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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Michoacán hit with record breaking crime, Circuit Court allows appeal, Mireles sends second message

Chivís Martínez for Borderland Beat
 "Who is Castillo, that dares to trample on the 
sovereignty and dignity of Michoacan?"
Dr. Mireles has sent a second message to the public, via his attorney Talía Vasquez.  Ms Vasquez reads the message in a video posted by Grillonautuas...Michoacan crime numbers have doubled and tripled across the  board, as Alfredo Castillo insists it is "now,all under control".

Amnesty International will monitor conditions, Circuit Court allows appeal
Dr Mireles, the imprisoned leader of Michoacan's autodefensa movement, continues to struggle with serious health issues.  He is currently stable, but has endured two hospitalizations, stemming from an irregular heart beat, complications from diabetes and physical issues sustained in an airplane crash.  

Dr Mireles will be visited by a committee of Amnesty International to monitor the conditions in which it he is  being held at the Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation (Cefereso) No.11 in Hermosillo, Sonora

The Second Unit Eleventh Circuit Court based in Morelia, Michoacan, ruled that the appeal filed on behalf of Dr. Mireles is allowed admissible.   It now moves to Federal court.  

Next Monday, August 11,  a conference where  evidence is to be presented, citing failures of due process from the time of his arrest be exhibited will be offered .

Likewise, the evidence will also be submitted to the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), where a complaint was filed and from the time of his arrest.

On monitoring the case, Vazquez said that besides the CNDH and Amnesty International, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, has been  watching the case of Dr Mireles.

Violence surges in Michoacán
In January 2014  Alfredo Castillo was appointed Commissioner for Security and Integral Development of Michoacan,by the president of Mexico.  After 11 years of ignoring the turmoil and run away crime in the state, it was only when the Autodefensas movement became a factor,  that the federal government became involved. The stated goal of the government,  was to pacify the state and provide better living conditions and security for the population.

But since the feds and the commissioners arrival,  violence and crime rose to unprecedented levels. Figures of the National System of Public Security, reflect that all Michoacan crime, straight across the board, have huge increases, even when compared to the gruesome year of 2011.

Castillo continues to boast of crime now under control, and includes the arrest of Dr Mireles as one of his triumphs.  Castillo says, after 100 days the feds, under his direction, had managed to seize control of the situation in Michoacàn.  But facts do not support that statement. 

Comparing, the 6 month period when Castillo "took control" to the previous 6 months when autodefensas initiated their movement figures from the government's own agency NPSS;

Vehicle theft with violence is up 13%, murder 30%, and extortion up a whopping 140%.  The numbers are so great that they destroy all previous tallies, in all 11 years that Michoacán became gripped in violence and crime.  The "government plan for peace" has been an utter failure.

The NGO "Citizens Council Observatory also released their figures, which also depicts a great inconstancy with Castillo's proclamation, and that of Osario Chong, the federal secretary of the interior.

Sadly, Michoacán fared far better without help from the government, and without interference with the successes of the autodefensas movement. Residents of Michoacán are suffering from the lack of integrity of the federal government. Castillo not only disrupted the movement, but after realizing he could not convince Dr Mireles to  act outside the best interest of Michoacana, he sided with and courted the Buenavista group  (H3) of  "reformed" and non reformed Templarios who are now members of the Los Viagras cartel, and belong to the federal sanctioned Rurales.

Big winnerServando Gómez Martínez aka "La Tuta", premier leader of Caballeros Templarios.  There is now 5 videos, so far,  that have surfaced in recent months depicting La Tuta in meetings with political heads. 
Second message from Dr Mireles-Read by Talía Vasquez
 Transcript of Dr. Mireles’ message translated by Vato 

"Dear Friends: Good evening."

"This is the second message to the Nation by Dr. Mireles through the voice of his lawyer, Talia Vazquez Alatorre"
00:29  Second message from prison, August 1, 2014:

Brothers and sisters in Mexico: Where are we today? How many prisons have been built to keep us captive, with our eyes blindfolded and our ears covered? 

Where have we been all this time, brothers and sisters? We all know the answer. It is an answer that, if you stop to think about it, brings back memories for all of us that, frankly, are not pleasant, but are deep.

00:58  Have we not, all of us, been in the prison of fear, of humiliation and repression? Surely, many of us remember it; we have lived it and are still living it. It is the prison of rage that can only be shown by tightening our fists. It is the prison of helplessness, a natural hunger for justice. All of us, deep within ourselves, want that: justice. Isn’t that true?

01:22  Where have we all been, brothers and sisters, for our government to deny us this justice? Our government officials, the rulers of our country, of our nation, deny us justice and send us to a prison of closed mouths. Haven’t we all been in the prison of hunger, of the hand that is raised, asking for a coin? Of the sincere hand that gives that coin? The one who asks and the one who gives in response are, in the final analysis, both sides of the same coin that is given because of poverty.  (continues next page)

01:55  Where have we been, that our sons and daughters suffer hunger? Our country does not eat; it agonizes. It is faint from the lack of food, of medicine, of clothing, of homes, while it swims in an ocean of induced ignorance. 

02:11  Where have we been that we are tortured by social inequality? Brothers and sisters, what have we been doing so that a group of traitors speak the word “democracy” while wielding the club of a dictatorship?  

02:27  Where is our Republic? Where is our citizenship? Where have they taken our political rights? What have we done for them to see us as a population of idiots? Our rulers live in an Eden of power while they deprive us of what is ours. Our beloved Nation is depending on all of us, not on those who imprison us in the prison of dictatorship and simulation.

02:55  Where do our votes go, with nobody to represent us or to listen to us? Where did our federation go? Didn’t it cost blood to draft our country’s federation pact? Isn’t that why we have a national Congress, a Federal government in addition to the governments of the sovereign states? 

03:08  Who is this Castillo, who dares to trample on the dignity and sovereignty of Michoacan? Who does he think he is, to tear apart the federal pact, which was forged with blood and struggle? Our State is based on the Constitution, the Magna Carta that consecrates a democratic republic with an active citizenship and a federation that represents a union of sovereign states.

03:45  On a different matter, brothers and sisters, where did our hopes end up, with somebody who thinks he can seize what belongs to us and our children, to our indigenous brothers and sisters? What have we been doing, where have we been, for them to think that we cannot defend ourselves? They appear confident, but perhaps they are afraid.

04:08  Where have we been, brothers and sisters, that an inhuman criminal organization is able to take our towns and hopes hostage? Where are those Mexicans who do love Mexico and who deserve what every human being deserves? Where are the people of Mexico, to stop these infamous persons who have betrayed us and who have joined with the organizations that are killing us? Why don’t they protect us, those who are supposed to protect us? What have we, the people of Mexico, been doing while they steal our brother, rape our daughter, kidnap our parents, make our grandchildren disappear?

04:50  Our Mexico, despite some valuable efforts, is breaking apart. The traitors are more and more cynical and arrogant. But the real question is, where are we today? There is no reason why we are not where we are supposed to be, out of the prison of helplessness and impunity, outside of hunger, poverty and ignorance, away from the dictatorship, from the widespread violence.

05:25  In Michoacan, we armed ourselves with courage because we realized that there were more than enough fearless Mexicans to take back what is ours. By the mere fact that we came into this world, we are entitled to freedom and dignity. To take back what is ours just from being born in Mexico, all we need to do is overcome fear. Let’s take back our lands, our hills and our valleys, our democracy, our Constitution, our Federation, the significance of Citizenship and Nation.

05:50  In Michoacan, we armed ourselves with justice and they, with their antagonism, are battling against us.  This has become a struggle of the just against the unjust. And if there’s anything that gives me hope in prison, it is that we are on the right side and that justice has always prevailed. We have as examples the stories of brave Mexican men and women who, with justice as a weapon and with dignity as their objective, were able to give the Nation moments of pride. Those were days when they could call themselves proud because there were no tyrants who could step on their necks.

06:30  And I’m not saying that they were able to move Mexico into a states of dreams and perfection. All I’m saying is that it’s time for us, today’s Mexican men and women, to win for ourselves our moment of dignity, for us to forge the next link in the chain of triumphs, of fairness, so we can make Mexico into the place we deserve. It’s time for us to use the weapons of loyalty and brotherhood against the people’s and the Nation’s traitors. 

07:00  That, against the lords of shame, we use the weapon of dignity. And against the unjust, we use our love of justice. It is time to see our nation be reborn.

Jose Manuel Mireles Valverde:
"Life, Constitution and Liberty


  1. I grew up knowing and hearing how "El Mexico bronco" rose to the occasion when pushed. Having lived outside of Mexico for many years I now wonder if those "Mexicanos broncos" went extinct or joined the wrong side.

  2. Its sad to say it but I think Mexico needs a revolution. The people against the corrupt goverment. Everyone needs to stand up.

  3. simply inspirational

  4. Sad to hear he has diabetes.
    In my opinion diabetes, not cartels, will kill him :-(

    1. People with type 2 diabetes can live a long fruitful life!

  5. What has each senator done for their state this week, last month, last year?

  6. Mireles should be governor, or president.
    Castillo should be in prison with his buddy Tuta, can't wait for the Castillo/tuta video

  7. El gran fracaso de Enrique Peña nieto.... Viva Mireles

  8. anonymous @ 2:13pm, obesity stems from malnutrition and improper diet. their poor diet stems from poverty. the poverty stems from a poorly governed state and country. too many sabritas, coca cola and all the other junk from OXXO. corporations are starving people into obesity, diabetes and many other health problems. traditional mexican diet is very healthy and contains some very good foods full of nutrients and anti-oxidants.

    1. Shut up u idiout, he means hunger for justice, nummnuts

    2. The US has the same problem.

  9. I believe in few short years there will a military coup in Mexico. Something similar to what has occurred in South American countries. The they will create there own cartel to exploit n at the same time bring order so they can operate in a efficient manner.

  10. He clearly specifies what kind of hunger...lack of a proper education, proper medical attention and other human rights and god given rights that are denied by the very corrupt Mexican government...and don't be fooled...obesity may be evident In some parts of Mexico but there are many places in Mexico where kids really don't have anything to eat...healthy or unhealthy

  11. Words of a great man.

  12. @2:13

    Obesity doesn't mean hunger doesn't exist. Obesity is the result of a very poor diet.

    That's what's happening in Mexico today. People aren't eating the right food, or people don't have access to good healthy food. The lack of proper nutrition is what's causing obesity, diabetes, and a host of other health problems.

  13. Free Dr mireles his refusal to be broken by the government of Mexico is becoming legendary his personnel resistance is really an inspiration free this man epn!! # mireles all the way from ky


  15. So many trials and tribulations that Dr. Mireles has to go through, they are trying to break his spirit but they won't. Unfortunately he is really ill hopefully he gets justice and they release him soon. It's a pity that Mexico is so fucked up, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer while they let narcos run free to do whatever mischief they feel like and they put tg e inocent in prison. Real spit

  16. Look deep not just the tip of the iceberg and you'll be surprised there is hunger down there

  17. Ya lo dijo saul hdz manana tara en la carcel quien defienda la verdad

  18. So.. All you gringos talking about how fucked up Mexico is. What you all think about your war being back on in Iraq¿ How did the Obama care turn out for you¿ first you build them arm them then you bomb them¿ sure sounds like you guys are doing just great! You all dont need a revolution you all need to be nuked¡

    1. In you can work and nobody except the government takes your Mexico the government is the cartel.them and the criminals work together. If you make any money somebody going to want it.

    2. Uncle Sam wants your money.

  19. while it is true their is obesity/diabetes issues plague the poot of Mexico, and 60% are in the poverty level, it goes hand and hand with lack of education. sugary drinks are the norm rather than milk and water and so forth

    BUT. to compare a country with the united states which has triple the population is not fair on balance. If one takes the south, a region of 115M against Mexico's 115M you will find more fat people and diabetes in the united states.

    I think you should educate yourself to Michoacan and other indigenous states before making a blanket claim.

    1. We have more fat ppl but who has more addicts.

  20. jajaja...I think the porn vid will be filmed after tuta releases a Castillo meeting video, that is when he will get screwed.

  21. I don't know why it does but it still surprises me when I read interpretations of what we just read. Yes he mentioned hunger and the need for adequate food but the word hunger is used in place of "deprived emotion." The strong desire for fairness, justice, life, freedom, family, liberty and joy. 2:13 PM, I am sorry you can't understand passion in a well written letter of unity. You missed something in your education process to critically think what you read. And all the conflict over hunger and obesity, are y'all for real. This sounds like 6th graders interpreting The Bill of Rights. Hey, I know, why don't we read it a second time to get the true meaning. Maybe it is saying, Lets Stand Up Again and Fight Pure Evil With Right and Good. TRC

  22. Ya suelten a el Dr. Mireles pinche bola de ladrones corruptos. Y encierren a el lambe huevos de Castillo.

  23. @2:08 the senators, congressmen (diputados), governors, and "his" foreign educated ministers, what they have been doing, "for their country" is:
    kissing enrique pena nieto's ass.
    --all of them together do not have one single idea nor the necessary balls to do anything else...
    --todos los politicos mexicanos son una pinche bola de culeros vendidos y arrastrados...
    --their country is a foreign bank account, in somebody else's name

  24. 5:33 pm, shit. if we get nuked, you will have to run the other way for a better life and some free healthcare...try "Guatemala" go see what they are offering .

  25. What is sad is that where is the media on all this and also the people? Where are the million man marches for dr. Mireles. It just goes to show you that people dont care...

  26. no one believe Castillo for sure no one in michoacan. the traitors mierda, now the cartel Viagra-rurales. are most hated. the true rurales have stopped working, no pay, no bullets, even many with no gun. the rurales crooks get pay from the Americano from Viagra. #liberan mireles

  27. Very moving. *FREE MIRELES*

  28. Eres un héroe queremos la libertad de mireles ya señores en Guerrero nestora Salgado
    presos politicos libertad!

  29. I believe he's referring more so to the "hunger" for freedom and justice.

  30. Tetaz b gone marina rules!!!!

  31. This Castillo he is talking about. Is it the corrupt politics of SanAntonio Tx. or is it another Corrupt Castillo. kidding aside. I love Dr. Mireles. He needs to be freed. Mexico needs a revolution if it wants to fix what is broken. The Mexican Government is in bed with the Cartels. The people suffer. The USA needs a revolution too. Our corrupt government prevents people from controlling thier own communities allowing criminals to run unchecked. Mabey we can do a prisoner exchange and get Dr. Mireles to come to the US and lead us.

    1. You have more terrorist to exchange.

  32. What more proof do the citizens of Mexico need l! It has been proven that the Government cares more about their criminal connections to cartels than their very own citizens!!!

  33. It is proven that Michoacán and many other states in Mexico are out of control. It looks that Government can not enforce justice. U.N. should intervene because there is not law in Mexico.

  34. If this auto defensa movement don't work, so much blood will be in his hand . CT will go maniaks on the people for supporting them

    1. The blood will be on your hand for not fighting for miriles.

    2. If you fight for Dr. M you will join him in his cell.

  35. The Mexican Government cares for it's citizens as the cartels care for their hostage South American immigrants. They cherish them as long as their is something to squeeze out of them but when there isn't, or when it would just be fun, they kill them.

  36. The powers that be in Mexico are trying to tire Dr. Mireles. Just like they always do to any leader that is believed to be any threat to the establishment. The blame for Michoacans' problems were created by groups that originate from beyond it's borders and also the federal borders of Mexico. It's leaders created the organized crime problem and allowed foreign intelligence agencies like Israel's Mossad and the CIA to assist them in that effort. When a man like Dr. Mireles decides to organize his people to eliminate the scourge of oc, efforts are made to stop him instead of helping him.

  37. The Mexican people have long recognized these sad truths. The American (USA) people are just starting to awaken .... This combined awareness could lead to mega - problems "if" the peoples of both nations decide to take drastic actions simultaneously together ... Imo, The whole world is heading towards Apocalyptic adventures that will see the Four Horsemen decimating humankind.

    Some people already claim that the above scenario is already well underway since the start World War II.

  38. in the end...................light will kill the darkness.................. the sixth sun will arise!

  39. --even the great russian revolutionaries, started their little revolutions outside of their beloved russia; after losing the US, england discovered the benefits of sponsoring wars in other countries, and sponsor they did, against the french kings, against spain in their colonies, the portuguese, against the germans, the russians, the arabs... there is nobody sacred, only money, mining rights, property, military economic domination, and Dr Mireles would be better of seeking outside help, the mexican people in general, do not have what it takes to make a revolution, the weapons the US provides the US owned mexican gorillas still speak louder than any mexican with "protagonist" ambitions...
    --nadie es profeta en su tierra, means nobody is a prophet in his own turf, and time and again it has been proved, it is true, if Mr Mireles gets out of there, he may find more and better help for himself and his followers...
    hellfire and brimstones! even the ayatollah ruholla khomeini exiled in france went on to dethrone the sha of iran and recover the oil for the british
    how about that? and his only skill was about whipping his ass with a chicken bone as the koran commands...

  40. Dr Mireles better be no Mandela, thirty years in prison is too long...
    how come there is no human rights or amnesty international fighting for the imprisoned autodefensas and Dr Mireles?
    the mexican human rights commission? they truly show their colors do run

  41. the human rights commission and amnesty international are both monitoring Mireles treatment in prison and investigation of rights violations.

    a federal judge has ordered an investigation for "probable torture" in the arrest.

    and a case has opened with intra America human rights commission and the UN. everyday another agency gets involved.

  42. Thats a lie cause i stayed ther in mx last year after beig my whole life in the u s a.And people suffer overthere its hard to get money therefore its hard to get food.The u s a. killed people for this land gen killed our people for land and they fucked over the blacks too and they invade every country wtf is up with the u s being fuckin assholes did god die and say u s a was to run the world but one day when it comes to choosing sides make sure ur with god

  43. Trust me they won't invade Russia, I wonder why.

  44. @12:43 welll said reagan... peña nieto and el castillo de cagada must be shiting in their granny panties ( more room )...
    all the human rights agencies, amd the ONU, have proven that they can only spring to action if properly ordered to do so by american libertarian foreign relations apparatchik republican members under orders of global vulture capitalistas, neo-nazis and other non-human excretions that extort them with "no money" threats.
    --there should be NO delay and no studying of the case, Dr Mireles should have never been imprisoned, the AD members also arrested under spurious charges need to be released, they don't need the motherfucking government puppets at the mexican justice department to "study their cases on a one by one case" for a few more years or for one more second, and we don't need to be begging the motherfucking mexican government for justice when they are the ones perpetrating the injustice in the first place. FREE DR MIRELES NOW!!! FREE THE AUTO DEFENSAS NOW!!!
    no mas atole con el dedo castillo de cagada, chingas a tu madre!!!


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