a few are Comandante Rama in charge of the Zetas in Tamaulipas. Coyote from the San Fernando massacres, El Dandy and Varo Puga both top Zetas from southern Tamaulipas. Also, Candado, Pancho Carreon, Cabeza de Marrano (still at large), Balatas, Rokolas, Barritas, and Demon just to name a few Z's.
    From CDG Chiricuas, El Señor Cortez, Salinas (Metro 32), Tachas, Gafe, toro, Chava 88, Lino, Negro Josue, Rayo, Babas, and Chucho just to name a few CDG leaders in Tamaulipas.

    1. Te falto el panochitas cdg metro 103

    2. The govt. List is a joke.

    3. I agree with you completely. Why is El Coyote, San Fernando Plaza boss for Los Zetas not included on the most wanted list? I'll tell you why because the government refuses to admit they let him walk out of jail a free man only hours after his initial arrest! Look it up if you don't believe me it was posted on BB, this guy was arrested a little over a year ago and then a few hours later was released! This scumbag was directly involved with the massacre of over 350 innocent migrant workers traveling through San Fernando. It's mind-boggling how the government could arrest someone capable of doing an act like that, and then allow him to buy his way out of jail!

      If the government is serious about this initiative, why is Senor Cortez and his son Commandante Junior nowhere to be found on the most wanted list? Junior is behind much of the recent violence in the northern part of the state. Senor Cortez has been involved with the CDG for over 20 years. He does whatever he wants and the government has done nothing about it. He's never even been arrested before. Senor Cortez has been involved with the infighting since day one. I guess the government doesn't view either Cortez as a priority as long as their getting their cut. I guess some things never change!

    4. There are also a lot of rumors that El Simple (Metro 24) of Reynosa who was captured in April is out of jail. I am not sure but I have been hearing rumors.

    5. Lino and negro josue are gone. Lino was killed a year ago, I don't know where you're getting your info but you are wrong.

  13. In the mean time back at the prison have any of those hunger strikers died of hunger yet? Are they on a diet or are they stuffing their faces again?

  14. I havent even read half of this bs and i probably wont . . First of all Sergio basurto has Been dead for a couple yrs

    1. BS? Where do you see that? I'm pretty sure everything written in this article is based on fact, unlike your comment on El Grande being killed, which is nothing more than a rumor. You don't think the author of this article, heard that rumor to? Everyone heard the rumor about him being killed in Nuevo Laredo. But it was never confirmed by the government or even the cartel. That makes it a rumor, and this article only reports on events based on facts.

  15. Some members went to spain to start up over ther but they got busted in 2009. They were lucky otherwise they be dead

  16. at 7:24 and 11:02, what about comandante R1. He was not in the list either. Is he still around in victoria? Pregunto porque es lo que dijieron ase tiempo que estaba en victoria y su nombre no aparece en la lista. Esta o no esta con el cdg o ya no es jefe de grupo?

    1. Bola de pendejos los que pienzan que el R1 esta vivo. Ese guey se lo metieron ase mucho...

    2. Esta muerto como A. Casillas!

  17. My experience in Tamps. was always the Gulf cartel, but r they as bad as the Zetas r they all the same. The old leadership of the Gulf did not allow kidnapping. Does the Gulf Cartel have some new leader like the old guard, wants to just do busy. What cartel takes the lead they payoff Nieto.

    1. 9:50am
      False every drug cartel does the same illegal activities. There is no such thing as ONE good cartel. The Z's, CDG, CDS, ect.. Are all the same.

  18. C1 is now the main leader by his side is R1, L's, His son C2, Cyclones & more they been heating up the plazas in Reynosa so the goverment could come in & do the sweap for them. Its like this the govr. Makes some big arrest they get some good credit because of that & then they leave so then C1 has the whole plaza for him & both leave happily ever after. Tan Tan....

  19. Bola de pendejos los que pienzan que el R1 esta vivo. Ese guey se lo metieron ase mucho.

    That wey went up in smoke or one the 1000s of disappeared,fuckin hope so anyway.Alot of old school CDG killed and hes still alive,,,,,,,and he was hated?Dead meat...

    1. Y tu como sabed que el R1 esta muerto? Lo viste o as visto pruebas. Siempre dicen lo mismo los que nada mas hablan por hablar y siempre resulta falso. Si lo hubieran matado ya estubiera en video o ya hubieran dicho quien lo mato y por que. Pon pruebas, fechas, datos, fotos que confirmen tu informacion.

  20. 9:25 nobody has the zetas fame for killing innocent people, even before they went on their own, it is the legacy of their training, they don't give a fuck about anything or anybody, just their brodas, if they are lucky...
    --other cartels may be capable and do kidnapping and murder, but nobody do it like the zetas and genaro garcia luna, for ransom...

  21. Lol, el hamburgquesa. Haa haa1. Badass....

  22. is itzli a boy or a girl?
    havana banana, i hope you are growing a thick skin and come back some day, we can get along here, see chivis, a "republican" with some real corriente habits who gets along with us, enough to let us badmouth the corrupt majority of republican hypocrites who are worse than aaall the corrupt democrat millionaires put together...

  23. el hamburgesa alias la whopper xxxxl

  24. "genaro garcia luna, for ransom..."no no no,where is Enrique jajaja lo aburrido que estás,el monstruo residente de BB,,,individuo aterrador..

  25. "Y tu como sabed que el R1 esta muerto? Pon pruebas, fechas, datos, fotos que confirmen tu informacion"
    Are you for real?My opinion is,muertos.Your opinion is viva,por favor proporcione pruebas de lo contrario,facts,dates,photos,to confirm your"opinion"i will happily abide by the data you provide.In the meantime is it alright if we speculate on whether R1"El Quique"is alive or dead?Maybe he is alive and working with CDS or CT or on the down low in CV?Speculation and opinion?Whatever..


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